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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead. come to the country stronger at the russia exhibition.
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the president outlined the tasks and the government began to implement them. the key ones relate to social support, on behalf of the head of state. they will be paid both a salary and a pension, taking into account annual indexation, just like those who have retired. the next task is to further increase the minimum size wages. from 2025 it will be linked to the median salary and will amount to almost half of this figure, which means that from the twenty-fifth mrod will add 15% and become.
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the volume of construction is insufficient, parents there will be able to take advantage of a family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children, but the main thing is that at least one child is a minor at the time of applying for the loan. when building their own home, such preferential conditions for families will apply in all russian regions. citizens are waiting for the launch of these programs, but it is important to implement instructions from the head of state in compliance with deadlines. organize the necessary work. another initiative is related to the president’s proposal to expand the capabilities of the project financing factory. its mechanism allows investors to fix a comfortable level of interest expenses. more than thirty initiatives with a total value of approximately 2 trillion rubles are already being implemented using the tool. nine more have been approved and a corresponding agreement will soon be signed. we will gradually increase the factory limit at the first stage by...
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100 billion rubles. up to 600 billion, as the head of state said, and thus it will be possible to additionally support real sector projects worth up to 6 trillion rubles. i ask the ministry of economic development , together with the ministry of finance, to ensure that the relevant draft resolution is submitted to the government. dmitrievich, i ask you to take control of this issue. the prime minister also drew attention to the support of a number of categories of citizens who have the right to receive free medications. medical products and therapeutic nutrition. the government will allocate about 2 billion rubles for these purposes. thus, the volume of subventions will increase and help will reach all those in need. slana petrovna. good afternoon. your bank's security service. another moment and access to the money was a suspicious transaction according to you. petrovna turned on the scout. urgently dictate
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your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i’ll call the bank and hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on june 11, 1496 , the second expedition of christopher columbus ended. unlike the first, it did not bring him great fame, but caused him a lot of problems. it lasted 3 years and, as before, it was equipped by the rulers of spain, ferdinand of oragon and isabella costilskaya. columbus promised them untold wealth. he was given the rank of admiral, 17 ships and about two. thousands of sailors, he discovered the islands of lesser antilles, virgin mary, puerto rico, jamaica, and others. but to the mainland, which still considered it asian, never made it, although he promised it to the monarchs, so as not to provoke their anger, forced the team to swear that cuba was part of india, the experience of colonization
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was not very successful, the fort, founded even earlier in haiti, was destroyed by the indians . columbus conquered them, killed hundreds of indigenous people, enslaved others, founded a new one... but the colonists accused him of inability to govern and returned to spain. he did not find any gold jewelry, except for a small amount of gold dust. isabella and ferdinand was disappointed in him; they gave money to the next expedition, but less. columbus still reached the continent of both south america and north america, but until the end of his life he believed that this was asia. on june 11, 1742, a prisoner was concluded in breslow, today the polish wroclaw. treaty between austria and prussia. he ended the first celeste war, which prussia won. austria was weakened by protracted conflicts with turkey, the prussian king frederick ii, the great, created a well -trained and powerful army and won from battle to battle. to avoid complete destruction,
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the austrians asked for peace and yielded to the enemy selesius. this is one of the most developed regions of central europe, where poles, czechs, slovaks and germans lived. vienna tried to take revenge. over the course of 20 years, there were two more village wars, but it was not possible to return the lost lands. as a result, prussia sharply increased its influence, becoming one of the leading european powers, and then the core of the german empire. however, in the 20th century, after world war ii, most of silesia was transferred to poland and czechoslovakia. june 11, 1942 in 2007 , a soviet-american agreement on mutual assistance was signed in washington. usa. british economic assistance to the soviet union. lend-lease deliveries began back in '41, but were irregular and small. now the ussr received planes, tanks, cars, food, gasoline, medicines and much
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more, about $260 billion in terms of current prices. formulating the purpose of the adoption of the lending act, franklin roosevelt wrote to the us congress in forty-one. quote: the only goal in politics government is to ensure that the war stays away from our country and our people. the ussr highly valued help from its allies. people's commissar for foreign trade anastas mikayan said that otherwise the soviet union would have fought a year and a half longer. but americans often claim that without their help the russians would have been defeated altogether. it is not true. the share of american aid during all the years of the war amounted to about 7% of the total military volumes. produced in the soviet union. and, by the way, all this was not free, the only thing that was not subject to payment was that was destroyed during the fighting. for the rest , a long-term loan was given, which russia, as the successor of the ussr, finally repaid only in 2006, while the united states, thanks to landlease, created one of
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the most powerful economies in the world during the war years. president franklin roosevelt publicly stated that - quote: helping the russians was money well spent. on june 11, 1985, one of the culminating moments of the flight of the soviet space station vega 1 occurred, which covered 45 million kilometers in six months and reached venus. separated from the station descent module and made a soft landing in the northern hemisphere on the rusalka plain. the transmission of scientific information lasted 20 minutes, and after 2 days the vega 2 station approached venus, and its descent module had been working for almost an hour. quite a lot, because the temperature on the surface of the planet is about 500°, the pressure is 90 times higher than on earth. project vega. was international with the participation of many countries and the european space agency. having studied venus, both vegas headed for
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halley's comet, took one and a half thousand color photographs of it, and then the vegas went to heleocentric orbit studying meteor showers. the last communication session with them took place in march of eighty-seven. this is what this day in history was like.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russia.
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yauza is not only the longest linear park in europe, but a real testing ground for the best urban ideas. for the past 8 years , the area has been gradually improved and actually completely transformed, sometimes beyond recognition. according to local residents, once upon a time in this place. we will also provide mandatory lighting for the hp so that residents can walk comfortably and safely in the evening. the architects initially faced a difficult task of how to transform the park. to make it attractive and attractive for people, we thought through routes, where to stop and relax, where
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to do sports, where it is more convenient to walk the dog, there are so many nuances that are not visible to ordinary people, but the main thing is that everything is as comfortable as possible for park visitors, we first very spent a long time analyzing all these areas, looking at how they could develop, where what problems arise, what needs to be implemented in order to significantly improve the situation in this floodplain area, let’s say so. now we can say that we have already completed 13 sites, we have seen how the level of safety and the level of pleasure from walking in the area have increased, special attention is paid to preserving nature, while there are modern sports grounds, bicycle paths, cafe rentals, 300 hectares of yauza park have been renovated over several years, there is still a lot of work ahead, two more areas with an area of more than... 30 hectares, one of them is a plot along an agricultural street, work on which began that year, a plot
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along a shady driveway. now we are on a site along a rural economic street, where work is underway to install a road and path network and repair bridge crossings to one of the attractions of the park - the ratondo air temple. large-scale work is also underway in another part of the city, it would seem much better, but moscow knows exactly how to transform it. a cultural recreation park was opened in in 1928, 4 years later it was given the name of the writer maxim gorky, so it turns out that this has been a favorite place for almost a century. for the recreation of citizens, but of course, it must always be updated, the park must meet the needs of today, which is why such large-scale improvement work is planned. the scale is impressive; the improvement work is divided into three stages: the first ones are promised to be completed by the end of the year, and the iconic objects will be ready by city day in september. the third stage will be completed in 2026.
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it's no secret that gorky park is so popular. that there is not enough infrastructure for everyone, the city authorities admit this and add that the off-season period is suitable for a number of improvement objects, that is, they need to be updated, that’s why they started such large-scale, large-scale work, but when it’s all over, there will be a lot of recreation areas here sports, alas, but now it will not be possible to get to pushkinskaya embankment, work is going on without stopping, technologies are being used that will speed up construction. but at the same time to avoid losing quality, for example, they use chemical anchors, which have already formed the basis of the foundation of embankment facilities. we see that the construction work is spread out quite widely, starting from, well, perhaps, the museum, ending with a slightly boring garden, if i’m not mistaken, what are you doing? there will be five pavilions, different in purpose,
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such as catering, pavilions, entertainment pavilions, music pavilions, well, in general, the whole direction. than it was before the intervention, so to speak, of the builders in work. moreover, several thematic quarters, galleries, artists, art workshops, co-working spaces will appear here; meanwhile, the entrance to the park is being transformed by the pioneer pond, and a sandy beach will even be installed here. on the pioneer pond we are creating a new beach recreation area, and...
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the inconveniences hardly interfere with the rest of the park, it is so large that construction and recreation can coexist here, and everyone understands why everything is planned. this concept was developed by designers , and from the water we can see what it is there will be one large floating ship on the embankment, and there will be a history of such an example here, here there will be individual production of glass, glass products, these will be huge glass pavilions, so floating. here on land from the water it will represent a vision of a ship. another difficult task for the developers of the new look of gorky park is to find a balance between the development of different periods, preserve the architecture of the last century and combine it with modern technological solutions. and just in all the architecture that we are here
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we create, and there will be elements of such classical architecture of gorky park, pergalo with changing rooms with showers, which. will repeat the shape of the arch, the entrance arch of gorky park, that is, we are still trying to preserve classical architecture, plus gorky park is a cultural heritage site, we cannot radically change the appearance of the park here. in sokolniki , the only ornithological rehabilitation center in russia and a shelter where birds are nursed have been operating for more than 10 years. well, i am beautiful, tell me what, huh? vladimir mishin, live a legend among ornithologists, it tells how russian tsars, including alexei mikhailovich teshaishy and romanov, hunted on the territory of modern falconers with the help of birds of prey. and this culture of falcon hunting, which, by the way, is recognized as the cultural heritage of the russian
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federation, is passed on here, it exists alive. and this is why the project is absolutely unique, because there is not a single point in the russian federation, i say responsibly , where any person from the street can come and immediately start working with a bird of falcon, with falcon, with the hawk, please, the place is unique, it needs to not only be preserved, but developed, work is already underway on the construction of a new ornitarium, a dovecote will appear in the open part. bird coop, squats for falcons, bird aviaries, wildlife in the city . for us, this is happiness, the city made a decision during the reconstruction. park to make a new ornitarium, the designers approached us, it was then that we outlined all our inescapable dreams, suddenly it turned out that
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no one even set the task of landing us somehow, so tell me what is needed, tell me, as it should, tell me how good it will be, but when you started to improve sokolniki, more than 10 years ago, the priority task was to free... from unauthorized construction and from emergency attractions, today new pedestrian routes are being gradually created, ponds and playgrounds are being updated and beautified , recreation areas, we directly dismantled the old foundation, the old children's playground, it was possible to expand this playground to the maximum, accordingly , the equipment will be completely changed here, additional parts will be added. equipment children's, specifically children's play complexes. sokolniki, like gorky park, is being transformed in stages, and the builders understand that they must work in the vicinity
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of those who came to the park to relax, because last year alone more than 27 million people visited sokolniki. the style for the summer solarium will appear, a universal event platform where completely different events can be held, of course, a cafe will also open, and you can walk along the new health paths for hours. you and i are now at mitkovsky proezd, this is, strictly speaking, the central axis, first of all, of the improvement and rehabilitation of the sokolniki territory, which is being implemented in 2024, the entire implementation is divided into three stages; the second stage is planned for implementation in the twenty- fifth year, completion of all work in the twenty- sixth year. another huge moscow park. the task is to preserve the spirit of this park and
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at the same time make it even better, because there is certainly something to work on, the recreational load is unevenly distributed throughout the territory, the embankment is deprived of many basic amenities, such as jogging paths, and this will be corrected, this is an area of ​​27 hectares, the length of the embankment is kilometers in the first place, why we started it, we divided it into stages, there is a great demand among residents, especially in the summer, to be near water, and despite the fact that there was a large infrastructure of the park already landscaped, then of course the residents now have a great need for some small sports areas on the territory, playgrounds, yoga areas, playgrounds so that they can sunbathe, stroll along the embankment, space for living. joy happiness. kolomenskoye, perhaps, has always been a favorite place where newlyweds come for a wedding photo shoot. in the museum, the reserves are well aware of this, and now
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a separate place will be created for those who are starting a new family. in this part of the park, in tsarist times there were several gardens, but only three have survived to this day. if i sit down there is a wedding garden, there will be a ceremony pavilion with a capacity of 200 people in front of the wedding pavilion. will a regular garden with plantings has been laid out, and there will also be a green labyrinth, just like we see it now, inside the green labyrinth there will be an art object dedicated to lovers, going down below there will be an amphitheater, this small garden, an aquarium next to the mass council theater on the big garden street, work was also started here, this garden is also called a theatrical uasis, but where does such a reputation come from, just imagine this entire plot of... 1 hectare played a huge number of roles, it was the vegetable garden of the novodevichy convent, then workshops were built here, which later grew into the workshops of a mechanical
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plant, after which everything was demolished and an entertainment garden called chicago was built, where there was a summer theater, restaurants, and attractions. now this territory is better known to people as a quiet recreation area, where spectators gather before... the start of performances, and after the performance they come out and discuss all the scenes that they saw. and the time has come to rethink it globally. the colonnade with the figures of the muses will be cleaned, the grotto with a mini-fountain in the form of the head of a gorgon jellyfish will be put in order, the tiles will be re-laid, more than 3.00 different shrubs will be planted, and street lamps will be installed that resemble antique gas lamps. the garden is undergoing an important reboot, which will end this fall.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. look.
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we look in the app or on the website, every store has a robbery, gas, you ran away from the orphanage five times, six for those who got away from the hands, but all hope, completely wild guys, we need those who got away... mentors, forgive me, god, what you wanted from me, miracle, this is your obedience, i’m only saving you from others, actually, i didn’t have any contact with you either, but what did you do, stop lying, naughty people, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes the whole locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake.
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of course, the level of shamelessness of these people surprises me, but i always understood that they are completely complete scoundrels, but it’s just that their stupidity even evokes some kind of tenderness, but it’s clear, for example, that all these phrases.


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