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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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of course, the level of shamelessness of these people surprises me, but i always understood that they are completely complete scoundrels, but it’s just that their stupidity even evokes some kind of tenderness, but it is clear, for example, that all these phrases. about
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the western weapons that they are transferring, they were allowed to attack, well, firstly, they handed over everything a long time ago and have been striking deep into our territories for a long time, but now they need to use these stuffing for information warfare in order to divert attention from colossal defeats that occur in other military theaters actions, which de facto are the middle east and the diplomatic system of relations, for example, the elections that took place, which, by the way, also shouldn’t be overestimated, but there is... something to talk about, but note that yes, if previously, the speaker at su was the fagot chirilla, or perhaps i ’m using it incorrectly in this connection, yes, that is, yes, well , something, yes, that is, well, it’s just, maybe, if someone forgot, now this role salevan took himself, because even if you think about it, one of the high-ranking employees administration of the us president, takes over the functions of cerilla. it was
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impossible to imagine before, let me remind you what cirillo looked like and what salevan looks like, this was previously voiced, well, let’s just listen, as of july 27 , 23, kiev does not lay claim to a single meter of russian territory, as its own, moreover, ukraine not only assured its allies that it would never use western weapons on russian territory, but that it would. this contrasts with moscow, which was already passionate about launching cluster munitions against huge swaths of the ukrainian population for over 500 days. russia hates the truth that ukraine is fighting and winning the war for freedom and liberation in a transparent manner in accordance with the standards of international law and the geneva convention. kremlin war criminals and terrorists cannot understand this because the approach.
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the military moved from one side of the border to the other, there was simply no point in not allowing the ukrainians to fire across the border, hit russian guns and firing positions from which ukrainians were fired upon. that's why the president allowed it. the ukrainians applied this permission on the battlefield. and one point that i will note is that the progress of the special operation in kharkov has stalled. kharkov is still under threat, but russian troops have failed in recent days. he also forgot to say that ukraine has never been in such a confident position as during his shift, well, as he stated on october 5, before the tragedy began in israel, he didn’t have time to say, but imagine, as far as they should have brought it, if the americans directly act as speakers, the british are talking nonsense there, and polish factories are even starting to explode out of shame. for
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the production of weapons, just out of shame, because of this, well, they can’t stand the tension, naturally, they will try to find a russian trace, but it should be noted that this is the third explosion at this plant, the poles just need to look carefully.
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therefore, this evening i dissolve the national assembly, and soon i will sign a decree calling for parliamentary elections, the first round of which will take place on june 30, the second round on july 7, this is a very serious, difficult decision, but first of all it is an act of trust, he trusts his people, and his people, you asked, the people don’t...
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with the italian, so don’t we must underestimate the power of influence of the american intelligence services on all these citizens, but of course, the prime minister of belgium, belgium, which has done so much for ukraine that it forgot about its people, sobbing,
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alexander dekro leaves his post, but tell me. alexander tells us something, and he says: “our party is losing to the right-wing party in the elections flemish interest." i am personally responsible for this result. i am not tired, but i am leaving. it is interesting, of course, what is happening in germany. there, just shortly at a meeting of the bundestag before the european elections, deputies clashed, it is impossible to say, an alternative for germany, like khrupa
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yes, we are responsible for the safety of people on this continent and we must respond to the brutal
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aggression of vladimir putin. and i must say, when you hear such speeches, it makes you feel uneasy. criminal? how much history must be forgotten in order to note what is happening now in ukraine.
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after all, it was not in vain that it existed on the territory of the modern reich, this is an anti-fascist, anti-nazi state, the german democratic republic, for the anschluss, to which no one responded, yes, the country that gorbachev and his advisers betrayed, gave up to be torn to pieces, that’s nothing you can’t say, by the way, it’s interesting that the german party politician.
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could have been easily resolved diplomatically, that's what's scary: could you say,
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came close to a nuclear war because vladimir putin is a demonized villain for all media politicians in the west, at the moment the most rational person in this entire cabinet of superpowers among the heads of state who are now involved in this process. yes, i would say so, rational, bad. in march-april 2022, he did not demand any territories, he wanted to withdraw nato and gain access to the black sea, and i think that this is still his goal, so that nato does not expand to the russian border and to my black one, which means in georgia. and this goal of his, which... the vast majority of the so-called global south, a stupid word,
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the vast majority, with the possible exception of the presidents of the philippines and argentina, they all do not accept it, so he essentially takes a strong position. we have connections from berlin, alexandrevich sosnovsky. good evening, good evening, vich. that there is no need to drink champagne, shout hurray, ursula vonderlein and her party are still very confidently in the lead, and yes, the votes of old europe are divided. and new europe, and just for regarding these classic manipulations of stuffing different ultra-countries into the european union, the majority is still with those who are for the war, but still, what needs to be paid attention to, well , first of all, i still want to say that khrupala’s name is tino, tino, not tippo, tino, but
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that is, our editors simply made a typo, yes, that’s understandable. well, as for the german democratic republic, what the bolsheviks have been talking about for so long or about for so long has finally come true, this is really an indicator, because it is an indicator not how people voted, this is an indicator that that united germany, to which we have been telling for so long and so much that it has united, it has not united, now... we just really saw it, that this is a unification, which was in a certain sense artificial, it did not achieve its goal, and i completely agree that there is no need to clap your hands, jump on the spot, shout joyfully, it has finally happened, nothing has happened yet, while we only saw, that - certain sections of society came into the movement
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german, well, not only german, but in this case i’m talking about germany, some... strata of german society began to move, which clearly showed their attitude to what was happening, gathered for a long time, did not react for a very long time, very we sat for a long time, waited for something, i remember very well the criticism that you, vladimirovich, repeatedly expressed in relation to the fairness of the german population, what are you waiting for, this movement has begun, and it is important to understand that it is not that it it started they got in fact, in all...
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it seems, who worked somewhere in something, that is, all this assumed that the alternative for germany would not receive the required number of votes, moreover, this was my mistake, i assumed that sarah wagenknecht will simply dilute the opposition, dissolve the greens and the alternative for germany, in general nothing will change, and this also did not happen, the alternative , for its part, turned out to be the party that firmly took its 16%, probably, i think... can count for more, and sarah, yes, it took votes away from the party of the left, which in principle had lost all its significance, or most of its possible significance. sarah collected the votes of those who still knew who to vote for, sarah collected some of the votes from the social democratic party, a small part from the christian democrats, and thus
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suddenly the opposition acquired certain contours, this does not mean that tomorrow this opposition will come to power. authorities, what they agreed on, of course, we do not know, but there is an assumption that this issue was discussed in high tones and scholz they proposed, to put it mildly, to dissolve the coalition and leave, this could happen tomorrow, it will not change anything in the situation in germany, that is, germany, what was the direction of development of germany, including in relation to
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russia, in relation to the war, it will not change, it might even get worse. but there is one big, small difference that is very important to understand today: what happened today is the beginning of a big process, this is the same process that, when the germans, if you stir up the german society, it has already been stirred up, it has now already begun its movement, now it cannot be stopped, and now even if this coalition is destroyed, a new pro-atlantic coalition is created, we will still see the next one. and here, of course, one of the most important points, which perhaps today will be decisive for what germany will be like, is that the parties
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received a majority or gained votes, namely those that opposed, and against the war, those that opposed sanctions that were critical of migrant policies, who were very critical of the centralization of power in brussels, and this tendency... it is absolutely clearly expressed today in the political field of germany, today it will be necessary, so you showed the zimmerman strike, you showed tina, khrupala, but such a very interesting discussion, before that, literally right away after the first results were announced, on one of the german television channels they collected the so -called round of elephants, elephants are called party leaders who are gathered immediately after the elections, this is such a tradition, climbs into a television studio and discusses all the issues, just imagine, volodya, they are sitting there, that means alice weidel is sitting there, this is one of the leaders of the alternative for
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germany party, lars klinebeil is sitting, this is the chairman of the social democratic party, green is sitting, everyone else is sitting, here they sit next to each other and discuss these issues, and clean bile, turning to weidel, tells her, well, you are a nazi, she says, excuse me, i thought you just called me a nazi. no, he says: no, i didn’t hear, this is a judicial question, do you want sue, because before this there was one trial, in which the court decided that members of the alternative for germany party can be called nazi fascists, it’s like all this is normal, but i want to draw attention to the fact that, of course, everything at once we remembered the words of vladimir putin when he said, well, the alternative for germany is a normal parliamentary party, just like a friend. like others, we can communicate with them, and there was such a howl, how can this be, this is the nazi party, i want to ask my colleagues, my fellow citizens in germany, a question:
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wait, this is your, as you say, nazi party, sits in the bundestag, it has now received 16% of the votes from germany in the european parliament, it is absolutely legitimate, it is not banned, it exists, this is an attempt to stage everyone into a corner... call everyone nazis, put on some brown clothes, it led to a completely opposite result, it led to the fact that society began to perceive the alternative for germany party, just like the party of sarah wagenk, like a party of persecuted people, for whom, for whom they come up with some cliches, who they try to present in the form of such anti-democratic parties, which in general can lead, it is unclear to what, the collapse of europe, in fact, the opposite is true. and this is a very fine line, which, i think, in germany, the leading parties have not yet understood. they believe that the more they throw dirt on
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these opposition parties, the more they come up with some kind of thing like they had there, they said, there was a society gathering in potzdam that was gathering dismantle our constitutional system, say as much as you like, no one has ever proven this, and the fact that these people are pursuing opposition policies, well... we saw these results yesterday, well, about what you said there about ursulo fonden, this the big question is whether she will get a seat for a second term, because the social democrats said categorically no, if she attracts votes from the right-wing italian party, from miloni, and ursula fonden cannot do without miloni, so she will attract miloni, but for this will lose votes social democrats in germany, so most likely... to my great regret, tusk will be the chairman of the european commission, and this means an even tougher position in the possibility of inciting further hostilities, increasing tensions, etc.
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, so i really want to see how the germans and the french will allow a pole to rule them, i really want to look at this with interest, there will really be such a squabble that no one will think enough, 40%, narrowly 40%. really, in candidates who are simply in their biography, yes, this, of course, in my opinion, the final patheos of european politics as such, but...
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and we remember when we called all these figures liars, we did not yet call them scum, we did not yet call them fascists, we called them liars, hypocrites and so on, what a noise was made in moscow living rooms, how dare you, of course, that before everything, it was during the previous historical era, how dare you say that, this is... partners, we should conclude a big deal with them, like you , listen, but these are complete political scoundrels, they were always political scoundrels, in 2019 they were, in 2021, they didn’t... yesterday
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they became them, although i must say that sullivan was surprised by the fact that he agreed to the role of a talking head, voicing all these radicalist things, but this suggests that he does not see any political future for himself.
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let's figure it out, pray, damn, it's also a sin to abandon the gang, it's time to pay, i 'll water mine, if i go alone, i'll quickly burn, if there's a chance with you, hold on, legon, what's wrong with him, there's someone else who'll do it to who, naughty ones. piešių lauvas.
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that is, well, well, so to speak, i will burn for, i would burn for a small price, now, apparently, i will burn for some big one, but this means that...


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