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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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what is happening there, if in the near future, it means, with all due respect to the armenian apostolic church, the armenian apostolic church, and it’s no longer a secret that it was she who led the organization, seeing what is happening in armenia, will not take more decisive actions , i’m afraid that these satanists, and these are satanists now, when you look at their rituals of these sectarians, well, listen, pure satanism, right? and speaking about
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their expressions, comparing oneself with jesus christ, with moses, questioning the existence of god, when a person says: i am a christian, but i don’t believe in god and, therefore, i don’t believe in, listen to what we’re talking about, then there will be terror, terror against the armenian people, terror against the armenian apostolic church, to which they openly speak, including from the word from the words of the so-called prime minister pashinyan, that he will destroy the armenian church within 2-3 months, the same as... one more small point, which means you understand what’s going on, from the fact that how it will end in armenia, many of us say, oh well, it’s theirs, you’re very mistaken, dear, this... concerns the future not only
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of the southern caucasus, this concerns the future of our southern russia with all the ensuing consequences, who will dominate the south caucasus, nato, whether in the person of turkey, great britain or the united states, has no essence, or it won't dominate it. now, by the way, this is understood perfectly well in iran and, by the way, the same archbishop bograd speaking, he spoke again in russian in english, talking about how they will continue to cooperate, he wants to build on...
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they don’t want to bear this responsibility , apparently a whole number of military men are convincing the tanyahu: this war cannot be started, we have not yet finished the war in the gas sector, they are losing it. there is a guerrilla
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war going on there, i said this six months ago when it started, it will be a long cow-shedding war, so when you ask me how many israelis died there, the israelis give the figure 600, over 600 people died, 3,800 were wounded, but there are others western sources who say no, no, these are underestimated losses, the losses are much higher, more than 3,800 were killed, and over 10 thousand were killed, yes, but this will come up sooner or later, and also start another war with more than... the enemy, which is hezbollah, but this is, of course, something, yes, yes, by modern standards, perhaps someone thinks that if the israeli army in personnel exceeds only those forces that are concentrated in the northern direction against lebanon by five or six times, in technology in general absolutely, but he just then, if he doesn’t want look at the example in the gas sector, let him remember the second lebanese war, then israel also had a capricious relationship, they thought that like the first lebanese war they would calmly reach... beirut has such
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a small town on the border with israel, beral jebal, yes they went through the first war without even noticing, but in the second war, before the military operation had even begun, all the israeli newspapers wrote about it. large, maximum, no matter what they write, no matter who declares anything, this is only 20-25, this is the regular staff, the same number is in reserve, but also allies in the form of amal, the lebanese communist party, palestinian factions such as the popular front of palestine, the main hamas , and so on, well, they will write down 60-70,000 of us, yes, but
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they are prepared differently, their tunnels are more serious than the hamas tunnels, hamas is sand , this is concrete, these are not the same tunnels in depth, in scale...
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cinema, joint work and all those dozens of states that, despite, i am sure, that there was maximum pressure from washington, threatened sanctions, probably threatened, well, with political murders, what else vladimir vladimirovich spoke with the leader of brazil, that is, they also just discussed
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this, yes, that is, in fact, there is a full-fledged victory of russia and china over what switzerland and western countries, dozens of states by population, wanted to do. homeland, that is, i think that it was some kind of transfer there to turkey in order to make them closer to themselves, that is, turkey, well , nevertheless, yes, but nevertheless it turns out that there is another one, well, that is, i have everything for a while now , i know a few turetian words, that is, all the time i have the feeling that this
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the largest army, nato, nato, and this is the only army that could really join, for example, on the side of nato in the ukrainian conflict on a full scale indeed. well, something here could really influence some of our progress, and china and i pulled turkey out of the united states from under their influence, let it be. fedan goes to everything he doesn’t like, apparently to ride, he manages to do multi-vector work here and there at the same time, but he’s going to this event, which means he’s indirectly i agree, this means that he does not partially approve of washington’s game and so on, this is a colossal victory for both china and russia and here is a strategic defeat for the west, it is obvious, it is connected with this, including the fact that it is happening, which means in the taiwan strait, in the taiwan strait. every advance of a russian soldier one meter forward is not just an advance, it means
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that we are taking back our territories according to the constitution, this is really almost a step that we are printing in london, in washington, throughout the entire global system, here it is necessary to realize that the fate of the world is happening here, we always ask the question, well, who organized this victory, and who is behind the global majority, names the global south, the global east, and china, the big economy. but it is obvious that moral superiority, political, military-political, is without a doubt in russia, that is, once again in world history russia defeated the collective west, well, it’s too early, yes, that means there is still a lot to say about the final victory there are battles ahead, many battles ahead, but this is the first one strategic victory, it has been achieved, this is what is happening now in nizhny novgorod, this is a harbinger of what will happen in october in kazan, certain steps have already been taken... at the forum and so on and so forth, that is, the st. petersburg international economic obviously, that russia, and behind it china, and china
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feels courage and determination, ivana declares that we need a fair conference, ukraine and, accordingly , russia, to be present at it, that is, here this is an indisputable victory, brix, well corix, here they talk calmly about brix, brix is ​​wonderful, kazan, we welcome everyone, all the flags come to visit us, in the west this is a taboo topic, it’s just that nails are being hammered into the coffin of the west.
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and a fairly powerful military industry, that is, everywhere here, i’m very interested, you know, that’s simple and the main thing, as was said, with us in the same trench, yes, in the same trench, i’ll just say in conclusion that already...
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well what, dmitry, should i show you your friend
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robinet? come on, come on, why not, you take away the taste, well, give us this madness, at the same time, one should not underestimate the spitefulness, it is surprising, yes, like some, older people become completely disgusting in their old age, they somehow cannot even hide it to themselves, they are just so evil, they still confuse everything around them. during a visit to the enmarna american memorial cemetery in france, in a conversation with journalists , he completely confused ukraine with iraq. the idea that some people talk about is that we have now become semi-isolationists. i mean the idea that we had to wait all these months just to get money for iraq that we, because we waited, i mean, that's just not who we are, that's not what america is, well of course that's not what america is, iraq, ukraine, what the hell is the difference, but he also says, a man who could not remember his own family history there, of course i feel sorry
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for the old man, but you still need to hear it, you know, “i don’t want, i don’t want to accept this close to my heart, but every time i appear at a military training ground, where veterans are buried, it brings back memories of my grandfather and my mother talking about losing their son and brother in the south pacific, and i think about my son boom, who spent a year in iraq, with the tragedy with his uncle, what as he later began to say, he was devoured by cannibals, yes, yes, guinea or wherever, yes, besides, they told you what kind of cannibals, in fact he fell into the ocean there, died, but in any case, that is, well, biden is a man, which turns any tragedy into an absolutely terrible farce, that's what another no less young
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us presidential candidate, donald friederikovich trump, speaks about him. last week , corrupt joe biden signed an executive order that supports migrant incursions, child trafficking, women trafficking, human trafficking and drug trafficking. he's weak, he's ineffective, what he signed is complete crap. and the crowd is chanting like that. shit, crap, yes, yes, well, then let’s really start with america, since jake salevan was mentioned, so to speak, i also can’t get past this figures, because at one time some hopes were pinned on him, not only there in america, but also by people who actually thought that it would be possible to come to an agreement with the biden administration, as a professional administration of adults and, so to speak, reasonable people, regarding
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biden’s mental abilities, no one has ever been particularly, not in the know, but fascinated. this, by the way, the current escalation, de-escalation, all these arguments have nothing to do with 2021, when saleva began to weave this whole thing, i must say that after all, his staff and the russian, so to speak, national security council, how exactly they actually arranged the meeting where vladimirovich putin met with joe biden, by the way, joe biden was still
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very good then, when it was the two spirit of geneva, spirit of geneva. so to speak, well, how very quickly this whole thing came to this state, it turned into a smell, that’s when he had to say some really strange things, although once again, in my opinion, what he said very accurately fits into the fact that i predicted it, but actually pay attention to his face, jake sullevan, when he is confident in what he is saying, this has been noticed in him for a very long time. he speaks with a face that doesn’t express any emotions, he just has these kind of watery shark eyes and he seems to speak with a face that expresses absolutely nothing, then he smiles, which means that’s it, he’s already completely lost, well in my opinion, i haven’t seen such an expression on his face for a long time, well, really, this is a man who, from the moment, when he first came to the white house as an intern, he had a face like this, not
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reflecting anything, this is just kind of his thing, there’s clearly something wrong with him, i seriously doubt it. it will be supplied , emphasis will be placed on it, it was clear at the moment when the american bill of aid to ukraine was adopted, because there is a silence on the battle line, and in general ukraine got two out of these sixty. there is a lot of discussion in the press to show that
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how it is used, in fact, this is what europe, the west, and the united states are discussing, long-range weapons, why is there around it , so as not to let ukraine lose, that is, we haven’t lost yet, that’s the main idea, that’s when he says that... well, but in reality, of course, we are difficult to name at least one success that this administration seems to have achieved is true, in this sense there is quite a curious thing here,
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the guilty verdict against trump, which was handed down, began, as i expected, a ratings war, the ratings alone show that nothing has moved, especially in key states, that everything falls there exactly the same well, who is, especially if a third candidate is still mixed into the formula, that same robert kennedy, jr., and of course, that’s all. that is, with a dead worm in the brain, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, his brain power is such that he simply strangled his brains there, it’s real, that is, yes, he has it there, he had it a long time ago in the worm died in his brain, yes, well , i scraped it all the time, yes, yes, with the worm, with the worm they thought that men in black is not a documentary, well, so, and uh, others say something else, no, no, no, ratings have moved, biden is starting to catch up. biden we’re carrying our feet forward, so we imprison trump,
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we pretend that because of this his rating has fallen, we throw in votes, like in the twentieth year, that’s it, biden ahead there, also kamala will be president there in a couple of months, nothing, so to speak, will happen everything is fine, everything will be fine, somehow, somehow we haven’t ruled the country for 4 years, like this. no why it’s very simple, they kamola will be the president, they will appoint her a vice president, who after a while will be real, it’s too complicated for a circus, for this one the group that carries biden forward, this is the second group, let them record after me, i dictate, the second group is a little thinner, so to speak, there of course they were doing their best, it was a huge offensive, which began to directly farit the well-known koreans, so to speak there, all over washington, so to speak , there is such an ideologist of liberalism. it was as if they really said everything must be done, we are losing, so something needs to be changed urgently, of course, trump should be imprisoned, and biden , well, should retire, and it is necessary not only
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to replace a person, this is not enough, it is necessary to replace, as it were, the program, it is necessary to show that the republic is in danger and create, as it were, some kind of opportunity for, well, something like, that is, to find a figure who would try on america, a program that obama applied at least for some time, but someone should voice it, yes, yes, and someone should voice it, well, so that there is. a person, so to speak, who has already forgotten a little there, but at the same time, it means, no, not michelle obama, michelle obama is a civil war from the first day, she’s just a woman who they hate, so to speak, well, of course, much more than vara khuseinovich himself, at least for his work, and that’s why the struggle of these two camps, in fact, determines this whole situation, but the most important thing is that in this situation, why is it really taking so long... these same second ones, behind them there are very serious groups, not against clinton, not against obama, how to replace this whole thing. i have a feeling that at some point they realized that there was something so unpleasant in '25
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what will happen is that it’s better not to move in this direction, it’s better to let these idiots who came up with the trial of trump, president biden, all these blinkins, and let it be on their shoulders, and blinkin, so to speak, is just like that , well, i don’t know, how to personify this administration from the point of view of foreign policy. such an absolutely such a liberal interventionist fool with absolutely refined brains, and in domestic politics there are people like pete butides, who is, so to speak, a minister transport, which doesn’t even know where the wheels are screwed there i don’t know there to the bus there to he knows for what box his wheels are in and by the way he’s unsuccessful yes well the wheels yes no well he i think as a progressive liberal of america used both wheels and stamps and sniff puff.
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the fact that macron suddenly did this very risky somersault, in my opinion , says the same thing that something is happening in 1925, since macron does not leave the house without a signal from the fondar, so skaliala, do it like this, because something such, i have a complete feeling that , in fact, to what extent decisiveness will be shown
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on... which means, then i also quote you, and he is not american, german, not, well, we still agree with him, the intelligence services of the united states america is on the verge of using artificial intelligence technology to manipulate public consciousness with feed.
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for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong
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relationships. and we admire how it blossoms a country. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.


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