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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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all the way the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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we need to be ready for this, we need to have it already ready, i think so, i really hope that the brix summit will be geared towards this, it won’t work out at brix, we will continue to work with them, which means we must have it within the country, we must have it within ourselves an already working non-american world, because the american world, apparently, is coming to an end, so where is the main phrase, completion, what and what without the dollar, well, of course, how can there be a dollar without the american world, yes, ugh, that is, in that you are very important, and this is not a joke now, of course.
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these are probably those few, those few villages from which they managed to oust russian troops during their last year’s summer counter-offensive, well, now imagine, a year has passed, a year has passed on the part of the ukrainian army, a tank of blood has been shed and not even repulsed yet one village, they just retreated, they only gave it up, and they didn’t even carry out a single such thing anywhere, well significant in terms of the results of the counterattack, it is of course very difficult. affects the moral and psychological state of the troops, of course. now, as for - here are the opinions of representatives of the western expert community, including even jake salevan, that the offensive near kharkov allegedly stalled, some even say there, it failed, ended in failure, well, firstly, not quite yet it’s clear what place
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the military operations near kharkov generally occupy in the plans... of the russian general staff, it is completely unclear whether this is the direction of the main attack, if the main one, then it does not look like the direction, so to speak, of the main attack and the application of the main efforts, because - for example, during the great patriotic war there were four battles for kharkov, as many as four battles , and during the fourth, in august 1943, the fighting in zakharkov was carried out on two fronts, stepnoy and vora.
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nazi troops of today, i say this to the fact that after all, kharkov is a very big city, it has a population of one million, and for in order to capture such, well, let’s say, populated areas, a completely different combat strength is needed, and to capture it not in the course of some bloody fierce street battles, but preferably by deep envelopment, displacing units and uniting the ukrainian army from this district, so as not to turn this city into a heap, so to speak. training, but so far, strictly speaking, it is still not clear to us, and it is also unclear what place kharkov occupies in the plans for the summer company, so to speak, at this stage. as for a completely different theater of military operations, which was already discussed today, this is an unmanned hell in the taiwan strait, what should be said here, well, on the one hand, it seems, based on the classic ideas about the art of war, in particular the operational art , in order to
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capture taiwan militarily, it is necessary to carry out an air-sea landing operation, well, like the operation overlord , the eightieth anniversary, which was just celebrated, well, there are very large ones. not such a perfect mine weapon, but i i’m not talking about unmanned boats and unmanned underwater vehicles, that is , imagine that some chinese isenhower there formed an order of many thousands of ships and said let’s go, they went
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through the taiwan strait, but still, probably the leader of the people’s liberation army of china is here somehow this problem will be solved, but there is our jewish way, not traditionally. way, well, there moses comes out, raises his hands, the waters part, do they have such a moses, but as if on dry ground, well, it’s quite possible that they have some chinese moses, at least me, we need to see how many kilometers there are to capture the islands that go, then, by the way, it’s quiet, calm, blockade, blockade, embankments, getting closer, a good name for a possible new system, moses, chinese moses again, more bulk islands, we, for example, have already raised this topic, we have already raised this topic in relation to the transfer of weapons, well, to some third countries, organizations, formations for striking targets of the united states, great britain, here we are they said this purely, of course, there were our opinions and value judgments about the possibility of transferring
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anti-ship complexes, mobile, well, for example, by the same formation of the houthis, which is strictly speaking, that’s the point, if we emphasize this one more time, but that... for example, some say: let's hand over there to some proxy forces that operate on the territory of iraq, they will strike american bases there with the help of ballistic missiles there, short- or medium- range missiles, well, let's just say, here are the personnel there are not so many at these bases, but , for example, two or three structures, two buildings will be disabled, there will be several dozen casualties as a result of this strike, but they will not gain any kind of general political resonance, resonance, such attacks will not acquire , here’s the opposite...
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it will be there to make decisions taking into account all possible situations, but the point, the job of the military is to give a proposal, here’s a proposal, and again, let the politicians decide, and the military are the executive stations, they simply give expert advice , for example, gave a proposal to shoot down all reconnaissance aircraft,
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unmanned, manned, that take part in guiding western missiles to targets on the territory of the russian federation, absolutely legal targets. this is what the leadership is intended for, that it takes into account a lot of all the circumstances, facts and so on, it can grab his military, so to speak, by the necessary objects, say, well, guys, you are bending too much, but the military should give an offer, i agree, vladimirovich, it seems to me that we should remember historical dates, these are very important, sergei alexandrovich said that everything - in the beginning there was the word, as the bible says, and where the word is, there is memory. today, june 10, exactly 80 years ago , the vyborg-petrozavodsk operation began, this is stalin’s fourth strike, the troops of the leningrad front, then under the command of marshal of the soviet union govorov and the karelian front, army general meretskov, struck, defeated
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the fascist-finnish troops, and liberated karelia. somehow little was said about this in the soviet union, in general the finns were forgiven for everything in fact, i will tell you that they issued a list. in october of forty-four, in my opinion, 61 only the accused were taken away, 45 of them were convicted, in my opinion, 15 of them were given a fine, and the scale of the finnish occupation
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regarding the elections to the european parliament, on the one hand, they do not greatly influence anything , but let’s see that if the factions identity and democracy, where there were alternatives gathered, although for germany there are no longer there, well, the freedom party, the austrian national association, took the majority, so they would take it so that happened? resigned, which means they would have done it, they would have manipulatively united
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the european people's party of social democrats, they would have chosen the most worthless of them, put them at the head of the european commission and that's it, the european commission would have risen, that's how you showed, deputies in the bundestag, not in the european commission in the european parliament, the next deputy would stand up, say some things, they would listen to him, slam him and make decisions exactly the ones they need. nothing would have changed even if they had taken the majority, in this regard, of course, european politics not only will not change, but may worsen, because the cdu, csu, which took first place in the elections to the european parliament in germany, and surpassed everyone, there are russophobes there, for example, and there are even cooler hawks scholtz, there are people there who openly declare that it is necessary to strike at moscow, at the kremlin. hit russian cities, that’s what’s happening, but in general, these
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elections will affect the future of europe, of course, how, look, the alternative for germany, yes, they showed the map of the gdr, the majority takes, but in september there will be state elections in saxony, thuringia and brandenburg, for the first time a situation has arisen where most likely in one of these states, but everyone is talking about saxony, the alternative for germany can win.
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macron made the decision to dissolve parliament unexpectedly for everyone, apparently for his faction, even, perhaps, rockefeller said something to him, but in general it was, it was a demand for national unification, as soon as they announced the preliminary exit poll they said it was necessary dissolve the national meeting, suddenly he appears, he is dissolved, but what does this mean, we are used to criticizing the american electoral system for its archaism, if you start studying the electoral system of france, the devil himself. can you imagine, it is announced in advance that the elections will be held in two rounds, and this is always the case, because the system
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is such that even if you get a majority of votes, but not absolutely relatively in the first round, it is not a fact that you will win in the second, and so in this way they have been throughout several election campaigns they drowned first the national front, and then the national unification, there was an amazing situation in french politics, it lasted, well, almost two decades, about 15 years, that’s right, a representative of the national front. the national union takes second place in the presidential elections there, having two seats in the national parliament, six seats out of 577, nothing at all.
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a pro-russian party in europe, where it gains a majority in the eastern regions of germany, well, listen, according to your theses, there are residents there, i remember this the terrible occupation regime, as bilt writes, the pro-russian parties had to reject with all their might, nothing like this is happening, everything is exactly the opposite, this phenomenon, by the way, still needs to be studied, but at the same time i would like to end the situation has sharply worsened in eastern europe on the border of belarus and poland. you probably remember, last week he died, and under mysterious circumstances, a polish soldier died, according to their official version, he was wounded with a knife by a migrant, he died on june 6, this polish soldier is in a military medical hospital, on wait a second, this is not a border guard, a soldier of the first armored brigade, wow, that a soldier of the first armored brigade is fighting with migrants who cross the border, on june 7
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the polish foreign ministry presented the belarusian veremenny. a note demanding the extradition of that migrant, if he exists at all, i don’t know who allegedly did this, the mood is intensifying in polish society, the mood, so to speak, is very, very militaristic, there have already been skirmishes at the borders, and donald is not donald tusk, andrzej duda stated that he i didn’t know anything about these shootings, we see obvious contradictions in polish society, and i ’m afraid that i’m afraid that this is an internal polish struggle, they will try to resolve it.
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well, after all, it’s really zeya’s delay - it’s such a black widow, whoever doesn’t
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touch this little stamp, things are out of his hands, he ’s going badly, he’s all come to france. you sent the money for advice, who are you to advise me? they told them, well, don’t touch us, we have a couple of boys there, don’t touch them, no, no, no, no, zelensky usurped power. inconvenient officials right there right away, while ermak also feels good, the western press is already writing about him, that is, westerners are already directly saying: guys, what ’s going on with you, not only is there a delay in
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power, not only that, that you have no democratic ones, not only are you kicking our people out, but some incomprehensible character has usurped all your power and it’s just kind of chaos, the time is such a time. and come on, come on, with a spoon, he sees everything in the west, understands everything, can’t do anything, i really like it when they say: the best answer to putin, this is a prosperous, democratic,
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successful, victorious ukraine, everyone says, are you kidding or something, there is no criterion for any of the criteria, so absolutely, everyone thinks that biden has gone crazy and is simply confusing ukraine with iraq, but he doesn’t crazy, he's just real. they can become the richest country in all the assets for putin to share with europe. i don’t want to give this money
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to china either. if we help ukraine now, it can become the best business partner we have ever dreamed of. these 10-12 trillions of dollars of critical minerals could be used by the west in ukraine rather than given to putin and china. it is a very big deal how ukraine will end. let's help them win a war we can't afford.
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there is a way to bring out feelings from everyone, although it should be noted that in america there are more and more people who are gradually coming to their senses, among them, of course, is a person who is not in america, and you don’t need to tell me that this deep fake, don't tell me that aristovich never said this... you don’t know aristovich yet, he’s still aristovich gogo, this is a modern degeneration of poniakovsky, he’ll sell everyone else and buy them, listen to what
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this honest man says about his readiness to shoot down f16, for 15 million we ourselves will destroy all f16 let's go on vacation to the beautiful city of sochi for this money, we're not idiots, thank russia, you think this is a deep fake, i'm not sure, well... but on the other hand , he says some things that are very reasonable, and it's called two terrorists wanted by our country came together, both they will sit, but not in the same cell, aristovich, latin, they don’t have a single real victory now, a new front has been opened for them near kharkov, they are being driven into the stone age. there is a massive blackout and so on, there is not a single real victory, these are people who, feeding from two vectors, left-liberal, we don’t need all
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this metal. we will sell it all, all these yuzhmash, all these black sea sea crossings, the largest in the world, all the kharkov scientific institutes, all of this, we’ll write all of this down the toilet, it’s just all this, yes we’ll salt it, because we’ll sell it for scrap metal and in this place a new industry will grow, a new culture, modern of western standards, such as in american parisian universities, has grown, i want to ask you, what has grown instead of yuzhmash, what has grown instead of antonov, what has grown instead nikolaev shipbuilder? factory, come on, tell me what’s there, what did you turn? this was one trend, like gaidar’s, privatization, privatization, the second trend was nationalist: let’s get rid of the damned scoop.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. we will expose all fakes. in 1990, the soviet empire was weakening and shaky before our eyes, the situation urgently needed to be changed. on the eve of the 20th century , new russia appeared. i am sergei stankevich,
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i testify as straight. participant in the events, let's get rid of the scoop, okay, you got rid of the scoop, what instead? opera, kyiv, who built? and odessa? damn empire. vernadsky scientific library in kiev, who built it? empire. university. who built it? old and new buildings? damn empire. what have you built in 33 years? no one is suppressing you, you are on your own.


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