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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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i went out, there’s more, who will do this to whom, disobedient people, i’ll also tell you.
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the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial technologies.
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hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department, in the studio of alexander ostakhov. in the arkhangelsk region, a court sent the former head of a correctional institution to 5 and a half years in a general regime colony. he was found guilty of an accident in which a family from severo dvinsk died. as investigators established, valery bashari’s foreign car was drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a car in which the spouses were. and their two children; miraculously, only the woman survived. immediately after the accident , information appeared in the media that the alleged culprit was drunk at the time of the accident, but this information was later denied. during the investigation, basharrin was under house arrest; he was taken into custody right in the courtroom, immediately after the verdict was announced. in addition to imprisonment, the man must pay moral compensation to the woman left without a family, 5 million rubles. the rocker ended up in jail in moscow the court arrested the leader of the music group pasik. over the weekend, roman medvedkin
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attacked high-ranking it official arseny sheltsin and his friend with a blade. the latter was stabbed nine times while still alive at the hospital. they didn't deliver him. what caused the conflict? the latest version was compiled by ekaterina likhomanova. the leader of the rock band roman medveotkin spoke for the first time in the izmailovsky court of moscow. before this , the musician had never been in the dock, but even on the new platform he remained true to himself. was, as expected, dressed in a t-shirt with a flashy familiar.
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an expert on television, for example, talks about how to deal with scammers; he has many large projects and developments behind him; he works closely with the ministry of digital development, communications and mass communications. by the way, the head of the department has already publicly supported his colleague after the incident. he is a very responsive, friendly person who devotes his entire life to it and helps people. arseniy is a member of the specialized association “we are it” and heads the communications and promotion committee. we often meet with him to discuss measures industry support. last time we saw each other was last week. we will definitely help arseny recover. i hope that the perpetrators will be punished. obviously a creative person. impulsive, for several years he has been the lead singer of the rock band pasik; the group often performs in small-town bars in the capital, where he often likes to have a good drink. it is possible that medvedkin could be returning with his beloved after another
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creative evening under the influence. true, why he took the knife with him is unclear, this is another detail that remains to be clarified investigators. at the request of an investigator of the capital's investigative committee.
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how did you manage to land the aircraft among dense urban forests and avoid casualties? the chronology of events was restored by dmitry blinnikov. a disaster was miraculously avoided by landing on the roadway, the plane drove off the road and stopped literally in... bodrozhan, the pilot circled over the turaevskoe highway for some time, after which he decided to land. the pilot, mikhail, was on board at that moment and, as they say, there were two more with him passengers. in conditions of woody terrain and dense buildings. landed the plane on a highway. not only those in the cockpit were on the verge of death, but also motorists who were driving along a busy road at that very moment; the plane, by pure chance, did not hit a single car. this is what the situation looked like. the
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pyper model aircraft is popular among russian aviators; there are many of them in the skies of the moscow region and most are based in michkova. they are now looking into what happened on turaevskoye highway. during the investigation, the pilot himself stated that at an altitude of 1 km his engine suddenly stopped. the investigation's main version of what happened is a technical malfunction of the aircraft in the form of an engine failure. if a violation of federal legislation is detected, the prosecutor's office will take a comprehensive set of prosecutorial response measures. reports of emergencies involving light aircraft in the capital region occur regularly in letkarn itself; this is not the first time. in june , a plane crashed in the forest, there were two people on board, and year... according to experts, the main reason is that the cars are old, new ones are expensive, about 50 million rubles. here they are being brought from the usa and europe, decommissioned, having long since exhausted their service life, and the pilots fly at their own peril and risk. now we
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are flying over an area where we have nowhere to land if the engine fails. another common reason is insufficient skill; pilots get lost in extreme situations. if he is not trained, this pilot, then in this case anything you want can happen, even a bird or some kind of fright that arises, i have seen such accidents right at the airfield, the plane is intact, the pilot is sitting there unharmed, well, he was killed by the fact that there was just a blow, and there is also the issue of fuel, there are several types of it, it is very important that it is suitable for the engine, but sometimes they refuel whatever is necessary and they also save, and this then turns into a stalled engine and a disaster; the hard landing of the plane in lytkarino, fortunately, was avoided...
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international crime, it knows no boundaries, if we take, for example, the area of ​​​​responsibility such as drug trafficking, for which it is responsible is our ministry, our department, then in this area, more than in any other, the need for close interaction and close cooperation is manifested. following the meeting, the head of the ministry of internal affairs called it constructive and expressed hope for further cooperation. a loud verdict in the case of one of the leaders of the russian criminal world of the nineties. medvedev, better known as shishkan, will spend the rest of his life in a special regime colony;
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there is no stricter punishment. 17 of medvedev’s accomplices also received substantial sentences, the bandits slaughtered set fire and killed for their own gain. details from fyodor eliseev. journalists were able to see the participants in this high-profile trial only once, only at the very end. all the hearings that the second western district military court held on the road, within the walls of the moscow city court, were closed, of course. case, the jurors were working , there were odious personalities in the dock , the main character of this show is without a doubt oleg medvedev, in certain circles he is known as shishkan, it was this name that inspired horror in businessmen and even some politicians of the moscow region. in addition to shishkan , there are 17 other people in the dock, the majority, if you believe your eyes, are people who read. they showed up to the announcement of the verdict, taking the latest newspapers. it is possible that the printed publications were kindly given to them just before... the start of the hearing, but, as it turned out later, the accused were of little interest in news and journalism,
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they valued another property of newspapers, the paper covered their faces well from journalists, and they also coped with this task well packages, oleg medvedev himself chose to use with a t-shirt that he pulled over his head, he sat there until the deadlines were announced. the evidence collected by the investigative committee was recognized by the court as sufficient to convict oleg medvedev, also known as shishkanov and the seventeen. a member of the criminal community he heads. depending on the role of each, they were found guilty of committing grave and especially grave crimes in the moscow region. living in luxury and with a well-known penchant for social events, mr. medvedev introduced himself to all businessmen, but money he earned his beautiful life by taking the lives of others. he, members of the groups he created, extorted money from entrepreneurs in the ramensky district of the moscow region. the fate of those who did not agree to fulfill. criminals were unenviable, their houses were set on fire to intimidate them, they were subjected to violence, especially the persistent ones were simply killed,
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one of the most notorious crimes committed by the group was a terrible massacre of the general director of the ramenskoye breeding plant, a local government deputy, tatyana sidorova and members of her family. several lives in exchange for breeding lands . investigators found the remains of the victims only 7 years after the murder in 2019. this happened a few months later. detention of oleg medvedev. the trial of oleg medvedev, who was also called oleg ramensky, started in november last year. the accused then himself demanded a jury trial, but potential assessors, having learned that they had to sort out the case of such an authoritative businessman, refused to participate in the hearings. nevertheless, the board was still formed, though only after the fifth attempt. the faces of the people's judges became one of the main secrets in shishkan's criminal case. eventually.
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36% of russians, although previously, as the ombudsman says, this share was 52%, national projects have been deployed, be careful with the bear. in japan, there are more and more clubfooted animals that rush at people. dozens of attacks have been reported across the country since the beginning of the year. some were mauled to death by animals. one of the animals for the elusiveness of local residents even. nicknamed bear ninja, so what is the reason for the invasion of predators? a word from our special correspondent in tokyo, sergei mingazhev. such encounters on hakaido forest roads have become noticeably more frequent in recent months. this time it was just a cracked windshield and damaged windshield wipers. the bear rushed onto
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the car, protecting the cub. and this is iwata prefecture in the north of the main japanese island of honshu. the bears here, unlike the hakaet bears, are not so large, but strong enough to kill a person. since the beginning of the year, over forty cases of bear attacks on people, including fatal ones. such warning signs, beware of bears, in natural places in japan have become especially relevant after a recent incident in akito prefecture, where the body of a missing man was found in the forest. he went to collect young bamboo shoots. it showed signs of a bear attack when two police officers arrived. in order to evacuate the deceased, they themselves were attacked by a predator who rushed at them from an ambush and were barely able to escape. body they were able to pick him up only on the second attempt, but this behavior of the bears is an ominous sign; not only did he himself become a cannibal, but there is also a possibility that his other relatives also managed to taste the taste of human meat.
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this video talks about the character. with which people are admitted to intensive care after a bear attack. there are quite a few victims with fractures of the facial part of the skull, this alone is enough to understand what powerful strength these animals have. a sign of the acute demographic crisis that japan is currently experiencing, a decrease in the birth rate against the backdrop of aging and rapid population decline, a dying province, as a result of the attack of wildlife on it. wild boars that have proliferated recently eat chestnut acorns; previously this was the main food of bears, but now they are forced to look for new sources of food, in particular from people. at night , whole groups of them climb into the barns and eat a feed mixture that contains honey, dark sugar. it is impossible to find such abundance in the wild. here the attack
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happened while the man was collecting mushrooms, despite... the residents seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. for several years, a huge beast, which was nicknamed the ninja bear, operated here. for a long time he evaded persecution, systematically bullying cows. in total, he destroyed 66 heads of cattle until the club-footed ninja, more than 2 m in length and weighing over 300 kg, was killed by a local hunter with three shots to the head from a rifle. now
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they fear that all this could happen again, and on a much larger scale, given that's a bear. news bureau from japan specifically for the vesti program - duty station. rock, scissors, paper and pastry fondant. fantasy and children's creativity have no limits, especially at the uncle styopa policeman competition. almost three hundred talented guys from different parts of the country sent their works for a fair competition. the contestants did not just use scrap materials to bring to life an episode of police service. well, we created crafts that symbolize family values. ministry of internal affairs affairs of russia pays great attention to interaction with children, with teenagers, with very young children, and tries to instill in them such, you know, patriotic and moral values, this is very important today,
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nine participants managed to reach the finals, with the jury choosing the winner difficulties arose. thus, the victory went to maria dmitrieva from the kemerovo region with the work uncle styopa on guard of childhood. the so-called smolinsk maniac vladimir chiskidov, who, according to investigators, was held captive for 14 years and raped a young girl, will be able to avoid time in prison. he was declared insane, so he will probably undergo compulsory treatment. the sovetsky district court of chelyabinsk began to consider the case today. behind this story. my colleague olga zhurenkova has been following from the very beginning. previously, she even managed to visit the lair where the criminal kept his victim. exclusive footage in our next material. to the sovetsky district court of chelyabinsk. first substantive hearing vladimir chiskidov, better known as the smolinsk maniac, was brought in handcuffs to accompanied by paramedics, you consider yourself to blame, don’t move out of the way, why? chiskidov in
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slippers and checkered pajamas with the number 10 on the back, already in the courtroom he covered his face with his hands, but still answered the journalists’ questions, he put him in prison for nothing, how did he do everything, like for nothing, for nothing, i didn’t do anything did, a maniac held a captive for 14 years in a house in the suburbs of chelyabinsk, only in our crime program. the investigative department of the investigative committee of the chelyabinsk region told about the terrible conditions in which she lived a year ago. hostage. the filming took place under conditions of anonymity; the face of the forensic investigator was hidden by computer retouching. the detention took place in this room. the window of the room overlooks the garden and vegetable garden to the nearest houses 30-40 meters away. shout, don't shout, no one will hear anyway. the doors do not open; there is a grill on the window with nineteen-year-old ekaterina chiskidov. she met belyankina at the station, he offered to give her a ride, and already in the car the maniac most likely found out that katya was an orphan and they were unlikely to look for her. one door is permanent, it was fixed and with the help
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wire, in the second part of the door we have a lock, that is, it all looked like this. there was no chance to escape. our victim is small in stature, she can even reach. it’s just that here, like me, i didn’t have the opportunity to somehow unscrew this wire, break it, she ’s about the same height as me, probably yes, well, actually, if we’re not the same height, no, even, even i think, a little smaller, then yes, it’s impossible to reach, well, only if in a jump, then it’s difficult, and even in those rare moments when he was away from home, it was impossible to escape from this trap; chiskidov made a special device in which he placed the captive, these are two sheets of chipboard with metal on them. with which he secured her, placed such a wooden structure on her head, and covered her face and mouth with tape so that she
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could not call for help. the unfortunate woman managed to escape only 14 years later, when chiskidov was taken to the hospital, he forgot to close the door. as investigators found out, ekaterina was not the only captive with a previous victim, he dealt cruelly. a criminal case was sent to court with a decision to apply compulsory medical measures against him. a local resident who, in a state of insanity, committed socially dangerous acts against life and health, honor and dignity, sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, prohibited by criminal law. chiskidov's house is hidden from prying eyes, on one side there is a high wooden fence, on the other side there is an overgrown garden and vegetable garden. neighbors admit that they had no idea what horrors were happening there. of course, a very terrible story, terrible, i think, only this happens in films, a wild story, it’s just terrible, after all, we have it there...
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it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects , ours are more brutal,
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yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is with production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like?
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture . chasing views they change entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change it. we will expose all fakes. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and
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cartoons, learn about them. programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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how is this day remembered in history? right now, hello. on june 11, 1496 , the second expedition of christopher columbus ended. unlike the first, it did not bring him great fame, but it brought him a lot problems. it lasted 3 years, and as before, it was equipped by the rulers of spain, ferdinand of oragon and isabela costilskaya. columbus promised them untold wealth, he was given a rank-miral, 17 ships and about two.


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