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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about it now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, states compete, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy, do we have sports with records? if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love. get into the country
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stronger at the russia exhibition. the news from sergeina is short, the russian military, under the influence of carbon, took new positions on the way to konstantinovka. liberation of the city
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will leave the ukrainian armed forces without supplies and will also create conditions for the development of an offensive against the troops of the kiev regime. the verkhovna rada of ukraine stated that the pace of mobilization has increased fourfold, and in a month the resu has recruited as many recruits as before since the beginning of the year, while they are picking up everyone indiscriminately right on the streets, including employees of defense enterprises. russia called the un security council resolution on the gas truce is a pig in a poke. the document was accepted. it seals the deal between israel and hamas, but the details of the agreement are unknown and the guarantees vague. russian scientists and volunteers save a whale in the barintsevo sea. a huge mammal is entangled in fishing nets; it cannot open its mouth and eat normally. sakhalin specialists have come to help, and they will soon go to sea. the us army command suddenly admitted that it was an american instructor.
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taught ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners how to arrange aerial ambushes, the staff colonel said, with the personal participation of foreign military personnel in the armed forces of ukraine several times they shot down russian planes outside the northern military district zone. for this complex, the patriot was taken to the front line. anton potkovenko will explain why the pentagon is so frank. the american colonel said in plain text that nato weapons were used to strike russia six months ago, but... more recently, the alliance countries were allegedly arguing over where to allow kiev to attack with western weapons. why is this now? frankness? assistant chief of staff of the tenth us army, razanna klimenty , tells which russian planes, according to her data, were shot down by the american petriot. now ukraine probably has a petriat battalion in its arsenal. they move and actually do things that will go down in history, for example, an aerial ambush, which is exactly
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how the a50 was hit in january 2024. german instructors woke up this ukrainian battery in the middle of the night and forced them to move to the point. a month later they carried out their first few aerial ambushes, shooting down an s-27. along the border. please note that she also mentioned german instructors, she reveals all the cards, but in the designation of aircraft, it seems she made a mistake or deliberately mixed it up. in january there was a plane crash with a military transport plane. the il-76 that crashed in the belgorod region was the same one with ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange, and russian military experts said then that this was the work of a patriot. as for the fighters , we also need to figure out what kind of incidents the american was talking about, most likely about what happened in the bryansk region, however it was not the su-27 that crashed there, but the su-35, su-34, but in this case this is not even the main thing, it is important that the official representative of the american military department publicly... declares
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attacks on our armed forces with nato weapons. pentagon, are you tired of lying? a whole colonel at an international conference, by the way, in the usa on air defense systems. makes a statement, most likely this is a purposeful action, this fits into the concept, in principle, of military power diplomacy, which is now being broadcast through washington and its western satellites, as i understand it, in order for the american president to have no hope of turning the train around in the opposite direction, judging by the fact that biden did not go to switzerland, even in biden’s circle , thoughts are already appearing that they need to... finish, they not so much for us as they tell themselves, that’s why they applaud themselves. and how loudly do they applaud? here, for example, is an article about the british, sky news. for the first time, a ukrainian military aircraft fired at a target on russian territory, such is the headline. this means old russia, or whatever they say there,
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this is a lie from the first to the last word. it’s no secret that, since the conflict, since the beginning of the special military operation, the ukrainian side has not...
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returned in coffins, this is hardly good for the elections, but of course there is no talk about this on sky news . when western military instructors speak, is western duplicity too costly? an emergency warning due to bad weather has been announced throughout the central federal district. heavy downpours and thunderstorms are expected in the next three days, and even tornadoes are not ruled out. details after advertising. "we found out that the phone works, even with zero, with zero account, with beeline you are safe even with zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, connect support with zero in the beline application -
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the safest operator, the best deposit in savings up to 18% per annum, hurry to open before the end of june!" what we bring from traveling with avito cashback bonuses, your next avito trip, the trip will all go as booked with cashback bonuses anywhere, appetite like.
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already in the cinema, what you need for travel, road, to where there are no roads, close ones to go further, technology to take a break from... civilization and a lot of space for photographs. jetur is designed for travel. clean water is a holy source that fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. be brave about your expenses. with yota, your money will not fly away. there are gigantic minutes left. we return them for them. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases, withdraw cash for free, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable!
7:40 am
try more this summer, free delivery delicious point in yandex food. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket are changing the world. megamarket, just grow with us! it will pour like buckets, already today an atmospheric wave front will cover central russia, with it extreme rains will come, how much precipitation will fall in the capitals and where tornadoes are even possible on tuesday. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia tv channel 24 fobys centers. i'm anna volkova, hello, heavy downpours with thunderstorms and wind will torment the russian plain, coming. days. just the day before , the weather in the south had completely deteriorated. this is such a terrible
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hailstorm, according to the author of the video, that took place on monday in pyatigorsk. some motorists stopped under trees in the hope of hiding their cars from pieces of ice flying from the sky. powerful cumulonimbus clouds are forming in northern russia. thus, the first hail since the beginning of summer was seen yesterday by residents of the city of kirovsko, murmansk region. what day is it covers ukraine with ice. for example, these shots have been taken. in the west of the country, in the chernivtsi region, ice bombings are accompanied by squally winds and extremely intense precipitation, as a result, city streets go under water. let's take a look at the space images: all of eastern europe is now under the rule of a powerful north atlantic cyclone; the rich white color of the clouds, its circulation, especially over slovakia and hungary, indicates a significant moisture reserve. along the flow, these clouds are carried... exactly towards the central regions russia. already today
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, the north-west and south of the russian plain will fall into a vast zone of precipitation and thunderstorms. the heaviest rainfall will occur in the center of the country, the upper volga region, the novologda region and the south of the koma republic. along the lines of bryansk, kaluga, moscow, kostroma, saktefkar , a total of up to 10-20 mm of rain will fall on tuesday in these regions, and in some places on the banks of the upper volga, limni there may be twice as much rain. intense and bring more than half the monthly volume of moisture, about 30 mm of rain will fall on moscow in the coming 24 hours, this is almost 40% of the june norm. it is forbidden to exclude flooding in low-lying landforms; for passenger cars , the seas under the overpasses will pose a particular danger. the vertical thickness of the rain heap will reach 10-12 km, in such a situation there is a risk of occurrence. until now, tornadoes have been observed only in the urals and the east of european russia; for example, on
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monday another tornado was noticed in the solovatsky region of bashkiria. he did not cause any harm, unlike his brother, who literally attacked a cargo gazelle on the road between sibay and magnitogorsk, the car was overturned and thrown into a ditch. fortunately, the driver remained unharmed. today , optimal conditions for the formation of a tornado will develop in the territory of vladimir and yaroslavl. ivanovo, nizhny novgorod and kostroma regions. the north of the ryazan region, the east of the moscow region and west mordovia will also fall into the danger zone. let me note that such phenomena are local in nature, and the chances that a tornado will hit any populated area are negligible. moreover, this is only the beginning of a protracted period of bad weather. moscow, for example, will continue to flood from wednesday to thursday. in general difficulties in three days in the megalopolis will fall 85 mm to
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more than 20 rubles. the single european currency has updated its minimum since june last year. the yuan dropped by more than eight kopecks. experts cite several reasons for the strengthening of the ruble: rising oil, a signal from the central bank about a possible rate increase at the next meeting, as well as an increase in export revenue amid delays in payments for imports. the regulator's board of directors considered options for maintaining the rate and increasing it by 100 or even 200 basis points. foreign ministers of countries brix emphasized the importance of wider use of national currencies in mutual
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trade and financial transactions. this was stated in a joint statement following a specialized meeting in nizhny novgorod. the brix currency is still considered a long-term project. at the same time, experts argue that russia is perhaps the only international player capable of softening the differences between india and china , which britain has been working to ignite for hundreds of years. these disagreements are considered the main stone before. population and business in russia in may continued to show high demand for loans, as stated in the central bank's commentary, the tightening of price and... price conditions have not yet fully affected the credit and deposit market. in april, the annual growth of the corporate loan portfolio increased by 0.1 percentage point. factors that support demand continue to operate in the retail loan segment. this is high consumer activity and preferential programs. by the way, due to their curtailment in july, impressive
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volumes of issuing flows with state support remained. at the same over time, the decline in issuances in the market mortgage segment continued, he emphasized. vtb is increasing the down payment on a number of preferential mortgage programs, the bank’s press service reports. we are talking about purchasing housing in new buildings with state support, far eastern, arctic and it mortgages. the changes will not affect the programs for individual housing construction and projects financed. as the bank explained, this decision is related to adaptation to the changing market conditions. the key rate remains at 16%. the regulator is striving. fertilize the market, and the preferential program will most likely end in july. the main importers of russian grain will be the countries of north africa and the middle east. according to the press service of the ministry of agriculture, turkey’s refusal to supply will not affect the export potential of our country. this is because in the new season russia will reduce the supply for the world market to 60
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million tons of grain. in the current year it will amount to 70 million tons. 53 of them are wheat. every fourth batch on global markets is of russian origin, noted in department. let me remind you that at the end of last week, the turkish ministry of agriculture announced the suspension of wheat supplies from russia; he explained his decision with the intention to support turkish producers in the difficult summer season, when, against the backdrop of rising imports , crop prices drop significantly. well, at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 88 rubles. 99 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 950.
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between israel and hamas was adopted in a hurry, and the details of the agreement are not known to anyone. the contents of the final statement of the summit in switzerland became known even before it began. the draft document was presented by the japanese television channel nhk. contrary to kiev’s wishes , there will be no point in kamennik demanding russia to withdraw its troops. an emergency warning due to bad weather has been announced in the central regions of russia; heavy rainfall with cargo is expected. in moscow alone, more than 80% of your period can fall in 2 days. precipitation, city services were placed on high alert. now there is advertising, and later in the program we will tell you how to rent a house correctly and what rights the tenant of the owner of a rented apartment has. best contribution
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we return rubles for them. can. dedicated to our older loved ones. convenient loans. great contributions. in the branch and online. special conditions, special relationship. what will your summer be like? with increased cashback, the summer will be active. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, bifree t-shirts for 699 rubles. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. langidase against prostatitis. shoot housing, but you don’t know what the owner can demand from you and what not, the right to rent. we will tell you which ones in 5 minutes in the program instructions. one of the basic ones is the right to conclude a written
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agreement with the lessor, only then is it valid. if the owner refuses, citing an unwillingness to pay taxes, explain that the agreement itself does not attract the attention of the tax office, unlike regularly received income. if the contract is concluded for a year or more, it is registered in the russian federation. this. it scares some people landlords, but essentially nothing changes. the federal tax service also has other sources of information, but are there any advantages for a tenant in a long-term contract? those contracts that are now mostly concluded are still short-term contracts, and accordingly, from this we see that the scope of rights that the tenant has is significantly lower than under those contracts that are concluded for a long term, at least when concluding a short-term contract. the tenant will not be able to claim the right of first refusal re-conclusion of such agreements will not be able to accommodate other persons, and there are other restrictions. if the contract is concluded for one
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year or more, the tenant has the right to renew it as a matter of priority on the same terms or on different ones, if the owner of the apartment warned about the change 3 months in advance. if a long-term contract has ended and nothing happens, it can be considered that it has been extended for the same period under the same conditions. you can only evict a tenant through court or for compelling reasons. the tenant has the right to live in the apartment until the end of the contract, even if the living space was sold or pledged. this is guaranteed by the civil code. the new owner automatically becomes a renter and rents out housing under the same conditions. but the tenant has the right to terminate the contract and leave the apartment at any time without trial for any reason. the only thing is to warn the owner about this. 3 months in advance or within the period specified in the contract. the tenant has the right to check the apartment and inventory the property. inspect the property before concluding a contract and record
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what exactly is in what condition there located. the inventory will come in handy when you move out, so that it doesn’t turn out that the battered sofa has fallen into disrepair supposedly during your use, and don’t forget to sign the document with the owner of the apartment. the tenancy agreement is, after all, bilateral. transaction, that is, there is a lessor, there is a tenant, and in order for the document to have some kind of force there, including so that it can later be used in the event of a conflict in court, including, first of all, it must be signed by these two parties, or their legal representatives, there by persons who, for example, act on their behalf by proxy, the presence of other persons when performing these actions there is photo recording or recording, it is absolutely not mandatory, nowhere in the law... another right is to receive documents for each payment. if you give money in cash or transfer it to a card, take a confirmation or receipt.
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if the owner has registered as self-employed, he can send a check via sms or email directly from his phone. if payments are late, this does not mean that the contract will be terminated immediately. the tenant has the right not to move out at the first request of the owner. the delay should be 2 months for short periods. and the tenant also has the right to take the security deposit when leaving the apartment or set it off for the last month; for the landlord, this money is insurance against violations, if there were none, there is no reason not to give the security deposit, the exception is when you yourself agreed to such a condition in agreement temporary registration is also the right of a tenant. it is necessary if you you have been in a new place for more than 90 days. the one who rents the one who rents can register. if you don't do this, there's a fine.
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both can fly. you don’t need to ask the owner’s permission to move in minor children; they don’t even need to be mentioned in the contract. this is also the right of the tenant. the place of residence of children is the place of residence of their parents, that is , it is assumed that children do not live outside the place where their parents live, therefore, a priori, if a person has children, then the legislator also assumes that naturally they live with their parents. but for other relatives , the consent of the apartment owner will be required for accommodation. and finally, tenants have the right to compensation for losses incurred due to the fault of the owner. for example, the battery burst and water damaged your furniture, or the owner of the apartment suddenly changed the locks and does not allow you to pick up your things, or he, without warning, terminates the contract or refuses to renew it, you have to pay a realtor to find a new home, although, most likely, for compensation.
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the rental agreement is concluded in writing. tenants under long-term contracts have recourse through the courts. let us repeat the most important thing: more rights, for example, the opportunity to renew the contract as a matter of priority, to move in minors without asking the consent of the apartment owner. if the owner changes, the contract does not terminate. the employer has the right to receive documents for each of his payments, and he can also demand compensation for losses, if any. it's the homeowner's fault. you still have questions and want to know how to do it correctly act in the real estate market, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will consult with experts and tell you about this in one of the next issues of the manual.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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an important strategic position, russian attack aircraft are approaching konstantinovka, our correspondent is working in the southern donetsk direction. total mobilization in ukraine. in a month we gained as much as before this since the beginning of the year. why are even the verkhovna rada concerned? code in the bag. the american resolution on the truce in gaza was adopted in haste. the details are unknown to anyone. and the reactions in security. showers with thunderstorms are an emergency warning for the coming days in central russia. tornadoes are not excluded. save the red book.


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