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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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we’ll sort out our demon, pray, black, throwing the gang is also a crap, it’s time to pay , i started pouring, if i go alone, quickly sleep, if there is a chance with you, hold on, as long as he doesn’t do anything bad, there will be someone else who will do it to someone, naughty.
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the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness. with the help of the americans, of course
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ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, new technology is in the plans i naturally didn’t have any recruits, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end the result is determined entirely by the quality of government policy. the news in the middle of the hour is short: the russian military near ugledar took up new positions on the way to konstantinovka. the liberation of the city will leave the ukrainian armed forces without supplies and, in addition, will create conditions for the development of an offensive against troops of the kyiv regime. the verkhovna rada of ukraine stated that the pace of mobilization has increased fourfold, and in a month the iis has recruited as many recruits as before at first. years, while they are taken away right on
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the streets, indiscriminately, including employees of defense enterprises. russia called the un security council resolution on the gas truce a pig in a poke. the document was rushed through and seals the deal between israel and hamas, but the details of the agreement are unknown and the guarantees vague. russian scientists and volunteers save a whale in the parintsavo sea. huge the mammal is entangled in fishing nets and cannot open its mouth and eat normally. sakhalin specialists came to help. yandex taught artificial intelligence to read books out loud. how it works? let's find out from philip trofimov, the host of the vesnet program. philip, greetings. how does this differ from the already familiar voice generation and how much will such a service cost? good afternoon. as they say, the attempt to make a dubbing actor out of a robotic voice turned out to be a non-trivial task; it is still in the process of being solved. with the price it's all easier included in your current book service subscription, but it's there. some restrictions, more details
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a little later, let's start with the main event of the tech world. the large annual conference for apple developers dubdub dc has traditionally been held in a theatrical online format since the beginning of coronavirus quarantines; this time , the head of the company, timkuk, met employees jumping from a plane while standing on the roof of the campus. but what’s more surprising is that in the first hour of the main presentation of neural networks, machine learning and other artificial intelligence was practically not mentioned, but then, when this... came down to earth, probably the main announcement happened: apple intelligence, literally, apple intelligence. and this announcement is very much in the style of apple in the sense that the company is actually joining the competition of large language models, almost the last of the major players, but at the same time immediately offering something that, firstly, collects in one place almost everything that invented and implemented in different projects, and secondly, carefully integrates it into its ecosystem. first of all, the power of a large language model will be received by the siries voice assistant, which... it will be possible to communicate in natural
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language and receive interaction with applications, for example, siri can edit photos or delete unnecessary letters. the safari browser has learned to summarize a web page like this. done by the yandex browser, you can respond to a message in the mail with generated texts, similar to google services. plus, of course, image generation, automatic notification settings and other neural network wonders, and most importantly, most of all this works directly on the device, without transferring anything anywhere, but not on every device, in general there will be many restrictions at launch, including language. as for more down-to-earth mothers, we expect a new version of the mobile operating system to be announced. s18, perhaps the brightest moment, the expansion of the functionality of satellite communications, if previously only the sos signal could be sent from outside the coverage of cellular networks, now any messages can be sent too. the second big innovation, a separate game mode appeared in games, spatial sound is now supported, and in general
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they talked a lot about games at the presentation and even invited the executive producer of ubisoft. as for the so-called security app, in ios18 a separate application is possible. place them under an additional lock, or hide their icons altogether. yes, and the iphone can now be controlled from a macbook by displaying the phone screen on a computer display, just like it was done in the huawei ecosystem four years ago. in russian news, books for which there is no ready-made audio version are now all you can still listen, at least as far as what's available on the bookmate service is concerned. everything is built, of course, on generative neural networks and implemented with the help of specialists. yandex, which owns the rights to bookmate in russia, and several models are involved in the project at once, and even what was already ready, but fortunately yandex pitchkit is quite capable of generating speech and creating voices, as they say, they had to retrain it so that it would be less similar on the robot more on the voice of the actor, actually for
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training, we used large fragments of texts read by professional actors, we also have all sorts of auxiliary ones that help with intonation, let’s say one is good... we also have one model, which we taught again on open data, this time on text data, which helps we need to arrange the context between sentences, that is, she sees a lot of text around due to this... gives tips on how to read it in general and how to make transitions between sentences. according to some estimates, there are professionally dubbed audio versions only for 10% of books, for some not very popular publications, they will never appear at all , because it is expensive. therefore, over
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the past couple of years , several large projects for automated creation of audiobooks have been launched. for example, mit, microsoft and the developer of voice spawning networks eleven labs have already appeared there. here. so working with all these things can be quite non-trivial, so that it looks good, so that it’s great to read. well, there are certain restrictions: the neirh test is available only for 13,000 books, as it was said that this is the result of negotiations with copyright holders and publishers, for whom
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audiobooks are part of their own business. this is how neuron we have, roman! philip, thank you, we continue why the summit in switzerland threatens the death of hundreds of baby deer, more on that in a couple of minutes. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. vacation is coming soon, let's get ready. and for avita, you will move to a new level of savings. thanks to a wide selection of new and like-new auto products. collect auto water pass without extra expenses on avito. a home that is warm and cozy is always filled with happiness. millions of russians chose to look through the windows of rihau. under the silver foil, a delicious
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chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect planbier, airy, natural, happy feeling in the heat of july that carries a silver bullet. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. bring your friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best russian employer. in the russian lotto we will draw a golden barrel for country houses in honor of the anniversary, an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. discounts on products, cosmetics, clothing, shoes and equipment,
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increased fuel bonuses, special conditions for medical services, full access to films, tv series and shows, subscription to the designer, gazprom bonus subscription - it’s profitable with yota your money won’t fly away, it remains big minutes, we return rubles for them, you can yota. what are men silent about? painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis. longidaza against prostatitis. i'll be a politician, what do we have to do with it? i'm alone, so i quickly argue if i have a chance with you. naughty ones. what did you want from me? miracle? already at the cinema. alfabank is the best bank for business. all payments and transfers are commission-free, open a business account with alfabank! seryozha, just
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this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, whether you throw out the trash or not, so, attention, we have a replacement to replace the younger generation. a legend enters the field to win, in our case, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions,
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honor our history, value family, strong relationships, and admire how a country. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the exhibition. russia. let's get back to the news. zelensky’s pr in switzerland will be paid for , among other things, with the lives of hundreds of innocent animals. the so-called peace summit threatens the death of baby deer. anastasia ivanova will tell you why. there is no pity for those who can be saved. big commanders annually again saved deer fawns from harvesters, but now zelensky prevented this. it would seem that this has nothing to do with the so-called peace conference.
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my colleagues are coming to the place, we must go right away, until the fawn ran away and can still be found. the animals are returned to the grass after the equipment has worked, but soon the rescue operation will be closed down by the decision of the swiss authorities. during the arrival of the western puppet from kiev, the airspace over the forest resort of bürgenstock will be closed, including to drones. farmers will have to maneuver between the animals themselves, but sitting in the combine cabin, they simply will not see the deer. when you go out to see the technicians in the field, you always feel tension and excitement, always you have to reckon with the fact that there might
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be animals here, that a fawn is somewhere nearby, that’s something. fawns live in tall grass for a reason. he will lie down, if it is some kind of combine harvester, he will still lie down, so from time to time deer calves, by the way, roes deer, they fall under combine harvesters, that is , only people can save the life of a deer, of course, the organizers of the ukrainian conference know this, the local head of the hunting community says that the ban on drone flights for the purpose of monitoring meadows is incomprehensible, because drones are not
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rise high above the ground, it was with their help that year alone that more than 6,000 deer fawns were alive, but who cares? for this purpose, those who serve washington could not but ban drone flights, not set up an unmanned zone and could meet halfway those people who care about animals, meet animals halfway, an absolutely cynical approach, accordingly, of western european leaders to the green agenda, although they have been for decades it was pedaled, all this is not true, they don’t care about nature, they don’t care about nature, don’t care about anyone but yourself, in the forest resort where the conference will be held. supposedly fans of ukraine, a large population of deer in local forestry is now a dilemma: on the one hand, if you do nothing, thousands of animals will die, even with the work of volunteers, not everyone can be protected from agricultural machinery, on the other hand, if volunteers go out into the meadows with drones, they are in danger up to a year in prison, and farmers also cannot avoid mowing the grass, while the weather permits, they need
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to work, work on the issue of resuming flights during the conference on ukraine is also asking local authorities. but will they hear ordinary people? fire-free zones around the same forum are organized by many other international events, this is now, well, let’s say, one of the norms for security reasons, but the fact that they didn’t think about the unfortunate deer, this in this case indicates, well, let’s say, about a kind of double standard of the organizers of this forum or this conference, for whom it is much more important to once again promote the ukrainian agenda, all issues of the environmental agenda of the green... parish - these are, first of all, issues of multibillion-dollar sums; the environment is remembered only when they want to make money on it. it’s a paradox, for the sake of a peace conference, you will have to kill the fawns, in one act the achievement of western democracy is visible, to sacrifice lives, and not to save them. an emergency warning due to bad weather has been announced throughout the central federal district. heavy downpours and thunderstorms are expected in the next three days,
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and even tornadoes are not ruled out. details after the ad. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum, have time to open before the end of june. we learned that the phone works even at zero, even at zero. with belain you are safe even with zero account. calls, instant messengers and cards work. enable support at zero in the beline application. beline is the safest operator. order a free alpha credit card. bank with a whole year without interest, get a supercake in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free, not just profitable, alpha profitable, appetite anywhere, only dad will tame, sausages, dad can, thanks to purchases at the megamarket,
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in 1990, the soviet empire was weakening and shaky before our eyes, the situation urgently needed to be changed. on the eve of the 21st century, a new light appeared. russia, i am sergei stankevich, i testify as a direct participant in the events. it will pour like buckets. already today, an atmospheric wave front will cover central russia, and extreme rains will come with it. how many precipitation will fall in the capitals and where tornadoes are even possible on tuesday. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia tv channel 24 cents, i'm anna volkova. hello, strong. thunderstorms and wind will torment the russian plain for the next three days. just the day before , the weather in the south had completely deteriorated. this is such a terrible hailstorm, according to the author of the video
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, that took place on monday in pyatigorsk. some motorists stopped under trees in the hope of hiding their cars from pieces of ice flying from the sky. powerful cumulonimbus clouds are forming in northern russia. so first with at the beginning of summer, hail was seen yesterday by residents of the city of kirovsk, murmansk region. which day ukraine is covered with ice, for example, these photographs were taken in the west of the country, in the chernovid region, ice bombings are accompanied by squally winds and extremely intense precipitation, as a result, city streets go under water. let's take a look at the space images: all of eastern europe is now under the rule of a powerful north atlantic cyclone, the rich white color of the clouds and its circulation, especially over slovakia and hungary, speaks volumes. o significant moisture reserves, the flow carries these clouds exactly towards the central regions of russia. already today , the north-west and south of the russian
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plain will fall into a vast zone of precipitation and thunderstorms; the heaviest downpours will occur in the center of the country, the upper volga region, the novologda region and the south of the koma republic. along bryansk, kaluga, moscow, kostromas and ktefkar, a total of up to 10-20 mm of rain will fall in these regions on tuesday, well. in some places on the banks of the upper volga, limns can be twice as intense and bring over half the monthly moisture volume. about 30 mm of rain will fall on moscow in the coming 24 hours - this is almost 40% of the june norm. flooding in low-lying landforms cannot be ruled out. for passenger cars , the seas under the overpasses will pose a particular danger. the vertical thickness of the rain heap will reach 10-12. in such a situation there is a risk of tornadoes. until now, tornadoes have been observed only in the urals and the east of european russia; for example, on monday another tornado
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was noticed. region of bashkiria. none it did no harm, unlike its brother, who literally attacked a cargo gazelle on the roads between sibay and magnitogorsk, the car was overturned and thrown into a ditch. fortunately, the driver remained unharmed. today, optimal conditions for the formation of a tornado will develop in the vladimir, yaroslavl, ivanovo, nizhny novgorod and kostroma regions. the north of the ryazan region and the east of the moscow region will also fall into the danger zone. and west of mordovia. i note that such phenomena are local in nature, and the chances that a tornado will hit some populated area negligibly small. moreover, this is only the beginning of a protracted period of bad weather. moscow, for example, will continue to be flooded from wednesday to thursday. in total , 85 mm of rain, or 110 of the monthly norm, will fall in megapolis over three days. at night it will be no lower than +12-17, during the day +20-25, but
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the weather will only improve by the weekend. that's all for me, goodbye.
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what topics are in focus? today, pjd is opening additional tracks on two sections of bam. what are the future plans for the development of the eastern testing site? presidential the cultural initiatives foundation will sum up the results of the second grant competition. details in our material. the un security council adopted a us draft resolution on the gas truce deal. how is a document assessed in russia? russian scientists and volunteers save a whale in the barin sea. a huge new-hoofing creature became entangled in fishing nets. what is the situation at this time? heavy rains are expected again in the capital region; our meteorologists will tell you how long the bad weather will last. by
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vladimir's decision. putin, the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces began in the country. the military of russia and belarus will jointly work out preparations for the combat use of this type of weapon. according to the ministry of defense, the main goal of the maneuvers is to maintain the readiness of fighters and equipment in order to guarantee the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state. earlier, the armed forces conducted the first stage of the exercise. the missile formations of the southern military district worked on obtaining training special ammunition for the iskander complexes and installing them on carriers. the military also secretly moved into position areas where preparations for launches were carried out. the aviation unit, in turn , equipped kinzhal hypersonic missiles and other weapons with training warheads, after which the aircraft flew to patrol areas. and to other topics. in nizhniy novgorod.


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