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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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even when i came of age in malaysia, i went there with the consent of my parents, but back without. now, based on the results of the asian olympiad, the coaching staff will determine the five best schoolchildren who will represent russia at the international physics olympiad in iran. alexandra perfileva, dmitry malyshev and vladimir klimov. news. in the capital 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, this is what we have learned by this hour. a powerful explosion occurred in the suburbs of kharkov; as ukrainian publications report, the roar of detonation was heard against the background of air raid sirens, announced in the area. the consequences have not been specified at this time. and in the dnepropetrovsk region, local authorities stated that an infrastructure facility in the region was damaged. skom district.
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in the special operation zone, fighters of the west group attacked the command post of the ukrainian armed forces, which was located at a distance of more than 30 km from the contact line. scouts using a drone spotted the systematic movement of groups of militants and military equipment. in this way, it was possible to identify the enemy’s disguised headquarters. calculation of multiple launch rocket system the hurricane struck as a result. the command post is broken. russia's permanent representative to the un, vasily nebenze, called the security council resolution on a truce in gas a pig in a poke. he especially noted that the document was adopted in a hurry. as a result , israel's deal with hamas was sealed, the details of which are unknown, and the guarantees of compliance with the terms are vague. sakhalin specialists arrived near the murmon region to help the red-listed humpback whale. off the coast.
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a cyberneck mammal became entangled in fishing tackle and is now at risk of dying from exhaustion. the ropes deprived him of the opportunity to feed and prevented him from opening his mouth. in the near future, experts will go to sea to assess the condition of china and understand how to proceed. by decision of vladimir putin , the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces began in the country. the russian and belarusian militaries will jointly work out preparations for combat use. type of weapon, according to the ministry of defense, the main goal of the maneuvers is to maintain the readiness of fighters and equipment in order to guarantee the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the allied states. earlier, the armed forces conducted the first stage of the exercises; the missile formation of the southern military district worked on obtaining training special ammunition for the iskander complexes and installing them on carriers. the military also secretly moved to the position area, where they prepared for the launches. aviation division.
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in turn, they equipped dagger hypersonic missiles and other weapons with training warheads, after which the planes flew to patrol areas. high-ranking officials and security officials were detained in karachay-cherkess. all of them, according to the fsb, are part of a group that embezzled budget money on an especially large scale. the crimes were committed within the framework of the state program for the development of agriculture in the republic. the total damage was put at about sixty. rub. the suspects embezzled funds allocated as targeted subsidies. material evidence was confiscated from the detainees, and a criminal case was opened. and now about the departure of the special operation. during the day, fighters from the weistok group thwarted several attempts to rotate the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of nikolskoye and novodonetskogo in the dpr. now our troops are approaching konstantinovka. this is an important strategic position. liberating the city will make it possible to lose. uvsu grouping in ugledar,
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and at the same time develop an attack deep into the defense of the ukrainian troops. at the forefront of the offensive is a unit of russian attack aircraft. from the leading report of our war correspondent eduard podnigov. south donetsk direction. assault units of the marine corps of the pacific fleet are fighting their way towards konstantinovka. the advanced detachments are already close we approached the direct road to ugledar. they carefully prepared for the offensive of our attack aircraft; the enemy had been creating defensive lines since 2014; some of the defensive structures remained from the time of the great patriotic war. patriot, patriot, roll up, roll up, we're helping you, let's quickly jump under the building. assault units usually work in small groups of three or four people. large crowds of people are easier to detect from the air, which means the risk of coming under fire is much higher. the units advance from different
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flanks, trying to deceive the enemy. the enemy tried to engage us in battle, their artillery helped them, artillery and mortars worked on us, they worked very closely. there, every 5-10 seconds we were bombarded with airborne troops, well, nothing, we arrived, walked along the very central street, during the offensive the infantrymen always work with the support of crews, they are on duty in ambush not far from the strike group, the operators coordinate the attack, warn the soldiers about possible threats , if necessary, provide fire support using kamikaze drones. stormtroopers are always are exposed to maximum risk because they work... the units are 70% made up of contract soldiers who have real combat experience, the rest are
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volunteers, they must undergo a training course at the training ground, which lasts at least one month, a fighter with the call sign pepper worked as an auto mechanic in civilian life , but earlier this year decided to sign voluntarily. do you remember your first fight, your feelings, well , it was probably scary, no, or yes, the style of self-preservation, of course, no one turned it off, everything explodes everywhere, by bullets and shells fly by, birds are thrown off, and kamikaze, well, the most important thing there is to survive, somehow camouflage, find some correct position, during the battles for novomikhailovka, soldiers found an icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker, which somehow incredibly survived, the icon was littered. but she was not injured, we decided to pull her out, that is, to save her, it is unknown what would have happened to her, they also gave us from some churches, temples, where we visited during this time, during our rest, they gave us a lot of icons of all kinds, that is and we collect, well we gather
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organize a camping, camping temple. konstantinovka is a strategically important settlement; its capture will cut off the supply of the powerful ugledar group of the enemy, and will also open the way. for further advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the pace of mobilization in ukraine has quadrupled. the verkhovna rada reported that in the last month alone, the armed forces of ukraine have recruited as many recruits as before this since the beginning of the year. at the same time , parliament criticizes the very process of replenishment military units. the fact is that military commissars take away everyone indiscriminately, including employees of defense enterprises. this threatens to release the equipment and... an employee of the military registration and enlistment office beat a man, and then a woman who tried to protect him. according to the new law, the summons is considered served even if the conscript has not seen it; the terms
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of demobilization are not specified in the document. there are also rumors that the mobilization age may be lowered from 25 to 18 years old, this is allegedly demanded by the united states. even before the start of the summit in switzerland, its content became known final statement. the draft document is presented by the japanese television channel nhk. the statement, contrary to the wishes of kiev, will not contain demands on russia to withdraw troops. in general, it reflects only three points out of ten provisions of zelensky’s plan. as expected, the document will only touch upon the issues of releasing prisoners, protecting nuclear power plants and ensuring food security. also in the draft statement. they say that to achieve peace , russia's participation is necessary. but in nizhny novgorod, today the results of the ministerial meeting will be summed up foreign affairs of the brix countries. it became the first after the expansion of the association to ten states. the participants, in addition to general meetings
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chaired by sergei lavrov, also conduct bilateral negotiations. my colleague anna voronina is observing the course of events. the main thing is, of course, a meeting of the brics countries in the format. will be the role of developing countries on the world stage, including their support, support for them , i note that the topic of today’s meeting is independence and independent development without pressure from neo-colonial powers, who continue both blackmail and pressure with the help of financial...
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once again confirmed their commitment to the principle of the existence of two states, as for the ukrainian crisis, here the heads of midbrix welcomed the proposal for mediation. noted that beijing, in
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particular, advocates the convening of a real peace conference on the ukrainian issue, which is recognized by both russia and ukraine. let me remind you that china decided not to participate in the swiss meeting on ukraine. in addition to the general meeting of the heads of diplomatic departments, the day before sergei lavrov held nine bilateral meetings, in dialogue with his colleague from ethiopia, he expressed the hope that... the prime minister of this country will attend the brix summit, which will be held in kazan in october. as for the conversation with the acting minister of foreign affairs of iran. the conversation in this conversation was about expanding interaction between countries, which has undergone significant changes compared to last year. it seems to me that today we see enormous potential for expanding the strengthening of our interactions. such potential, it seems to me, last year, for example, i wasn't. expansion, apparently, is expected by the brix union itself; this year the association has already begun its work in an expanded format.
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let me remind you that now brix officially includes nine countries and there are a lot of people who want to join. brix is ​​one of those associations where the principles of equal cooperation, namely mutual respect, openness, pragmatism, and solidarity, are implemented in deeds, not words. continuity and, of course, consensus. i am convinced that brix is ​​driven forward by the wind of change, because its role in solving global problems will only increase. this is confirmed by the steady increase in the number of countries showing genuine interest in joining the work of our association. in this context, we look forward to productive discussions at a separate session today, with the participation of a number of countries. like-minded brix. i would like to note that turkey, sri
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lanka and thailand previously announced their desire to join brix. their foreign ministers are also present in nizhny novgorod and will be at the meeting today. in total, in addition to representatives of official states, members brix, representatives of 13 more countries are participating in the meeting, including saudi arabia, vietnam and bahrain. and at the moment, the foreign ministers are right on the... fields of the brix summit. anna voronina, stanislav ponomarenko, ivan usanov, yulia tyushevskaya, news. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. the best deposit in collect up to 18% per annum, have time to open before
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waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. friends and get 1500 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the dollar is trading around 88 rubles. 70 kop. for a euro they give about 95.5 rubles. and yuan costs 12 rubles. 26 kopecks the moscow exchange index at the opening of trading was 3164 points and the rts 1131 points. the presidential fund for cultural initiatives summed up the results of the large-scale work of experts on grant applications. for the first time in stories from the appeal competition came from creative teams from all over the country, including new regions. in total there are more than 10,000
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projects. which destinations have become the most popular for the participants and what is the total amount for which... sofia will tell you. the brightest campaign of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives has come to an end. over the course of 40 days, 400 independent experts reviewed more than 10,000 applications from creative teams. for the first time in the history of the fund from all 89 regions of the country. creative industries projects in the field of literature, immersive performance, classical music, folk crafts. choosing from the best was not an easy task, because each team has its own. a unique experience. all of russia fought for the cultural grant. the largest number of applications came from moscow, belgorod region, st. petersburg and the republic of tatarstan and bashkartastan. not only large cities, but also new regions participated. among the applications are creative statements in songs and poems about real heroes of modern times. our application is a joint work of patriots who
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dream of holding a patriotic festival songs. which we called our homecoming, when we became part of the russian federation, we were probably the only ones who went to the rally, we celebrated it with a big concert, so we want to hold this festival for all caring people. the presidential fund for cultural initiatives was founded in 2021 with the main goal of providing comprehensive support for projects in the region. art of creative industries. the rashit vagapov tatar culture foundation won the competition with the eastern bazaar festival grants for 2 years in a row. according to the organizers, despite the difficult geopolitical situation, every year more and more countries want to expand cultural interaction with russia. direct proof of this is the geography of participants, which is expanding every year. we expect
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that people will present their art and national culture at our festival. representatives of 50 national cultures from thirty countries and twenty regions of russia, we also hold a competition for young performers of turkish and eastern peoples in order to find supporting talented youth, presenting their creative potential at the international level. all applications from participants were divided into thematic areas. according to the results of the competition , the most popular of them was the cultural code. complete immersion in the profession, our main target audience is regional journalists, students, those who
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want to gain more insight into the very essence of the profession, those who want to understand how to work in front-line territories, how to write, what to write about, go to - our new regions, communicate with colleagues, who work there. to exchange experiences in the state family , the tenderness festival will be held for the third time at the venues of st. petersburg, moscow and pskov, as if in counterbalance to the fashionable ideology in the west of dozens of genders that threaten the institution of the family. many thanks to the presidential fund for cultural initiatives for supporting such projects, and we have the opportunity to constantly develop this platform, now we have more than 18 events, every year, musicians have the opportunity to perform. with children, with family rooms, various family duets, ensembles, that is, this is a platform where all families can come and feel at home. this year, the financial request for
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state support for creative teams exceeded 39 billion rubles. most applications are in the category from 500 thousand to 3 million. over the 3 years of its existence, as a result of twelve grant competitions, the presidential fund has financed more than 7,000 cultural initiatives, socially oriented, socially significant and... interesting promising projects in all areas of art culture. on two sites today, additional tracks are opening on the baikal-amur mainline. this is part of a grandiose project to increase the carrying capacity of the eastern range. konstantin churikov will tell you what its significance is for the country’s economy and what are the plans for its development. russian railways are opening additional tracks on the baikal-amur mainline today. we are talking about two areas. the opening coincides with the celebration of bam's fiftieth anniversary. the decree on the celebrations was signed by vladimir putin a year ago. new areas, here they are. departure 323 km
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ludu and purikan murtekidit. on both stages the builders had a hard time. at the first stage, work was complicated by the terrain and unstable soils. the road goes around the foot of the mountain range and runs along the river bank. to ensure traffic safety, almost 5 km of snow barriers were installed. fences, stone-catching walls of the site were built, but the construction of these second tracks, the integrated development of the komsomolsko -namur vanina line will allow the carrying capacity of the section to more than double from 40 to 82 million tons by the end of this year. on the second the builders also had a difficult task in transporting the murtegit purican due to the increased water content of the areas, rivers flow within the boundaries of the tracks, they had to build six bridges and... construct two culverts. the construction of bridges was carried out using technologies for areas with high seismicity. modernization of this and
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ten more stages between tenda and bamovskaya station will increase the carrying capacity to almost 55 million tons per year. all this is part of a large-scale effort to increase freight traffic in the eastern direction. today this is a strategically important export route for the country. and as economists say, here we are limited only by our transport capabilities. rests on the railway, as experts explain, the bam was not originally designed for such a significant cargo flow, but you need to understand under what difficult conditions they began to build 50 years ago and are modernizing
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this road today. obama and transit, yes, they are quite busy. and the baikalur highway was initially built as a kind of backup for the trans-siberian railway, but with an eye to mineral resources in the interior of the country, and initially, its capacity, in general, was not designed for the... increase in traffic volume that we have today, while each highway has its own bottlenecks that slow down traffic. bam is one of the largest railways in the world, its length from taishet to the soviet harbor is 4,287 km, if you count along with branches and connecting lines, it will be more than 5,500. the highway passes through three time zones and six regions of the country - these are the irkutsk, amur regions, buryatia, yakutia, khabarovsky.
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in april, the parameters of the third stage of its modernization were approved. by the thirtieth year, the carrying capacity should increase to 20 million tons, by the thirty- second year to 270. the expansion of the eastern testing site is important for the regions of the far east, this means both infrastructure development and jobs. they work on bama. there are now about 30 thousand specialists, so to speak, well, i will say that each large tunnel means about a thousand jobs, and it’s mostly young people who work, this is extremely important, if only in order to keep, so to speak, young people from migrating to the european part, something that is now extremely important for the development of the far
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east. the history of bama began in the seventy -fourth year, when it was declared an all-union shock komsomol construction site, and on july 8 of the same year , a decree of the cpsu central committee and the ussr council of ministers on the construction of the baikal-amur mainline was published. in the year of the fiftieth anniversary of bama, russian railway workers have something to congratulate. experts say modernization work a lot of road has been done. over the past 10 years , the carrying capacity of the eastern range has increased by almost 80%. this.
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it seems that, just like 50 years ago, the agenda today is a new construction project of the century, the creation of a fully functioning eastern training ground, for an even greater turn of the economy towards asia, for the development of our own territories and the creation of new centers of development for our huge country. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate the public consciousness, with the input of the americans, of course , ukraine is very active, you can’t think of anything new, new in technology, plans to be
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recruited from me. naturally it wasn’t, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about it now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end the result of everything is determined by the quality politics and the state, in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even
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more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. we continue the broadcast; by decision of vladimir putin, the second stage has begun in the country.


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