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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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even more achievements await you, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. we continue the broadcast; by decision of vladimir putin, the second stage has begun in the country.
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non-strategic nuclear forces. the military of russia and belarus will jointly work out preparations for the combat use of this type of weapon. according to the ministry of defense, the main goal of the maneuvers is to maintain the readiness of fighters and equipment in order to guarantee the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state. earlier, the armed forces conducted the first stage of the exercises, a missile formation the southern military district worked on obtaining training special ammunition for iskander complexes and installing them on carriers. the military also secretly moved to position areas, where they prepared for the launches. the aviation unit, in turn , equipped kinzhal hypersonic missiles and other weapons with training warheads, after which the aircraft flew to patrol areas. the results of the elections to the european parliament were especially painful for kiev, germany and france. a british newspaper writes about this guardian. president macron had to dissolve the country's national assembly.
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victoria koroleva will tell you what else the change of mood in the national governments of the eu threatens. while ordinary europeans are letting off steam at the polls, politicians are concerned about the coming difficulties with energy supplies. some states still receive russian gas through ukraine, but the transit agreement will expire by the end of the year. as bloomberg writes, european companies are going to buy gas from azerbaijan and pump it into russian pipelines that go to europe on ukrainian territory, and that’s the point. this is being collected without the consent of moscow. so the european union wants to gain independence from russia and at the same time help kiev with potential transit revenues. as politics magazine notes, the attitude towards russia has become one of the most significant reasons for the split between parties in the european union, and this in turn could result in a reduction in financial assistance for ukraine. thus , following the results of the elections to the european parliament, hungarian prime minister viktor orban expressed hope that pro-peace candidates would be able to stop the train.
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arms supply to the azov battalion banned in russia, the washington post writes about this, citing the state debate, and some american senators again started talking about the confiscation of russian assets. there are $300 billion worth of assets in europe that we should confiscate and transfer to ukraine. there is russian money in america that we must confiscate. we should recognize russia as a sponsor of terrorism, this would be a big blow for moscow. when i told zelensky about this, he lit up like new year’s.
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kyiv only has what to feed with similar statements. in reality , americans are busy with the election race, and anti-ukrainian sentiment is increasingly common in europe. there is also no hope for the swiss summit; several countries have refused to participate in it. zelensky is disappointed, there will be neither china, nor saudi arabia, nor the largest states of latin america. beijing explained its decision by saying that russia was not invited to the summit. however, moscow has already named the upcoming event.
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the russian permanent representative called the security council resolution on truce in gaza, as vasily nebezya emphasized, the document adopted in haste consolidates the deal between israel and this cannot be called a positive trend: the adoption by the council of a new document, the content of which raises a lot of questions, and even without a clear requirement for the parties to immediately cease fire on a permanent basis , undermines its authority as the main body for maintaining
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international peace and security. we did not block the resolution only because, as far as we understand, it is supported by arab world. china's permanent representative to the un called the american resolution ambiguous in many aspects. according to the diplomat, the document cannot guarantee the conclusion of a truce agreement. the palestinian hamas movement, in turn, welcomed the security council resolution. members of the group emphasized that they are ready to enter into indirect negotiations with the israeli government for the sake of a permanent ceasefire in the gaza strip. the jury was unable to reach a verdict in the case of us president hunter biden's son. the tv channel reported this. the hearings lasted a week the day before, the panel began to agree on a verdict, but soon the judge released the jury; they report that the discussion will continue this evening. let me remind you that joe biden’s son was accused of concealing information about drug use when purchasing firearms; he faces up to 25 years
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in prison. and to other topics. in yakutia , due to forest fires, a regional-level emergency regime has been introduced, this will make it possible to attract... of a regional nature, dry and hot weather creates new outbreaks, including aviation, which fights fires, sounding planes cause rain. work is also in full swing on the ground; aircraft firefighters walk around the edge of the fire, install a detonating
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cord, then a warning beep sounds, then an explosion. after blasting , mineralized strips like this appear, this is one of... the most effective methods in fighting forest fires, they help localize the source and block the further spread of fire. dozens of federal aviation forest protection fighters are working in yakutia, and thanks to the introduced emergency situation it will be possible to attract additional strength means. the difficulty here is that the terrain here is mountainous, the difficulty also lies in the fact that these fires exist here remotely, where there is no delivery of operational equipment, the equipment will not be able to get through at all, therefore. we use the explosive method to extinguish forest fires. almost every active forest fire has flared up due to dry thunderstorms, there is a shortage of precipitation and fairly warm, good weather, temperatures are quite high, so if there is little precipitation, then it is natural that we will
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call summer dry, but not summer, but for now the month of june, although long-term forecasts also calculate july and august with a deficit of precipitation. obtaining operational information. helps the republican authorities take the necessary measures in a timely manner, the main thing now is to keep the fire away from populated areas. vitaly prokopyev, alexander knyazev, ilarion fedorov, news of yakutia. a unique rescue operation is unfolding in the barints sea. marine biologists and volunteers are trying to recover a red list humpback whale from fishing nets. it is limited in movements, which is why he cannot eat properly. rarely does an animal die without outside help. china by chance. if tourists were on a boat trip near teriberka, the coordinates were passed on to the military, all this time they watched the animal and tracked its location. specialists from sakhalin have arrived to help; they are preparing to go to sea to assess the condition of china and understand how to act.
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the injured animal has already been given a name. keith was named stanislav, this is a very good practice, because we really give names of whales, we can distinguish them, distinguish them, we do it by their tails and... by some special marks, so, of course, this whale, if we succeed in this operation, it will end successfully for everyone, then the whale will become very a big celebrity in russia. now let's take a break for a couple of minutes, immediately after the program "fifth studio" will be on air. with this i say goodbye to you until thursday, see you and good news. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. vanya never will make you wait. start a cool career at
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portfolio is developing, a large family is like a large organization and its development requires state support, a national demography project, all measures to support families with children. hello, this is program five studio, my name is yuri bogdanov, today in the program we continue to summarize the results of the elections to the european parliament, let's talk about the political situation in germany, where the right has strengthened its position, here is the social democratic party of germany, represented by olaf scholz, on the contrary, it has weakened and dropped to third position , well , we will discuss all the nuances and all the arrangements with our distinguished guest, this is evgeniy schmidt, member of the bundestag. from the alternative for germany faction, mr. schmitz, hello, hello, how do you evaluate the result
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your political strength? uh, you know, second place is of course very worthy, and it should be noted that we beat all the parties in the ruling coalition, and of course, we can say that this is a huge success for us, for our party. another thing is that, of course, 16% is less than what we expected, but here it should be noted, of course, that there was an unprecedented campaign launched against our party, that is , they tried with all their might to take away the votes of the voters, there was a lot in the media. a lot, a lot of noise around our party and ruling politicians spoke out so that people would go to demonstrations, there were court decisions in the midst of the election campaign against members of our party, up to physical violence, that is, a lot of attacks on party members, as well as pressure from the intelligence services, that is , the whole spectrum - which is the state apparatus
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could have been used against us, it was used, that is, this is an unprecedented case in the history of germany when the opposition... was put under pressure with such force, nevertheless we recorded our success, the second place is very worthy, and in the states of east germany, the former gdr, we took the first, solid first place, this year elections to the state parliaments will be held in three of these states, and there with our first place we really hope that we will establish, that is, our prime ministers will be elected ministers from our party and even then we... are moving from the role of opposition precisely as the ruling party, we will show in practice that we can do and want to make policies in the interests of the population of germany, and not the global elites, as the ruling coalition is doing now, mr. shmet, this is the division, even many media outlets are now publishing a map of how germany voted, and it is indeed obvious that the east and west voted
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completely oppositely, and the entire east was practically in favor of an alternative for germany. what do you attribute these results to? some, by the way, political scientists , including german ones, say that east germany wants to go back to the ussr, what would you answer to these critics? well, no, of course, no one wants to join the ussr, but indeed, preferences in elections are increasingly diverging between the west and east of germany, the fact is that east germans, as well as... germans, immigrants from the former soviet union, they, say, have historical experience, experience of living in a country where one single opinion prevails, every other opinion is being pushed aside, that is, now, observing current trends in germany, when there is a fight against freedom of expression, when
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any, any critical opinion, any opposition is immediately branded, branded as... right-wing radicalism as nazism and so on, that is, all this causes great irritation among people , which have already passed through through such a historical period, and of course they are trying to vote for the systemic opposition, that is, for the alternative party for germany, which directly says that the trends when germany is sliding into such a dictatorship, where only one opinion can be expressed, and with everything else there is... an uncompromising struggle, that, that is, such trends, of course, are very alarming, and we talk about this openly, mr. shmet, what prospects for the position this can give to an alternative for germany and, in general, to the right in general in the european parliament, we will now see how coalitions will be formed, that is, right now
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there are questions about which right-wing parties will join which bloc, that is, our party has 16 deputies entering the european parliament and we will see there, most likely there will be a coalition with our austrian friends, there are also a number of parties from eastern and western europe, that is , precisely conservative orientations, that is , a coalition will most likely be created with them, but the coalition is again with the miloni party from the lepen party is unlikely to be created, because we have increasingly different differences regarding many issues, and we are not going to trade our own, our program, our beliefs, so most likely two different or maybe several different blocs will be created, but on the issue of migration, of course we will have one opinion, so i expect in the near future that
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european migration policy will be radically revised, because now there is... a situation where hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants are entering germany, here parasitize the social system, create outrage, that is, crime, and social tension, in general this is very expensive for german taxpayers, that is, this situation is of course unacceptable, and we have been openly talking about this since 2015, and most likely in the near future in the future there will be a revision as regards migration policy.
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i'm worried about the escalation of this confrontational course of the current government, in fact, during this vote a vote of no confidence was put in place by the voters of the government, because that none of the parties scored even more than third place, so of course the issue of security, the issue of confrontation, it is becoming more and more acute here in society, and many people are voting for ours. in view of our consistent position that we must immediately make every effort to resolve the conflict diplomatically, further supply of weapons
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only aggravates the confrontation and may ultimately place our country as one of the participants in the conflict, which for us is absolutely unacceptable. we will return to this topic now, now i would like to discuss the result of the social democrats and... is it possible to extrapolate this result from the actual support of olaf scholz to say that this support is weakening? the result of the social democrats is, in fact, a historical minimum for the social democrats, that is , never before has scholz’s party gained such a small number of votes, 13.9%. naturally , scholz and the whole party in general should think about what kind of policy they are pursuing, that is, in this case, the country is... in deep crisis and there are no visible government actions aimed at realizing even that the country is in crisis, much
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less taking any steps to get out of this situation, that is, high inflation, industrial production is falling, high energy prices, some production is generally transferred to china or the usa, that is , a lot of problems, again migration, which i ... mentioned, and much more, nuclear power plants are closed in the country, that is, crazy energy policy, in general a lot of problems have accumulated, and the government simply refuses to solve them, instead they come up with some artificial scandals around our party, and so on, that is, there are constantly attempts to distract public attention from really pressing problems, and this of course begins to irritate many people when the government is not busy with its direct responsibilities ... and some kind of ideological games or media campaigns, mr. schmit, what do you think, should scholz resign? we see
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that macron has appointed early parliamentary elections, should the german authorities resign now? well, if you ask me, then undoubtedly the election results showed that there is no trust in the government, and, let's say, if scholz were a decent person, or a professing person. democratic principles, then after these elections he would have to resign, but another thing is that it is not profitable for scholz to now call new elections, because right now the ruling coalition, the parties of the ruling coalition are in such a deep crisis, uh, let's just say they most likely not they will call early elections, they will try to use this time to gain votes, well... gain if they, of course, turned around again to face the voters, that is, they began to pursue policies in the interests of german citizens, uh, i
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wouldn’t have anything against it, but it’s another thing when they already announced a ban on our party, that is , instead of pursuing a normal, clear policy, they simply continue to try to put pressure on the opposition in the hope that if will ban the alternative for germany, then voters will miraculously flow over. to their parties, that is, these are the methods they are used to acting, and do you think that scholz and his cabinet colleagues, having seen that support from citizens is weakening, can adjust their policy regarding migration issues, regarding, regarding issues that relate to the conflict in ukraine and other issues that in one way or another may affect, including germany’s relations with russia. most likely, indeed, migration policy will undergo changes, but these are, let’s say, pan-european trends, that is, what is now brewing is a change, a global
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change in the european migration pattern. politics, and as for the ukrainian conflict, there is no hint of even a change in position, that is, the rhetoric of the ruling politicians remains the same before and after the elections, that is, we must support ukraine with all our might, even despite the mass of inconveniences that our the country is at risk of escalation, further escalation and the spread of the conflict, including into german territory. that is, here the position remains the same, unfortunately, that is , our party will continue to harshly criticize the government in this regard. mr. ashmet, you said that , including within the framework of the election campaign, there was quite severe pressure on the alternative for germany, political persecution, as your colleagues stated, among other things. do you think we should expect these processes to intensify now? yes, yes, that is already. announced,
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already, let's say, there are rumors through the media that our party should be banned, that is, in germany it is not so easy to ban, that is, this is a certain process, the first decisions have already been made, court decisions to put our party under the surveillance of the special services , moreover , the special services themselves are controlled by the government, that is, the government uses precisely its, let’s say, powers in order to put pressure on the opposition, and we expect that there will most likely be ... some further court decisions against our party will be announced precisely with the goal is to achieve some arguments in order to ban our party, well, again , a campaign will most likely be launched in the media to prepare the population for the ban, but again, if in the eastern lands the majority of people choose our party, then this is absolutely not democratic.
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to eliminate our position among the population, well , we hope that the judicial system will still act regardless of pressure from outside, from government agencies, that is, we will try to defend our rights using legal methods, the democratic right to be represented in our country. mr. schmit, thank you for your comments, thank you for taking part in the broadcast of the fifth studio, it was a live broadcast, let me
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remind you, connections. there was a member of the bundestag from the alternative for germany faction, evgeniy schmidt, who discussed the results of the elections to the european parliament in germany. now there is a short pause and we will continue on our information broadcast.
11:00 am
the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces has begun in russia. let's show how the russian and belarusian military work out preparation. fighters from the vostok group thwarted attempts to rotate the armed forces of ukraine in the donetsk people's republic. our troops are approaching konstantinovka. why is this an important strategic position? our report from the front line. theft of the budget.


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