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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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we will expose all fakes. now footage from the presidential press service. under the management of rosseti are all, well , almost all key power grid assets, engineering companies, service companies, last year the russia group of companies demonstrated stable operating results, they are positive, good, how do you yourself assess the situation and what are the immediate prospects, what is needed? do to
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support you. dear vladimirovich, i just wanted to first report on the results of the work of the rosseti group. regarding production indicators, we have exceeded the figure of 2.5 million kilometers of power lines that we manage. we also currently operate more than 580,000 substations with a total capacity of approximately 875 gw. and electricity transmission also increased last year. that is, right now. 80% of all electricity generated in the russian federation is transmitted through our networks. moving on to the financial results, i want to say that the company’s revenue based on the results of the twenty- third year amounted to 1.380 billion rubles, almost 1.4 trillion rubles. this is 17% higher than the figure for 2022. our net profit exceeded 160 billion rubles. well, it slightly exceeded, 161 billion rubles. it amounted to 20. more than in 2022; our net
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profit partially finances our investment program. our investment program itself amounts to more than 530 billion rubles. we again set a record for the investment program last year; it increased by 100 billion rubles compared to the previous year. as part of the investment program, we built more than 35,000 km of power lines, approximately 10 gv of new capacity was introduced last year. concerning.
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it should be noted that within the framework of both the investment program and the repair program, when implementing our projects, we use mainly domestic materials, domestic equipment, we have over 90%, yes, over 90%, our indicator is, in fact, we are already we are approaching 95%, there are now 93-94 percent - this is an indicator of import substitution, and we cooperate with all the largest russian equipment manufacturers, but we also conduct research ourselves developments, research developments, here in... as part of this activity, literally
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in march of this year in the city of st. petersburg we opened an intelligent digital network laboratory, this is the most modern network research center in the russian federation at the moment, and i i believe that this is one of the most modern similar centers in the world at the moment. at the end of last year, in accordance with your instructions , electric grid assets were transferred to the authorized capital of the rosseti group in...
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programs to improve reliability at the expense of the federal budget in eight regions , decided to start financing the russian federation; we developed these programs to increase reliability jointly with the ministry of energy. i think that they are designed for 3 years, so in these eight regions, due to these programs,
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the situation should improve greatly. it is impossible not to say something about our work in the new constituent entities of the russian federation. last year, by order of the government , it would have been available to us for free use. trunk lines were transferred networks in the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, thus, in addition to the restoration work that, as you know, we have been carrying out since the spring of twenty-two , last year we began to fully operate the backbone complex in the territories of the new constituent entities of the russian federation . vladimirevich, summing up the results, wanted to say that we have priorities for the current year 2024. in general , we continue to work in the same key areas that i voiced, of course, the main thing for us is reliable and high-quality power supply to consumers, for a comfortable life for people, for stable economic growth, we plan large, to complete large projects this year, these are almost all the objects of the second
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stage of power supply of the eastern test site, we plan to complete, this is, of course, the connection of large industrial enterprises, small enterprises medium business, housing.
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the management of russian railways in moscow held a solemn opening ceremony of two objects in teleconference mode, we are talking about the second main track on the 323 km lyuduit crossing in khabarovsk region, as well as double-track inserts on the porykan murtegit section in the amur region. freight trains
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weighing more than 7,000 tons were launched on these sections and the opening was timed to coincide with the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the baikalur mainline, which will take place this year. in the railways, under your leadership , a lot has been done in recent years to modernize the company, to introduce high technologies, while maintaining strict environmental standards, while it would seem that today is such a difficult time, sanctions, other types restrictions, nevertheless, russian railways operate smoothly and provide a very important component of logistics... tailoring for economic development. i’ll tell you more about open objects. on the second route , there is a 323 km crossing for people - this is the komsomolsk- namur-vanina line in the khabarovsk territory. 7 km of railway track were laid there, 10
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culverts were installed, and this despite the difficult terrain. and the development of this line will make it possible to double the carrying capacity by the end of the twenty-fourth year from 40 to 82 million tons. second. the object is a double-track insert on the murtygit purikan section, about 8 km of railway track were laid there, the area, by the way, is seismically active, well, in general, the tyndo-bamovskaya section still needs to be modernized. 10 hauls and after completion of all work, the carrying capacity of the section by the end of the twenty-fourth year will increase from 42 to almost 55 million tons. the general director of russian railways, oleg belozerov, spoke in more detail about the importance of the mama ban as a whole for the country’s economy. at the eastern training ground, bam now plays a special role, for some period of time they said that it seemed that it was not needed, but history put everything in its place. no bam today. not to pass, many elements, even very complex ones with interrupted movements, are solved only
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thanks to bam. let me remind you that bam is one of the largest railways in the world, its total length is more than 4,000 km. the main line runs through three time zone trains and six constituent entities of the russian federation . for about 10 years, as part of the modernization of the eastern range, russian railways has been expanding bottlenecks on the railways siberia, transbaikalia and the far east and the goal to repeatedly increase the export potential of our country, if we speak in numbers, then the goal is to reach 210 million tons of carrying capacity by the thirtieth year, 270 million tons by the thirty-second year, he temporarily spoke about what is already being done acting governor of the khabarovsk territory dmitry demeshin. the second and third stages of railway modernization are being implemented here. we are clearly in the far east here. we see that the task set by the president to increase carrying capacity to the desks
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of the far east is carried out. the implementation of the second modernization plan has already given impetus to the development of our ports; the volume of traffic from vanin and the soviet harbor has increased by more than one and a half times since the beginning of the twenty-second year and reached 38 million tons. what else would i especially like to note, in addition to the development of the railway structure itself? russian railways are also engaged in the development of social facilities, and valentina matvienko and oleg belozerov spoke about this in detail about the progress of this work. yuri. yes nika, thank you my colleague nika yankovaya spoke about the opening of new facilities on the baikal highway. deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev chaired a meeting of the incident 42 group to control the construction of fishing vessels. representatives of the ministry of agriculture, the ministry of industry and trade, the federal fisheries agency and the industry company took part in it. it was commissioned at the beginning of 2023. as a result of the group’s work, their number was increased to 26. by the end of this year
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, the fishing fleet should be replenished with another 14, in total by the twenty-seventh year it is planned deliver 106 ships. as part of the incident , serious work has been done in terms of regulatory regulation; in addition, the chairman of the government has agreed on the allocation of additional financial support. for the completion of the ships, colleagues, work within the framework of the incident will definitely continue, in addition, in the fall of twenty-three , we have already started the second stage of investment quotas, within its framework the construction of ships is also planned, i note that at the moment auctions for crab have already taken place, as well as the first application company for other types of water biological resources. and now it’s time for economic news: deliveries of russian liquefied
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gas abroad reached 14.5 million tons by the beginning of june, an increase of almost 4% compared to last year, a businessman writes about this. the novoteka yamal lng plant began using four new tankers for transshipments in europe and asia. initially, the gas carriers were ordered for the arctic lng-2 project, but while the plant cannot begin shipments, the vessels were transferred to yamal lng. aka t-bank. former tinkov will buy out part of the qiwi business. we are talking about a controlling stake in a rovi group company. she specializes in factoring financing of legal entities. the parties have already signed an agreement. the deal will be closed after receiving faz's consent. as a result of this news, receipts in kiev on the moscow exchange rose in price by almost 10%. lada announced the premiere of tourist versions of vesta and niva. they will be equipped with roof racks and tents, bike racks and other accessories. which you may need while traveling. new models will be shown as part of the fourth russian tourism forum
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travel to vdnkh. it runs from june 12. in july, the european commission will provide ukraine with 15 billion euros of income from frozen russian assets. 90% of this amount will go to weapons, said ec president ursula fondelein. also, on washington’s initiative, kiev can receive a $50 billion secured loan from the g7 . that over the past 24 hours in the lugansk people's republic they managed to liberate the village of artyomovka; in the kharkov region, the enemy , under pressure from russian units , had to retreat from the village of timkovka. during the day, the troops of the kiev regime lost in this the area has almost 600 military personnel and armored vehicles, as well as two electronic warfare stations. reports of success come from other areas of the north military district. operational-tactical
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aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of military groups. within 24 hours, the forces of the russian federation were defeated by the accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 107 regions. in addition, su-27 and su-25 aircraft of the ukrainian air force were destroyed at their home airfields. 45 unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by air defense systems aircraft, two hammer guided bombs made in france, as well as 10 haymar missiles made in the usa. the pace of mobilization in ukraine. increased by four, the verkhovna rada reported that in the last month alone the ssu has recruited as many recruits as before this since the beginning of the year, and at the same time in parliament they are criticizing the very process of replenishing military units. the fact is that military commissars take away everyone indiscriminately, including employees of defense enterprises. this threatens that there will simply be no one to produce equipment and weapons. the brutality with which ukrainians are mobilized right on the streets has received new
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confirmation. in the suburbs of kharkov , a military registration and enlistment office employee beat a man and then a woman who tried to protect him. according to the new law, the summons is considered to have been served, even if the conscript has not seen it, the terms of demobilization are not specified in the document, and there are also rumors that the mobilization age may be lowered from 25 to 18 years old, this is allegedly required by the united states. even before the start of the summit in switzerland, the contents of its final statement became known. project document reports the japanese television channel nhk. the statement , contrary to the wishes of kiev, will not contain demands on russia to withdraw troops. and in general it is reflected in it. only three points out of ten provisions of zelensky’s plan; as expected, the document will only address the issues of releasing prisoners, protecting nuclear power plants, and ensuring food security. the draft statement also states: russia's participation is necessary to achieve peace. emmanuel macron is discussing the possibility of resignation with his entourage, french radio reports this with reference to
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source. and according to the president’s ally, this option cannot be called preferable, but different scenes are now being considered. including joint rule with the right of national unification in the event of his victory in the parliamentary elections, but only to quote: let them fail until the next presidential race, while the official elysee palace denied the message about the president's intention to resign. let me remind you that according to the results of the elections to the european parliament, in france the national association was more than twice as ahead coalition of macron supporters. the head of the fifth republic announced the holding of early parliamentary elections. a group of participants in the congress of the political bloc pobeda, after returning from moscow, was held at the chisinau airport for 4 hours, mp marina tauber of moldova wrote about this on social networks. according to her, the country's authorities deliberately created a situation of stress and uncertainty, mocking women and the elderly. the deputy recalled that this is not the first time this has happened. taober believes people
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are being detained unreasonably because they do not share the policies of the ruling party and the president. let me remind you that the congress of the moldovan opposition victory bloc was held in moscow on sunday, where the position on the presidential elections in moldova was discussed, as well as on the campaign ahead of the referendum on the country’s accession to the eu. in kharachevo-cherok , high-ranking officials and security officials were detained; all of them, according to the fsb, are part of a group that embezzled budget money on an especially large scale. the crimes were committed within the framework of the state program for the development of agriculture. the total damage amounted to about 60 million rubles. funds allocated as targeted subsidies. material evidence was confiscated from the detainees, and a criminal case was opened. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, requested a report on the progress of the investigation into the criminal case opened after the mass poisoning of residents of dagestan. since last week , over 80 people have been admitted to the hospital in the city of buynaksk. all of them drank water from taps that were found to contain
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rotovirus disenteria, reports the republican department of rospotrebnadzor. in the building of the city water utility, they seized documents relevant to the criminal case, and also inspected laboratories where they test water. it was established that citizens consumed drinking water, which is supplied to residents’ homes through water supply lines. currently , a complex of investigative actions aimed at consolidating the evidence base is being carried out in the criminal case. the persons involved in the crime are being identified. powerful downpours hit buryaatya, with the main impact falling on the center of ulanud. the water does not have time to leave, stormwater the drains can't handle it. the mayor of the city reported on his telegram channel that all equipment was involved. water is pumped out with motor pumps and nine more machines carry out prevention work. sinkholes, drivers force deep puddles that look more like lakes, and pedestrians have to invent new routes to replace the usual ones. a unique
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rescue operation is unfolding in the barens sea, marine biologists and volunteers are trying to rescue a red list humpback whale from the nets. he got entangled in fishing gear and is limited in his movements, which is why he cannot can eat well. rarely does an animal die without outside help. a whale was accidentally discovered by a tourist while at sea. if we succeed in this operation, it will end successfully for everyone, then the whale will become a very big celebrity in russia. the economic potential of the north caucasus was discussed today at the international exhibition
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forum of russia at vdnkh. industry and agriculture are developing in the regions, and new industries attractive to investors are emerging. and first of all, this is, of course, tourism. the north caucasus is already an absolute leader according to the growth of tourist flow. and in a few years it will be able to accommodate almost twice as many guests. and for this it is necessary to develop infrastructure. over the past 2 years, the subjects of the north caucasus, adegey, kalmykia, have reached an accelerated pace of development in key socio-economic indicators; if we
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look over 2 years, our investment volume has increased by more than a third, grp per capita has increased by 14%. our unemployment has decreased by almost three percentage points, although of course the level still remains above the russian average, and there is room for improvement. andrey turchak gave instructions.
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they will study in depth the altai language, the second state language in the republic, a large gym, an outdoor playground, spacious classrooms, new equipment, but so far this is only on paper, construction is moving slowly. while the construction is underway, the students of the seventh republican school are studying in this small dilapidated building, moreover, rented in order to accommodate everyone here; lessons have to be conducted in two shifts. andrei turchak blames the contractors and the first deputy chairman of the ruler for their sluggishness.
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after all, here is the second object, where we have a crooked project, right, that is, local designers are not coping, they are not pulling out options to find a reuse project,
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link it? we didn’t consider it, there are nine points here, okay, we don’t have many regions in the country where there are nine points, there is a region like that, there is one, they build in their spare time, guys, if you want to continue working on the territory of the republic, you must pass it by the end of the year , no matter what it costs you, we will rent out a fitness and health center, the builders here are also behind schedule, previous the contractor has already been included in the register of unscrupulous ones, is now in pre-trial detention, the new one promises to speed up the pace, meanwhile...
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problem number one is garbage, but this is a shame, this is not a question of tourists who fly here, god bless them, they arrived and moved on recreation centers, these are the people who live here, there are a lot of problems in the republic, there is no time to unwind, and other republican officials will now probably have to keep up with the new pace of work. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, vesti, altai republic. try more this summer, free delivery from tasty point, yandex food, what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, laska eraser gel for only 799 rubles. anywhere there is an appetite, dad can, dad can, only dad will cut it down, sausages will help. you owe the bank, i already
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the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. results of rosseti's work over the past year. vladimir putin discussed with the head of the company andrei ryumin. the organization already transmits through its networks 80% of all energy generated in russia. revenue and net profit increased, and the investment program set a new record and exceeded rub 530 billion. also at the meeting we also paid attention to the energy security of the moscow region. last year, the rossiti group demonstrated strong operating results. they are positive and good. how do you assess the situation and what are the immediate prospects, what needs to be done to support you. we are operating for today.


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