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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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cashback bonuses for the next trip, air travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, vladimir putin discussed the results of the work of russian networks over the past year with the head of the company andrey ryumin. the organization already transmits through its networks 80% of all energy generated in russia, revenue and net profit have increased, and the investment program has set a new record.
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580 thousand substations with a total capacity of approximately 875 gv. i wanted to say and talk about some major projects, this is the reconstruction of the pohra substation, the substation is the key energy facility of the moscow energy ring, this is the completion of the construction of all electrical grid facilities necessary for power supply to gazprom’s kovyhtinskoye and chendinskoye fields. when implementing our projects we use.
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there was not enough energy and emergency measures had to be taken in order to expand this opportunity; i would not like any emergency measures, everything should be as planned. by decision of vladimir putin, the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces began. the military of russia and belarus will work together to prepare for the combat use of these weapons. the ministry of defense notes that this will support the units’ readiness to reliably protect the independence and territorial integrity of the union state. denis alekseev will tell you what exactly needs to be done. advancement to positions according to instructions, accompanied by a cover group, deployment of everything, full readiness mode. crews of the iskander operational-tactical complexes have begun the second stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. the fighters of the missile formations were tasked with obtaining training ammunition for the iskander missile system and secretly moving into positions to prepare for launches, and this is on... our
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tu-22 strategic bombers, carriers of kenzhal hypersonic missiles. the crews of the russian aerospace forces, as at the first stage, continue to practice equipping aircraft with warheads of such weapons. further patrolling of the airspace is also part of the exercise. only now the maneuver zone has expanded. the second stage is joint preparation units of the armed forces of russia and belarus. the leaders of the countries of the union state discussed its holding on may 9 immediately after. victory parade in moscow, since non -strategic nuclear weapons are stationed on the territory of belarus, this time we invited our friends, allies, and the president of belarus asked about this, to take part in one of the stages of this exercise, we conduct them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages, at the second stage the belarusian -
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strategic nuclear forces of the country are in a state of full readiness, this vladimir putin has repeatedly noted that the testing of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is planned, nothing unusual. the readiness for combat use of missiles with a nuclear warhead of a relatively short range, a radius in the area of ​​which, for example, nato weapons are already located and used, is being tested. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov today. emphasized: everything is happening in response
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to provocative statements and actions of officials of western states. against the background of daily hostile provocations of the west, need to maintain combat readiness. exercises are normal practice, if there are certain types of weapons, then the armed forces must conduct exercises at the proper level, indeed the topic is now high on the agenda, experts are now making a lot of progress on this topic of tactical weapons, in fact, the situation on the european continent is quite tense, which is provoked every day by new decisions and actions of european capitals hostile towards russia and...
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these exercises are aimed at maintaining readiness to respond and are carried out in order to ensure the sovereignty of the country. the second stage of the exercise will be followed by the final one. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov , said that ukraine, with the support of nato , is increasing its efforts to commit terrorist attacks and sabotage in russia. they are looking for performers among labor migrants, noted bortnikov. according to him, the main goal is to weaken support for the russian army and provoke panic among the population. ukrainian western intelligence services are expanding the range of possible performers recruited to commit high-profile crimes in russia. provide assistance in their preparation and equipping for international ones. an illustrative example is the involvement of ukrainian military intelligence in the terrorist attack in the moscow region of sitihui crocus, which we have established. over the past 2 years, security authorities in the district have suppressed the activities of 32 cells of international terrorist organizations, consisting
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mainly of migrants in central asia. their participants carried out the preparation of terrorist acts in places mass presence of people. on government facilities, military infrastructure and religious organizations. the united states has lifted the ban on military assistance to the neo-nazi azov battalion, as reported by the washington post , citing the us state department, this group will now be able to receive american weapons. the publication notes that over the past 10 years, the states have considered the leaders of azov to be racist, xenophobes who violate human rights. now the attitude has changed. the state department conducted a new check and did not see it. evidence of commission war crimes by azov militants. the decision of the united states did not go unnoticed in the kremlin. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov told reporters how moscow views such a drastic change in washington’s position. it's about ultranationalists,
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ultranationalist armed units. and in fact, such a sudden change in washington’s position suggests that they are not shunning anything in their attempts to suppress russia. using ukraine naturally, the ukrainian people as an instrument in their hands, are ready even for flirting with neo-nazis, this, in turn, also once again confirms the relevance of our fears in connection with the tendency towards such a creeping spread of the ideas of neo-nazism in the world. ah, if my dream came true, such a life would come true, yes, if you dream, start a wonderful life with
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a legend is entering the field to win, comfort at low prices on the yandex market, little things to big things. buy a kofi dishwasher on the yandex market that does not require a water connection. the russian military has achieved new successes in the northern military district zone. to the ministry of defense reported that over the past 24 hours in the lugansk people's republic they managed to liberate the village of artyomovka. and in the kharkov region, the enemy , under pressure from russian units , had to retreat from the village of timkovka. recently, the troops of the kiev regime lost almost 600 military personnel and armored vehicles in this area, as well as two electronic warfare stations. reports of notable successes also come from other areas of the northern military district. operational. tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of armed forces groups
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the russian federation was defeated within 24 hours by the accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 107 regions. in addition, su-27 and su-25 aircraft of the ukrainian air force were destroyed at their home airfields. air defense systems shot down 45 unmanned aerial vehicles, two hammer guided bombs made in france, as well as 10 rockets. haymar made in the usa. the pace of mobilization in ukraine has quadrupled. the verkhovna rada reported only for the last month, the armed forces of ukraine recruited as many recruits as before from the beginning of the year. at the same time , parliament criticizes the very process of replenishing military units. the fact is that military commissars take away everyone indiscriminately, including employees of defense enterprises. this threatens that there will simply be no one to produce and repair equipment and weapons. the brutality with which ukrainians are mobilized right on the streets has received new confirmation. in the suburbs of kharkov, a military registration and enlistment office employee beat a man and then a woman who tried to protect him. according to the new law, the summons
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is considered handed over, even if the conscript has not seen it. now live broadcast on our channel. 2 days, yesterday the brix members met, and today we continued our discussions with the participation of those invited.
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in europe, in the middle east region, in africa and eurasia. all participants, without exception, paid special attention. the situation in the gas sector, where 37 million civilians have already died, about 100 million have been injured, and where the operation continues, which daily brings more and more victims of innocent people. we emphasized that there is no alternative consistent efforts to support the formation of a multipolar world order
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based on the sovereign equality of states, as required by the charter of the united nations.
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and a number of others, the international film festival of the brix countries took place in april of this year, an academic forum was held in may, literally today a meeting of the ministers of education opens, tomorrow we are launching the brix sports games in kazan, these are just some of the events that we are holding as part of
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our chairmanship , we are in compliance.
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as a result of the brix meeting, which took place yesterday, a succinct, detailed joint statement was adopted, which reflects the approaches of the countries of the association on current issues on the international agenda, in the spirit of the assessments i outlined above. the work already in an expanded format, i am very satisfied with this, proceeded smoothly, everyone was guided by consensus, even on the most complex issues that are reflected. in the text i recommend that all representatives of the media pay due attention to this document to our joint statement in your reports from nizhny novgorod and subsequent analysis of the results of our work here. i am ready to answer your questions, but before we begin the interactive part
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of our meeting, i would like to once again express my gratitude to the leadership of the nizhny novgorod region. and the city of nizhny novgorod, personally to the governor of the region for the warm welcome and assistance in organizing the excellent organization of the event, everyone noted this point in their speeches today, please, dear colleagues, we move on to questions, the floor will be given to journalists from each brix country, from those present at this press conference today, we begin with... russian correspondents, please, anna voronina, russia 24. hello, marya vladimirovna, sergei viktorovich, and minister. foreign affairs of hungary, speaking in baku at the baku energy week, it was a very bright speech, it should be noted that he said that now, in view of all the existing conflicts
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, blocs are being formed in the world, which are opposite to each other, previously we they talked about hegemony, from which the world is moving away, but it is moving, it turns out from unipolarity to bipolarity, or is it still possible today and what is the purpose for this? they are trying to slow it down in order to prolong their hegemony, which is proclaimed as the main goal of the united states and its allies, they do not
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hesitate to say that the world order cannot be allowed to change, in which the leading role belongs to the americans, nato and the european union, this is frankly a neocolonial mentality, it . appears in all actions of the collective west, it is the west that divides and tries to divide the world into different blocs. remember, for several years now, although recently this activity has been unnoticed, the americans have convened special summits for democracy, where they personally appointed participants, sent them invitations, there was only one criterion for receiving invitations. loyalty to the united states and above all loyalty to the democratic administration of joe biden, all others were characterized as
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autocracies from the same series of divisions into blocs, the infamous statement of the head barel's diplomacy of the european union that europe is a blooming sat surrounded by jungle, well, let's not forget the statement. secretary of state of the united states, blinken, who said that those who do not want to be at the democratic table, that is , do not make a choice in favor of democratic values, risk getting into the menu that is served at this very democratic table, well, more russian, neo-colonialist statements it’s difficult even...
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due to coinciding agendas, we see similar processes on the african continent, where the african union is gaining more and more power in organizing the life
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of the continent and the participating countries, in latin america, the community of latin american caribbean countries silak is gaining a second wind, especially taking into account the active proactive role of the president of brazil,
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his own approaches, seeking to unite natural projects and procedures in different parts of the world may well play out, this does not mean that by doing so brix the regional integration structures i mentioned are somehow isolated from west, we still have the opportunity to communicate within the united nations, although even there the americans and their allies
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are trying in every possible way...
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there have been reports that russia and iran have suspended work on a comprehensive cooperation agreement. we know that the iranian authorities have confirmed that russian-iranian relations will not change. and the iranian president did everything possible to strengthen these relations.
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problems were focused on the tragedy in the gas sector, we consistently immediately after october 7 last year, after the terrorist attack, which we condemned, and condemned the methods that israel began to use as a response to the actions of hamas, these methods did not...


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