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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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could you please comment on this? second question: you mentioned palestine, international security, is the brix group capable of strengthening international security to stop the war in the gas sector? you noted that this conflict has killed more than 37,000 palestinians and is the most serious security threat in the world. i already said it in my opening speech. that when discussing international problems we paid special attention to the tragedy in the gas sector, we consistently immediately after october 7 last year, after the terrorist attack, which we condemned, condemned the methods that israel began to use as a response to the actions of hamas, these methods are unacceptable, you cited the figure of 37,000
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and so on and to solve humanitarian problems, we tried to get confirmation that such an agreement exists , we were told, well, it’s right there in the resolution that both hamas and israel agree, but in the security council, when this resolution was adopted, the israeli delegation did not mention anything in its speech that some kind of agreement exists, and the israeli delegate stated that...
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the actions have not yet been completed, that ’s all, actually, but at a meeting with the acting minister of foreign affairs of the islamic republic of iran, alibagherini, we confirmed ours. i’m standing here, at yesterday’s meeting mr. vani called the order simply in chinese, tatinja, which, if translated into russian, literally means a big golden brick, but it’s paradoxical that we observe that the west often targets precisely
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the developing centers of the future and a multi-row world with bricks, they build sanctions walls. and generally speaking, there are common interests existing between our countries and the west, especially when it comes to resolving global issues, and how do you think we will build a bridge from our stratified bricks so that the west will meet us halfway, towards cooperation, thank you, i think you know very well that it is not we who are fencing ourselves off from the west, it is not we who are building...
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this is already part of their genetic code now, after 500 years of domination in the world, after this long period when they showed complete disrespect for the great civilizations that existed before the west began to command the globe, i mean the ottoman civilization, the chinese civilization, the indian. arabic in the broad sense of the word, our western colleagues do not want to build any bridges, they use bricks only to, as you said, build walls, and also try to hit those on the head who do not listen to them, but i have already said,
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that we are not closing ourselves off from the west, but he must understand that the way he behaves is nothing...
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united arab emirates aresh mohamed skynew tv channel. sergey viktorovich, good afternoon. although you have already spoken on the topic of gases, i am a representative of the arabic-language media, and we pay a lot of attention to the problem.
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that you are preparing a meeting with your arab colleagues, with five arab colleagues in moscow in the near future, thank you, regarding the first part of the question, and saudi arabia, qatar, egypt, jordan, in various formats participated in the negotiations,
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which would include , were dedicated to the release of hostages, we also joined in this work, and worked not only for russian citizens, but for citizens of other countries, certain results, those efforts brought, this group of peculiar mediators between hamas and israel on...
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we are now considering after the entire organization of the north atlantic treaty has united against us in a single impulse, that now, when it comes, this will not happen soon, until conversations about strategic stability are resumed, we will not be able to ignore nuclear arsenals. france and britain, which is in the forefront of nato members, in anti-russian actions, this is how it all happened, with regard to the arsenals of the people's republic of china, the korean people's democratic republic and
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the arsenals, strategic arsenals of the russian federation, we are in no way in an alliance... we see the formation alliance between the united states, south korea and japan, they are conducting exercises, including increasingly actively introducing nuclear
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components into these maneuvers, so the situation is not identical. i will say, but what we are categorically against playing out nuclear provocations, the nuclear card, the president convincingly said this when speaking recently at the st. petersburg international economic forum, and for the final question, the floor is given to the representatives of the hospitable nizhny novgorod land, please, elena gomna, lead nizhny novgorod. sergey viktorovich, hello, if i may, two questions at once, firstly, in what context. ukraine was discussed at the smith meeting, and you have already noted the organization of events in our capital of the volga region, which i managed to see and appreciate, in addition to the business program, our region has very strong and warm relations with the brix countries within the framework of trade relations and of course social humanitarian contacts, thank you, and another request from me, it seems to all nizhny novgorod residents, please come to us more often, as
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for seen in addition to the business program. you have such temptations here that you can’t tell us everything, but the amazing city, amazing people, the atmosphere on the streets, on the embankments, everywhere, wherever we are, is so friendly, so hospitable that all our foreign guests, without exception , fell in love with the city, with its people, with its beauty, with the way you support this city,
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the british, the americans and the rest of them, puppeteers, let’s just call a spade a spade, but those , who is now trying to promote some
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initiatives about the start of negotiation processes, i would ask you to pay attention to two, probably, key circumstances: firstly, do not forget that in september twenty-two ... zelensky signed a decree prohibiting all ukrainian officials to negotiate with the government of vladimir putin, in early may of this year , the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine made an official statement that ukraine does not recognize vladimir putin as a democratically elected legitimate president, and secondly, those who do.
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so leave this situation and sit down at the negotiating table as if nothing had happened, this is wrong, especially since no one in the west, we had some unpublicized contacts, wants to notice this nazi, the russophobic effect that this regime creates. moreover, not only does the west not want to notice this, but it directly encourages the preservation of precisely this character of the ukrainian state in order to further use the kiev regime in the war against russia. well, in essence, the goal is the same as that of hitler, and before that of napoleon, to gather all of europe, and
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we need to meet with the heads of the delegation, i will tell them that you showed great interest and promised to cover everything objectively, thanks a lot, thank you, this concludes the press conference, thank you for your participation, this was a broadcast of sergei lavov’s press conference following the meeting of the brix foreign ministers in nizhny novgorod.
3:00 pm
and we continue our news review: russian troops took control of two more settlements: the village of artyomovka on the territory of the lugansk people’s republic and the village of temkovka. in the kharkov region, the treason defense reported this. in addition, a unit of the ukrainian armed forces inflicted defeat in the area of ​​kupyansk and the village of nevsky. in total, according to more than a hundred strikes were dealt to enemy positions during the day. in addition, two ukrainian military aircraft su-27 and su-25 were destroyed at the airfields. the ministry of defense published footage of the destruction of one of the planes...


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