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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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and we continue our news review: russian troops took control of two more settlements, the village of artyomovko on... the treason defense reported this. in addition, a unit of the ukrainian armed forces inflicted defeat in the area of ​​kupyansk and the village of nevsky. in total, more than a hundred strikes were carried out on enemy positions during the day. in addition, two ukrainian military aircraft were destroyed at the airfields. su-27 and su-25. the ministry of defense published footage of the destruction of one of the aircraft by the su-25, which was located at the dolgintsevo airfield in dnepropetrovsk region. the plane was
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destroyed, which was confirmed by objective control footage. the rate of use of domestic materials and equipment in rosseti’s work is approaching 95%. the head of the company, andrei ryumin, spoke about this at a meeting with vladimir putin. we’ll find out more from my colleague maria slobodyanskaya, she’s joining the broadcast. maria, hello, what other issues were discussed? yuri, hello, were you talking about accident reduction programs? as well as the work of russian grids in the regions. rosseti already manages more than 2.5 million kilometers of power lines. the company operates over 580 thousand substations with a total capacity of 875 gw. at a meeting with vladimir putin , rosseti general director andrei ryumin spoke about this. electricity transmission grew last year. today, 80% of all electricity generated in the country is transmitted through the company’s networks.
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financial results are also positive: last year, company revenue amounted to almost 1.4 trillion rubles, which is + 17% compared to 2022. our net profit exceeded 160 billion rubles well, it slightly exceeded 161 billion rubles. amounted to 20% more than in 2022, our net profit partially finances our investment program. our investment program itself is more than 530 billion rubles. we again set a record for the investment program last year; it grew by 100 billion rubles compared to the previous year. among the key completed projects is the completion of the first stage of power supply to the eastern test site. another important result is the reconstruction of the pakhra substation, which supplies the moscow energy ring and the kavyktinskoye and chiendinskoye fields of the resource base of the power of siberia gas pipeline. in total, over the past year, russian grids completed 400,000 technological connection agreements. as part of both the investment
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program and the repair program, when implementing our projects we use mainly domestic materials , domestic equipment, we have over 90% and over 90%, our indicator is in fact we are already approaching 95% there 93-94 now the percentage is an indicator import substitution. rosseti cooperates with all the largest equipment manufacturers, and also conduct research activities themselves. in march of this year, the company opened an intelligent digital network laboratory. to successfully navigate the autumn-winter period, this year the company began financing reliability improvement programs. today they are being implemented in eight regions. the programs are designed for 3 years and should significantly improve the situation with network breakdowns. it is impossible not to say something about our work in the new constituent entities of the russian federation. last year, by order of the government, free use was transferred to us.
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russian federation. this year, rosseti plans to complete work on most of the facilities of the second stage of power supply at the eastern test site. this includes connecting large industrial networks.
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reminded that the exercise is being conducted in accordance with the decision of vladimir putin. the military department published footage of the preparation of eskander complexes and flights of long-range missile carriers of tu-22 bombers. with denis's details. alekseev. promotion to positions according to instructions accompanied by cover groups, deployment everything, full readiness mode. crews of the iskander operational-tactical complexes have begun the second stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. the fighters of the missile formations were tasked with obtaining training ammunition for the iskander missile system and secretly moving into position. preparations for launches, and these are our tu-22 strategic bombers, carriers of kinzhal hypersonic missiles. the crews of the russian aerospace forces, as at the first stage, continue to practice equipping aircraft with combat parts of such weapons. further patrolling of the airspace is also
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part of the exercise. only now the maneuver zone has expanded. the second stage is the joint training of units of the armed forces of russia and belarus. it is held by the leaders of the countries of the union state. discussed on may 9 immediately after the victory parade in moscow, since non -strategic nuclear weapons are located on the territory of bilorus, this time we invited our friends, allies, and the president of belarus asked about this, to take part in one of the stages of this exercise, we we conduct them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages on the second. belarusian colleagues will join our joint actions ; the ministry of defense and the general staff in our farm have given appropriate instructions, they have begun joint action. russia transferred the aviation ground component
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of the nuclear triad to belarus. this is our third training, well, there were probably dozens in russia, so we are synchronizing the general staffs already, as i said, the minister. defense of russia, they began to implement these strategic the country’s nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness, vladimir putin has repeatedly noted this, and testing the use of non- strategic nuclear weapons is planned, nothing unusual. the readiness for combat use of missiles with a nuclear warhead of a relatively short range of action is being checked, a radius in the area in which, for example, nato weapons are already located and used. press secretary. president dmitry peskov emphasized today: everything is happening in response to provocative statements and actions of western officials states, against the background of daily hostile provocations of the west, need to maintain combat readiness. training is a normal practice; if there are certain types
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of weapons, then the armed forces must conduct training at the proper level. indeed, the topic is now high on the agenda, experts are now having a lot of luck on this tactical topic. the exercises are aimed at maintaining readiness to respond and are conducted to ensure the country's sovereignty. the second stage of the exercise will be followed by the final one. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. in the atlantic ocean , a strike group
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of the northern fleet has begun exercises on the use of high-precision missile weapons. this is the kazan submarine and the frigate admiral gorshkov. the crews are practicing strikes against sea targets at a distance of over 600 km. a few days earlier, the frigate admiral gačku. also conducted training to repel air attacks. last year, the office of the commissioner for human rights in russia received 30,000 requests from svo participants, and special attention was paid to all of them. address more than 500 fighters received assistance, tatyana moskalkova said today in the state duma. she reported to deputies about her work over the past year. we were forced to restructure all the work.
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black plates captured in mobilization concentration camps are taking revenge, in odessa, locals burned a military commissar's suv with black license plates, the trend of arson tetsekashnikov has gone to the people, the fireman forgot, this is shaky, aggression is quite natural, because by the end of this year the kiev regime needs to call up at least 120 . thousands of unfortunate volunteers, call, of course, officially in fact, the drags drag me to the front or throw me on the hood, you chase me, and you cut me off on a bicycle, is it your right or what, you cut me off, but what should i die for, what should i die for, for what? uncle samm's plan must be fulfilled, otherwise zelensky will be left without billions of aid packages, on the ground people are desperately standing up not only for their husbands and sons, even for their neighbors,
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which are not spelled out in the document, there are also rumors that the mobilization age could be lowered from 25 to 18 years, this is supposedly demanded by the united states. a someone understands that if you take this man, take 450 pigs led by this sow and send them to zero, then the war will end the next day, because they feel sorry for their lives. for military commissars, the entire tragic circus is a game of cat and mouse, they do not hide their joy and fun at the sight of the children running away...
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the children were hospitalized, on behalf of the minister of health of the republic of dagestan,
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a team of specialists from the republican center for infectious diseases is working in the city. rospotrebnadzor specialists an epidemiological investigation is already underway, and the prosecutor’s office has also organized its own inspection. it was established that citizens consumed drinking water, which is supplied to residents’ homes through water supply lines. currently , a set of investigative actions are being carried out in the criminal case aimed at consolidating the evidence base and identifying the persons involved in the crime. the day before, the head of the region sergei melikov also held
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a meeting with the heads of the responsible departments of the supervisory authorities, at the meeting discussed the accepted ones in detail. measures to prevent the spread of infection and further steps? door-to-door visits, work with those services, including with business representatives, who can influence the situation in one way or another, immediate regime-quarantine measures in all children's institutions, kindergartens and camps, school and all other events that relate to, that relate to the identification diseases. and informing medical institutions, it was noted that people are provided with all necessary medical help, all the medicines needed for this are available. at the invitation of sergei melikov , employees of the central office of rospotrebnadzor arrived in the republic; specialists have already conducted research and developed recommendations for stopping the infection.
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the preliminary cause of poisoning was tap water, so it was organized under. with bottled water, an operational headquarters has also been created, which works daily. yuri, yes, magomed, thank you, well, together with you we will monitor the progress of the investigation and the development of the event. i'll remind you on direct communication our correspondent magomed bashirov was from dagestan. the state duma will, as a priority , prepare a bill on indexing pensions for working pensioners. this statement was made today by the speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin. he also emphasized that this is vladimir putin’s law, initiated by the head.
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putin had to, in the face of challenges and sanctions, rebuild the entire economy so that it would begin to show growth. and now it’s time for economic news: the number of aeroflot group passengers in may increased by 22%, its services more than 4.5 million people used it, the company reported. most of the 3.5 million traffic was on domestic flights, where the flow increased by 17%. destinations more than a million passengers, an increase of 43% compared to last year. of the total volume of traffic, more than half belongs to the parent company aeroflot. the rest came in a russian victory. lada announced the premiere of tourist versions of vesta and niva. they will be equipped with roof racks and tents, bike racks and other
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accessories that may be required while traveling. new models will be shown as part of the fourth russian tourism forum. travel to vdnkh. it runs from june 12. t-bank, also known as tinkov, bought part of the business in kiev. we are talking about a controlling stake in the companies of the rowe group. she specializes in factoring financing for legal entities. the parties have already signed an agreement. the deal will be closed after receiving faz's consent. as a result of this news, receipts in kiev on the moscow exchange rose in price by almost 10%. and the restoration of ukraine was estimated at 10 to 30 dollars annually, such investments will be needed in the next 10 years,” said ukrainian prime minister denis shmygal. according to him , it is important for the country that the support of western partners is predictable, rhythmic and stable. today it became known that in july the european commission will provide ukraine with 1.5 billion euros in income from frozen russian assets. 90% of this amount will go to
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weapons. it was economic news. short. now personnel from the government coordination center. good afternoon, dear colleagues, we continue the series of strategic sessions, as a message to the federal assembly. the president set a number of systemic tasks in the social sphere, but in terms of developing the country’s technological economic potential. to solve them, it is necessary to quickly update and expand already.
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we will start today with an area that can rightfully be called basic for any modern production, no matter what industries we are talking about, these are machines, equipment and robotics, without building capacity and competence in these areas, any long-term development will be difficult, especially in conditions that persist today, sanctions, despite unfriendly actions, domestic industry is developing dynamically.
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if we talk about segments, for example, the creation of computer and electronic equipment has already expanded by 44 percent, but the resource for expanding production of russian companies is not unlimited, it is necessary. technological re-equipment of machine-building enterprises of the main consumers of the machine tool industry and, of course, the organization of automated production using modern robots and high-tech machines. to do this , it is necessary to increase the production of domestic specialized equipment, expand the product line and train personnel so that the process of renewal and improvement can proceed largely through internal capabilities. and russian companies produced high-quality products with much greater localization, in demand both within the country and abroad, and if necessary, they could quickly replace those foreign
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suppliers who left our market. the government pays attention to development issues special attention to the domestic machine tool industry, you know, here at the correction center, with the participation of a wide range of experts, we have developed a program for the development of the machine tool industry and robot technology, the amount of financing required for its implementation is estimated at more than 300 billion rubles. until 2030. criteria and metrics of technological sovereignty have been defined for investment projects that will be supported by the state, well, based on them, assistance measures have already been clarified as a system-wide one, and this is a cluster investment platform, this is a preferential loan for priority products, expansion of industrial mortgages, reverse engineering. and many others, but also industry-specific, here i would like to note subsidies for discounts to customers for the purchase of machine tools and robots, support for research and development work and
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related developments for unique equipment, preferential loans from the industrial development fund for modernization, for technological re-equipment of factories , the creation of centers for the development of industrial robots, and the main competence center stankin, thanks to... including this decision, last year the production of machine tool products in our country increased by 60%, of course there was a low base, but this is a serious step forward, and in certain sectors higher indicators and volumes were obtained the production of metal-cutting machines in time terms increased by almost 96%, of forging and pressing equipment by 370, and here the good dynamics also continue. this year in the first 4 months, i can say, the output of the tank-tool industry increased by third, in robotics
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production rates are also high, over 50%. in order to solve the tasks set in the message of the head of state, of course, it is necessary to continue to increase efforts, and we plan to expand the program to a national project, such a national project should ensure the achievement of the indicators that are defined by the president in terms of these... technological leadership to advance in the field of robotization production, so that by this value russia becomes one of the 25 leading countries in the world based on the results thirtieth year. the ministry of industry and trade will present its proposals in this regard today. dear colleagues, the development of machine tool manufacturing and robotics will create a serious cumulative effect for the economy as a whole. i am absolutely sure that it will support positive dynamics in a number of related industries, including...
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a domestic market for robot technology will have to be formed, i am sure that it should not be limited exclusively to industrial designs, and many solutions, technologies, innovations can be applicable in mining, logistics, agriculture, and many, many other industries. we are talking not only about specific production facilities, but about the creation of a full-fledged industry that is extremely important for the state, with its own testing base, centers of competence, and so on. a few more words about a very important area. the president especially emphasized that all national projects should be aimed at achieving national goals, including a comfortable, safe living environment; in its logic, a national an infrastructure project for life, which will include the comprehensive development of settlements, measures for housing and road construction, to create more comfortable living conditions for citizens, to modernize housing and communal services, provide
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modern... its capacity, improve the quality of services for 20 million residents, the task is difficult, today on average more than a third. continue the active reduction of the necessary emergency housing, the construction of social facilities, which also need to be brought to a standard state roads, build new ones, update public transport, ensure greater connectivity of our regions. in addition, on the initiative of the head of state, it is necessary to develop a program for the integrated development of human settlements, taking into account 2,000 growth points, and make
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such master plans. for 200 cities, with regard to the financing of these large-scale events, it should be carried out , among other things, through the tools of the infrastructure menu, the most popular of which are special treasury and infrastructure budget loans, bonds, we will also, on the instructions of the president , write off about 2/3 of the debt of russian subjects on their budget loans; during the st. petersburg economic forum, the head of state drew special attention to the need in the near future... to work out dialogues with the regions, all the details of this mechanism, i ask everyone whoever is responsible for this should look carefully at all our plans again. in general, during working trips , i always check with the heads of russian constituent entities whether they use these tools, to which objects they allocate resources, and to what extent effective tools work, is this type of financial support really a serious help for them in solving the most pressing
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economic problems? colleagues, today it is necessary to determine the structure, content and main parameters of new national projects, as well as approaches to the implementation of the event, their implementation will require the involvement of authorities at all levels, entrepreneurs, representatives of public organizations, our parliamentarians, experts, this must be harmonious and clearly coordinated between all participants. the president emphasized that it is necessary to build a holistic system for managing national projects. and it is extremely important to achieve practically tangible results that russian citizens expect from us. these were shots from a strategic session on national projects, which was held by mikhail mishustin.
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