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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. you see it more often on icons than in photographs. surgeon, holy artist and archbishop, sylny. and the winner of the stalin prize and all this is one person. i have formed the conviction that he laid out his life as a living from the very beginning. this is the kind of man he was. saint luke in the world valentin the warrior yasenetsky, he began, as he dreamed, as a mouzhit doctor, and ended his life as a bishop of the highest rank. he will remain for many, many, many years and centuries an exceptional person who perceived his service to surgery as service. god, which of his works are still studied by surgeons and which by theologians, a life
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that does not fit into any framework, we once discussed at the medical university, but this is our doctor luke, a whole series could be filmed about his life, such dramatic, extraordinary, where the most different opposites come together. all over the place, for more than a quarter of a century, are in the power of st. christ and the wonderworker luke. his relics were brought to the holy cathedral in simferopol in 1996 after canonization; they are kept in a silver shrine. someone always bends over her to ask for healing. this icon in honor of st. luke was built by metropolitan
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paul, abbot of the kiev pechersk lavra. gratitude to saint luke for healing him from a serious illness, in general, from unnameable death. many believe that luke still helps. they talk about the miracles he performed legends. on june 11, the day of his death, every year the frame is illuminated with medical gowns. finding him captured on film is almost impossible, here are rare shots. the seventy-year-old archbishop was appointed to his last see in crimea after the war. above his relics there are plots and lives, which are exactly like a hagiography. here he is in the operating room, and here he is under escort in exile. the saint will spend 11 years. the luke museum is located near the cathedral. in him. his personal belongings, he lived like a true monk, modestly, bookcase, chair, glasses, by the end of his life he was blind, surgical
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tools to remind you of the way of the cross, in exile halfway across the country. the file of the warrior yasenetsky in the state archive is a thick volume with documents from 1943. it was then that a council for the affairs of the russian orthodox church was created under the council of people's commissars of the ussr. until his death in crimea , vladyka was under continuous surveillance. one of the reports says that during the service , luke gave a sermon on the topic of science and religion, in which he argued that science and... can coexist together, that science does not deny religion, and religion does not deny science, then of course, they preached this kind of sermon outraged the council for the affairs of the russian orthodox church, it was even decided to turn to the patriarch to call the archbishop to order, so that he would not read such sermons, because people were listening. in 1946, as a doctor, he was awarded
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the stalin prize of the first degree for the scientific development of new methods for the treatment of purulent diseases and joint injuries. that is , in fact, for the manuscript, in it he revised the first edition of the thirty-fourth year of essays on purulent surgery, but the work had not yet been published by that time, how many wounded remained on their feet after the doctors treated them, having read the book of st. luke, i don’t know, i don’t have such information, but i think that it’s well, thousands, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, but that the second edition of the book , which...
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wounds and wound infections here, as in other centers, all these are the heirs of the first department of purulent surgery in the ussr, war senetsky founded it and directed it in tashkint. the surgeon conceived this work in pereslavl by zaleskoy before the revolution; he was already known as the author of
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a new regional method of anesthesia. in in an ancient russian city, he heads the zemstvo hospital and performs a lot of operations. only in the first month of the arrival of the surgeon valentin fechanetsky, 26 operations were performed; during valentin feliksovich’s stay in perslav zalevsk - this is 6 and a half years, more than 11 thousand operations were performed on the territory of the zemskaya hospital. in this only photo he is in front of the district hospital, the building complex is still preserved. a lot of people come here who remember that st. luke is venerated, praying and... both the surgeon and the bishop are depicted, bishop's panagia, while he is in medical vestments, just recently there was a story when a woman came from moscow with her daughter, their mother was in serious condition in the hospital, they came several times, even after hours they asked if we could come to pray, venerate the relics in
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the image of the sainted doctor, he... his personal icon, in the historical mansion of the doctor schill, during the first world war a hospital was equipped where valentin feliksovich operated on the wounded, here we... found in one from military reports there is a unique case when the warrior yazenetsky helped one of the seriously wounded german officers, who brought him here from moscow for treatment to kony senetsky. when this officer was seriously wounded , he performed five operations on the chest to heal this wounded man and return him to his homeland. then
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he begins to accumulate surgical experience for a future book. he started his own here. a fundamental work of essays on purulent surgery, in these essays about 300 clinical cases were written about those serious operations that he carried out, he took about 50 cases from this infirmary, where he treated earlier. the memory of the saints is kept in the feodorovsky convent in the basement, in 2023 his museum was opened, here are his personal belongings, photos of children, then the surgeon did not yet have clergy. in his memoirs he writes that he was religious from childhood. he was a staff doctor at the fedorov monastery and treated the sisters, parishioners, and clergy of the monastery for free. we have the memoirs of a contemporary woman, a servant of a military family, who says that the only person who came to visit, with whom they communicated, the wife was also
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gomenia evgeniya, the abbess of the fedorovsky monastery in pereslavl, as a surgeon he was also an ascetic, and a deeply religious person, and a person in general, as it were , of such a special mission, and having become a priest, he just so to speak , moved to some other level. the family lived next to red square in the center of the famous spaspreobrazhensky cathedral. we are now in front of the oldest cathedral in the history of russia, the spa preobrazhensky cathedral, which yuri began to build dolgoroky and completed it by andrei bogalyubsky. alexander navsky was born next to this cathedral, this is a holy place for all russians, here is the military man isinetsky passing, so to speak, to the hospital nearby.
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we are shocked by his strength of spirit, because he went through terrible exiles that did not break his spirit, there in the north it was impossible... not only to live, but also to work, but with all this, where the saint, the professor, the smell of senetskaya came, he always helped his neighbor, always helped the suffering, he who became a military leader will be twenty-first, soon he will be repressed, will go through three exiles. trukhansk is in the arctic circle, where the snow completely melts only in june. the surgeon arrived here on the barge from yeniseisk. and lived for almost a year, served in this church, in the monastery, worked in the hospital, preached, as god should have done, people, right where the stops
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were at the machines, people met him in large groups, knelt down, asked for prayers, asked for blessings, the street where the monastery is located was even named in honor of the confessor; he treated eye diseases, performed eye operations, even without some special tools. saint luke is very revered by the residents of turukhansk, the memory of him is preserved, we are also trying more and more to let people know that there really was such an ascetic, confessor, new martyr of the russian church. vladimir lisichkin is the saint’s biographer, and he was closely connected with him and his family; he has at home the works of the very young artist warrior yesenecki. he's an artist, naturally.
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where which nerve is attached, what shades of inflammation, for example, he is a doctor who puts on a robe over his cassock and this cannot go unnoticed by the authorities, the professor suddenly comes to his surgical room, with a cross in his cassock, hangs an icon of the mother of god and before performing the operation, he crosses himself, puts a cross with iodine in the place where he will operate . i studied the luminary’s denunciations, reports, and his lengthy interrogations. in addition to
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beatings, they also came up with conveyor belt torture, a person sits, this is how i sit in front of the lighting fixture, in front of the safit, they put me on a chair under the investigator, the lamp is bright in my eyes and continuously.
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asked to be created for him, then it was in the order of things, they created institutes for bogdanovo, an institute for blood transfusion, an institute for bryukhanenko was created, they could well have created an institute for the warrior yasenevsky, if he had renounced his rank, that’s it, i’m taking off my rank , then maybe his career was like this, rising with his authority, with his experience. luke himself said that he delivered 1,250 sermons, about half were written down, in the library of the theological academy in sergeev posad there are 12 typewritten volumes, luke too, of course, we know, we were driven in different ways, survived exile in prison, but during our
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ministry. persecution was of a different kind, when he was under constant surveillance, they sent people who provoked him, somehow prevented him from working, in this sense there was an invisible battle, an invisible confrontation, and of course, in these conditions, many bishops and priests were simply afraid to preach , an example of st. luke, who had a lively, bright sermon addressed to today, to... concerns. his texts were included in the christomath of the best sermons. for him mastery of words, the ability to speak in simple language about complex things. his main theme, it seems to me, is faith, yes, maintaining faith, this is important at all times, we once discussed it at the medical university, but this is our doctor luke. a whole series could be filmed, it’s so dramatic and extraordinary about his life, with all sorts of
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opposites. connect, the thought of st. luke, it is so sharp, bright that sometimes it is even difficult to accurately reproduce it; during interrogation they ask him: “yasenetsky warrior, how is it, you believe in god, but you haven’t seen him never ourselves." well, i performed brain surgery many times and did not see any intelligence there. complex, witty, fearless, his figure does not fit into any framework. and even during one interrogation he said that if i were not a priest. i would become , a communist, that’s all, that says it all, he was not an opponent of the soviet government, but he was an opponent of the attitude towards power, towards religion, he writes in his autobiography that his rejection, the attitude of the authorities towards the church reached such a level that he i decided to build a bonfire out of icons and set it up.
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during the day, the troops of the kiev regime lost almost 600 military personnel and armored vehicles in this area, as well as two electronic warfare stations, we are following the reports of the ministry of defense. meeting of the heads of midbrix in nizhny novgorod, day two, what was discussed, what was agreed upon, a joint statement of ministers. following the negotiations, sergei lavrov answered questions from journalists, what other statements? made by the head of our world. russia and belarus have begun a new stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. the military checks the combat readiness of personnel and equipment. home the purpose of the maneuvers is protection.


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