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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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request, requires some kind of super-intelligent effort, well, what doubts might still remain in someone’s mind, you know, what misunderstandings there might be, what could be ambiguous here, well, there are millions of people for whom this production is still a bummer , trojan, strip, these are people who are driven not so much by common sense. which they had already lost a long time ago, they say they have prohibited substances, alcohol and hatred, bitterness, that is , they felt that they had become strangers to russia, having betrayed their country, which is everything gave them and they will never become one of their own for bandera’s followers, to make money there in prague taverns, like smolyaninov, and like all these poets and actresses who are trying in every possible way... to curry favor and prove that they
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are theirs, well, that’s how they are there are only hopes for generous chavos and not so generous chaivas, apparently from the agent and extremist smoleninov, he not only sings for food, but records a video on a well-worn topic among relocants: to return to russia or not, but is he even needed here? mobilization became such a signal that this will not end, i proceed from the fact that i left forever, that... i won’t come back, i don’t have, i don’t want to live in captivity of these illusions, it seems to me that this is a fork, this is a very difficult psychological position, that i live here, but but i think how i’ll come back, those people who earned money here, yes, money, they left, bought their property there even before the svo, villas, apartments, houses, so they really didn’t want to part with them, so...
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philosophize on this topic, of course, they can do as much as they want, but the facts speak for themselves; they are no longer needed here. anastasia ivanov and retribution for hatred. russia notes with satisfaction the development of relations between stutskaya. among the topics of conversation are
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economic issues, international relations, the situation in ukraine and syria. dear sir, dear mister minister, i am very glad to see you, i know that you were in nizhny novgorod, met with the foreign ministers of the brix states, who came to us on the eve of the brix summit, and we welcome turkey’s interest in the work of the brix. we will certainly
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support in every possible way this desire and desire to be together with the countries of this association, to be closer together, to solve common problems, especially since the situation requires, it seems to me, more careful close interaction, especially for the country.
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all this is happening, of course, under the leadership and with the direct support of our friend, the president. republic over the past year, or rather even last year, we had good growth, at the beginning of this year we had a slight decrease in the level of trade turnover, but we attribute this primarily to the adjustment in prices for our main goods export and import. i hope that we will be able to correct this situation in the near future , everything will develop. just like last year, last year there was an absolute record for trade turnover between our countries, we note with gratitude, we note with gratitude the spirit of our turkish friends
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to contribute to the resolution of crisis situations, including the crisis around ukraine, i want thank you in your former capacity. for supporting the negotiation process, for providing istanbul platform for negotiations with ukraine to resolve the crisis, president erdogan played a significant role in concluding the so -called grain deal, it is not our fault that it, unfortunately, was not extended, but i also know about president erdogan’s initiative. regarding the situation with electricity in the black sea, you know, we supported this, but unfortunately, at the last moment the ukrainian side also rejected this proposal,
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nevertheless, we carefully and with great respect consider all the initiatives of the turkish republic on this track and will stay in touch with you, we played a very significant role in resolving the syrian crisis, and i think it would be right to continue the ostanitic format, fight terrorism, do everything that depends on us to ensure that the situation returns to normal, on this the most important direction for us, in general the situation is developing very positively, i would like to ask you to convey my best wishes to president erdogan. i hope that in the near future in july, yes, in my opinion, what date in july should he be in astana as far as i know, within the framework of an international, international event, we will have the opportunity to meet with him and discuss all current issues. mr.
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president, head of state, first of all i want to thank you for this reception, thank you for receiving me, mr. president.
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the country's award of personalized weapons to distinguished servicemen, each of them showed courage and heroism when performing combat missions, about courage, honor and ordinary feat, in the material of andrei grigoriev. defense minister andrei belousov awards the best of the best military personnel awarded the title of hero of russia. received the title of hero of the russian federation. colonel renat khalikov, commander of the seventy-fourth separate guards motorized rifle brigade, the same one that fought for avdievka and liberated it. verdychi, but this is definitely a reward for the entire personnel of the brigade, all my soldiers, all my officers, warrant officers, because for all the teams, we completed the assigned task, broke through the enemy’s defenses, it was there that the first american
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abroms placed in the ssu were burned. he was among the military leaders whom president putin invited to the kremlin to find out first-hand the operational situation, berdych still got it, it was difficult, it was definitely difficult, but they took it, we move on. in this locality , a courier ground robotic complex was used, which was equipped with two of them with an ags-17 automatic grenade launcher. palkov from the town of baguchar in the voronezh region. we have a joyful event, my son,
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romka, received a hero star today. congratulations, and congratulations to him, fellow soldiers congratulations, everyone, everyone, congratulations to everyone. i also had the chance to serve in afghanistan, once upon a time, i also had awards, but not as high as his. he always dreamed of being a military man, all his childhood friends knew about it. i went into military service and also signed a contract there, and i’m very proud of him. efritor nikolai evdokimov from yakutia is congratulated by the alrosa company, where the entire republic once worked. immediately the star of the hero is a makarov award pistol. captain rustam khasanov, tank commander, who actually led the attack on his t-80 russian troops, destroyed two enemy firing points and a pickup truck with enemy personnel. in the tanker’s native kargat region. region, they learned about the award of a fellow countryman closer to night, and with his courage and heroism
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shown during a special military operation, i would like to thank him for his feat, and i would also like to express huge words of gratitude to his mother and wife, thank you very much for your son and for your husband. after the ceremony, the recipients will certainly return to duty in their units in the special zone military operation. andrey grigoriev, alexander bystritskaya, news. zelensky has essentially lost power in the territories controlled by kiev, and the real leader of ukraine de facto, with de facto unlimited influence on the decisions of banks, is the head of the junta office, andriy ermak. this conclusion was reached by the british newspaper times, which received relevant information from a number of government, military and diplomatic sources. elizaveta khramtsovaya found out what details they were ready to reveal. the man who calls himself shadow.
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in quotation marks by shabonin, now, just yesterday , mustafa nayem, one
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of the most famous grant-eaters, saros, left his position, you can remember sergei shefir, a man who was friendly with zelensky since childhood, was his right hand for many years, such an amazing ability to crush the country under a person in politics demonstrates himself, working not so long ago... from the books of a law school. andrey ermak began his career in the nineties, when he opened his practice and became interested in the topic of copyright. so his journey in show business and producing began. lived when the artist from the ninety- fifth quarter was the general producer of the inter tv channel; he joined his political team after the actor became the head of state. at first, yarmak was zelensky’s assistant, and then replaced andriy bogdan as head of the president’s office. at the beginning of the special military operation, the imposing figure of ermak could always be seen behind the man in green. there are people who
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strongly dislike this, but they have their own patrons behind them. this conclusion can be drawn from the name of the author of the article. it was written by maxim tucker, a full-time provocateur of the newspaper, who, if you trace all his publications, well , frankly, for a long time, worked and works together with the head of the main intelligence department of ukraine budanov, recognized as a terrorist in russia, here is the fact that it was budanov’s pr man in the western press, the author of a lot of these tales about... the ghosts of kiev, oh gur, who are doing something incredible there somewhere, suddenly gave birth to such a humiliating, destructive article addressed to ermak , testifies to the fact that budanov, british intelligence services, working closely with the same author, but they are all in the subject, less than
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a month ago, similar detailed material, these are also called profiles, was dedicated to yermak by washington, interviewees with the bank called yermak’s significantly strengthened influence on zelensky a tragedy and said that in the last even the question of which official to go abroad is decided by the all-powerful head of the office. and in the corridors of kiev power, in the west, they do not hide their irritation. ermak’s actions cast a shadow on his seemingly superior and doubts arise, who makes the decision: zelensky or his ally, who often expresses himself on social networks using emoji. the west has been waiting for this moment in order to...
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will be made following the results of the so-called peace conference in switzerland. representation from the west will be minimal, all statements following the meeting will remain declarative, and someone will have to answer for this failure. however, there is a version that andrey ermak will be able to get out of this too. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs kuleba will lose his position, and the new minister will be a person who is not chosen zelensky, the one who always follows him
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as a shadow. elizaveta khramtsova, anna pogonina, maya alenova. news. well, now to the information of the last minutes, the president of russia signed a number of decrees on awarding state prizes. so, the state prize in the field of science was awarded to a team of specialists for the technology of transplantation of vital organs, also for their contribution to scientific and technological development; it was the investigation into nuclear energy that was awarded to the head of the kurchatov institute, mikhail kovalchuk. another scientific award awarded to petr chumakov for research into new approaches to the treatment of tumor diseases. state prize in literature. art awarded by the author of the rzhev memorial guilty on all counts , the american jury today decided in the case of joe biden's son hunter for violations in the possession of weapons, in particular for lying, and not using drugs, the defendant could face up to 25 years in prison. the exact term will still be determined by the judge, but for now the american president states in an interview that his family is proud of their son and what he has become. how
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the resonant process will affect the political future of the current head of the white house , our correspondent thought. it took a jury in delaware only 3 hours to determine the fate of hunter biden, guilty on all three counts, so the jury decided, now it’s up to the judge, 25 years behind bars, maximum sentence for lying when buying a gun, hunter lied 6 years ago in the questionnaire that he is not a drug addict, this guilty verdict means that hunter biden will definitely end up in prison, found guilty even on one of the counts. carries up to 10 years in prison, he has no criminal past, so the term will be significantly less, but it is still a term, and this all happens during the election campaign, such a lightning-fast decision from the jury... the defense team clearly did not expect, the jury members, most black, many with relatives with drug addiction problems like hunter, seemed like people who could definitely understand, and maybe
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even forgive, but something went wrong, even jill biden, who went to court as if it was a job , i didn’t have time for the announcement. jill biden entered the courthouse a few minutes ago to be with her son, but she was not there when the verdict was announced. hunter’s sister also didn’t have time, she was in the corridor. when she entered, he looked back at his family. it was an emotional moment. everyone came out together, holding hands. hunter also blew kisses. according to the defense’s plan , all these high-ranking extras were supposed to present the matter in such a way that he was not a bad person, but simply stumbled. the day before, during the announcement of the final arguments of the parties, all three first rows in the hall and even part of the fourth was occupied by biden and their friends. ahead, again, is jill biden and her daughter. they went with biden jr.’s water sister, his wife melissa coin was also there, the women were dressed in black, although television cameras were not allowed, but of course they were counting on the press,
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first of all, they were sympathetic, they worked in contrast, and it was clear with whom. it's not about drug addiction, the liberal media is trying to present it that way, but it's about responsibility. the question is whether he will face the same fate as donald trump. like trump in new york, hunter in wilmington is also not spoke. they were afraid that he wouldn’t say too much, especially since at the end of the court hearings they presented another significant evidence of his guilt; the day before purchasing the weapon, hunter sent an sms to drug dealer eladio oterra jr., convicted of violence, with an offer to meet, so it was better to remain silent. however, for hunter this is only the first test; in the fall , another trial for tax evasion should begin in california, and there.
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elon musk suggests pushing ahead so that joe won’t be able to hide behind his unlucky son, there’s a laptop full of evidence, and then about influence trading, and about ukraine and burisma. what he does in his personal time has no impact on society, however, he appears to have been involved in corruption in other countries, which deserves a thorough investigation. it is difficult to say whether the verdict, and then hunter’s sentence, will affect his father’s electoral prospects. last week he himself promised to make a decision. and have you ruled out the possibility of a pardon for your son? yes, this interview was also remembered for several biden blunders. already 80%
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of americans consider him too old to second term. a party at the white house on the occasion of juneteenth, the day of the emancipation of slaves, is another cause for concern: the us president literally froze during a musical number. everyone danced, kamala haris danced with the first gentleman doug elmhoff, a bearded man in a women's dress with sequins and high heels moved slightly rhythmically, only the president of the united states fell out of this fun. a mysterious smile wandered across biden’s face, but not a single muscle moved anymore. 10 seconds, 15, 20, 25.
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rents fans trying to do this, trump is hiring additional doctors so that it doesn’t happen like last time in arizona, there were several people standing there to see the republican candidate.
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biden has to take a cognitive test and also before our debate, he has to take a drug test, i'm going to take the same test. biden pays in the same coin, the democrat in nevada lags behind the republican by 4%, they are using completely black pr, trump’s words taken out of context through the efforts of the biden headquarters work against the one who said them. we need every voter, i i don't care about you, i just need your voice. clumsy, dishonest, dirty, but it works. but it works in the other direction. judge merry lenna reika, who was appointed by trump, said she would need 120 days to write hunter's sentence. anything can happen just before the presidential elections. game ahead. july 11, here in new york, already liberal.
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judge juann merchin, who is preparing the verdict in the trump case, will have to be more careful. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and denis sokolov, usa news. this is a simple loan, only at a private bank.
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