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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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projects that will receive financial support, if we approve the results that the expert council proposes to us, the winners will be projects from all 89 regions of russia as a whole, 1,189 projects can receive support in the amount of 5 billion 670 million rubles, that is, this is the price of our decision today , all participants are in equal conditions, no preferences. to large cities, from moscow, for example, 222 projects were submitted, but only 48 of them will be implemented. among the creative lucky ones there are those who will receive support for the second time, but so far top contenders for victory: 631 projects from teams that applied to the fund for the first time. for example, these are cultural initiatives from new regions. if the results of the expert council meeting are approved, 35 project teams will receive grants, amounting to 88 million rubles. experts.
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participants of the special military operation noted special attention this year; this year support will be given to cycles of documentaries about the life of people in the donbass, the all-russian music festival of performers of modern military songs voice of the front, military rock operas and educational projects, among them a military correspondent school from the tomsk region, which offers complete immersion in an extreme profession. our main target audience is regional journalists and students.
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regions, communicate with colleagues who work there, and exchange experiences. traditionally, among the winning projects, there are also initiatives dedicated to significant dates in our history; next year russia’s anniversary will be celebrated on a grand scale, with dozens of cultural events. next year we are celebrating important dates, one one of the most important is the eighth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war; a number of projects are dedicated to it. the cartoon union, for example, will restore animated films created during the great years.
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rubles, the largest project, more than 80 million, presented a festival of children's theaters, which will be held in several regions at once: st. petersburg, novgorod and kamchatka. some participants did not pass the selection, some for technical reasons, some withdrew the application because they were simply afraid of paperwork, but everyone will be able to finalize your applications will be lucky again. admission to the first competitive campaign of 2025 will begin on july 25, and it will last until september 25. vacation is coming soon, let's get ready, with avito, you will move to a new level of savings, thanks to a wide selection of new and like-new auto products, collect your auto entry without extra expenses on avito. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. hello, this is l1, my principle. give your
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best both in sports and in music, even if everything doesn’t go according to plan, flash-up will charge you you with the energy to move on, flash up energy is always charged, now in a new design, clean water is a holy source, fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, your car can purr. pleasure when it has tboil diamond motor oil inside. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long, strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. the boil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. touch
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croque star, burger king, vatter, on fire, taste, this is sasha, it’s important to him. so that his friends are close, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting, start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank, the best employer in russia. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies are new every day, you will find not just a job, but your place. more prizes on mobile
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magnit app. buy with a card from the application, win summer prizes and a million rubles for a great summer. magnet. in the russian lotto we will play a suburb. at home in honor of the anniversary a golden barrel an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw tickets on the website in branded stores with yota your money won’t fly away big minutes remain we return rubles for them you can yota it’s hard not to notice the legendary alphabank credit card? with a whole year without interest on all purchases, receive a supercake in rubles every month and withdraw cash for free any atms, not just profitable, alpha profitable! thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create
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comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world, megamarket - just grow with us! to ensure high-quality development of the country's economy. this task was set by vladimir putin at the international economic forum in st. petersburg. in the housing sector, special attention is given to the overall improvement in quality. people's lives are the key to improving demographics, and this is one of key factors for economic growth. we will continue this work so that more roads, bridges, plants and factories are built in russia, and, of course, comfortable, affordable housing with high modern
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energy and resource efficiency parameters. one of the president’s instructions is to expand the family mortgage program, at a rate of 6% for the purchase of housing in small towns, regardless. depending on the age of the children, preferential conditions will apply in all regions for families who want to build their own home. it all starts at home, that's the key idea which the domrf company broadcast at the st. petersburg international economic forum, hence the concept of the stand, it was designed according to the principles of sustainable development. if we talk in general about, let’s say, the quality of life, this includes the urban environment, master plans, we must see, plan what we do, what we build.
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there are a lot of families, we are the number one country in terms of population, all these people need to be provided with decent housing. in russia, almost everyone has a house, an apartment, or even more than one, but in india things are completely different, our the government is now actively pursuing this issue. in russia,
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a record volume of housing was commissioned in 2023 - 110.5 million square meters. but it is important not only to build, but at the same time to develop infrastructure and create conditions. life, such an integrated approach is provided by city masterplans; serious investments are needed to bring a comfortable environment to life. in st. petersburg, the house of the russian federation signed a memorandum on development. support for the regions, so an agreement was signed with the moscow government at the forum in the field of integrated development of territories, this is a new a mechanism that started working just recently, at the same time, we are already implementing a number of projects; in moscow, using the crt mechanism, we are financing housing construction and...
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looking to the future and building, for example, the western expressway, which vital said about, we already have no prospects less than three new microdistricts for the development of the city of rostov. two agreements were signed with the tyumen region. the first is the creation of a rental house, we agreed that we will create such a rental house, it will be the first business card in the tyumen region, i think that this house will be commissioned next year, and maybe earlier, according to our second agreement on... green construction, we are always ready to be a pilot, especially since the task of optimal
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energy consumption for our large residential buildings is important task, not only because we must protect nature, it is also an important payment factor that residents will protect. technology helps improve the energy efficiency of housing; such solutions are being developed in siburi. the simplest example is thermal insulation, which helps to spend less energy on heating. usually difficult to understand, but in fact a very significant solution is the use of modern polymer pipeline systems, both main ones for supplying hot cold water to the house, and intra-house pipe systems, due to the fact that it is a polymer, it has a completely different service life of up to 100 years, there in contrast to 10-20 years of traditional solutions. another important area is tourism. since 2018, the amount of funding in this area has already increased. 12 times, the goal is to ensure double growth tourist flow by 2030, so that the industry’s contribution to
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the country’s gdp increases to 5%. this is impossible without developed infrastructure. and, of course, there must be points of attraction, iconic places that attract travelers. but many unique architectural objects in the regions are now in a state of disrepair. the house of the russian federation is actively working on mechanisms for restoring cultural objects. to do this, the house of the russian federation will create a digital platform
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where such objects in need of restoration will be collected throughout the country. by order of the president, by 2030 it is necessary to bring about at least a thousand objects of historical cultural heritage. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, nept can help. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get the head working. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. hello, this is l1. my principle is to give my best both in sports and in music. even if everything doesn't go according to plan. flashhu-up will charge you with energy to move on. flashup energy. always. charged, we found out that the phone works even when
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perfectly. chrome pla alcoholic. discover a special taste. syota. your money will not fly away, there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them, you can yota. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house, or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. from headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafentra with effort. composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. this is
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the taxes program, i'm larisa katosheva. hello, we continue to talk about the digitalization of tax administration and public administration in general. this topic, by the way, is within the framework of the st. petersburg the economic forum, which is taking place right now, is devoted to many meetings, well , in just a couple of minutes, andrei gudarin, deputy head of the federal tax service of russia, who oversees the digitalization of the service, contacts us. but right now. traditionally several numbers. 167,000 russian taxpayers received income in excess of 10 million rubles last year. this data was provided by the russian ministry of finance. at the same time, a group of taxpayers who already paid increased personal income tax on income over 5 million rubles. provided almost a fifth of all income tax revenues. the vast
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majority of russian citizens earned less than 1 million rubles. for the year, but also... the total contribution to personal income tax collection was 38%. those who earned from one to 5 million contributed the same amount to the budget; there are just over 11 million people in the country. the special procedure for including legal entities that operated in new regions of russia into the unified register of small medium-sized businesses has been extended for one year until july 10, 2025 inclusive. federations on the day of their acceptance into russia during the period of validity of the special procedure , more than 700 legal entities were included in the sme register in this way. from 4 to 12 dinars per day, the tunisian authorities will begin to collect such a tax from organized groups of foreign tourists from november 1 this year. the tax rate
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will depend on the class of hotel in which vacationers stay and will apply to everyone all the time. and, as i understand it, the number of services continues to grow. today, the service only on the website of the federal tax service has more than seventy services, but their number
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is rather decreasing. andrey, we were surprised, the answer was unexpected, why is it decreasing? because we are trying to move from solving small, specific problems to solving large life situations. this greatly simplifies navigation among services, and this is more consistent with the target task. payer, thus you can combine several services into one to make the client path for the taxpayer simpler, clearer and more convenient. well, what is a good electronic service today, what criteria should it meet? probably in first of all, it should be as simple as possible, understandable and convenient online, in such a way that with a minimum number of clicks, and making maximum use of all the information that the federal tax service has for others. executive authorities, but to present to the taxpayer as quickly as possible a solution to the task for which it was created. andrey, well, it must be said that the russian
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tax service set digitalization trends not only in russian public administration. to be honest, we have always been leaders in digitalization in tax administration in general in the world, and came, looked, and learned from experience. and now, what's happening? now we are actively developing. international cooperation in many areas, probably the most significant is the area of ​​digitalization and the exchange of the most advanced solutions in the field of taxation, we actively share our experience in terms of working with self-employed citizens, in terms of online cash registers, in terms of new taxation systems, for example, such as an automated simplified taxation system, also... we are actively working in the field of brix, and recently we have been actively discussing with china the topic of clinical centricity and even published
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joint experience in an international tax journal, we are now discussing all this with you, and it becomes obvious that the taxman today is not the same taxman who was 20 years old back, how is the composition of the service changing, are you now hiring more and more it specialists? well , unfortunately, the requirements... of the present time they shift the vector from process-oriented people, who certainly remain important, but there is also a need for design people, primarily it specialists, people who know how to make something new from scratch, and such tasks are becoming more and more common, so now we, of course, are also actively looking for and actively recruiting it specialists of various profiles. with big data, this is work in building highly loaded systems, and for them we have many interesting tasks, well, this is what allows the federal
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tax service to speak with large companies that form the digital landscape of the country in the same language, and this is important, you have a lot of joint projects, so yes for 5-6 years now we have been actively pursuing partnerships with... businesses, and businesses of various formats. it all started with a project to create a tax on professional income, a regime for the self-employed, the so-called special tax regime, where we are for the first time used the technology of open program interfaces, this technology allows the original functionality of the tax service to be transferred to the application in the environment of partners where it is more convenient for aggregators, large internet companies, and taxpayers, these are banking applications, and special applications
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, this experience has proven itself very well, more than 40% of all income of the self-employed is reflected by partner companies, we already have more than 200 partner companies on the list in this project alone, then such technologies were actively used in our other solutions in an automated simplified system taxation, this all allows... tax administration is carried out very unnoticed by the taxpayer, we also develop cooperation with large companies in other areas, firstly turn is an exchange of information, such solutions make it possible to reduce the time spent by taxpayers on resolving their issues, primarily in the banking environment, receiving benefits, subsidies and similar forms. andrey, we have been talking a lot in recent years about how tax administration... should ultimately become completely invisible to the taxpayer, what do you see as the next steps in this direction? well, first of all, this is probably the optimization of existing tax
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law solutions. tax administration as usual information environment for taxpayers, as i already said, we have projects of this level. thank you! andrey budarin, deputy head of the federal tax service of russia, was in touch with us, we talked about how tax administration is changing, how we are moving towards simplification and how tax administration is becoming invisible to taxpayers. in the tax project we discuss tax legislation
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and tax practice. see you.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views
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changing entire locations.
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wrote decrees on the awarding of state prizes. opera singer ildar abdrazakov was awarded for his contribution to the development of musical art. sculptor andrey korobtsov and architect konstantin famin for the creation of monuments dedicated to the history of our country. the rzhev memorial in the tver region is one of their most famous and large-scale works. also, state prizes in the field of literature and art were received by the director of the museum of the tsarskoye selo nature reserve olga taratynova and the director of the tsarskoe selo.


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