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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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i want to show you one video, it seems to me that it is fundamentally important and it seems to me that we are not taking this seriously enough, let’s see, about one and a half billion euros of income from reinvestment.
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how ukraine can use the proceeds from russian frozen assets faster and to a greater extent. we have always said, my friends, we have always said that russia must be responsible for its own.
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stole our money, this means that they declared war on us, the non-existent structure of the european union, that they are with us de facto in a state of war, on what other basis can they confiscate what does not belong to them? let me remind you that we did not give money to the eu, the money was in financial institutions that formally have nothing to do with the eu. we do not have an agreement where... it was signed: the russian federation and
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the european union, represented by ursul and vonderin, undertake certain obligations regarding certain funds. this is nowhere to be found. we do not have a wording that would be written, these disputes that arise regarding this money are resolved thanks to the commission that headed by ursula vonderijn. that is, what she did was an act of classic theft, but this is not enough. money that is sent to the nazi ukrainian authorities, about which the head of the russian special services said today that it was directly established that the terrorist attack in crocus was carried out by order and with the participation of the ukrainian special services, that is, the money that was stolen will be used to support the terrorist activity of the ukrainian nazi regime . this means that ursola
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fonderya personally, led by her absolutely illegal structure, they are sponsors of terrorism and people who stole our money, so they should be held accountable for this in their personal capacity, and i believe that an arrest warrant should be issued for ursula fonder, and it would be good for the brix or sco structures to prosecute her in all the countries that belong to these associations, and that’s not enough...
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and to refuse to recognize the european union as such, to switch, as we have said many times, to a system of diplomatic relations with countries, i don’t understand at all why we recognize. relations, we see how countries that have suffered for centuries from colonial policies, such as rusulovlein, all the wealth that comes from the robbery of colonies, from human trafficking, from theft, from the seizure of assets, which
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europe is now continuing, so the minister of foreign affairs of completely different states has gathered and shows a completely different level of diplomacy, mutual... trust and relations, we must take very seriously what the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation sergei viktorovich lavrov says, and although we answer so very politely about china’s nuclear arsenals, north korea, russia, well, listen for yourself, as for the arsenals of the people's republic of china, korea.
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we will count the north korean potential, and the chinese, and, of course, ours, although it is not easy to calculate the chinese, just in case, they always underestimate it a little, while these countries have united us on the principle that we are their enemies, but they will wait until we will really stand back to back, shoulder to shoulder we will find ourselves in the same trench, then these imperialist mirzavits will not find it enough, and so that no one... will have the illusion of the seriousness of our intentions, we are peaceful people, but we have launched the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces, if someone does not understand something well, then i will explain: the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units
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for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons of russia and belarus for the purpose of unconditional ensuring sovereignty and territorial integrity. union state, let me remind you that we talked about this in great detail yesterday, it is clearly and clearly stated in our nuclear doctrine, and there is also a separate law, here there are formulations there that make it clear that, god forbid, we use, and that’s just not the case, well, again, in one of the programs it was said how many warheads we have, what condition they are in, we are many times superior, otherwise, what we have and ready and handed over. no one should have any illusions about direct application now, well, let me remind you of the words of alexander grigorevich lukashenko said, but i don’t have any red lines, if you poke your nose in, you’ll get it right away, the answer will be decisive, the memory of a terrible war,
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the belarusian people saved the belarusian people in many ways during transformation, allowed them to remain independent, to go their own way, let me remind you, every fourth and belarusian, that is, in different ways, we are already talking about every third, because the investigation has now died at the hands of european scum. who are now talking to us through their lips about the fact that we need to forget history textbooks and again support the ukrainian nazis, who have blood on their hands, in particular, they carried out punitive actions on the territory of belarus, and no one will ever forget about this, otherwise, that the us is consistent in its meanness. well listen, i was surprised that they only now lifted sanctions from azov, what can we expect from
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a country that regularly votes against the declaration, the general assembly on condemning nazism, you will see in our memory, they will say that the evil stalin brought the austrian artist to suicide, and what is this... everything was invented by the commies, in fact there were no jewish pogroms, there were no concentration camps, there was no murder, all these are fairy tales, because the bright future of germany was built by grandparents, such like ursula vonderlein, and i’ll remind you of one of the famous books,
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our generations, through history textbooks, through television, and our elite, unfortunately, were hammered into the heads of scientists who joyfully argued that this was inevitable, it was necessary somehow then to justify the betrayal, however, radio, through the press, later through the internet, then he did not appear immediately, but... the truth is that western countries have never been our allies, we only
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paid for a visa in 1974, who doesn’t knows, but the weapons and equipment that were supplied united states of america, we understand perfectly well that when churchill ruzvite stalin in tehran drew maps of the future world, the americans and british understood perfectly well that the soviet union, or, well, russia.
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if this happened, well, probably, today it’s time to tell the truth, this truth is not just to expose it somehow, but in order to draw conclusions, conclusions for the future, so that this is essentially... will never happen again, i’m more than sure at this stage whether macron’s scholz will be there or they’ll be kicked up the ass the same baryonets, to be honest, regardless of the elections that are taking place in europe today, the united states today has completely put such individuals on a leash, even yes, i understand that germany, one way or another , has always been a satellite of the united states
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of america, but there were individuals , also helm, for example, and there are also frenchmen there.
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we taught at one time, and here, i think the president clearly said that there will be adequate peace, because after all, the main enemy is located beyond the atlantic ocean, which, by and large, is their dolls it controls, and those teachings that today are so unobtrusively taking place in the caribbean sea, our modern ones, absolutely, the americans are hysterical there, they can’t find our boat. lost a boat, well, it’s just one boat, yes, only one boat came, we won’t say how many of them came there, but they can’t even find one, yes, the americans recently somehow thought that it was a submarine they still have it, but they are going to modernize their engines there and they have nothing new, but we need new boats to give due credit, probably to our president,
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who foresaw this, well, to build a boat, it will take 8-9 years, that is, including.
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proud is the key word, there is something to be proud of, this is probably the situation we have today in the caribbean, this is a good start to those non-asymmetrical worlds that our supreme commander spoke about, but there are several points that we must clearly understand that of course only victories, and only victories will give us the path, we have already spoken about this path
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today, the military-defense-industrial complex russia, too, has something to be proud of, the key word. literally the day before yesterday they said that our people’s military-industrial complex today also makes a great contribution to the cause of our destruction of nazism through our victory. then i sat, laughed, watched all these liberotos, and squealed joyfully when we proposed, here with
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you in the studio, that our commanders increase the purchase of the same drones, and most importantly, the development of small-scale industries, that is, today all drones, all high-precision weapons, they work, it’s clear in our enterprises, but today our small enterprises assemble drones. they don’t just install them there with some spare parts that come there and are assembled, today they started producing an electric motor, today they are completely making housings, today they are completely soldering boards and making a guidance system, today they have learned how to make cameras, that is, in fact, today the whole cycle is closing production of the unmanned weapons that are needed today, what small enterprises that are there in every army district are good at, they respond faster than large enterprises to the challenges that exist. because they practically located near the front line and work directly with the troops, there are no restrictions on all the endless consent documents, absolutely no way when we are talking
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now, the guys there have one of the traditional orders, but can you have a 3d printer , yes, yes, yes, yes, a 3d printer, i don’t they work, they do it, and it turns out the most important thing, but today we just need to take it, legitimize it , legitimize it and give finances for this business, everything will work out. when they tell me, how are we going to give finances, and just like that? yes, that’s how we’ll give it, but it’s not just about unmanned aerial vehicles, this is a rap system, which they also make, i ’m sorry, it’s just the equipment, you need the timber, you don’t have to submit an application and wait for some guy to come to you, they immediately took it and bought it, by and large, that’s all they sent it to, now the boys have taken over the tank, made it unmanned, i saw it, and the guys themselves just did it on the front end, well done. let's imagine, everyone saw it, yes, when the fifth brigade
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of the first corps came up with a barbecue tank, here's a garage, a shed, a shed, yes, you can imagine if they tried to produce it after going through all the conciliation procedures, really, certification, how many years it would take and... but i don’t know why it’s somehow not customary for us to make public the data, how much we have, we have there is, it appears occasionally, unfortunately, how many traitors we have on the territory of the russian federation and
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sabotage groups that have been neutralized today, the key word is, i know the data for my region, i don’t know for russia, frankly speaking, the issue of protection is especially important objects, it is probably the key one for today, now this topic is divided into two parts: why? because, for example, oil refineries, factories of the same rostec, such large enterprises, they are probably able to provide security and defense today, including protection from unmanned vehicles, from intelligence officers, from everything else, on their own, but there is a nuance , and what, and some of our big entrepreneurs think, well, the matter will end, why spend money on it, and here... probably, no law is needed here, we just need to seriously oblige everyone with this to do. the second point, we, in addition to this, have a decent number of critical
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infrastructure facilities, excellent experience of the primorsky territory under the leadership of governor oleg nikolaevich kozhemyak and his deputy for internal policy, kubints, aka sergei viktorovich efremov, they took the staff of the territorial defense regiment, which defends and protects. received a colonel, graduated from the general staff, by the way, the academy of the general staff is great, but the courses of the academy of the general staff for party workers, well, let's say, along this line,
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socio-political, and... this one experience, it’s probably very valuable for all our regions, it really needs to be adopted, sorry, we’re just friends sergei, i did more than one report about him, yes, yes, yes, it was just clear, seryozha, soviet officer, paratrooper , school, but he is a marine, he graduated from college. a paratrooper, but beyond that of an infantryman, yes, he had already risen to the rank of lieutenant colonel, yes, then he became an entrepreneur, that was all, well, that is, he was very rich, in the region, stood well, lived abroad, all the things, raised his son correctly, his son was an officer in 155 when it started, he realized that he couldn’t sit at home, he put together a detachment with his own money, he had everything, that’s all that was needed, he was fully supported by the governor, well,
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the governor was just great for us... a great fellow, and he went to fight with his son, the son of the 155th officer, sergei took guys, very different, then leopard just appeared, went to him, by hook or by crook, found equipment, looked, did, created one of the most combat-ready leopards, those who worked in the war, the result was amazing, that’s not enough, that’s it, how he equipped his control points is a fairy tale, well, just fairy tale. did everything, everything humanly, observation systems, giant monitors, directed smartly, while this combination of the entrepreneurial spirit of the officer’s experience gave an absolutely amazing result, and when he returned again to do administrative work, this is already de, then of course he brought this experience now united all the guys, honor, decency, subtle mind, and courage, yes, oh, courage, but... with
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a sober head, so that the guys, to take care of the guys, so courage is courage, but not daring, that is, you need to look at different things, here 100%, probably today we need to pay special attention to nuclear defense, and we shouldn’t be too shy about this, we have commanders of the troops of a military district, a military district in wartime, they also exist today, this whole matter can be taken over within the framework of our military districts under a unified management system, it’s probably...
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we wouldn’t have enough resources, let’s increase it, guys, then we’ll increase it, of course, then we’ll increase it too, and our production is working, the key word is, we need it again revive, so this is the path to nowhere, with us it will be much cheaper and faster, that’s 100%, everyone should understand what we are talking about, but if a strong threat comes, then we will have to link into a single control system, nuclear weapons of russia, china, the korean people’s democratic one, which vladimir vladimirovich is like once... they sent the people's republic of korea, oh, i can imagine how things are going on there now, and if something else ends up in vietnam, yes, there are also specialists in the region, so yes they will answer, maybe it’s time to go to cam ranh, but again, i’m extreme, but still we're talking about this, we're waiting for it, we're always waiting for it, advertising.
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still, my obediences, they are over, they are all from them, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, miracle, ahlay-makhlay. the demon would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demon, pray, black, throwing the gang is also a sin, it’s time to pay, i’ll shoot from here, i’m the only one there, so quickly sleep if you’re with me chance, here you go, i'm feeling bad.


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