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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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large-scale brix games open in kazan, how many countries are participating and how foreign teams are welcomed. our country celebrates today one of the main public holidays, russia day. the first to meet him were the residents of the far east. in the capital of primorye , the holiday traditionally began at sea. a sailing regatta took place in the waters of the amur bay. our correspondent is in direct contact from vladivostok. victoria samusenko, victoria, greetings, how does vladivostok celebrate and what is the program in the neighboring regions? yes, hello, residents of primorye traditionally they celebrate russia day, the first, today the most important holiday of our country is celebrated in every corner of the primorsky territory, but the largest celebrations, of course, took place here in vladivostok; today on the main square of the city, young residents of primorye received passports from a friend of the governor. the holidays set up different
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sites, everyone can contribute to a special military operation, right on the square craftswomen put camouflage nets, made trench candles, in honor of the celebration of russia day, 16 state awards were presented outstanding residents of the region, from the very morning, guests of the holiday are delighted with songs and dances by creative groups of primorye, the celebration will continue throughout the day and end with fireworks, young people were also presented with passports today... magadan, russia day was celebrated in chukotka in honor of an important national holiday, today in the capital of the district deployed a thirty-meter tricalor. on this day, townspeople laid flowers at the chukotka front memorial. over its centuries-old history, our country has gone through a difficult and heroic formation rise. she went through a lot of shocks, but she survived. residents of onadel. they also joined the mass flash mob and sang the russian anthem. and then there was a festive celebration in the central square. thank you for how
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russia day is celebrated in the far east, our correspondent victoria samusenko told. in moscow, in honor of the holiday, today there are dozens of events in parks, museums, cultural centers, the program includes concerts, excursions, master classes, interactive performances and sports tournaments. congratulations on russia day come from around the world, leader dprk, kimchaneung. sent a telegram to vladimir putin, the text noted: russia is overcoming all challenges, defending sovereignty and moving towards prosperity. warm words in honor of the holiday came from nicaragua; the president and deputy prime minister of the republic emphasized in a telegram: “we are celebrating with you in the spirit of fraternal unity, sharing values, love, family and faith.” congratulations on russia day came from space. the iss crew, oleg kanonenko, nikolai chupa, alexander grebyonkin, recorded. a video message
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that speaks of love for russia, according to commander of the cosmonaut corps oleg kanonenko, a sense of pride for the country inspires him to solve complex problems and achieve new achievements. this is a holiday for those who love their country and are proud of it, those who love the great history of russia. love for our homeland is what unites us all. we are happy to represent our country in space and work for the benefit of russia. love for one's country must be active. it depends on us whether our russia will be successful, comfortable to live in and prosperous? from space you can clearly see how our homeland is huge and beautiful, inhabited by people of various nationalities. russia is our common home, which must be respected and protected. we have the honor of being born and living in the most beautiful country on earth. let's remember and appreciate this. happy holiday, friends. vladimir putin will present state awards today to outstanding citizens of our country. the ceremony will take place in the large kremlin palace. decree on presidential awards.
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signed the day before. opera singer ildar abdorzakov and sculptor andrey korobtsov were awarded for their contribution to the development of musical art and architect konstantin famin for the creation of monuments dedicated to the history of our country. the rzhev memorial in the tver region is one of their most famous and large-scale works. also, state prizes in the field of literature and art were received by the director of the museum of the tsarskoe selo reserve, olga taratynova, and the director of the tsarskoe selo gentry workshop, boris igdalov. in area. mikhail kovalchuk, doctor of technical sciences evgeny adamov, advisor to the general director of rosatom vladimir asmolov, as well as honored doctor of russia sergey gauthier, doctors of medical sciences marina minina, mageli khubutia and corresponding member tran peter chumakov. for achievements in human rights activities , the head of the committee of families and soldiers of the fatherland, yulia belikhova, will receive a state prize for being a philanthropist.
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director of the organization children's villages sos nikolai slabzhanin the event dedicated to russia day is taking place in the special operation zone, on the eve of the holiday in front of the group’s fighters. performances in large areas, so in small groups, like this, it’s very convenient, well, here they are mostly practically everyone has some kind of title, honored artist, there are some laureates of international competitions, including, well, such worthy performers. in the kherson region
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, military police officers and representatives of public organizations timed a festive event to coincide with russia day. in the city of genichesk, fighters stopped cars at checkpoints. andrei belousov as a permanent member of the russian security council, the document was published on the official portal of legal information. in addition, belousov, together with the head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov's assistant to the president, alexei dyumin, was included in the list of participants in the military-industrial cooperation commission. states, these same three officials became part of the government’s coordination council, which is responsible for meeting the needs of the armed forces. in the leningrad military district, missile crews are practicing the tasks of the second stage of training of non-strategic nuclear forces, crews
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are receiving training warheads for iskander-m tactical systems and equipping carriers with them. after this, the fighters secretly withdraw the equipment to the specified area and prepare it for launch. the same tasks are performed by navy sailors, they put training special ammunition on sea-based cruise missiles and deploy warships in the patrol area. powerful explosions occurred early this morning in ukraine. local publications immediately reported several cases of detonation in kiev. later , information appeared about a fire at an industrial facility in the suburbs. almost at the same time, it became known about explosions in odessa. the air raid alert was announced in the country several times. first in three regions on in the east, closer to 4 am, sirens sounded throughout ukraine. the city of shibeikina in the belgorod region was again under attack from militants; they attacked residential areas with multiple launch rocket systems. the air defense
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worked effectively, but, according to the regional authorities, one of the rockets hit an apartment building, killing a civilian, three more injured, two women ... injured, were taken to the hospital, the third refused hospitalization. it is known that 17 private and apartment buildings, windows were broken, roofs and walls were damaged, nine cars and power lines were also hit. in the special operation zone in the chasoy yar area , artillerymen of the kostroma airborne forces unit disrupted the rotation of vso infantry. the scouts discovered the movement of nationalist units and passed the coordinates on to the anti-tank crew. they brought the enemy within range of an accurate shot, fired a guided missile at the manpower, and the target was successfully hit. in the artyomovsk direction , russian artillerymen occupy new
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positions, our unit forces the enemy to retreat further and further, but before the batteries move closer to the front line, every square meter is checked by sappers from the southern military district. and... they always have a lot of work, our war correspondent, alexey barana, was convinced. the battery of long-range d-30 howitzers of the southern military district has just changed positions, firing lines, artillerymen are changing for security reasons and as the line of combat contact advances in the artyomovsk direction. shot! nearby from the artillery position, where some time ago... the first line of defense of the ukrainian military passed, meanwhile sappers are already working, they found packaging for anti-personnel mines, anti-tank mines on the side of the road, from which they concluded that there is a mixed minefield here. together with a group of sappers from the southern group of troops, we head to the discovered minefield, and
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we move without leaving the path. the roadsides here have yet to be checked. dozens of anti-tank mines have already been discovered in several stripes at a distance of no more than a meter. from each other, the ukrainian military used them to mine the bank of one of the rivers in the lugansk people's republic; apparently, the enemy feared that the russian military would cross this water barrier. after the mine detectors are brought into working order, sappers from the southern group of troops test the equipment in action using already discovered mines. work begins on both sides of the path, which, of course, was checked first; discovered explosive objects are marked with white tapes like this, together with the sappers always works and... cover from attacks
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by enemy strike drones is carried out using a set of special equipment, the platoon commander with the call sign vector tells us. the ukrainian military monitors the minefields, makes overflights, when our group of sappers is working, we also set up, calculate these birds and simply drop them, the working radius is about one and a half kilometers, we... we simply burn it, communication with the operator is lost, the bird keeps falling, explodes. on cleared mines and unexploded shells in areas the howitzer d-30 battery of the southern military district continues its work. the most important thing is the destruction of enemy artillery, mortars or cannons, as well as support for the infantry , ensuring that the enemy in the front position lacks ammunition, as well as the movement of reserves from the depths. the goal is to destroy the enemy, regardless of where he is. regardless of what kind of specialist he is, performing all these tasks, artillerymen in the artyomovsk
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direction operate around the clock. alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tan kiev, lead: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact. in odessa, the prosecutor's office opened a criminal case after a mass brawl between military ambulance officers near the military registration and enlistment office. doctors. says that they were kept in the building for several hours, most likely for the purpose of mobilization. when colleagues of doctors arrived at the military registration and enlistment office to provide support, a fight broke out. together with the military and against the doctors , volunteer police assistants came out and used bats. on the mass mobilization of doctors reported in kharkov. local publications cite city ambulance employees . according to the new law, the kiev regime is trying by any means to recruit as many people as possible into the troops. also at least. rumors that the age of mobilization could be sharply lowered from 25 years straight to 18. in berlin, they recalled
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zelensky’s illegitimacy, and the leaders of the alternative for germany party issued an official letter in which the ukrainians named the speaker in camouflage who was allowed into the bundestag. alek will tell you what other statements were made by western politicians komarova. escape from a sinking ship. the number of participants at the conference on ukraine in switzerland has decreased from 90 to 78 and the number of refusals may increase, european diplomats say. ignore was turned on in berlin, where zelensky’s speech in the bundestag was attended by 83 people. such a step is a clear sign of the hostility of the majority, the politician emphasizes, but the berlin ruling elite continues to stick to its line. firearms, as well as anti-tank defense equipment, components for artillery ammunition. and several thousand attack drones, i am also very pleased to announce the delivery of 100 additional guided missiles
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for the patriot complexes. the netherlands joined the act of generosity, and from there they promise to deliver drones worth 60 million euros to kiev. norway will allocate another 240 million for air defense. at the same time, the head of the military concern rain metal said that very soon the weapons for purchases will run out. germany's special fund is already 100 billion euros in size. but berlin, like the rest of europe, needs more money to successfully support ukraine. otherwise in case, in 6 months, all the success stories that are now expected will end, because we will no longer be able to supply weapons to kiev. nato will not come to the rescue either. the countries of the eastern flank of the alliance gathered in riga for the bucharest nine summit and were unable to sign a joint final declaration. the president of bulgaria insisted on excluding the clause on forced labor from the document.
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sent the country's ambassador to latvia. the american edition of the financial times claims that because of budapest’s position on ukraine, they even want to exclude the country from the bucharest nine. in meanwhile, washington is again threatened. russia, the united states allegedly has big plans for the group of seven summit, which will begin in italy on june 13. this week we will announce a series of sensitive new sanctions and export controls that will be implemented as part of the commitments made by g7 leaders. the new sanctions target network organizations that help russia purchase foreign
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products. by doing so, we hope to further limit moscow's future revenues in key sectors. at the same time, the publication wall street journal reports: russia is attracting more and more new allies to circumvent sanctions, while the united states and europe, amid unprecedented talk of confiscation of russian assets, are rapidly losing partners around the world. alek komarov. news. sports news. in the studio ilya kostin. good morning. the kontinental hockey league has published the calendar for the new season. are there any changes? good morning, roman, there is one change, but a significant one, the season will end in may at... a historical event happened in russian sports, namely signing of a new contract at a depth of 750 m in the oktyabrsky mine in norilsk.
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this ceremony was attended by the president of the moscow basketball club cska andrei vatutin, a key foreign player of the america club. in the vtb united league. by the way, the white cup that went to cska, to give status to this event, also went down the shaft. today , the current and eleven-time league champions will hold a series of master classes in norilsk and take part in the polar match of stars. this is the first time in my memory. in history, well, i don’t want to say all sports, but basketball is definitely when a contract is signed at a depth of more than 700 m, and it seems to me that such a beautiful story turned out, it’s great that we agreed with kasper for 2 years, our fans love him very much, he fit perfectly into the cska team in the last two seasons, so we are very
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happy to hope that here is the place where it was signed. the contract will bring us and kasper good luck. portuguese cristiano ronaldo became the author of the world record. he played the most matches at the highest level - 1226. the record for ronaldo was a friendly a meeting against the irish as part of the portuguese national team, in which cristiano scored a double and helped the portuguese win 3:0. in total , ronaldo has 130 goals for the national team, the most in football history. he is ahead of his closest pursuer. yes, by 22 goals, as for the record for the number of matches at the highest level, here cristiano beat the former goalkeeper of the brazilian national team of san palo rogerio ceni. the upcoming european championship, which starts in germany on june 14, will be ronaldo’s sixth in his career and no other football player has. today in
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kazan the opening ceremony of the brix games will take place, more than 45 athletes from... countries will take part in them, 387 sets of medals will be played in 27 sports. our sports correspondent, stas redekultsev, will tell you how the brix games participants were greeted. the games' mascot, the mischievous leopard brixik, greets the competitors and even helps with the suitcases, a clever feline trick to lure them into dancing. our sport, badminton, is a very energy-intensive sport. sports, the preparation was on point and you have you danced here yet? well, of course, i’m 100% ready to dance, play on the court, and give emotions to everyone. athletes from kyrgyzstan, brazil, burkina fasso and other countries twirl to the tatar accordion ; west african athletes complement their tracksuits with traditional tengade posthumous hats. athletes from
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more than 90 countries came to the universiade village for the brix games in kazan. these competitions have been held before, but this is the first time. will take place in such a grandiose format, more than 4,500 participants in the game will in 27 disciplines, most of which are olympic. i actually thought that the brix games were being held for the first time, but then i read and found out that this competition has been taking place since 2017, but such a large-scale one, for the first time, i’m glad that they are taking place in russia, here with us, that we host so many countries, i think it will be a very cool tournament, smiles, hello.
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a large-scale international event, of which only these are images, these are dances, songs and so on, that is, this is in general the atmosphere of countries that show their culture and not we waited for a very long time. at the brix games, the russian team will perform on equal terms with the rest of the world, under its flag from the national anthem. games are not an alternative to existing competitions, such as the olympics or the world cup. this is a new format, a format in which there is only sports and no politics. the opening ceremony will take place on russia day, and the first medals of the tournament will be released. far beyond the framework of the association itself , stanislav petrov, anton senchenko and alexander stalmashevsky, news from kazan, will play a hundred among the kul residents on june 13. ilven took a break in the capital, but
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forecasters warn that precipitation will resume very soon. moreover, this day in russia may become one of the rainiest, ksenia levitskaya will tell you in more detail. this day in russia will be one of the three rainiest for the entire existence of the holiday. how much precipitation will fall in russia? you are watching the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and tsentrafobys, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello, today is the peak of tropical rainfall in the central regions. the first wave, nastya, reached moscow the night before. the metropolis was hit by a real summer storm. the precipitation was so intense that at times it was impossible to see anything through the sheet of rain. traffic jams immediately reached nine points, and the cost of a taxi jumped two to four times.
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in the center of the country, the record holder for precipitation was the city of krasny kholm, tver region, where 34 mm of moisture fell, or 44% of the entire june norm. it rained heavily in the tula region, where in one of the areas the crops in the gardens were literally washed away. oh, oh, oh, mommy, where does all this water come from? but on the kola peninsula the elements showed itself differently. street. murmash turned white in the middle of the day due to unusually thick hail. in some places, ice floes formed a uniform white cover on the ground, similar to snow. needless to say that such jokes of nature
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are more typical for the southern regions of our country than for the arctic? the day before , a series of wave cyclones from the andriatic broke into the european territory of russia. in the area of ​​these vortices developed. extremely powerful cumulonimbus clouds. you see, the rich white color of these clouds in the satellite image indicates significant reserves moisture, which is why our downpours turned out to be so extreme. today, the entire west and northern plain will continue to be covered by fields of frontal clouds, so the russian day here will pass to the accompaniment of thunderstorms. as on tuesday, the most intense downpours are expected in central russia and the northeast of the region, where in some places over a third of the monthly volume of moisture may pour out in one day, so moscow will again begin to be watered by thunderstorms by noon, with precipitation peaking in the evening , according to model
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estimates, about 12 mm can fall in 6 hours, then the showers will weaken a little, but only on thursday afternoon the weather will gradually improve. in general, during the influence of the cyclone on moscow, almost half of the monthly volume of moisture will pour out, so that the june precipitation plan will be ... exceeded by almost one and a half times. at the same time , this day in russia will be one of the three most rainy days during the existence of the holiday. the reason for the rampant nature is the collision of very heterogeneous air masses. the heat will reach the south and east of european russia from mediterranean. as a result, in the volga region in the north caucasus and the black sea region , the thermometer will reach 30-35, and coolness will flow to the northwest from the equator. north atlantic, so daytime temperatures will not exceed 17-22. the center of the country will be in the transition zone, here during the day it will be quite moderate +20-25. the atmospheric situation
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is developing in such a way that on the holiday in many cities in the east of the russian plain , half-day and the heat will reach near record levels. in tambov, ulyanovsk, cheboksary, perm nature does not have enough of just a degree or less to update meteorological statistics. but even in the black earth region at this time of year the thermometer rises above +30 only once every 5-6 years. in st. petersburg, there will be light rain until saturday, and during the day the air will be able to warm up, as it should be on these dates in june . on sunday the weather will improve and immediately warm up to +24. for moscow, today’s 24 is, on the contrary, a cold snap, because the day before the capital’s thermometers were approaching +26. there will be a couple more tomorrow degrees fresher, from friday the precipitation will stop ; on the weekend the temperature will return to mid-week levels. that's all for me, goodbye.
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still, my obediences, they are over, they are all, forgive me, lord, you have all the hope, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you ask yourself, how long? i’m telling others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, miracle please, the demonstrator would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demonstration, pray, black one, throwing the gang away is also a sin, it’s time to pay, it hurts
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from here i’ll say that if one of them... quickly fell asleep, if there’s a chance with you, take it, legon, he didn’t do anything bad, there’s still someone who ’ll do it to whom, naughty people, i’ll tell you.
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now technology news, philip trofimov, host of the vesnet program, is with us. philip, hello, the taiwanese company htc announced today a new smartphone, which almost caused a stir, why such interest in the new product? good afternoon, well, this is a rather interesting story, the smartphone itself is not particularly striking, but who exactly released it, this is more interesting, here and techno-nostalgia and maybe even some hopes for some innovations in the future, but more on that a little later, let's start with big
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domestic news. yandex has learned to speed up the process of training neural networks by a quarter, or rather learned it some time ago, the search engine’s own projects have been working this way since january, but this became known only now when the company made the corresponding solution publicly available to everyone, in fact, yandex was able to rework and improve existing tools that optimize communication between individual graphics accelerators, which in the process of training large language models uses thousands of measurements to understand: for a search engine , training the popular open-source model lama 2 with 70 billion parameters using 1024 video cards requires 3 months of calculations with a new accelerator, 20 days less rental of such capacity for 20 days costs from half to one and a half million dollars. but training is carried out constantly in large companies, a lot of them are carried out, a lot of experiments are carried out.


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