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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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belikhova yulia alexandrovna. slabzhanin nikolai yurievich. dear friends, colleagues, i congratulate you on russia day, this is a holiday in honor of our homeland, we celebrate it with respect for our country, with reverence for its centuries-old history, the covenants of our ancestors, their achievements and victories.
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thousands of years ago, the path of our fatherland began in veliky novgorod, the rurik settlement, staraya ladoga, izborsk, here are the origins of our civilization, statehood and culture, here is the cradle of russia, the largest state in europe of its time, uniting slavic, finno-ugric, turkic and other tribes from the baltic to the black sea. glory. russia day as a symbol of the continuity of the thousand-year path of our fatherland. there have been many
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difficult, even tragic periods, but our people have always overcome all difficulties, obstacles and adversities, created and increased the greatness of the fatherland. today, in difficult times for our country , we are once again united by patriotism and responsibility for the fate of our homeland. these feelings are near and dear to each of us. they serve as a reliable support for participants in special military operation. the whole country, our multinational people support.
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to maintain the leading position of the renowned university. lyudmila andreevna bespalova created her own scientific school. a brilliant scientist, a brilliant scientist - one of the most famous russian breeders, thanks to her work , more than 100 new varieties and hybrids of wheat have been created. their widespread use makes it possible to increase the efficiency and... independence
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of domestic agriculture, the title of hero of labor was awarded to mikhail anatolyevich budnichenko, general director, general director of the legendary sevmash, this enterprise produces a new generation of nuclear missile carriers, which provide reliability and the highest combat capabilities of the russian nuclear triad, a major contribution to strengthening. the chief designer of the country's oldest design bureau, raduga, where advanced models of rocket technology are created, much needed, in-demand labor in the mining industry, was chosen by the fraudster melnitsy of the mikhailovsky mining and processing plant, vladimi.
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they are highly valued at their native enterprises, they young colleagues with whom they generously share their experience are also proud. dear friends, this year our country celebrates a big, significant anniversary. 300 years since the founding of the russian academy of sciences. since then, the scientific journey and fundamental discoveries of scientists have become a powerful driving force of national development. and today, at a crucial, milestone stage , it is science and its innovative approaches that are the basis for solving many large-scale problems that our country faces. it is my pleasure to introduce today's science and technology prize laureates. their work ensures
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russia's technological leadership in the most important areas. evgeniy olegovich adamov. vladimir grigorievich osmulov. mikhail valentinovich kovalchuk. they were the first in the world to propose and begin to implement the idea of ​​a closed nuclear cycle, that is, they found a way to make nuclear energy safe for the environment. among the laureates is molecular biologist pyotr mikhailovich chumakov. he is responsible for a whole series of fundamental discoveries that made it possible to create a new direction in medicine is the treatment of tumor diseases with the help of the beneficial properties of certain viruses, the so-called ontkovak, their extensive
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clinical research will begin this year, at one of the flagships in the fight against cancer in our country, the hertsov oncology institute. a big step forward in the field of vital organ transplantology was made by our medical scientists, talented doctors, managers, sergei vladimirovich gotya, marina gennadievna minina, and magelya shalovich khubutya. more relatively recently, we had only isolated examples of providing such assistance to seriously ill patients, but thanks to the hard work and medical talent of today’s laureates, the number of such complex operations was increased to several thousand per year, making them available not only
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in metropolitan centers, but also in many regions of russia , preserve and develop, this is perhaps the main task. facing russian culture, we have something to be proud of, we have something to cherish and pass on to descendants, bright, amazing talents, our land has always been and remains very generous, their honor certainly includes the current laureates of the state prize in the field of literature and art, for the enormous contribution to the revival of the tsarskoye selo palace and park ensemble, the prize was awarded to the real ones... those who care with all their hearts for the cause they serve, this is the director of the museum tsarskoye selo nature reserve olga vladislavna taratynova, and boris pavlovich igdalov, who
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devoted more than 40 years of his life to the restoration of destroyed masterpieces, among them the legendary amber room. sculptor andrei sergeevich korobtsov and architect konstantin evgenievich famin chose creativity as a key theme to perpetuate the memory of significant events and heroes of national history. the most striking works of monumental art of recent years have been created in their workshop. first of all, i’m talking about the rzhev memorial.
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one of the most sought-after opera singers of our time, he created a fund to support young talents, and despite tours and performances, he painstakingly searches for and nurtures young talents, i want to thank eldar amirovich for reviving the tradition performances of wartime songs by opera artists , your concert program. was a huge success, including among young people, this is very important for preserving the memory of the feat
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of the generation of winners who crushed nazism, helping those who need support has become the life credo of the laureate of the charity award nikolai yuryevich slobzhanin, founder of the siberian center for public initiatives, he made a significant contribution to the development of... the volunteer movement. nikolai yuryevich’s many years of experience were in demand in the russian children’s committee village of sos. he has been heading it for 16 years, together with his like-minded people, he has implemented a program for the prevention of child orphanhood. thanks to this project, more than 30,000 children received support for the opportunity to live and be raised in their own families. a vivid example of how mine is.
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people, over a year and a half of work, the committee delivered more than 6.00 tons of humanitarian aid to the front-line zones, took veterans of a special military operation and their families under its wing. yulia alexandrovna is not only a public figure, but also a mother of six children. one of the prices, a participant in a special military operation. it certainly does. great respect that she devotes so much time and effort to social and human rights
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work. dear friends, it is possible to solve the large-scale tasks facing our country only together, only together. and a huge role here is played by the personal example of talented, smart, successful people who are ready to do everything in their power for the common good. such involvement in the subsistence of the homeland, devotion to one’s calling. the ability to tirelessly move forward is characteristic of everyone of you. i sincerely congratulate you on the high awards of your homeland and wish you all the best, i wish you new successes. thank you for your attention. by decree of the president of the russian federation for outstanding labor merits, high professionalism and many years. for conscientious work, the title of hero of labor of the russian federation was awarded.
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lyudmila andreevna bespalova, head of the department of the lukyanenko national grain center, krasnodar territory. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear guests, colleagues, friends, today is russia day, and this is so symbolic, today to receive from the hands of the president on such a day the highest award of the motherland for love of the motherland, and... i must say that the story of my service to the fatherland is my
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life, it began in the krasnodar region, as they said, in the family of an agronomist , a participant and invalid of the great patriotic war, then a wonderful temeryazevka, then work and study gained wisdom from the great. lukyanenko, whom the world community considered the best breeder of the 20th century, all these more than 50 years - i’ve been working there, it’s necessary to say that over this fifty-year, more than fifty-year period of my, my research, and my scientific potential either does not fade away, flares up more and more, one might say, if i had another life,
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i would devote it to selection and... i would like to say that we won a big victory, an impressive one, in such a tough competition with western mega-firms, and today the wheat fields of our country are occupied by domestic varieties, domestic seeds are in our fields, and the progress of wheat selection is huge, the... productivity has increased by an order of magnitude and today our new varieties yield a yield of 14-15 tons per hectare, and our industrial partners have more than 10 tons, and that is, i can say that food grain abundance is about the security of our country , and i think that these are our results of our work,
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our team today, our scientific school. century, the methods, and the results that we get give me the right to speak with confidence about the future of our russia as the main grain power in the world. thank you. general director of the production association northern machine-building enterprise , arkhangelsk region.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, well. first of all, thank you very much for such a high honor for such a high state award and appreciation of my humble work. in fact, after signing the decree, i kept thinking about why this happened in my life, how it became possible, i realized that this award was the work of a huge number of people, i would even say several generations of people, this is first and foremost, of course , my mom and dad. i to this day, i make some decisions, compare my actions by them, by what my father would have done in such a situation. of course, it’s my family, my wife, children, grandchildren, who took on all the worries about everyday life and allowed me to work in peace; maybe they didn’t receive additional attention in this life, but they know for sure that somewhere at work they have husband, dad and grandfather, of course, these are mentors, teachers, many of them are no longer with us, but we cannot help but remember them today, because i
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was very lucky with these people, they instilled in me love for the profession, professional skills and attitude. a huge contribution to this award, of course, was made by the selfless work of the thirty-thousandth team of the northern enterprise, these are our workers, employees, engineers, managers, these are high-level professionals, these are people selflessly devoted to their work, workaholics and, of course, true patriots of our russia, this is of course, the leadership and employees of the united corporation are, of course, teams of hundreds of scientists.
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restore lost and create new , unparalleled technologies, gain more 10 thousand young people, train them, put them through a mentoring system, turn them into highly qualified specialists who today
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fully ensure the implementation of state defense orders. thank you very much for this, i once again express my deep gratitude to you for your high trust, sivmash has gained good momentum, and as a result, over 12 years we have delivered 12 nuclear submarines, the most modern ones. to the navy for various projects, we have made a lot of outstanding civil orders, including, you know, the prirazlomno platform, the only one in the world, our gazprom was able to begin conducting economic activities on the arctic shelf of the russian federation, we did it, we managed to complete it, with your full support, and that’s the requirement to complete a project that has not happened in the history of either soviet or russian technical cooperation, this is the re-equipment of an aircraft carrier. the ship was selected by a full-fledged pot, which has already been the flagship of the indian fleet for 10 years. vladimirovich, well, i want to tell you that
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this award will continue to mean an even greater responsibility, we will continue strive to work more efficiently, faster, with better quality, cheaper, and this year will not be an exception, i want to report to you that the fleet will receive several more nuclear submarines that will strengthen our nuclear submarines. viktor antonovich, academician of the russian academy of sciences, rector of lomonosov moscow state university.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, today is a great day, a holiday of our country, russia’s day, and receive an award on this day. day of special significance and especially solemnly, i thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for this high award. throughout my life's journey, from a miner to an academician and the rector of moscow university, there were people, these are the people who supported and i attribute this award to them, these are the teachers, these are the comrades who believed in the future of russia, supported everyone who...
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dear vladimirovich, university corporation, i personally will give my experience, knowledge, everything to solve the tasks that you have set for the country and, of course, the education system, science as the main one. the driving force behind the future of the country, and moscow university, celebrating its 27th anniversary, will always be a support for your tasks, as it was. always a supporter in our country. thank you again, dear vladimirovich, for this high award for your support. sezdykov
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eltugan kimashshevich, chief designer of the state engineering and design bureau raduga named after bereznyak, moscow region. serving russia, i would like to say that since the creation of special equipment is multifaceted, multidisciplinary work, it means... that the highest assessment of labor services to the state and people was not given to me alone, but was given by a team of developers,
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manufacturers, and testers. therefore, my first thanks to my colleagues, the employees of my native enterprise gosmk raduga named after bereznik, the employees of the smezhnikov enterprise for their joint work, high professionalism and, i’m not afraid of this word, for their dedication, especially at the present time. secondly, i would like to thank the scientific community, led by the academy of sciences of the russian federation, and academic teams. growing institutions that create the knowledge and technology that allows and is the foundation, allows us to develop promising models of highly effective weapons, but my main gratitude requires a little explanation of such a short retrospective, historical, if you allow, in a month in july it will be exactly 30
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years old. how at a meeting of the government of the russian federation the question was asked from a high government level: why do we need to kill ourselves? that’s how those state leaders then understood the role and place russia in international relations. today russia is strong, independent, as it should be, has always been, except for short periods of time, which are not indicative, and so in those nineties... we, weapons developers, knowing full well that the fruits of our labor would still be in demand, did not stop their activities, realizing that our time will come, russia, there cannot be another, and the realities of today speak of, once again confirming the words that were said long ago, that russia has only two allies, army and navy, so allow me to gain
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impudence. thank you personally, vladimir vladimirovich, for the russia that you have revived again as a sovereign state, and continue to work hard on this difficult path; in such a russia you want to live and work. thank you, vic. sonov alexey yudenich, driver of the car of the joint-stock company tugnoisky open-pit mine, republic of buryatia.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear friends, it is a great honor for me to receive such an honorable award from you, thank you very much, and i thank you and your colleagues for great appreciation of my work, thank you very much for the high reward. vladimir viktorovich shchedov, operator of the mills of the processing plant of the mikhailovsky mining and processing plant named after varichev, kursk region. thank you very much for such trust. by decree
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of the president of the russian federation, the state prize of the russian federation in the field of science and technology in 2023, for the development, scientific justification and implementation in the practice of domestic healthcare, original technologies for transplantation of vital organs. artificial organs named after academician shumakov.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich. dear!


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