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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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vladimirovich, for such trust, i am very glad to receive this award from you, i am very glad, thank you, thank you, by decree of the president of the russian federation, the state prize of the russian federation in the field of science and technology in 2023, for the development of scientific justification and implementation in the practice of domestic healthcare original transplantation technologies. vital organs, awarded to sergei vladimirovich gatya, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the national medical research center transplantology and artificial organs named after academician shumakov.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear guests, colleagues, i am happy and proud to receive this high award from the hands of the president, and of course, i want to share this happiness with my friends, with, first of all , the team, the heroic team of workaholics of the shumakov center. with our fellow transplantologists in moscow, st. petersburg, in the regions of russia and, of course, with our teachers. i want to remember boris vasilovich petrovsky, valery ivanovich shumakov, anatoly mikhailovich granov. transplantation and transplantology mean, first of all, thousands of lives saved. adults and children, when
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other methods are ineffective, this is the level of capabilities of domestic healthcare, and this is a marker of social, social solidarity, it is an accumulator and generator of the latest technologies and... solutions, the state has done a lot for the development of transplantology, in particular, unique opportunities for the free provision of transplantation assistance and lifelong drug provision, the number of transplantations is growing from year after year, accessibility increases accordingly, now citizens from our new regions... also have the opportunity to receive
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this help from us, naturally, we continue to move forward, we have accumulated innovations that are world priorities, in particular, heart transplantation , organ transplantation for children, people come to us from abroad to study, but there are still many problems that need to be solved, this is, first of all, the spread of replication of methods in our regions, this is training of personnel, this scientific solutions, scientific topics, mikhail valentinovich and i have already come up with one such topic, and concluding my speech, i want to thank you again, vladimir vladimirovich, for the opportunity to work in our
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country and develop everything that we are developing, happy holidays to everyone, days, russia day, happiness to all, i serve russia, in the same nomination, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to marina gennadievna minina. doctor of medical sciences, head of the moscow city clinical coordination center for organ donation botkin hospital. deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, distinguished guests, allow me to express my deep gratitude for the highest. the work of our teams, i
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have been working in the moscow healthcare system for more than 20 years, and i completely share today’s high recognition. in the same category, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to khubutia mageli shalvovich, academician of the russian academy of sciences, president of the
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sklifosovsky research institute of emergency medicine. i will literally say a few words, dear vladimir vladimirovich, today i receive the second high award from your hands, but this is the highest assessment of the collective work of transplant doctors, and not only transplantologists, as a result of which more than one thousand seriously ill patients, our compatriots, have been returned to socially active life. all this was impossible if not for the state support that is provided to the development of healthcare in our country and not only in healthcare. vladimirich, i want to say, this is your enormous support for the development of science in russia, this is your support for the development
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innovative technologies introducing them into practical life. and without this, all our achievements, of course, were. hardly possible, thank you, to the fatherland, thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for the cycle of fundamental and applied research, development and technological development work, which made an outstanding contribution to the development of scientific and technical foundations, justification and implementation of the strategy for the two-component development of nuclear energy . russian academy of sciences, president of the national research center, kurchatov institute.
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deeply respected. vladimir vladimirovich, first of all, i would like to sincerely thank you for your high assessment of our work, which is led by our great compatriots, academician kurchatov aleksandrov, our outstanding contemporary evgeniy pavlovich verikhov. the essence of the work is that it is necessary to create an energy system that would be organically integrated into nature. we have set ourselves this task, or rather you have set it for us, huh. we were able to implement it, the essence of this work is as follows: that we take natural radioactive raw materials from nature, like the fuel of the future, pass it through this system and return back to nature the same activity that we took, that is, an absolutely system of nature-like energy is inscribed in
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the organic balance of nature. the point is that the foundations of a fundamentally new green nuclear energy have actually been laid.
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today we have taken a fundamental step towards creating a new energy system that will ensure our technological independence and energy security for many years, and we will defeat everyone. as we always won, thank you very much, once again, this only happened because you tirelessly help to do this, without this it would have been impossible, thank you very much, once again, in the same nomination, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to evgeniy olegovich adamov, doctor technical sciences, scientific director of the order of lenin research and...
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initiative for the sustainable development of humanity based on a new technological platform nuclear energy. the summit has long been forgotten, but your initiative is remembered. in europe, in the united states, our colleagues remember with sadness, because these 25 years that have passed since then, almost 25 years, have turned out to be fruitless for these countries that once occupied leading positions. they hit the wind very hard. in the sun, first of all this concerns europe and
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germany, which is well known to you, where in the eleventh year a law was passed that they would close nuclear energy and rely entirely on the sun and wind. 15 years have passed, we can take stock because last year they already closed the first stations, the last stations. when the law was adopted in the eleventh year. promised the germans that a kilowatt-hour that cost 6 euro cents at that time, sorry, 11 euro cents, would cost 6 euro cents, after 15 years it costs 33 euro cents, well, so that our population understands, 33 is practically 32 rubles, those who pay 5, plus or minus 1 ruble, understand well the difference between...
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first of all, at the kurchatov institute, this is not at all the same institute that
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kurchatov once created and where i once was executive director until 1986, today it is a conglomerate of absolutely brilliant institutes under the leadership of mikhail valentinovich, without whom further progress in nuclear energy is impossible, and i very much count on the fact that the enterprises of our state corporation and the bottom of the kurchatov institute will decide together. the tasks that you have set for the development of nuclear energy. once again , thank you very much for your support and we look forward to working together in the future. in the same category, the state prize of the russian the federation was awarded to vladimir grigorievich asmulov, doctor of technical sciences, advisor to the general director of the state nuclear corporation. rosatom, deeply respected, vladimir
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vladimirovich, our founding fathers wrote a great epic, war and peace, the nuclear industry, what they decided. the task of ensuring security as a state to ensure the independence, energy security of the state. today my colleagues and i are writing the second volume. this great epic and i thought that maybe i would change the name, but i think that today there is no need to change the name, i think that the results of our work, because it is absolutely clear that without the use of nuclear energy there is no future, we will build this road to the temple,
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serving russia. for a series of fundamental and applied works on studying the function of the gene of the main tumor suppressor p-53 in normal pathology. the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to chumakov petr mikhailovich, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, chief researcher at the engelhart institute of molecular biology, russian academy of sciences. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear participants of the solemn meeting, dear guests, i am deeply grateful to the committee for
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awarding state prizes for such a high assessment. our work, exactly 50 years ago i began my work, scientific work at the institute of molecular biology, during the lifetime of the great russian scientist vladimir aleksandrovich ingelgart. vladimir aleksandrovich created a unique creative atmosphere at the institute, which i am very grateful for this atmosphere, and i am very grateful to the people of the institute - our achievements. our work for many years was of a purely fundamental nature, but their results made it possible to reconsider the process of transformation of normal cells into tumor cells and this made it possible to begin to develop fundamentally new approaches to the treatment of oncological diseases using
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oncoletic viruses, i want to emphasize what this is...
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honored artist of the russian federation.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear friends, it is a great honor for me to be here today in this beautiful st. george’s hall, in the center of the capital, in the heart of russia and to receive this high award from your hands, vladimir vladimovich, thank you very much, you know, i am happy. person, because in my life i had the chance to meet amazing, brilliant people, teachers, and i am with great gratitude...
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where i like to come, where my mother lives, where my relatives live, where my friends live, and i want to thank my parents,
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my dad, my mom for giving me this unique musical instrument, a singing voice, and i also want thank my wife, my family for... love for their support, thank you very much and vladimir vladimirovich, as a father of many children, i want to tell you that i have fulfilled the demographic plan, thank you very much for creating monuments and memorials dedicated to significant events of the russian history, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to andrey sergeevich korobtsov, sculptor.
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hello, for us. it is a great honor to be here today and to receive such high praise for our work. i would like to thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for your enormous attention to history, the historical heritage of our homeland, military history. without your participation, it would be impossible to implement projects of such importance and scale. in our time, the disastrous trend of demolishing monuments abroad is a striking example of attempts to erase the memory of the past. and we are proud that in our country, on the contrary, the exploits of our ancestors are honored, remembered and immortalized in memorials that will survive centuries. thank you. in the same
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category, the state prize of the russian federation, awarded to konstantin evgenievich fomin, architect. dear vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much, andrey and i perceive this award not as personal, but as an award for a large team of ordinary people, leaders. russian military historical society, in fact, co-authors of our projects, sculptors, historians, architects, builders, work organizers, all those who worked
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with us. each such project is a serious task that can only be solved through joint work. this is what we have in common deed and overall reward. many thanks to everyone who helps us create architectural and artistic projects.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, it is a great honor for me today on this holiday to be in this hall and receive this high award from your hands, but i realize that this award is not mine, it is the award of our entire team, very professional, this is a team of like-minded people, with whom we are thrown into the fire, otherwise... they would not have been able to do so much and make that restoration breakthrough, for which, in fact, today we receive this award. but first of all, vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to thank you personally for your participation in issues of museum activities and, first of all, for understanding the need for restoration and restoration of monuments destroyed by the war. as you know,
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the royal village suffered. very serious, we are still restoring these destroyed monuments of ours, a lot has already been done, but without your support and help, our masterpieces of the interiors of the leonsky hall and the church, well, we probably wouldn’t have restored it very soon, so thank you very much, and i also want to note that today we, we have an even larger restoration program, we are making the southern wing...
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of the middle of the last century, who dreamed of seeing the catherine palace revived, finally this will happen, so once again thank you very much and we are always waiting for you in tsarskoye selo. in the same nomination, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to boris pavlovich igdalov, director of the tsarsko-selo amber workshop. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear gentlemen, you know, here
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is an assessment of our work on behalf of all my colleagues, artists. dear gentlemen, come to tsarskoye selo, this is the best place on earth. by decree of the russian president , i want to express my deep gratitude for the high federation, the state award of the russian federation for outstanding achievements in the field of human rights activities.
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special military operation, it was a difficult, very frank conversation, you heard us, you not only heard us, you supported us, it gave us a very big impetus, and today the committee of military families fatherland, these are headquarters in all regions of the russian federation, in all eighty- nine, these are a thousand mothers, wives, sisters, families, participants in a special military operation who stand behind our fighters, the guys defend our sovereignty there
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on the front line. and here we are.


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