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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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concerts, excursions, performances, film screenings and exhibitions are held throughout the country, as a national holiday is celebrated in moscow and other cities. the president presented awards for outstanding achievements in the kremlin with state prizes and hero of labor medals. how did the ceremony go and who were among the recipients? list of targets the russian army attacked the vso air base, as well as the deployment points of foreign mercenaries and the training sites for unmanned boats. what is known about the results? they are equipping. carriers with training
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warheads move into positions in the leningrad military district is practicing the tasks of the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. favorable exchange rate brazil is studying the possibility of mutual settlements with russia in national currencies, for what and how it plans to pay. today is one of the main public holidays, russia day. on this occasion, in the kremlin, the president presented state prizes and medals to the hero of labor. the russians received the award for... my colleague elizaveta khramtsova watched the ceremony. on the big day of a big country, the kremlin traditionally honors people who dedicated your life in russia, its science, culture in general , its prosperity. 20 people received state awards, many of them are known by millions, some serve as an example for a relatively small circle of colleagues, but everyone made a contribution. the development of the country cannot
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be overestimated; it is its people that russia is strong; throughout its thousand-year history, its people have proven their strength, love for the country and dedication to their work. congratulations on russia day, this is a holiday in honor of our homeland, we celebrate it with respect for our country. glory to the sovereign. the power of ancient russia developed and strengthened the greatest eras of the muscovite kingdom, the russian empire and the soviet union. and all these stages are one, inseparable, whole with modern russia. and therefore i consider it necessary, historically correct, to celebrate russia day as a symbol of the inextricability of the thousand-year path of our fatherland. and now, when our country is again facing challenges. the people of russia
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show their readiness to defend its interests. russian statehood went through many difficult, even tragic periods, but our people have always overcome all difficulties, obstacles and adversities, created and increased the greatness of the fatherland. today, in difficult times for our country, we are once again united by patriotism and responsibility for the fate of our homeland. these feelings are near and dear to each of us. they serve as a reliable support for the participants. this is what they usually say about people whose merits were noted at a high level; gold stars were given to a coal industry worker, the driver of a car at the tugnuisky mine, alexey kholmakshinov, and a mill operator at a processing plant. mikhailovsky factory gog, vladimir shchedov, the quality of products and the energy costs of the entire enterprise depend on his professionalism. the president
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also awarded the hero of labor medal to the scientist breeder lyudmila bespalova. in kuban today it is difficult to find fields that were sown with seeds in the development of which lyudmila andreevna did not participate. among the awarded, viktor sadovnichy, a scientist who headed moscow state university in the difficult nineties , devoted all these decades to the development of the russian science education system. today day of russia and it is so symbolic to receive it from the hands of the president today.
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in the country and develop everything that we develop, happy holidays, days, russia day, happiness to everyone, i serve russia. the hero of labor was iltugan sizdykov, deputy general director and chief designer of the raduga design bureau. the advanced models of missile technology that his company creates play a huge role in conducting a special military operation. and the realities of today indicate that, once again , they confirm the words that were said long ago, that russia has only two allies. army and navy. so let me be bold. thank you personally, vladimir vladimirovich, for the russia that you have revived again as a sovereign state, and continue to work hard on this difficult path, in such a russia you want to live and work. the culture of russia is what
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the connection between generations is based on. singer ildarzakov received a state prize not only for his services to opera, but for how much time he devotes to working with young talents, for how... according to the president, the history of each of the recipients can be compared to an adventure book that is impossible to put down; talent, determination, hard work, each of these people admires and gives confidence that the fate of russia is in good hands.
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president of belarus alexander lukashenko congratulated all russians on vladimir putin's russia day. the leaders of the two countries spoke by phone today. they discussed current issues of further development of russian-belarusian relations of strategic partnership and alliance. taking into account vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko in mark the summit talks in minsk on may 24. the agreements reached as a result of the telephone conversation also touched upon some practical aspects of interaction within the framework of the union state. in the office today is not only russia day, but also city day. the capital of bashkiria is 450 years old. musicians perform throughout the city, athletes compete, crafts fairs take place, and many other entertainments take place. murat zaripov plunged into the holiday atmosphere. the capsule was laid exactly half a century ago on the day of the four hundredth anniversary of fa open carefully so as not to damage the contents. these are already museum exhibits. inside are several newspapers, invitations to a party on the occasion of the anniversary and messages from komsomol members, later.
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new horizons have been opened for young people and the entire soviet people. we are called to do great things. ufa celebrates city day today, but all the celebrations are yet to come. the main anniversary event was decided to be postponed until the end of summer, so now, when entering the city, it’s like you’re entering a construction site. work is in full swing at almost every intersection. in in the most popular places for walking in the business center, entire streets are being reconstructed, sidewalks are being improved, and building facades are being renovated. entire neighborhoods should become more comfortable for garage residents. some of the anniversary construction has already been completed; thousands of young spectators have visited the updated puppet theater. the fyodor shall museum welcomes its first visitors. the famous bass began his career in ufa, but even more important social facilities are still planned to be completed, among them the wrestling center, the palace should be completed in time for the anniversary, it will begin in the fall work fencing center, it should become the best specialized complex in the country. the training hall has
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16 permanent tracks, they will be installed in the floors, that is, on a permanent basis with a shock-absorbing system so that athletes can... train here, long-standing transport problems are also being solved, not only on a city, but also on a regional scale. the eastern exit is a transport route that connects the central part of ufa, directly from the m5 federal highway; it began to be laid back in nineties, it was completed only this year, the facility was not built specifically for the anniversary, but it was it that made it possible to significantly relieve the city’s transport network; now about 13 thousand cars pass through here every day. creative groups, including a newly formed children's and youth group, have been preparing for the holiday for several months now.
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the fiftieth anniversary of the city is a wonderful gift, i think. the results of the competition will be announced very soon, and a large-scale celebration of the 450th anniversary is planned for the last day of summer. murat zaripov. on a grandiose rally-concert dedicated to russia day took place on red square. thousands of people from different regions gathered in the heart of moscow. members of the svo took the stage with the stage stars. together with oleg gazmanov they performed a new song. details in the report by alexandra perfileva. just look at the national upsurge on red square here. russia. thousands of russians today confess their love for their homeland, for russia, this is
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probably a great holiday for our country, we love, we are proud of, we adore, this is a holiday, a day russia, how could it be without you, of course, in the very heart of the capital , the solemn date was celebrated with a festive concert, despite the rain, which started and then stopped, the mood, the mood is bomb, just bomb, bomb, fantastic, the mood of the interview. hello, guys, who's from, kaluga, saratov, murmansk, smolensk, smolensk, khabarovsk, on this day red square united people not only from different regions, but also from different generations, russia, russia, eight-year-old kolya and his older sister came specially to the concert from volgograd, which one are they mood, good, high five, resa ivanovna 65.
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the military participating in the fighting in the donbass perform a new
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song with oleg gazmanov. this is once again proof that russia is glad to all peoples. in general, it begins like this: i am russian, i am a tatar, i am a chechen, i am a bashkir, we have been living with different nationalities for centuries and thousands of years, we live in friendship when necessary, we stand shoulder to shoulder and defend our country. kuban cossacks also sing on national day. people who are here right now are experiencing, yes, hello everyone, that’s the same thing, only inside me, today guests from other countries sing songs in russian, i’m from belarus. and you, i’m from israel, but the flag is russian, well, the russian flag is the most important
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flag, the strongest, and i’m from avistan, i’m from sri lanka, angola, and these are the guys from moldova, they admit that despite the political situation , see themselves as part of russia with a long history, we hope and believe that our friendly relations between moldova and russia will always take place, well, at the end, of course, the anthem was performed. performing the anthem for an audience of millions is a great responsibility, when you are entrusted with singing the anthem of the country in which you live, for any artist it is an honor; it is very difficult to sing the anthem. complex pieces, especially vocally, are very difficult to perform. both artists and spectators thank the presidents
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and together congratulate their country on the holiday. happy russia day with the greatest love and wishes of all the best. alexandra perfileva, mikhail verdiev and alexey podstrelnov, conduct. the international energy agency has updated its forecast for oil demand and production. we will discuss this with my colleague, anna lazreva, she is joining the broadcast. hello, what are the forecasts for russia? yura expects that oil production in russia will be stable until 2030, but i will return to this topic a little later, starting with the fact that russia has ratified a free trade agreement with the cis countries. investment services. the document signed by vladimir putin was published on the legal information portal. the heads of government of the cis country signed an agreement in june twenty-third, as emphasized vladimir putin, it creates favorable conditions for doing business in the territory of the commonwealth, and also creates transparent and understandable rules for
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consumer entrepreneurs. brazil is studying the possibility of mutual settlements with russia in national currencies for oil, gas, pleasure and other goods, the minister of foreign affairs of the south american republic stated this in an interview, he said that upon returning from russia, where he took part in the conference of the heads of mid-brix, he will discuss this topic with the financial authorities of your country. minister suggested that the volume of brazilian agricultural exports to russia could reach $5 billion, he also suggested and proposed equalizing payments on both sides, that is, minimizing the very need for dollars in these transactions.
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international energy agency, there will be stability in russia until 2030, despite sanctions, they say , rosneft continues to implement its major oil project, it helps compensate for the decline in aging fields, the agency also notes the ability to finance activities in oil industry and access to chinese... equipment as positive factors that will avoid a decline in production in the medium term. the international energy agency also calculated that in may russia increased oil exports by 100,000 barrels per day, month on month, while revenues decreased by half a million dollars, that is, by 3.5% against the backdrop of falling oil prices. however, in annual comparison,
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revenues increased by 2.5 billion. in addition, according to the data. agencies have reduced supplies russian oil products to china and india, the european union and turkey, they remained at the same level. the consumer price index in china in may increased by 3% in annual terms, data published by the state statistical office of the people's republic of china. according to the official forecast of the chinese authorities, inflation at the end of this year will be approximately 3%. and today the final data on annual inflation in germany came out; in may it accelerated to 2.4 percent from two and two in april, the figure coincided with the preliminary estimate. such numbers may slow down the process of easing monetary policy, the market believes that after the june rate cut , the european central bank will take a long pause, like other central banks, confirms a fresh forecast from the world bank. central bankers. central
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bankers would like to bring inflation to target and adjust interest rates, but keeping in mind that core inflation. has consequences when it comes to financing conditions, when it comes to economic growth, in an environment where we very high debt levels indeed. we continue our news review. vladimir putin held a meeting with the awarded, today 's outstanding russians and commented on yesterday's meeting with the participation of the minister of defense, the chief of the general staff and commanders of the troops. all are adults, serious, but quite young in age, professionals
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who are fully aware of what they are doing now and what they should do tomorrow . tomorrow everything is coordinated, reasonable, yes, we have a very wonderful galaxy of commanders, at such a high level, at more low, it’s just, you know, such a feeling, as our people say, a feeling of hope arises when you communicate with people of this level of class, a strike with high-precision long-range airborne ground-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles on aircraft parking and the infrastructure of an air base the armed forces of ukraine, as well as a
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temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries, places of preparation for the use of unmanned boats, ammunition depots and explosives. all designated targets are hit. the ministry of defense also published footage of the destruction of s300 launchers. the anti-aircraft missile system division was hit by an iskander strike in the area. the village of polyvyanny in the poltava region. judging by the objective monitoring footage, two launchers, two radar stations and combat control cabins were destroyed. what are the real reasons for the financial support of kiev from the united states? on the tbs tv channel , senator ode of the state of carolina stated that the interests concern mineral resources in ukraine. my colleague maria kudryavtseva found out how the country’s natural resources are valued and how military operations on its territory are beneficial for the united states. the united states does not send billions of dollars in support of ukraine free of charge. on the cbs television channel, the american senator, recognized in russia as a terrorist and extremist, linsey graham,
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explained why it is important to help kiev to be defeated is not permissible for the united states. if we help ukraine now, it can become the best business partner we have ever dreamed of. this $10-12 trillion in critical minerals resources. it is necessary to provide assistance to kiev on credit, because there are a lot of minerals on the territory of the country. to describe the resource base of ukraine, experts often say, it is known... 20 minerals that people use, of which 117 are mined in ukraine. for example, america imports 90% of titanium.
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areas of use from aircraft, tanks and long-range missiles to astronautics and medicine. about 20% of the world's reserves are concentrated in ukraine. in 2020 , the last producer of this valuable metal closed in the united states. and for a long time titan did not did not fall into any of the sanctions packages, because they imported it from... including from russia, in this situation, reserves in ukraine are of particular interest, everything that is allocated to ukraine as financial assistance, the lion's share of this is nothing more than repayable loans, naturally, ukraine has nothing special to pay off with, so it will also give back with shares in mineral deposits. and supplies of minerals and natural resources at a significant discount. experts estimate existing deposits in ukraine at
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trillions of dollars, for example, coal reserves are approximately 40 billion tons. according to manganese, kyiv is in second place in the world. another 20 billion tons are iron ore reserves and 20 million copper. the largest deposit in europe is also located in ukraine.
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ukrainian men will have to present military registration documents to receive government services,
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the country's minister of justice denis malyusko announced. now kiev is trying by any means to take citizens to the front. military commissars act more and more harshly, and sometimes resort to cunning. this is how it is in odessa at local shopping malls they called an ambulance, and then they simply didn’t let the doctors out until they handed in the summons. this turned into a mass brawl. now employees are leaving en masse, and the city may be left without ambulance services. a similar situation is reported from kharkov. meanwhile , rumors continue to spread on the internet that the mobilization age will be lowered from 25 to 18 years, upon request. in the leningrad military district, missilemen are practicing the tasks of the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. the crews receive training warheads for iskander tactical complexes are equipped with them by carriers. after this, the fighters secretly go to the equipment in the specified area, where they prepare it for launching missiles. navy sailors perform similar tasks; they place training ammunition on sea-based cruise missiles and take ships to patrol areas. also with his colleague
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, the head of midcube, brun rodriguez parilla. lavrov thanked him for his participation in the meeting of foreign ministers in nizhny novgorod and noted that russia will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to cuba. and according to according to the russian foreign minister , moscow supports havana’s demands for the immediate lifting of the economic, trade and financial blockade of the country. at the negotiations, they discussed not only trade, economic, scientific and technical partnership, but also the current foreign policy agenda. agreed. including within the framework of the group of friends created a couple of years ago in defense of the un charter, which is to increase foreign policy coordination, which is especially important in the context of increasing confrontation in world affairs and sharply increased external threats to the security of our countries. we are grateful to our cuban friends for their principled position on the situation around ukraine, for this line, this
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