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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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nikolaevna always comes here to fish for minnows. in the hands are simple scarlet and carnations, this is for the inhabitants of the besieged city, who were unable to survive the harsh time, and for the soldiers who saved with arms in their hands. once the northern capital from the enemy, when i come here, i always visit this slab dedicated to the siberian warriors who defended leningrad, these are siberian warriors from our city of novosibirsk, this is her old yard, kamenoostrovsky avenue 53, her eight-month drop a sheet wrapped in a bag shortly before... the start of the war was brought from sevastopol, the baby was taken from a literally poor family with many children by a close friend of her mother, midia kushner, and transported to the then relatively well-fed leningrad to hold her for a while myself as a half-starved baby and to ease the already heavy burden for my crimean friend,
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i lived in these windows, here on the second floor. there have been different owners in their apartment for a long time, masamana remembers almost nothing from the beginning of his life. i had to find out my own biography already in adulthood from the archives.
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having survived the first winter of the siege , larisa’s adoptive mother died and the little girl lived alone in the apartment for several more months under the supervision of neighbors, in august she was evacuated, evacuated along the road of life, i think so, that on the road of life, because i have a fear of water, when i see water, i don’t go into the water above my waist, everything immediately floats for me and i’m afraid. that i would drown, most likely, that something happened, because they bombed, it was the same summer, in all likelihood, maybe somewhere water was pouring into the barges on which we were taken out, i apparently had
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some kind of shell shock, because i was very scared, i was so exhausted that i couldn’t put down a spoon. i jumped if someone came up to me from behind and addressed me, i screamed, the exhausted, half-dead girl was evacuated to the novosibirsk baby house, here she was adopted by a local theater actress, for larisa she became the third mother, three cities, three mothers, such a childhood, war. in this family she will spend the most serene and happiest years of her life, but in her soul she will forever remain a resident of leningrad, besieged leningrad. there are such lines, i remember the blockade like now, although we tried to forget everything, but it doesn’t depend on us, it remains to live in the soul, the people who went through
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all this, it seems to me that they have simply hardened, they have become firmer in life, they, as they say, live their lives with dignity. when some difficulties arise, i’ve already met a lot of people like this, but what are the difficulties, he’s a blockade, how was it? after all, we survived, we survived, and here we will survive even more so, we never complain about anything, we know what life is, we believe in the future, and we will never hand over our homeland. she knows about the blockade only from stories, although she herself lived in a besieged city, but the long-awaited news of victory larisa nikolaevna remembers nazism well. my bed was like this. there was a plate above me, suddenly i heard levitan,
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victory, that we won, all these words were there, i jumped off, and my mother was smoking, i ran up, mom, stop smoking, victory, mom, stop smoking, victory, it was such a big holiday, people began to endure it. and the benches, everything that anyone had was displayed on the tables, that’s all, tears, tears rolled down in front of everyone ’s eyes, some rejoiced with tears, some cried, people had already died, some were in the hospital, someone was waiting from the front, and then we saw a soldier, wounded, coming from the war, oh, how he was greeted there, this is actually mine... there was no way through, everyone hugged him, congratulated him, sat him down at the table everywhere, come on, come on , come on,
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that’s it, i think, oh, and we’ll probably also meet my father. this trip, a cultural program for larisa nikolaevna evdakimova, was organized by officers of the investigative committee of russia. helping veterans, blockade survivors, and children of war is in the traditions of the department. visit the city of childhood, walk along its streets in warm may day, pay tribute to the memory of those who fell in the name of life at the peskorevsky cemetery , visit a museum dedicated to. here is just part of the program, guests from novosibirsk. you and i are in a bread shop where bread is sold, in fact, everything looked different, there was a huge queue that was busy, but this is yes, a stylized image, and you and i are standing in the place of the seller, a child is looking at us with hungry eyes. besieged city on september 19, 1941, the germans dropped
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a 250-kilogram high-explosive bomb on the building of the marinsky theater in leningrad destroyed part of the auditorium - the theater's faye. the fascist bomb left a wound in the hearts of the city's residents. but time heals. decades after the great victory , the mariinsky theater delights st. petersburg residents and guests of the northern capital with its productions. i came here to watch the ballet at the end of the day. she. and the best place in the most spacious box, of course, is for her, for larisa nikolaevna evdakimova, born crimean, leningrad, who left the city in early childhood, siberian, who retained in her heart a connection with the city on the neva, russian women, whom the war prepared for a harsh childhood, but did not break, taught them to harden forever. be strong. pentalgen extragel
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sber business, white friday with cashback discounts are dazzlingly profitable, refrigerator. chief expert on white technology, get rid of your i will, we have nothing to do with it, that is, i’m alone, so i’ll quickly sleep, if there’s a chance with you, naughty ones, what did you want from me, what’s a blow? already in the cinema, the best contribution to save up to 18% per annum, have time to open before the end of june, symptoms of hemorrhoids can be pain, tooth, compression, procttoglivinol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. there are more and more spectators at the concerts, and there are almost no empty seats in the handicraft circles. russians have become more willing to visit cultural centers. this is the result of a massive update. thanks to as part of the national cultural project , such facilities are being overhauled and modernized throughout the country. particular attention to rural
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areas. what has changed about this report by ekaterina mironova. houses of culture in russia are experiencing a rebirth; thanks to the national cultural project , more than one and a half thousand such objects have been repaired or built from scratch in 5 years. we are in buryatia, this is the village of maksakhon. work on this cultural center was recently completed. a little more than 800 people live in the village, there are as many as 12 creative associations, including two folk ensemble, all rehearsals and concerts in this assembly hall, after the renovation the space is unrecognizable, for comparison, here is a photo of the previous situation, before, when it rained,
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it leaked a lot, of course, there were puddles, yes, we were constantly wiping everything down, walking around. they put up a bucket, now you see, look, what a beautiful ceiling, there is a lot of lighting, before there were only four or six chandeliers hanging, and they were light bulbs, the stage has become wider and higher, now everything is visible even from the last rows, a costume room has appeared , there is no art here they only store clothes, but create images for performances with their own hands, this is, for example, a men's suit for a buryat song ensemble, this is our enger.
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even a separate office for a make-up artist, albina helps prepare artists for performances, she has been interested in makeup for a long time, but came here only after renovation, the new interiors inspired me to take up stage images, the last time there were 12 people, this was literally for 2 hours, 2 and a half, this not only makeup, and how we would do different types of hairstyles, there is an idea to use new space. in this house of culture, yes, in the house of culture, and what will you teach, we will do makeup, externally this house of culture now looks different, now it is a modern
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building, but before it was like this, a blue facade made of boards, walls made of logs, essentially it’s a wooden hut, the walls have been insulated and covered with panels, it no longer blows here, the felting circle has returned to the cultural center, this is traditional buryat. the tour is conducted for us by his granddaughter under glass, the main work of his grandfather, a handwritten book
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of genealogical chronicles, the villagers continue it and now, everyone who was born in the kadun river valley finds himself in this book, and after studying this book, every resident can find his ancestry up to 17-20 colin. all the inhabitants are there, even living today, that is, you are there too, yes, yes, of course, everyone we saw today, they can all find themselves in this book. a library was placed in the side of the building; here you can not only read books, but also play costa. the buryats alone have several dozen types of such games, here is one of them: well, this is called in the buryav language, this is an ankle, in our case a lamb's ankle, a game...
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this is the chelyabinsk region, the cultural center of the village of alekseevka, after major renovations they also began to play more here, a whole leisure hall was opened, table tennis, checkers, chess and even billiards, things were done at home , and in the evening as a type of unloading, yes, this has never happened before, the old people are already playing volleyball, billiards is the best thing. you can also do handicrafts in the evening; the applied arts circle now has its own office and new equipment, like real masters. these are our tkat ones
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machines, a floor-standing tabletop, there are hoops-frames of different sizes in which you can embroider, there is a beading machine, there is a lamp on each worktable. thanks to the renovation, each vocal group. now there is a separate room, before ensembles both adults and children had to share one small room, in the other rooms it was too cold, the heating system has been repaired, the artists have more freedom, excellent acoustics, we can do round dances, play in the stream, and any kind of warm-up, this children, they simply cannot sit for a long time, we have a place to turn around, where they can simply conduct classes fully. this is an old bass guitar, it has a broken neck, and this is a new bass guitar, you can play it. instrumental ensemble guitar mode now sounds different: while sofia is learning
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the strings, gleb is mastering the rhythm. hold it with two fingers here, with these two thumbs, and the hand should move, the hand moves freely, yes, as if in a wave. there had never been a drum set in the village before to rehearse. perform for musicians accounted for the recording of the drum part. the electronic piano and acoustic system are also new. received under the national project culture. now the ensemble is larger, that is, we can invite more people from the village to practice. not even two people can sit on one guitar. and here you are, six people can come and study together at the same time. chachiki, chiki-briki, samovar, chiki-brik, all the dishes, chiki-brik, pepper-brik. i was told that in the concert hall the chair was replaced, the walls and floor were updated, a screen and a projector appeared. managed restore equipment that moves scenery and stage design elements. it's
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a lot. one of the main achievements of stage mechanics is a sliding curtain, before this mechanism did not exist, even if it was manual, but it still exists, but before there was no curtain, to be honest, now there is a full set of stage clothes, everything is made of non-flammable material, at the end of the hall there is a new operator's console, from here he monitors the performances and controls sound and light using special computer programs. we have four types. which we can control, and here we can either change the fill, make the sub-leaders brighter, well, i already have some preparations, for example, if a man comes out singing, we had a patriotic song, so we change the light, everything goes, the fill goes under it, it comes out a woman in a blue dress sings a song about fogs and seas, we change the composition for her, the project touched on very small cultural centers, the area
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of ​​​​this club in the village of stepniki in krasnoyarsk. this is, perhaps, the main place for residents of the entire region, only 400 km away, despite its size, villages, it’s not an easy place to live, so people come to us to just relax, do creative work, everything else, children come just to spend time, because after school they have practically nowhere to go, so they all come to us in the evening, after a major renovation of the cultural center noticeably transformed,
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the children, of course, began to walk with even greater pleasure, just like us, because coming to light walls, a beautiful office, a separate office, which, this is very important, where you can arrange all the crafts that the children themselves can see, it’s always visual, it’s immediately presented, that is, awards, crafts, it’s cool, but this circle is attended by people of the older generation, real craftswomen, they knit, embroider, draw, could they work at home? but they say your feet lead you here, there’s company here after all, you’re alone at home, but you come here, here you have company to talk and sing a song somewhere, sit somewhere like that, just talk about our life, it’s become more comfortable in a rural library , it has been housed in the club for 7 years, but after the renovation there were much more readers here, in general there were more readers in the library
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113 people, well... of the entire population, this is like about half of the residents, we noticed that young people began to come to us more often, they spend their time playing board games, for example, games, they come according to the program, they take books, that is, they are already and the more modern atmosphere attracts, of course, the library, which encourages visiting. in numbers, before the renovation, this rural club had approximately 2,500 visits per year. now 4 and a half, almost double in height. across the country, citizens began to visit cultural centers more often. thanks to the national the project opens up new opportunities for recreation, communication, and creativity in preserving traditions. this is especially important for village residents, which is why most of the updated facilities are located in rural areas. in total , 1,267 cultural centers have been renovated in russia since 2020, and another 346 will be completed this year.
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russia has grown a wonderful galaxy of military commanders at all levels, vladimir putin announced this today in the kremlin at a meeting with state prize laureates and heroes of labor. the conversation took place in an informal atmosphere, the president shared his impressions.


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