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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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and multi-flowered, the largest and most powerful nuclear submarine in the world, dmitry donskoy, can be compared in size to a nine-story building with five entrances. comrade, captain of the first rank, the crew of the tk-208 was prepared to raise the andrevsky flag of gus. the title hero of labor is awarded annually to the country's five best workers. for what merit is it given? who are these people who received a five-pointed star?
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experimental and separate for the work of biotechnologists, in this case there are insulators in order to isolate the ear and remove the anthers from it and purposefully identify it, pollinate it with another variety, i am creating new forms. those that
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did not exist before, and those that will give greater success to our production, feed a larger number of the population. krasnodar national grain center is the oldest institute in russia for the creation of elite seeds and hybrids. samples are stored in 200 g bags in a special room at a temperature of +4°. gene pool and from several hundred thousand samples. gotcha, as you might think. variety tanya. tanya is the oldest variety of the fund. to him 20 years old and is the standard for all grain beginners. this is what it looks like in real life, grown in the field. everything is optimal for her. and frost resistance, drought resistance, and attitude to the return of frost. and resistance to pathogens. the national grain center is 110 years old; 291 varieties have been bred here. and 170 of them under
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the leadership of lyudmila bespalova, look, two ears, one without awns, but there are no these outgrowths, but additional ones, and this one with awns, this is clearly visible, here in our region, most commodity producers love awnless varieties, because they do not prick, kuban awnless varieties are not only grown. russia, but also in many central asian countries in turkey. this map shows the geography of distribution of the selection of the krasnodar national center. we got ahead of the sanctions, we didn’t have a problem with what we needed to do, as it were, with replacement and export substitution. we have winter wheat and spring wheat, 97% are engaged in varieties of domestic selection. she was born in
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the post-war years into a large family of agronomists on khuttor in the far tbilisi region. father i took her to the fields from the age of 4. from him, lyudmila learned the names of famous scientific breeders, under whose guidance she subsequently worked for many years. pavel pavich lukyanenko is depicted on it with such a thought about bread, about harvests, selection, and so he seems to be selecting. varieties, now she, the head of the selection and seed production department of the krasnodar national grain center, selects varieties. how are you doing, what is the condition of your wheat? ears grown in the field are not the final result; after harvesting , the experiment continues in a hot oven. every day we come, all the samples that are in the competitive variety test are being baked. and we look. in the field they
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are excellent, let’s say their frost resistance is excellent, but here the bread is bad, that’s it, we reject it right away. exhibits for herself, for us, this is just a locomotive, this is a person who is always looking for something, she is always dissatisfied with something, she is dissatisfied in terms of how, no, we need wider here, we need deeper, we need to pay attention to this attention, the largest and most powerful
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nuclear submarine in the world, dmitry donskoy, according to the dimensions can be compared to a nine-story building with five entrances, a submarine. the shark is designed for combat patrols in all latitudes, including the arctic circle. the nuclear-powered ship was subsequently built and modernized by sivmash, the largest russian shipbuilding complex, which has been headed by mikhail budnichenko since 2012. the newest multi-purpose nuclear submarine cruise yasen, which will be transferred to the navy this year , is now undergoing all types of tests. surrendered to the navy, bears the name of the capital mooring complex mooring, factory, running and state this year there will be a seaside, called arkhangelsk, the newest nuclear submarine, strategic missile cruiser, also this year should be delivered to the navy, now it is also undergoing
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all types of tests, bears the proud name of prince pozharsky, in in the coming years , several borei a class missile carriers will be launched, and five submarines are being built at the same time... came to sevmash with a seventeen-year-old apprentice fitter, ended up in valentin’s brigade repina, i come, this boy is sitting, this jacket is undressed, this same striped vest, and here he is in the raft of his face, this is working, yes, this is me, honestly the word
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struck me right away, yes, i think, okay, good, here in nineties mikhail budnichenko, head of the production dispatch department in 2007. first deputy general director for production, he got a passion for shipbuilding from his grandfather, who before the war worked at the nikolaevsky shipbuilding plant, and his father, the head of the pipe procurement shop at sevmash. his father never created special things for him conditions, easy ways. mikhail achieved everything himself. i would say that, in principle, there has never been such a leader at the enterprise, no offense to those directors. who came before him, because mikhail anatolyevich is humane, he understands all the issues and intricacies of shipbuilding, he knows how to boldly make a decision, he knows how to reasonably explain why he made this decision, all of him is probably for this, and i
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including very much respect, good afternoon, shall we go? now 240 apartments will be 246, 246 apartments, four more houses, which means this program was initially agreed upon by the ask, the new leadership of the ask, andrei sergeevichkov supported us, we now have the opportunity to continue this program, yes, so i am interested in when these houses will be commissioned, we should have one house commissioned this year, this will be done, yes, yes, yes, the remaining three were surveyed last year by the personnel department, they were chosen.
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is being built, because we understand, simash begins to build houses, and private investors immediately join in, because they understand that if it develops, if the plant develops construction, which means people can afford housing, so we can say that budnichenko, at the family table, with his wife lyudmila, has been married for 46 years, raised two daughters, and is raising six grandchildren. betu, he is very humorous, at the same time persistent, serious, always punctual and , in general, excellent. on the facade of the management plant directly above the entrance there are five labor awards received back in soviet times, three... orders of lenin, the order of the october revolution and the red banner of labor. a sixth achievement reward will now appear
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recent years. mikhail budnichenko is the twelfth director of the shipyard since its creation in 1939, and the fourth head of sevmash to receive the highest award from the state, the title of hero of labor. when you work, yes, i say, day after day, never think about awards, you don’t work for awards, but it’s very nice and honorable that this happened, it’s probably more of a credit to the team. than my personal one, because it is the sivmash team that is great, not the director, directors come and go, but sivmash remains. i'm very proud the fact that our general director received the title of hero of labor. this is very important for the team of our enterprise, it is important for every worker, for me too, the director, who put so much effort and health into working at our enterprise, who led our enterprise to such success, deserves this award.
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hero of labor of russia, alexey halmakshinov from buryatia broke the world record. the driver of a mining dump truck from the tugnuisky open-pit mine transported 46.1,604 cubic meters of rock mass in june of twenty-three, a record so far has not been beaten by anyone in the world, take it out, unload it, load it again, this is such a cyclical job, the dimensions of the dump truck are impressive, so alexey walks around his car, does a visual inspection, barely reaches the middle of the wheel. we will now stop by for loading, load with a carrying capacity of 220. then we will go to the dump, store
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the rock mass there, then unload there and back again in the same process. the tugnuisky open-pit mine is one of the three largest open-pit coal mines in russia. alexey kholmakshinov has been working at the company since 1988. well, here we have a 22-ton belaz. that's how the very first ones arrived in 2009, for 15 years now at 220 tons. alexey khalmakshinov is 60 years old, with almost 40 years of work experience behind him, and has trained more than one generation of young specialists. we are all very happy for him, well, and i, as i already said, pride in this really takes something that you already look much higher and...
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and now the highest award from the president of the country, a hero of labor of the russian federation, because i am very happy to go to work i come, the captain of a quarry ship has two adult children, five grandchildren, hot lamb meat. his wife ekaterina also works at a coal mine, a leading engineer supervising construction at open-pit mine facilities. well , i met my husband alexei at the institute, well, we saw each other from the first year, well, we looked closely, apparently, and then we went to a friends’ wedding, me from the bride’s side, he from the groom’s side. and as if he had already dared to approach me and met me, well, as if already so formally,
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then he joined the army, came back from the army, we got married, came to this construction site, the village of sogovor. i learned that my husband was awarded the title of hero of labor by text message from a friend, but i didn’t understand her at first, she said, don’t you know? and she sent me this decree, but he had to go to his granddaughter, and i didn’t bother him, i really wanted to wake him up, of course, but i think he had a shift to work all night, just... i waited until he got up and said : lyosha, you were given this title by heroes of labor, well, of course, i didn’t believe it there i believed it, but this is how it turned out, son sergei followed in the footsteps of his parents and works in a construction company in olond, daughter ayuna is a clinical psychologist, we didn’t
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understand right away either, then i actually went into the search engine, into one of the search engines and discovered that... . that in buryat, dad is only the second person in the entire history of the russian federation who is worthy of this honor, and in russia, dad is 103, also in the entire history, respectively, when dad became a full holder of mining glory, we thought, well, that’s probably the limit. already, not even about whatever else you thought about, well, you’ll continue to work, as if to celebrate this whole thing with your family.
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alexey halmakshinov, also from a large family of state farm workers, graduated from college and came with his young wife to a then new village, worked as a driver for 2 years, drove people to work before sunrise, then got a job at a coal mine, where 40 years later he received the highest labor award, well, emotions of course it was very indescribable, such that you have it all inside like this, well, you seem to be holding yourself calmly, inside... in itself it’s not like that, you look at your loved ones, everyone is so happy, then you open the phone, everything is filled with these congratulations, in my youth i was a player in the local football team , a miner, i went to competitions, now
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i play volleyball and spend all my free time with my family, i think. in general , my life has probably turned out beautifully, or because it’s always the intended goal, you set it, you have to achieve this goal, i always set a goal, achieved it, and that’s really what happened. machinist mennitz mining and mineral processing plant of the plant on its scheduled round. vladimir shchedov is an iron ore enricher. 180 tons pass through one such mill per hour. from
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huge voluns brought from the quarry, the rock turns into small crumbs. this is what the balls look like inside the mill; they are a cast alloy weighing more than 10 kg. he can often be seen standing silently among the rumbling cars. freezes in place, listens. this is how vladimir determines the work of the balls in the menu. i listen to each mill as it taps the ball and see what grade it produces. for comparison, the tallest skyscraper in moscow is the federation tower - 374 m.
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now, for many years now, he himself has been a mentor for young colleagues. he is a very detailed person, him. it is important that all the work goes without complaints, he is a very wonderful person, i just don’t know kinder people, being a modest person, vladimir viktorovich, you will never say what he did, but in particular, with his participation there was a scheme for obtaining hematite
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concentrate, and he directly helped to obtain the result that we also received we introduced dry magnetic separation, which allows us to throw away the waste rock into production, into processing, so that the ore that contains magnetite is gone, from which we then obtain the iron content of the required quality, this is a very significant and significant award , and we have already launched a certain cycle of our own, and a news cycle about vladimir shchedov, precisely in order to... well, to show the significance of this award, just as well, so that this would serve as such a goal for our entire team, which sees
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that this is the work of a simple worker, if this the work is truly high-quality, responsible and the person is such a patriot of his enterprise, then he is noticed at such a high level. so the level of our president, the profession at one time he did not choose on his own, to enter a technical school and work in a factory, his parents advised, as his parents explained that the work was permanent, the salary would be good and stable in the end, that’s how we got into the job, in in the third year we had a six-month internship, where i worked in machine-pumping installations, where i received az... work from a pumping machine operator installations to an ore beneficiator, dedication to the profession led vladimir to the honorary title of hero of labor of the russian federation,
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i read the news and suddenly i read that vladimir shchedo was awarded, i called my mother, i tell him this and that, i hear how the phone seems to fall from her hands , she dropped the phone because of this, i told my wife, they didn’t believe me either. my daughter was visiting me alone during the holidays on may 1, and she was also in shock. the youngest daughter, arina, is a student at the oryol branch of the presidential academy. i was surprised, even delighted, surprised, because it still the highest state award in the russian federation. eldest daughter anastasia. she studies at the ranhix presidential academy and lives in orel, admits that at first she didn’t even understand the seriousness of the award, then, of course, she was delighted and congratulated her dad.
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in fact, the most important thing is that he has a favorite business, in which he invests, which he likes, he works, sets an example for us, others, this is the most important thing, awards are in second place, as i think. vladimir met his wife marina at a dance in zheleznogorsk. what at work, in the family - says marina. there is no difference in the behavior of the spouse, only that in the family he is even more attentive, he is modest, let’s say, he loves his family, he respects ours, my husband, our father, as if there is never a word no, whenever, no matter how tired he is , no matter how much he works, if something needs to be done, somewhere, he always goes, he doesn’t say that i’m tired or i don’t want to be there, i won’t, he simply uses this word. no, mom is a medical worker, dad is an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir grew up in an ordinary soviet family, after receiving the star, the hero of labor does not consider himself special, he says that
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he works like everyone else according to his conscience, i’m just a person, like all people, i don’t feel like myself, what to say, i’m head and shoulders above others, in quadrade 73 he will replace the middle, i'm watching on the radar. the goal is to destroy. group launch of x-59 mk cruise missiles. it is performed at any time of the day, under the most difficult weather conditions, even if the sea state is six points. you can talk a lot about eltugan, but nothing can be detailed. chief designer of the state machine-building design bureau raduga works for the defense of the country.
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thanks to this, it will ensure the high efficiency of our weapons, which are also well exported. born in 506, he graduated from the kazan aviation institute in 1979 and immediately went to work in the bureau. he has been working at the same enterprise for forty-six years, and in 2024 he was awarded the star of a hero of labor. on may 1st, i finally got to the beds. an old friend is calling, a colleague from the ministry of defense, now in tver. marchenko nikolaich and says: listen, i congratulate you, i say: it can’t be, leave me alone, the second one calls, 20 minutes later, i don’t believe it either, that’s when the general director of the corporation obnosov, boris viktorovich, called, then i was already interested, i got in on the internet, i saw, yes, it turns out, it’s true, the author of more than 100 scientific papers on the design of aircraft and the mechanics of composite structures, a candidate of technical sciences, it is very important that...
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our engineering work is rewarded, why? because it is in the end too creativity, every time you create something that no one has ever created for you, it still requires applause, any creative work requires applause, so it’s very good that this appeared, and many of my colleagues said with satisfaction, well, finally a person from our received a hero, all the heroes of our report are amazingly hardworking people, not one of them works for the sake of a reward. this character trait is to be honest, constantly interested in innovations and not to lose heart in difficult situations, a person has the right to look for himself at least until old age, you need to change jobs, you shouldn’t be afraid to approach business creatively, until you find something that you are ready to do for the rest of your life, i would like, of course, you should always do what you like and what you can and that you...
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forgot about work, it never gets out of your head, you think about it, we always, so this should be the meaning of your life, heroes of labor will receive their awards on russia day in the kremlin, gold stars in person will be presented by president vladimir putin.
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today is russia day across the country. concerts, excursions, performances, film screenings and exhibitions are celebrated as a national holiday in moscow and other cities. awards for outstanding. achievements in the kremlin, the president presented state prizes and medals to the hero of labor. how was the ceremony, who were among the recipients? list of targets the russian army attacked the vzo airbase, as well as the deployment points of foreign mercenaries and training sites for unmanned boats, which is known about the results. they equip carriers with training warheads and move to positions in the leningrad military district to practice tasks of the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces.


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