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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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today is russia day throughout the country, where concerts, excursions, performances, film screenings and exhibitions are held, as a public holiday is celebrated in moscow and other cities. awards for outstanding achievements in the kremlin by the president. people received state awards and medals for heroes of labor. how was the ceremony, who were among the recipients? list of goals. the russian army attacked the airbase of the vso, as well as the deployment points of foreign mercenaries and training sites for unmanned boats. what is known about the results? the carriers are equipped with training warheads and moved to positions in the leningrad military district is practicing the tasks of the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. the large-scale challenges
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facing the country can only be solved by communicating. vladimir putin announced this at the award ceremony in the kremlin, which traditionally took place on russia day. it is on this holiday that it is customary to honor those who have made a significant contribution to the development of the state, and polina iermalaeva will tell about those who have received high awards. the solemnity of the moment is emphasized by the ceremony in st. george's hall the large kremlin palace invites each hero of labor and the winner of their state prize in turn. greeted by the president. russian statehood has gone through many difficult, even tragic periods, but our people have always overcome all difficulties, obstacles and adversity. he created and increased the greatness of the fatherland. today, in a difficult time for our country, we are once again united by patriotism and responsibility for the fate of our homeland. these feelings are near and dear to each of us. they serve as a reliable support for the participants of a special military operation.
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the country, our multinational people support our heroes. lyudmila bespalova, the only woman among those awarded the title of hero of labor, a real breadwinner, created 127 varieties of wheat, and for 53 years she has been guarding the country's food security. the rector and soul of moscow university, viktor antonovich sadovnichy, a hero of labor, he entered mikhmat in 58, and has been an almama ever since.
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report that the fleet will receive several more nuclear submarines, hero of labor and driver melnits, that’s the name of the position vladimir shchedov, and this profession is one of the leading in the concentration industry, and this is alexey kholmakshinov, at the tugnuisky open-pit mine, he has been working as a driver since 1988, each shift is 12 hours, last june his crew set a world record, transported almost 47 thousand cubic meters breeds, they just can’t do that, they probably just take a human hero star like that and...
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rasmolov, they laid the foundations for green closed-cycle nuclear energy. we have taken a fundamental step towards creating a new energy system that will provide our technological independence and energy security for many years. and we will defeat everyone. sergei gauthier, marina minina, magili khubutia, the president notes their unique contribution to domestic healthcare. the number of transplants is growing from year to year, and accordingly, it is increasing. accessibility, now citizens from our new regions also have the opportunity to receive this help from us. this is the highest assessment of the collective work of transplant doctors, as a result of which not a single thousand seriously ill patients, our compatriots returned to socially active life. molecular biologist pyotr chumakov discovered a new direction in science, the treatment of oncology with the help of viruses. i'll start clinical trials. already this year,
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the restoration of the catherine palace will soon be completed in tsarskoe selo.
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they honor, remember and perpetuate in memorials that will endure for centuries. yulia belikhova 2 years ago created and headed a committee of military families of the fatherland, thanks to which tens of thousands of tons of humanitarian aid were sent to the front. soldiers and their families need support of course, both moral and legal. the guys are defending our sovereignty there on the front line, but we are here, we will not let our country be offended. nikolai slobzhanin, director of the organization, was awarded a state prize for charitable activities. it is impossible to tear yourself away from reading what they did and how they did it, what they came to and what people like
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our today’s laureates, awarded, the rector of moscow state university, viktor antonovich, said that... he is happy that he was always surrounded by people who believed in the future russia. the task of government bodies is not to interfere with people like you, to notice what you are doing, to support it, but the development agenda is determined by people like you. doctors, scientists, designers. their names are already inscribed in the history of russia, but they are the ones who write this history. already over a glass of champagne , vladimir putin is invited to the tsar’s village on the fields of the krasnodar territory, and he tells how late the night before he was impressed
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by the meeting with the commanders of the military districts. for me this prize was very good positive impressions, all adults, serious, but... quite young in age , professionals, fully aware of what they are doing now, what they should do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, everything is coordinated with them, we have a wonderful galaxy of commanders, at such a high level, at a lower level, it’s just, you know, a feeling, as our people say, a feeling.
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here there is a great unification of the energy of good with all of russia, here are people who are passionate about volunteerism, who know how to ignite this in other people, in those around them and... introduce something new into their home regions, today the participants said the following phrase: the energy of volunteers gives impetus and support
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to the entire russian society in the development of the social sphere, healthcare, education, ecology , culture, a meeting of the consortium for the development of a program called service-learning has just ended, and deputy prime minister of russia dmitry chernyshenko also spoke with its participants today. how is it different from... paid employee, that he gives his most precious thing, what he has, a renewable resource, time, and often in the most active part of his life, in return he can, better, that he can receive this gratitude, in fact, for volunteers this is the most the main thing is to understand your involvement and understand that the country needs it. today at vdnkh, throughout the day,
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right from 10:00 am, from the opening of the exhibition, various excursions were held, during which guests and residents of the capital could get acquainted not only with the main attractions of the russian exhibition, one might say so, but even with the actual main achievements of our country, also today there were huge dance flash mobs on the site, plein airs were held in the open air with famous artists. there were a lot of various master classes at vdnkh, meetings with actors, musicians, athletes, russian leaders. at vdnkh, a large-scale fashion festival of the russian north was also held, designers from the yamal-nensky, khantamansi autonomous okrugs and the komi republic presented their unique collections. but the most popular pavilion was probably pavilion number 75, and it’s not surprising, because there you can really see how interesting our country is. and diverse, all regions were preparing for the holiday, each stand had its own interesting, rich program, its own
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master classes, and of course, dances and songs performed by local groups that charged all visitors with a great mood. the mood is wonderful, today is such a holiday, russia day, and russia is our home, these are our children, these are our grandchildren, this everything we have in our souls is russia. this is how bright and interesting russia day is held here at bdnk, and this is only a small part of
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what was prepared here for the guests. yuri. yes, anastasia, thank you about how russia day was celebrated in moscow at vdnkh - said our correspondent anastasia ponko. well, the first to celebrate the holiday were the residents of chikotka and primorye; in vladivostok , russia day began at sea. a sailing regatta took place in the waters of the amur bay; in the center of anadriya, the townspeople deployed a thirty-meter regatta. anastasia ivanova will tell you more about what other events took place across the country. the voices of russia have merged into unison, somewhere they are talking, somewhere they are singing today about the main thing, about love for the motherland. glory to the current. the capital of primorye celebrated the holiday on the water with a regatta in vladivostok, gathered fifty cruising yachts, along with snow-white locusts, the russian trikovor cuts the horizon. honor russia! two short, one protest, cheers, a loud
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, powerfully festive day began in buryat, a midday shot sounded in ulan ud howitzer, a new tradition is associated with conferring the title of city of labor valor, and this is ingushetia, on the main attraction of the republic, the hundred-meter tower of agreement , a flag flies, visible from any point in magas, a symbol of honor and pride, ribbons with the tricolor are distributed in... ekaterinburg , concerts on the streets, flash mobs, local residents, accompanied by an orchestra, en masse sang the anthem of russia and not only; it was not difficult to sing along, because the words were displayed on the screen. this is a very important holiday because everyone must remember where they were born, where they live, where they are, so to speak, needed, needed especially when the russian military defends our country on the front line, in the rear they show all the unity, the souls of nationalities, russian folk songs
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flow in the sounds of harmony in vladikavkaz, in cheboksary they spread a huge tricolor canvas... occupies almost the entire football stadium. the palace square of the northern capital began to sparkle with colors. volunteers in st. petersburg unfurled a giant flag. everyone could take a photo with him. in the very heart of veliky novgorod in the kremlin at the monument to the millennium of russia. metropolitan lev of novgorod and old russia performed a maleben, after which novgorodians and guests of the city laid flowers at the memorial. and a car rally took place in nizhny novgorod. dozens of motorcycles and cars with developing.
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remembers history from his father, participates in patriotic actions, stated that he wants to obtain russian citizenship and that his native village of klugino-bashkirovka in the kharkov region would be liberated by our military as soon as possible, it would be very interesting to see how - my his hometown is still being liberated by the russian army, one journalist asked: do you consider sovietsky your enemy, even
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on the battlefield, if this, as they say , happened, well, before your eyes is a picture from a film about taras bulbuki. beech missiles, as well as the rescue tug nikolai chikker, the kazan submarine, and the tanker academician pashin. with an unofficial visit , the russian morikes celebrated the end of exercises on the use of high-precision missile weapons. in the port of the cuban capital, the naval group was met by my colleague antonio randon. rejected ships of the russian navy landed at the port of govar. as part of the moscow navy. missile
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frigate admiral groshkov, nuclear submarine , kazan. rescue tug nikola. chicker, as well as the tanker academician pashin. the frigate admiral groshkov fired 21 salvoes of welcome, in response , cannon salvoes were heard from the fortress in the port of govana, and maneuvers were carried out on the use of high-precision missile weapons in the atlantic ocean at the port to cuba, where the ships will take part in naval exercises, as noted in the russian ministry of defense, the crew and the frigate and... the sub-battalions practiced the use of weapons using computer simulation against naval targets, which designated naval groups of the mock enemy and were located more than 600 km away. the pentagon said that they will closely monitor the training of warships in
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the coris region, because the maneuvers will take place only... 180 km from the american coast, and, as noted in the american newspaper, along the way the ships passed less than 30 nautical miles from coast of the usa. it is curious that at the same time, with some according to the data, american experts were unable to monitor the passage of the submarine kazan when it was off the coast of miami, visit.
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in the leningrad military district, missile specialists are practicing the tasks of the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. the crews receive training warheads for the iskander tactical systems and equip the carriers with them. after this, the fighters secretly go to the equipment in the specified area, where they prepare it. missile launch. navy sailors perform similar tasks. they put training ammunition on sea-launched cruise missiles and launch ships into patrol areas. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. pairings: roman burger and roman chicken burger for a great price. in italian: delicious, period. what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, a deco drill and screwdriver for 4,290 rubles. only at
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started a new job today, there are many new vacancies every day, you will find not just a job, but your place, the best contribution in savings up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. in just a few minutes , the opening of the international brics games will take place in kazan; more than 4,500 athletes from more than 90 countries will take part in them. my colleague alexander abramov is working at the scene of the event; he will observe with his own eyes the official opening of the tournament. he has now come into direct contact with the studio. alexander, hello again, what ’s going on with you, we’re waiting for details. yes, yuri, good evening, well, there are about 5 minutes left before the opening ceremony of the brix games, the event will take place in one of the kazan-expo pavilions, and this is the only
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event within the brix games that... it was impossible to attend as usual fans, no tickets were sold here, all this was done due to the relatively small capacity of the concert hall where the opening ceremony will take place, so for today's event only officials will be inside the hall, athletes, well, and numerous journalists, and the opening ceremony will be a theatrical performance, a retrospective will be presented here, the history of russian and soviet sports, of course, it will present 27 sports, for which there will be a flag parade in the capital... of tatarstan in the next 10 days athletes, a parade of countries that will host the competition, and of course, the main event of the opening ceremony will be a parade of participants in the games in kazan. just recently we talked with the former head coach of the russian national team, olympic lightweight olympic champion yuri barzakovsky and he shared his expectations from the starting brix games. quite recently, the opening of games of the future took place in this very building
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, and it was as if it were yesterday. well, we prepared accordingly, both the organizing committee and the athletes themselves, there was a qualifying stage, the guys are now almost 99.9% ready , i think they are now in the final training process on the eve of the competition itself, i think all the athletes will perform good enough, successful, they will give battle to the good to everyone. with your opponent, well, here there will truly be such a sports, multi-sport festival. as for the russian delegation at the brix games, according to the latest information , about a thousand athletes will represent our country here in kazan. the brix games will be held in kazan for the first time in russia, but for the sixth time the brix games will be held in history. by the way, many people say the games of the brics countries, this definition is not entirely
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accurate, because, of course, they take part here. significantly more countries than those included in combining brix and even brix plus. so , the scale of the tournaments here in kazan, the previous five brix games, of course, is incomparable, last year the tournament was held in the republic of south africa, only five sports were represented there, at the tournament in kazan, competitions will be held in twenty-seven sports, 18 of them which are olympic, including many olympic champions who will perform here. firstly, of course, it’s incredibly joyful that quite a large number of countries came to us for international competitions, as always, kazan is at its best, the level of competitions here, it seems to me, is off the charts, as always, everything is checked, everything is precise, everything is on time, that is, of course, it’s nice to look at it all, just today i attended a training session of the russian synchronized swimming team, it’s crazy i’m glad to see
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everyone in battle... in a squad with a fighting spirit, the team is getting ready, it seems to me that they will show a good result, the brix games in kazan will go on until june 24 inclusive, during which time about 400 sets will be played here in the capital of tatarstan awards, well the first medal events will be held tomorrow, and tomorrow medals will be played out in sports such as synchronized swimming, artistic gymnastics, sambo and some others, we will follow the tournament in kazan. yuri, yes, alexander, we will wait for news from you, i thank you, my colleague alexander abramov was in direct contact with the studio, now there is a short pause and we will continue, do not switch.
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