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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

12:30 am
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the neighboring plot is abandoned and you want to register it as your property, how to do everything according to the law, in 5 minutes we will tell you the instructions in the program. let's start with the fact that with a high probability even in the most wild-looking area. there is an owner, so the safest option is to try to find him. how to do it? you can order an extract from the unified state register of real estate. since 2023, the personal data of the owner will not be disclosed to all applicants, but neighbors have this opportunity. if your lot is adjacent to the lot you want to know about information, then when requesting the issuance of information, it is enough to indicate the cadastral number of your plot, and also check the appropriate box. is not necessary, and if
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the ownership is not registered, you must attach title documents; remember that the boundaries of your site must be clarified in the prescribed manner. there are two more ways to find out the owner’s information: contact the chairman of the snt or the local administration, if the site is located in a populated area. when the owner is found, it is safest to purchase a plot of land under a sale and purchase agreement, and if the owner of the abandoned plot has not been found. in civil law, a thing that does not have an owner, or an owner who is unknown, or for some reason has refused ownership of it, such a thing is a demon of the owner. without an owner, immovable things are accepted for registration by the rights registration authority upon the application of the local government body, and after a year has passed from the date of registration. transfer of the owner's property to
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the cadastral register, local authority self-government has the right to go to court with a demand for recognition of ownership of an ownerless thing. but subsequently , municipal property can be acquired by any interested party in the manner prescribed by law, this can be a lease, or a buyout, or some other case, it all depends individually on the situation in which you find yourself. that is, you will be required to submit an application to the local government with a request to register the site, but remember, this does not guarantee. that the land will go to specifically for you, if, for example, it is put up for sale through an auction, it will go to the one who offers the highest price. at the moment, this is exactly the rule that actually applies. however, in february we held the second meeting of the government commission for the development of navigation and vegetable gardening. and issues related specifically to abandoned sites are the most pressing and were discussed at the government level. in this regard, of course, the issue is being considered for this purpose. so that
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neighboring land users, neighbors have priority, have pre-emptive right to purchase, but at the moment the bidding principle really applies. what if you are already using land that you do not own, for example, you have annexed a plot that seemed to belong to no one and cultivated it. the situation can be legitimized, but only if several requirements are met. the site must be used for its intended purpose for at least 15 years, and you must have witnesses. which will confirm this, as well as receipts for payment of utility taxes. a claim for acquisitive prescription is brought against the previous owner, if he does not exist or is unknown to the municipal or state body, everything is decided by the court. abandoned sites often already have owners, well, formal owners who do not even use the site, nevertheless, the title of the owner is there, it may be included in the information of the igrn, it may not be included, according to article 35 of the russian constitution.
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interests, the property is not demarcated, it is still owned by the state and it is impossible to obtain ownership of this plot in the order acquisitive property, so here we would recommend resolving the issue of empty real estate through local authorities. another
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important point: do not listen to the tempting offers of unscrupulous snt chairmen. by law, they do not have the right to sell other people's land, including neglected ones. for example, here... you and i have an abandoned plot next door, and we understand that no one uses it, but in fact there is an owner somewhere, and if you and i have an owner of an abandoned plot, then deprive him of his ownership rights only possible through court, or recognition of such a plot without an owner, there is a certain procedure for this, so when the chairmen or some other persons try to sell you an abandoned plot, in some other order, of course there are big legal risks that later... you will be able to formalize and your transaction will actually be insignificant, we repeat the most important thing, in order to register your own abandoned plot, first you need to look for its owner, this can be done by ordering an extract from the unified state register of real estate, neighbors have the right to receive information about the owner, and also through the management
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of snt or local authorities, when the owner is found, you can buy the land from him, and if it turns out that it is ownerless, from the state at auction, if you have been caring for such a plot for more than 15 years, you can try to register it as property through the court. if you have any questions, if you want to understand the topic of cadastral registration or property registration, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk with experts and be sure to tell you everything in one of the next issues of the manual. remember what they told you when you decided... to open a business, custom jewelry, who will buy it, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open an account for a business in alfabank. alfabank is
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keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. the male choir saved the efimiya monastery in suzdal performs the prayer: “lord, have mercy, within the walls of the transfiguration cathedral, harmonious chants enhance the impression of the white stone church of the 16th century and the frescoes of the great master gury nikitin.
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recently, there are more and more tourists in suzdal, although in soviet times this city was part of the golden ring and was a point of attraction for everyone who was interested in russian history and culture. the access roads to the city are currently being repaired; there are cobblestone streets and shopping arcades in the historical center.
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adjacent to the mouth of the kamenka river, he seemed to take control of the exit from suzdal, and here the oldest white-stone monument in russia has been preserved. the church of boris and gleb was built in 1152, according to legend, the first russian national saints stopped here on the way from rostov to kiev. this legend raised the prestige of the suzdol region in the struggle for primacy among the russian principalities. yuri dolgoruky was a consistent grecophile, as evidenced by the architectural details. this sacred object. amphalios translated from greek pub of the earth. according to the byzantine tradition,
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during the service the church hierarch stood on a flat round stone from which during the service he pronounced some very important words. there are very few such amphalians left in russia, and it is noteworthy that one of the good preserved just on the suzzdal land. the son and daughter-in-law of yuri dolgorukov, boris maria, are buried in this temple. in 1947 , restorers opened it. of the white stone monuments preserved in russia, that is, in fact
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, this is where our wonderful school of white stone nobility begins, for which vladimir’s suzdol land became famous, under yuri suzdol was the capital city, its economy developed, political life developed, so to speak, trade continued to develop , and crafts and the city grew quickly and grew rich, so quickly that... from the territory that is now occupied by the suzal kremlin, this is 14 hectares, the city more than doubles in size, that is, a trade and craft passage appears, just its... residents, as they say researchers. like many ancient russian cities, suzdal burned, it was raided by mongol-tatars and
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the inhabitants died en masse from an epidemic, half of the suzdol residents in 1654.
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it was proven that susdal should be approached to the restoration of suzdal as a single complex, not as separate monuments, as a single city, to to preserve it entirely, its entire appearance, well, that ’s what was done, and you know, somehow everything worked out, everything came together happily at that time for... the city, this and the fact that more than destinies such, well, luminaries ended up here , art historians, scientists, archaeologists, well, for example, i’ll name nikolai petrovich sychev, yes, he lived here after the repressions in the vladimir region. nikolai petrovich tsychev, an outstanding artist, served time as a political prisoner, in 1944, at
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the request of the grave master, he was transferred to vladimir, it was he who restored the christmas cathedral. they also created a temple in kideksha. these are researchers of ancient russian architecture nikolai voronin and georgy wagner. this is the century dynasty. in 1958 , the vladimir-suzdal museum reserve was created, headed by the legendary alexey varganov. behind him, the legendary alisa aksyonova also became director. in 1967, suzdel became a center of international tourism and became part of the golden ring route, which was developed here. the vapik society was created and partially.
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threat, restorer-architects recalled that the shopping arcades, at that time they were already 2/3 were ruined and lay in ruins, what was proposed, and it was proposed by moscow architects, to build, well, tourism was developing, people had to buy souvenirs somewhere, something else, and it was proposed to demolish the shopping arcades and put in a modern department store of glass and concrete, which would serve both city residents and guests, well... with a restorer, a local, an architect and a museum, the staff managed to convince them not to do this. in the footage taken in 196 at the table, valery anisimov, he is the author of the general plan and many restoration projects of the museum wooden zodice. st. nicholas church, built in the 17th century. she was brought here from the village of glotovo. to create a museum of wooden
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architecture of peasant life, experts examined 60 villages and hamlets of the vladimir region. therefore, according to our plans for the development of the museum, we are now making repeated expeditions around the vladimir region, looking for preserved houses, but we find that we have them. displacement, this is not an ethno-village, but on the scientific material
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of the restored church and the hut of the poor, middle peasant, wealthy person, that bygone nature of a russian village in the vladimir region, which is preserved by museum staff. inside the houses, a unique collection of vladimir costumes was recently placed, the owners of these items are galina fedorova and natalya kondrashina, completely such complexes. not in russian museums, a mandatory attribute is a headdress, here we see a magpie, with traditional embroidery, typical specifically for the vladimir districts, then a scarf was worn on top, here we see a classic authentic scarf, made of printed cotton, round, sundress made of baranovsky chintz, a shirt must be worn, and a sundress must be belted; they created a cucumber festival on the third saturday of july.
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the main national holidays are celebrated, for example, maslenitsa, it is not complete without geese, perhaps it was they who saved rome, the vladimir gray clay geese. christ-famous cultural monuments, the charm of the province, all this became an attraction for those who wanted to relax here for a long time from the bustle of moscow, so the dymov couple bought first one house, then a second, then invited their wealthy friends here, they became not just summer residents, but decided to invest in...
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there is a certain danger, no matter how the cute, enchanting province turns into glamor, acquires a toy shine, it could not have happened without this, but at the same time they opened
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restaurants hotels, created 400 jobs, 70 of them at a ceramics factory. olga malkova worked as a primary school teacher, but always dreamed of drawing. now she is one of the leading artists of the factory, the creator of the iconic blueberry series. and here in the process of a long search of some kind. creative impulses, some stories from life, let’s say that my grandmother and i went to the forest, just to pick blueberries, gradually such a series was born, well, of course there are no such very large forests, but towards ivanov, towards sergeikha, we we went there, towards sergeikha. it’s not far, even though these are small clearings, but each one gained three liters, which was enough for us.
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suzdel museum workers have many plans for the development of the reserve. now we're on the shore the mzhary river, from here you can see the view of suzdol, the steep rampart on the left is the necropolis, the mzhary burial ground. the townspeople, the same age as yuri dolgorukov, rested here. an archaeological park will soon grow on this site. we, of course, want to tell life about this turn. to christianity already in the 10th-11th centuries here, it would seem, yes, how many such centers of civilization are here before ours, nevertheless, there is already a fairly high culture here, this memory of our ancestors will also be such an important component, so quiet, unobtrusive, without some special ones affectations on this, here, but nevertheless, we want this to be a visited place where we would like to return, precisely in order to enjoy the landscape. every hour the bell ringer goes to the belfry of the spas efimiv monastery, the ringing of seventeen bells can be heard from afar. a gift for the millennium of suzdal
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will be the grand exhibition russian phoenix, this is a joint project of the moscow kremlin museums and the vladimir-suzdyl museum of the reserve. the exhibition will feature icons, facial embroidery, precious contributions of russian princes to the monasteries of arms, the exhibition has great importance for suzdal. for many russians, this is a lovely province where cucumber day is celebrated, but the ancient city passed through the entire spiritual political life of the country, as an important dominant feature, and its history cannot.
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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture; in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed. we will expose all fakes.
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russia day, vladimir putin according to tradition awarded heroes of labor and... laureates of state awards. the president noted that the large-scale tasks that our country faces today can only be solved together. and a huge role in this matter is played by the personal example of talented people who are ready to do everything in their power for the common good. doctors, scientists, human rights activists and artists gathered today in the st. george hall of the large kremlin palace. about those whose names are already inscribed in the history of our country. report by polina ermalaeva.


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