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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value a strong family. relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on june 13, 1858 , the treaty of tenz was concluded between russia and the qing empire that ruled china. it was signed in the city of qingzin by official representatives count efimi putyatin and huashan. this was an important event in establishing cooperation between the two states. overland trade was allowed without restrictions, and a number of chinese. ports were opened for
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russian ships, st. petersburg could now appoint its consuls there, the rights of the russian spiritual mission were expanded, postal service began to work, and the solution to the border problem was postponed for several years. the negotiations were difficult, but the support provided by russia to china played a role. then , due to the taiping peasant uprising and the anglo-french invasion during the second opium war, the interventionists threatened to storm beijing. this was prevented thanks to the diplomatic skills of the russian envoy. count nikolai ignatiev. this created favorable political conditions for the signing of the beijing treaty in 1860, which established the border between our countries in the amur region, coastal region and west of mongolia. on june 13, 1944, the germans used their new fa-1 weapon for the first time and attacked london. these were projectile planes or flying bombs, the prototype of modern cruise missiles. with pulsating air-jet engine. they reached
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speeds of up to 800 km/h and could deliver ammunition weighing a ton at a distance of up to 400 km. fau were launched from ground-based installations, huge steel catapults and less often from bombers, flew at low altitude, were almost invulnerable to anti-aircraft guns, almost invisible to radar, although they were not very accurate, but the germans did not need this, they deliberately hit residential areas of london, to cause panic. hitler declared the fau a weapon of retaliation, pau, the first letter of the word, fergeltuns wa in german. germans they managed to fire 25 thousand shells and by the end of march 1945 they made more than 10,000 launches, destroyed many houses, killed more than 6,000 people, and about 18 thousand were injured. then rockets rained down on european cities, paris, lies, antwerp, but the planes and shells could not turn the tide of the war. on june 13, 1961, yuri gagarin
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laid the foundation stone of the world's first museum of the history of astronautics. this happened in kaluga, in the city where konstantin solkovsky lived and worked. developed the foundations of the theory of rocket science and space flights. the museum was named after him. this unique educational scientific center developed simultaneously with the soviet russian cosmonautics. after each new launch. satellite, manned spacecraft, interplanetary or orbital station, the collection was replenished with new exhibits, today there are more than 80,000 of them, priceless manuscripts and documents of tsialkovsky, works of fine art, and of course, space technology and space equipment, landers, rocket engines, flight suits, spacesuits, v the museum complex also includes a planetarium and an observatory, a museum of major scientists in the field of cosmonautics and aviation. a new building of the museum has recently opened, where
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scientific conferences and seminars are held using modern technologies. on june 13, 2002 , they took the first step towards eliminating the entire system of control over... strategic arms withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty. exactly 30 years after it was signed by leonid brezhnev and richard nixon. at that time it was the most important agreement that secured military parity between the two superpowers. the treaty curbed the arms race and reduced the danger of nuclear war. however, soon after the collapse of the ussr, washington changed its position. under the pretext of protection from nuclear missile attacks by rogue states. this is what americans call iran and north korea. of course, the goal was different, to ensure unilateral superiority over russia, because pro is a means of not only defense, but also an attack aimed at creating conditions for a first nuclear strike. immediately after the dismantling of the treaty with the united states, they began to create a global missile defense system. we deployed
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land- and sea-based systems in the united states, europe and asia. but according to experts, calculations of their effectiveness are illusory. one of the proofs is the development of russian intercontinental ones. the neighboring plot is abandoned and you want to register it as your property, how to do everything according to the law, in 5 minutes we will tell you the instructions in the program. let's start with the fact that there is a high
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probability that even the most wild-looking site has an owner, so the safest option is to try to find him. how to do it? you can upload an extract from the unified state register of real estate. from 2023 , the owner’s personal data will not be disclosed to all applicants, but neighbors have this opportunity. if your plot is adjacent to the plot about which you want to receive information, then in the request for information it is enough to indicate the cadastral number of your plot, and also check the corresponding box. if the ownership of your snowy land plot is registered in the registry, then there are no additional documents for the request butt is not necessary, and if the ownership is not registered, you must attach title documents; remember that the boundaries of your site must be clarified in the prescribed manner. there are two more ways to find out the owner’s information: contact the chairman of the snt or the local
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administration, if the site is located in a populated area. when the owner is found, it is safest to purchase the site under a purchase and sale agreement, and if the owner of an abandoned site. thing, but subsequently, municipal property can be acquired by any interested person in the manner prescribed by law, it can be a lease, or a buyout, or some other case, it all depends individually on the situation in which you find yourself, that is, you will be required to apply to the local government with request to
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register the plot, but remember, this does not guarantee that the land will go to you; if, for example, it is put up for sale through an auction, it will go to the one who offers the highest price. at present indeed, this is exactly the rule that applies, but in february we held the second meeting of the government commission on the development of navigation and vegetable gardening; issues related specifically to abandoned plots are themselves relevant and were discussed at the government level. in this regard, of course, the issue is being considered so that neighboring land users have priority, neighbors have a pre-emptive right to acquisition, but at the moment...
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a claim for acquisitive prescription is being brought. the owner, if he is not present, or he is unknown to the municipal or state body, everything is decided by the court. abandoned sites often already have owners, well, formal owners. who do not even use the plot, nevertheless, the title of the owner is there, it may be included in the information of the state register of state property rights, or it may not be included, according to article 35 of the constitution of the russian federation, our ownership right is terminated only by a court decision, therefore, in this part, acquisitive prescription can work under a court decision, but keep in mind that the plot is subject to acquisitive prescription it is possible to register it only if it is demarcated and has an owner; if the ownership of the vacant land is not demarcated, it is worth considering the position of the constitutional court. yes, who expressed that the mere lack of formation of a land plot or the absence of a record of state
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registration of the rights of a local government body does not mean that the latter has actually renounced its ownership rights, or is showing indifference to the legal fate of this land plot, then eat in simple terms the constitutional court said that if the land that interests you is not demarcated, it is still owned by the state and it is impossible to obtain ownership rights to yes... the plot in the order of acquisition, so here we would recommend resolving the issue with the empty real estate through local authorities. another important point: do not listen to the tempting offers of unscrupulous snt chairmen. by law, they do not have the right to sell other people's land, including neglected ones. for example, here you and i have an abandoned plot next door. and we understand that no one uses it, but in fact the owner is somewhere.
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abandoned plot, first you need to look for its owner, this can be done by ordering an extract from the unified state register of real estate, neighbors have the right to receive the owner’s data, and through the management of snt or local authorities, when the owner is found, you can buy the land from him, and if it turns out, that it is ownerless, the state is bidding, if you have been caring for such a plot for more than 15 years, you can try to register his ownership through the court. still have questions, want to understand the topic? accounting or registration of property, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we
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will talk with experts and be sure to tell you about everything in one of the next editions of the instructions, shoplifting, robbery, gazui, you ran away from an orphanage five times, six topics , who got away from the hands, all the hope is on you, completely wild guys, we need repulsed mentors, forgive me, lord, what did you want from me? miracle, this is your obedience, just save from others, i saved myself, i had no contact with you either, but what were you doing, you stopped lying, disobedient people, cultural centers in russia are experiencing a rebirth, thanks to the national project, culture was renovated in 5 years.
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a little more than 800 people live in the village, there are as many as 12 creative associations, including two folk ensembles, all rehearsals and concerts are held in this assembly hall, after renovation. a costume room has appeared, here artists not only store clothes, but create
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images for performances with their own hands, for example, men's costume for a buryat song ensemble, this is our enger, the blue stripe means blue sky, the black stripe, the earth, the third stripe is the hearth, the fire, are there any symbols on the headdress? yes, it's called maloge, it's a zala. it is believed that these are the rays of the sun, like this in a circle, this is blue, this is like the sky, you also sewed this here, but now in the cultural center there is about...
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walls made of logs, in fact, this is a wooden hut. the walls were insulated and covered with panels; it no longer blows here. the felting circle has returned to the cultural center, this is a traditional buryat craft. previously, to avoid catching a cold, participants had to study in another building. now, for example, we are making seats, this is a finished product, this is what it
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will be like, but what else did they do? they did it before, in buryat they say shirtyk. we have mattresses, blankets and clothes, all these are socks, the faye used to look like this, and after the renovation there is a museum, the space is dedicated to the famous artist and ethnographer tserennezhil ochirov in buryatia, he was born in maksakhon, his granddaughter is giving us a tour, the main one is under glass grandfather's work, handwritten book, genealogical chronicles, the village residents continue it even now, and everyone who was born... in the valley of the kadun river finds himself in this book, and after studying this book, every resident can find his genealogy up to the seventeenth, twentieth colony, all the inhabitants are there , even living today, that is, you are there too, yes, yes, of course, everyone, today, whom we saw, they can all find themselves in this book,
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a library was placed in the side of the building, here you can not only read books, but and... play dice, only the buryats have several dozen types of such a game, here is one of them: well, in buryat it’s called a step, this is an ankle, in our case a lamb’s ankle, the game is called shurlg, if translated, then selection, let’s play, well, let’s first, you need to throw one step at this moment pull several from the general pile, during the second throw they grab the deferred... guests by the handful, the matter seems simple, but for example, i succeeded once out of ten, oh, well done, yes, it worked, this is the chelyabinsk region, the cultural center of the village of alekseevka, after major renovations they started playing here too moreover, a whole leisure hall was opened, table
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tennis, checkers, chess and even billiards. we did some work in the evening as a kind of unloading, yes, this didn’t happen before, playing volleyball is already old, billiards is the best thing, you can do handicrafts in the evening, the applied arts circle now has its own office and new equipment, like real masters, this is we have itkat looms, a floor-standing tabletop one, there are hoop frames of different sizes that can be used for embroidery, there is a beading machine, there is a lamp on each work table. thanks to the renovation, each vocal group now has a separate room, previously ensembles, adults and children had to share one small room, the other rooms were too cold,
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the heating system was repaired, and the artists now have more freedom. great acoustics, we can. and lead round dances in the stream, play, and any kind of warm-up, these are children, they simply cannot sit for a long time, we have a place where to turn around, where to just fully conduct classes, this is an old bass guitar, it has a broken neck, and this is a new bass guitar, you can play it, an instrumental ensemble guitar scale, now it sounds different, while sophia is learning the strings, gleb is mastering the rhythm. the musicians had to rehearse and perform while listening to a recording of the drum line. the electronic piano and acoustic system are also new, received under the national project of culture.
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now the ensemble is bigger, that is, we can invite more people from the village to practice, not even two people sit on one guitar, but here you are, six people can come and practice together simultaneously. chachiks, chiki-briks, samovar, chiki-briks, all the dishes, chiki-briks, peppers. stage, it has not worked for many years. one of the main achievements of stage mechanics that moves the scenery and design elements is the sliding curtain. this mechanism did not exist before, even if it is manual, but it still exists. to be honest, there was no curtain before. now there is a full set of stage clothes, everything is made of... flammable material. at the end of the hall there is a new operator's console, from where he monitors the performances. by using special computer programs control sound and light. we have four types
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of lights that we can control. and here either change the fill, make the sub-leaders brighter. well, i already have some preparations. for example, if a man comes out and sings, we had a patriotic song, so we change the light, everything goes, the fill goes under it. a woman comes out. in a blue dress, sing a song about fogs and seas, change the composition for it. the national project affected very small cultural centers; the area of ​​this club in the village of stepnyaki , krasnoyarsk territory, is only 400 km. despite due to its size, this is perhaps the main place for the residents of the entire village. in the village, work is not easy, so people come to us purely to relax and engage in creativity. everything else, the children come just to spend time, because after school they have practically nowhere to go, so they are all with us in the evening. after a major renovation, the cultural center was noticeably
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transformed, the windows were changed, the roof was replaced, the walls and the hollow ceiling were updated. for example, here quite recently there was a podsopka, and now there is a physical education classroom. we do push-ups, barbells, weights, here we do too yes, it can rain outside, it can also snow or slush, you don’t run around, you don’t... study, but here you can come every day, since the club is open, we study with the guys, where there was a storage room, now there is a handicraft club, before schoolchildren made their applications and crafts right in the hall, the children, of course, began to walk with even greater pleasure, just like us, because they came to light walls, a beautiful office, a separate office, which, this is very important, where you can arrange all the crafts, which the guys see for themselves, always it’s obvious, it’s immediately presented, that is , awards, crafts, it’s cool, and this circle is visited by people of the older generation, real craftswomen, they knit, embroider, draw, they could
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work at home, but they say that their feet themselves lead here, here after all company, you’re alone at home, but you come here, there’s company, to talk, and sing a song somewhere, sit somewhere, just talk about our lives. the village library has become more comfortable; it has been housed in the club for 7 years, but after the renovation there are much more readers here. general readers in the library 113 people, well, out of the entire population, that’s about half the population. we noticed that young people began to come to us more often, they spend their time playing board games, for example, games, they come according to the program, they take books, that is, they are already there. the more modern atmosphere , of course, attracts the library and encourages visits. in numbers, before the renovation, this rural club had about
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2,500 visits a year, now it’s 4 and a half, an increase of almost double. across the country, citizens began to visit cultural centers more often. thanks to the national project opens up new opportunities for recreation, communication, and creativity in preserving traditions. this is especially important for village residents. the number of updated facilities is in rural areas; in total, 1,267 cultural centers have been renovated in russia since 2020, and another 346 will be completed this year.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, in just a moment and the fraudsters would have access to the money your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count lasted for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i called the bank, she hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without conversations, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of it... the general picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deposit, change it, we will expose all the fakes.
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on russia day, vladimir putin traditionally awarded heroes of labor and laureates state awards, the president noted that the large-scale tasks that our country faces today can only be solved together. and a huge role in this matter is played by the personal example of talented people who are ready to do everything in their power for the common good. in the st. george's hall of the large kremlin palace. doctors, scientists, human rights activists and artists gathered today. a report by polina ermalaeva about those whose names are already inscribed in the history of russia. the solemnity
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of the moment emphasizes. ceremony in st. george's hall


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