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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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she is not a frequent visitor to st. petersburg, from novosibirsk, where she lives, the flight is long, and her legs, she says, are no longer the same, it’s difficult, but every time she manages to visit the city of naniva, larisa nikolaevna always comes here, to the gudgeon in her hands simple scarlet and carnations, this is for the residents of the besieged city, who were unable to survive the harsh times, and for the soldiers who, with arms in hand , once saved the northern capital from the enemy, when i come here, it’s a must...
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a close friend of her mother, midia kushner and transported it to the then relatively well-fed leningrad, in order to temporarily hold a half-starved baby and ease her crimean friend’s already heavy burden. and i lived in these windows, here on the second floor. there have been different owners in their apartment for a long time, and samana remembers almost nothing from the beginning of her life. i had to find out my own biography already in adulthood from archives and conversations with neighbors. they told larisa that after the start of the war they would take her back.
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my mother called, because i began to speak already in leningrad, well, i remember that there was a woman whom i that is, they brought me for 8 months, i didn’t speak yet, i didn’t even walk yet, then i started walking, i... talking and the first thing, of course, i told her, mom, there are memories of larisa nikolaevna and other eyewitness accounts, mainly during the masur blockade, i know that in our house on the first floor there was a boy of eight years old, and he came to me to play, and then when he left me in forty-two, he did not reach his apartment, in march of forty-two , having survived the first winter of the siege, she died. larisa's foster mother,
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and the little girl for a few more months lived alone in an apartment under the supervision of neighbors, in august she was evacuated, evacuated along the road of life, i think along the road of life, because i have a fear of water, when i see water, i don’t go into the water above my waist, i have everything floats at once, and i am afraid that i will drown, most likely that something happened, because...
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happy years of my life, but in my soul i will forever remain a resident of leningrad, besieged leningrad, there are such lines, block. i remember it like now, although we tried to forget everything, but it doesn’t depend on us, it’s in my soul what remains to live is the people who have gone through all this, they, it seems to me, have simply hardened themselves, they have become firmer in life, they, as they say, live their lives with dignity, when some difficulties arise, here i am... i’ve already
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met a lot of people like this, but what are the difficulties, he was under blockade, how difficult it was, because we survived, we survived, and here we survived even more so. “we never complain about anything, we know what life is, we believe in the future and we will never betray our homeland. she knows about the blockade only from stories, even though she herself lived in besieged city, but larisa nikolaevna remembers the long-awaited news of the victory over nazism well. my bed was standing like this, there was a plate above me, suddenly i heard it. levitan, victory, that we won, there are all these words, i jumped off, and my mother was smoking, i run up, mom, stop smoking, victory, mom, stop smoking, victory, it was
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such a big holiday, people took out tables, benches, everything that anyone had was displayed on the tables. here were everyone's tears, tears were rolling down in front of everyone's eyes, some rejoiced with tears, some he was crying, people had already died, some were in the hospital, some were waiting from the front, and then we saw a wounded soldier coming from the war, oh, how he was greeted there, it’s like, there was no way for him, everyone hugged him , congratulations and seats everywhere.
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you and i are in a bread shop where bread is given out, in fact, everything looked different, there was a huge queue that was busy, but yes, this is a stylized image, and you and i are standing in the place of the seller, a child of a block city is looking at us with hungry eyes , september 19, 1941. the germans dropped a 250-kilogram high-explosive bomb on the building of the marinsky theater in leningrad. the explosion destroyed part of the auditorium, the faye of the theater. the fascist bomb left a wound in the hearts of the city's residents, but time heals. decades after the great victory, the mariinsky theater delights
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st. petersburg residents and guests of the northern capital with its productions. she came here to watch the ballet at the end of the day. and the best place in the most spacious box, of course, is for her, for larisa nikolaevna evdokimova, née a crimean woman, a leningrad woman who left the city in early childhood, a siberian woman who retained in her heart a connection with the city on the neva, a russian woman for whom the war prepared a harsh childhood, but did not break it, tempered her and forever taught her to be strong. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value
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family and strong relationships. we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, kirieleson. male choir of the savior efimiev monastery in suzdal performs the prayer: “lord, have mercy, within the walls of the transfiguration cathedral.” the structured chant enhances the impression of the white stone church of the 16th century and the frescoes of the great master gury nikitin of the 16th century.
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recently, there are more and more tourists in susdal, although in soviet times this city was part of the golden age. ring and was a point of attraction for everyone who was interested in russian history and culture; now the access roads to the city in the historical center are being repaired: cobblestone streets, shopping arcades, and the rev. bell tower. rezopolozhinsky monastery. suzdol is preparing to celebrate the millennium. the creator is first mentioned in the tale of bygone years; the chronicler says that in 124 there was a famine, and it seemed to the residents that rich people were hiding bread. the magi led the rebellion; it was so powerful that yaroslav the wise and his retinue came to pacify it. and in the second half.
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the church of boris and gleb was built in 1152 . the first russian national saints stopped here on the road from rostov to kiev. this legend raised the prestige of suzdolshchina in the struggle for primacy among the russian principalities. was a consistent grecophile, this is evidenced by the architectural details and this sacred object. amphalios
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translated from greek pub of the earth. according to the byzantine tradition, during the service the hierarch of the church stood on a flat round stone, and from it during the service he pronounced some very important words. there are very few such amphalians left in russia, and it is noteworthy that one of the well -preserved ones is located on suzzdal land. yuri's son and daughter-in-law are buried in this temple dolgorukova, boris. maria in 1947 , restorers discovered fragments of frescoes from the late 19th century on the rich princely residence; in 1239, the mongol-tatars attacked, it was restored, changing its original appearance, for example, large windows were cut out instead of slit-like ones. after all, the abbots did not think of the temple as a historical monument; they managed it economically. when ivan the terrible walked past on his march to kazan, he borrowed the iron roof of the temple for the needs of the army. however, the church has survived to this day. today, in our time, this is the oldest of white-stone
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monuments preserved in russia, that is, in fact , this wonderful school of our white-stone zodiacism, for which vladimir’s sudovskaya land became famous, began with him. under yuri, suzdal was the capital city, its economy developed, political life developed, so to speak, trade continued to develop, and the crafts and the city... grew quickly and became rich, so quickly that from the territory that is now occupied by the suzol kremlin, which is 14 hectares, the city more than doubles in size, that is a trade and craft passage appears, just as its formation began under yuri dolgoruky, that is, by the beginning of the 13th century the city became one of the most significant ancient russian cities. with a population of then 10 inhabitants, 10 thousand inhabitants, according to researchers. like many ancient russian
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cities, suzdal burned, it was raided by mongol-tatars, and residents died en masse from the epidemic. half of the suzdal residents were killed by a pestilence in 1654-5, but suzdal was reborn like the phoenix bird. after 1917 14 churches dismantled into bricks. since 1923 , the spaso-ephemia monastery was watered. an insulator appeared and an order was given to dismantle the monastery buildings, remove marble slabs for the construction of the capital's council house, although the appearance of suzdal could have suffered much more seriously if there had been factories here for conscious proletarians, as for example in ivanovo, where almost nothing remained of the old days . the provincial suzdal did not attract attention until the end of the 1950s; the threat of construction of five-story buildings began to approach the city, but it was stopped. guardian angels of the city there were architects and museum workers. art historians, here are the shots taken in 1963. many people
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have seen these walls, time has left its deep traces on them, and in order to preserve the priceless monuments of russian architecture for posterity, vladimir restorers are doing difficult, painstaking work. a sign of life in the city at that time was the restoration work, almost all the monuments of suzdal were restored to one degree or another, it was proven that suzdal should be approached. everything came together happily for our city at that time, this is what is more fateful here there turned out to be such, well, luminaries, art historians, scientists, archaeologists, like, well, for example, i’ll name nikolai petrovich sychev, yes, he was after the repressions, he lived here, in the vladimir region. nikolai petrovich tsychov, an outstanding
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artist, served time as a political prisoner; in 1944, at the request of the gravemaster, he was transferred to vladimir; it was he who restored the nativity cathedral in suzdal and the temple in kideksha. these are researchers of ancient russian architecture, nikolai voronin and georgy wagner. this is the century dynasty. in 1958 the vladimir-suzdal museum was created the reserve was headed by the legendary alexey vorganov, followed by the legendary alisa aksyonova as its director. in 1967, suzdel became a center of international tourism and became part of the golden ring route, which was developed specifically. the vapik society was created here and part of the restoration was carried out using collected, that is, people's money, there was such a thing, the infrastructure was improved, roads, hotels, tourists went by bus to susdali. this is not an ordinary restaurant; it first opened in the 17th century. in soviet times they rarely appeared on screen advertising videos, they filmed a story
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about a 16th century tavern in suzddal. in fact, in this house there was a city pawnshop from... well-known by suzdolsk residents, but the creation of a tourism center was fraught with a threat. restoration architects recalled that the shopping arcade, at that time 2/3 of it was already ruined and lay in ruins, what was proposed, and it was proposed by moscow architects to build, well, tourism was developing, people had to buy souvenirs somewhere, also something, and offered to demolish the shopping arcades and put modern department stores of glass and concrete, which would. served both city residents and guests, but a local restorer, an architect and a museum employee managed to convince him not to do this. in the footage taken in 1966 at the table, valery anisimov is the author of the general plan and many restoration projects for the museum of wooden architecture. st. nicholas church, built in the 18th century, was brought here from
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the village of glotovo. wooden street, where the houses face each other, therefore, according to our plans for the development of the museum, we are now making repeated expeditions in the vladimir region, we are looking for preserved houses, but we find, we have preserved ones in such fairly distant areas, five peasant estates are planned
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to be moved, this is not an ethno-village, but based on scientific material, a restored church and a poor house.
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cucumbers in abundance. agronomists and tourists come to the festival to demonstrate their achievements. cucumber day was invented in 2001 by the then general director of the vladimir-suzdal museum of the reserve alisa aksenova. here, on the territory of the museum of wooden architecture major national holidays are celebrated, for example, maslenitsa. she can't do without geese. perhaps it was they who saved rome, the vladimir gray clay geese. textbook famous monuments. friends, they became not just summer residents, but decided to invest in the city in such a way as to preserve urban development, without double-glazed windows, vulgar signs, fences made of corrugated sheets, 20
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years of living in suzdal, working with officials, diplomatic passes, finances, all this bears fruit. evgeniya tells how one of the smoke establishments was created, the house russian tea drinking. before that, we always walked along this wonderful street, it ’s called old, it’s really very old; once upon a time there was no lenin street. was the central street of the city, it is so small, very beautiful, we have a wonderful neighborhood, and a wonderful ensemble of churches, it comes to the rezopolozhinsky monastery, the other end of the street, we have wonderful rows, here, here was a residential building, destroyed, without windows , without doors, without interfloor ceilings, the idea of ​​​​creation was initially straightforward, that this would be the house of a russian cap, she wasn’t there, she came. after, as if after restoration, in such stories there is always a certain danger, no matter how the cute charming province turns into glamor, acquires a toy shine,
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this could not have happened without it, but at the same time you opened restaurants, hotels, created 400 workers places, of which 70 are at the ceramics factory. olga malkova worked as a primary school teacher, but she always dreamed of drawing, now she is one of the leading artists of the factory, the creator of the iconic blueberry series and now... in in the process of long searches, some creative impulses, some stories from life, let’s say that my grandmother and i went to the forest to pick blueberries, gradually such a series was born, well, of course there are no such very large forests, but in side of ivanov, not far, even though these are small clearings, each one gained three liters,
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that was enough for us. the museum's creators have many plans for the development of the reserve. now we are on the banks of the mzhara river, from here we have a view of suzdol, a steep ridge on the left is the necropolis, mzharsky burial ground. the townspeople, the same age as yuri dolgorukov, rested here. an archaeological park will soon grow on this site. we, of course, want to tell life about this turn to christianity already in the 10th-11th centuries, here, it would seem, yes, how many civilizational centers are there before ours, nevertheless, there is already a fairly high culture here, this memory of our ancestors will also be so important component, so quiet, unobtrusive, without any special affectation on this, here, but nevertheless we want it was a visited place where... one would like to return precisely in order to enjoy the landscape. every hour the bell ringer goes to the belfry of the spas efimievo monastery, we hear the ringing of seventeen bells from afar.
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the grandiose russian phoenix exhibition will be a gift for the millennium of suzdal. this is a joint project of the moscow kremlin museums and the vladimir suzdel museum of the reserve. the exhibition will feature icons and facial embroidery. precious contributions of russian princes to the monasteries of arms, the exhibition is of great importance for suzdal. for many russians, this is a lovely province where cucumber day is celebrated, but the ancient city passed through the entire spiritual political life of the country as an important dominant feature, and its history should not be forgotten.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a fake depot, change it.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website.
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on russia day, vladimir putin traditionally awarded heroes of labor and laureates states. awards, the president noted that the large-scale tasks that our country faces today can only be solved together; a huge role in this matter is played by the personal example of talented people who are ready to do everything in their power for the sake of the common good. doctors, scientists, human rights activists and artists gathered today in the st. george hall of the large kremlin palace. a report by palina ermalaeva about those whose names are already inscribed in the history of russia.


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