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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the exhibition. russia.
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news from the middle of the hour, briefly: russian artillerymen hit the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine along with their equipment with a powerful blow, the task was successfully completed by combat crews of salvo launch systems. the coordinates of enemy strongholds and vehicles were transmitted by scouts. the group of seven countries agreed to allocate $50 billion to ukraine from profits from frozen russian assets. the statement is expected at the g7 summit, which starts today in italy, where london intends to announce separate assistance to kiev in the amount of 310 million. in yerevan, the opposition plans to continue protests today, on the eve of a mass action against the incumbents. ended in riots
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and clashes with the police, at least 80 people were injured, about 100 were detained. the demonstrators are demanding the resignation of prime minister nikol pashinyan. the moscow exchange has suspended trading in the us dollar, euro and hong kong dollar. new western sanctions led to this. in the central bank reports that to determine the official exchange rates of these currencies, they will use bank reporting information on digital platforms for over-the-counter trading. the first turkey gastronomic festival opened in penzi. poultry producers demonstrated all the successes of the industry, which they created here from scratch. over the course of 10 years , we managed to enter the top five in the world in terms of production volumes. a big celebration with tastings was organized for the festival guests and they even set a new record. maya alenova also tried the local turkey. turkey festival it is being held in russia for the first time and a new country record has already been set. this is the biggest barbecue ever.
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the record-breaking turkey dish was first evaluated by experts, and then all guests of the holiday could try it. today’s record is in principle unique, with this name, this is the first record in russia, it will be set, more than 100 kg of finished meat will be fried, and from a turkey, and this is a unique record, they managed to take a photo with a turkey, win at dominoes, make a bird, at the anniversary squares of penza, numerous interactive quests, organizers company note: the new festival is designed to demonstrate all the achievements of the turkey production industry; it was created in the region from scratch and is now considered the hallmark of the penza region. now we know exactly where we are registered, where our home is, which we never doubted. friends, once again, the penza region and penza are our home, firstly, secondly, we... we
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expect that with time, so to speak, over time, now we are actively doing this, it will become the capital of the world, yes from the capital's point of view turkeys now the company, the absolute leader in russia, is among the top five in the world in terms of turkey production, which, under western sanctions, means complete food security for the country. the largest turkey production complex includes incubators, feed mills, and two modern processing plants. you make plans. the company that made this success, which operates here in the penten region, our strategic partner, our, one might say, anchor investor in agriculture, gives the residents of the city penza this wonderful holiday, now with a permanent residence in the penza region , is a turkey festival. plans to make it
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all-russian in order to unite both turkey producers and lovers in one place. maya alenova, dmitry volodin, igor samokhin, vesti penza. the final day of tropical downpours, today in the central part of the country, the day before a quarter of the june norm fell in the capital, how much precipitation is expected today, we will tell you after the advertisement. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without percent, get a supercake in rubles for all purchases, withdraw cash for free, it’s not easy. profitable, alpha profitable, what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket, with free delivery the summer will be carefree, with increased cashback the summer will be active, with
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avito trip will go as it should booked with cashback, bonuses. the rainy season will end today. in moscow there has already been enough precipitation to last for june and a half. will the start of summer 2024 be the wettest on record? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. i'm vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, the final chord of tropical showers in the center of the country will be as loud as the whole party. horror! it’s not nanastya who is rolling over the capital in waves; the day before , the sun was shining for most of the day, and then a real storm began. moscow was covered thunderclouds at thirteen thousand meters. under such giants, the air flow can
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accelerate to hurricane levels, and the main emergency situations were associated with the wind on wednesday. after the tree fell, trains got in the way ...
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in the central region, the storm zone stretched out , spoiled the weather in the entire area from kursk to kostoroma, there was strong wind, thunder, and sparkle everywhere. in obnensk , a private house even caught fire due to a lightning strike. today the situation in the atmosphere over the russian plain will change little. the region is still will rule the atmosphere. fronts carrying thunderstorms. one mass of clouds will cover the caucasus, and another more extensive one will stretch from the lower dnieper further into siberia, the center of russia will still be in its power, so again about june 3rd volume of moisture may pour out here, again mega-rains will not spare moscow. showers and thunderstorms in the capital will reach their peak in the middle of the day, according to model estimates, their intensity can... reach 7 mm in 3 hours, in general, by the end of the day, 17 mm
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of precipitation will fall on the metropolis, as a result of the beginning of june 2024 will be the rainiest in the entire history of the vdnkh reference weather station, however, as they say, somewhere it’s dense, and somewhere empty, the west of the russian plain suffered more from the rains, here the humidity is normal or even from... unprofitable, for example the volga region, the don region and crimea are facing a serious drought. here, over the past almost half of the month, in some places only a few percent of the required amount of precipitation fell. for this reason, a state of emergency was even introduced in the rostov region. and in the coming days nature will begin to work on mistakes. the fact is that tomorrow in the west of european russia an anticyclone will begin to form and under its influence the rain clouds will gradually dissipate, and the fields of frontal clouds will retreat to
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the shores of the black sea and from the horns of the urals, so that here heavy thunderstorms will begin to compensate for the existing moisture deficit , for example, in volgograd at the start of summer only about 1 mm of rain fell, but from today thunderclouds will begin to grow over the city, only on saturday monday there will be little chance of showers. as a result, by the beginning of the next this week, about a third of the june precipitation will accumulate here, in moscow, on the contrary, i repeat, today in the capital there are again extreme thunderstorms, but tomorrow afternoon the clouds over the city will clear, the air will gradually warm up, after today's +22 thermometer readings will rise to +23-25 , and such comfortable weather will linger until monday... and that’s all, goodbye.
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now economic news, konstantin, something will change for clients of russian banks due to new us sanctions. nothing will change, roman, clients’ foreign currency accounts are reliably protected, not to mention ruble accounts. new us sanctions will not affect the work of russian banks. sber stated this in particular. as the credit institution said in a statement, no fundamental changes in the functioning of foreign branches are expected. the same opinion was expressed by vtb and psb. currency exchange transactions can still be carried out through online applications or at bank offices. all customer accounts are reliably
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protected. sberkip believes that new sanctions with the united states in the medium term will not will affect the ruble exchange rate, since trading restrictions on the exchange do not fundamentally affect the supply and demand of the currency. moreover, according to analysts, restrictions in the future will contribute to the strengthening of the ruble, since capital outflow will decrease. however, in the short term. operations, the share of toxic currencies in international payments is inevitably decreasing, and now this process may accelerate even more, probably this is yet another agony associated with the general vector of dedollarization that is observed in the world, the expansion of brix, discussion over the national currency, i
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’m not even talking about those platforms that are harmonized today within the framework of national payment systems. countries, and naturally, in fact, this kind of sanctions will continue to be adopted not only in relation to russia, the countries of the group of seven agreed among themselves to allocate a loan to ukraine in the amount of $50 billion using profits from frozen russian assets, western news agencies report this citing sources close to the french president. an official statement is expected to be made during the g7 summit, which... starts today in italy, however, this will only be a political decision, everything that the leaders of the seven say there will then become a headache for technical specialists, it is they who will have to create the appearance of legality of this adventure, and also to think about how to distribute obligations between countries in the event of unfreezing of russian assets, or if they stop generating the income necessary to finance that
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same loan for ukraine, and besides, although there are supposedly agreements, western media sources... talk about continuing disagreements between the united states and european countries, to which this decision may not return as a successful economic boomerang. the american logistics company fidex is laying off 2,000 employees in europe. reports say this is part of plans to reduce curbs overall. the service wants to save several billion dollars by closing some offices, restructuring some divisions, and reducing salaries. dismissal affected employee.
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in this way, the authorities are going to close the personnel shortage, more than half of the enterprises in the country were left without employees due to mobilization, there is not enough money to maintain the army, so the kiev regime is being sold to state-owned companies. more than 30 people were arrested at an anti-government rally in argentina; police used water cannons to disperse the crowd; demonstrators protested against the reforms of president javier meley. the brix games have started in kazan, and the competition will unite more than three.
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why do they want to recognize donation? charitable activities and what support people who donate blood now receive to save lives. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases and withdraw cash for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. thanks to.
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a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. maybe. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands. when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million. every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to switch to a house shout to buy an apartment in a new building or a resale building or build your own house with a mortgage. at
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domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. what do you need for your trip? the road is where there are no roads, close to go further. technology to take a break from civilization and plenty of space. supporting joint health. artneo - total one capsule per day to protect the joints of the spine. donors become to
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help save lives and health of people. this is not done for profit. however, government donor support exists. we’ll tell you which one in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. donation. this is voluntary help, which is very often vitally necessary; 99.8% in russia, donation is free of charge, a free donor donates components and does not receive anything as compensation for this, the only thing he receives is such a small payment as a replacement of food, which in each region is its own amount, according to the order of the ministry of health it is 5% of the subsistence level. in addition, each gratuitous donor receives a certificate of donation; a certificate
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in accordance with labor legislation allows the donor to receive 2 days of time off, which are paid as working days, these days can be added to vacation or used at any other time, these are food compensation and they are days off. .. it turns out that for the donor they are so unconditional, that is, they do not require the consent of the employer, it’s like, well a very important element is that you can’t quit such a vacation as an athlete, but it turns out, while the payment varies from 600 rubles to 2,000 rubles, and this is not a fee for donation, this is precisely compensation for food, that is, it is a free donation if the donor donated blood two and more than once a year, he has the right , first of all, to purchase a discounted voucher to a sanatorium at his place of work or study. if they provide such vouchers there? an important point, if a person went to donate blood, but was unable to donate, well, for example, not allowed, this is also not is absenteeism, and of course, this
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is not, well, how to say, a paid day, but if you receive a certificate from the blood center that, unfortunately, the donor was unable to donate blood, you can show the employer that you did not just absent yourself, but if you were examined during a medical examination, you can receive compensation for food immediately after donation at the blood center. or submit an application to have the account transferred to the details. to obtain days off or vouchers, a certificate is issued; it can be obtained in paper form at the blood center immediately after donation or download from the donor’s personal account on the state services website. there you can sign up for donations and track the dates of your next possible visits to the blood center, or do this on the portals of donor associations. additional support is provided for honorary donors of russia in order to receive such a title is necessary.
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receive a cash payment in 2024 - that’s 17,324 rubles. the amount is not taxed, it is paid no later than april 1 of the current year and is indexed every year. and to receive a payment if you are already a donor, yes you need to submit through the mifc, in the regions it may also be available through government services or social protection authorities, from documents in order to receive payment, well, accordingly, you need the original certificate of award for...
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leave at the place of work out of turn without coordination with other employees. priority receipt at the place of work or study of preferential vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment, the right to receive medical services within the framework of compulsory medical insurance out of turn in any healthcare organizations. support donors at the regional level. find out details on site. let me give you a few examples. this can be free travel on all types of urban passenger transport, except taxis. 50% discount on utility bills within the social norm of the area; 50% discount on the provision of medicines. now about bone marrow donation. it is important to note that it is free of charge, voluntarily anonymous throughout the world. in russia , a lifetime tax deduction is provided for such donors. if the donation is made for a donor who is liquidator of the accident at... the chernobyl
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nuclear power plant, then the tax deduction is 3,000 rubles. for each month of the tax period for a given taxpayer, if , well, the recipient of this biomaterial is not a liquidator there or, accordingly , a victim of a disaster or the chernobyl nuclear power plant, then the amount of the tax deduction is 500 rubles for each month. from the tax period. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about your rights and benefits that you are entitled to, subscribe to our telegram channel. ask, and we will find out from the experts and tell you everything in one of the next issues of the manual.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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in the special operation zone, the crew of the k-52m helicopter hit camouflaged equipment and manpower of the nationalists. the pilots struck with the help of uncontrollable ones. aviation missiles. the military personnel studied the area in advance. after a successful strike, the crew performed an anti-missile maneuver, released thermal traps and returned to the airfield. today i carried out a combat flight to destroy enemy personnel. they used s8 unguided aircraft missiles.


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