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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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most exchange has suspended trading in the us dollar, euro and hong kong dollar. new western sanctions led to this. the central bank reports that to determine the official exchange rates of these currencies, they will use bank reporting information about digital platforms outside of exchange trading. the group of seven countries agreed to allocate $50 billion to ukraine using profits from frozen russian funds. in the donetsk people's republic , the russian military destroyed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as equipment and manpower. the artillerymen struck the stronghold with a powerful blow. the scouts found out the coordinates of the enemy's position, after which this information was passed on to the combat crews of the grad multiple launch rocket systems. in
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yerevan, more than 100 people were injured in confrontations between demonstrators and police; in the capital of armenia, protests against the government of nikol pashinyan and the transfer of territory to azerbaijan are not abating. participants in the protest movement gathered again in the city center on bogramyan avenue. stones and bottles were thrown at the police; in response , law enforcement officers used stun grenades. almost 100 people were detained. and now to the news of the last hour. the russian military carried out electronic missile launches at mock targets during the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. the task was completed by soldiers of the leningrad military district unit. to do this, the crews of the complexes secretly made a forced march on the equipment to the designated area. the crews of warships, in turn, took them out to sea on patrol. before this, the sailors practiced receiving special ammunition for morsky missiles.
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ground-based. and now let's talk about the weather: extreme weather in the european parts of the country are reaching the finish line. according to forecasters, thursday will be the last day with heavy rainfall. we’ll find out all the details from tatyana belova, she’s joining me. tatya, good morning. well, before this, your colleagues said that the peak of such heavy rains would be on wednesday, it turns out that they will gradually begin to weaken and we are waiting for dry weather. if the amount of remains turns out to be compared to previous days, then... not much, and relief from rain awaits the capital on friday. let's start with bright shots of the evening bad weather. the street in kostroma square was flooded after heavy rain. water poured into buses crossing the puddles, penetrated into shopping centers, and even accumulated on the bridge over the volga. the rain was accompanied by squalls, one of which knocked down a portion of the scaffolding. already ninasty's approach looked threatening. a squall storm was seen approaching the city. a giant roll cloud was spotted on the approach to
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yaroslavl; there was also heavy rainfall in some places with large hail, and between yaroslavl and kostroma a real tornado. the consequences of its passage are not reported. another crater was spotted in the ivanovo region. information about what she brought has not yet been received. something similar to a tornado was spotted in moscow the day before. footage of a tornado among high-rise buildings scared local users. but the author of the photo explained in the photo not a vortex, but simply a rain stream narrowly directed towards the ground. by the way, extreme downpours passed by moscow weather stations; 11 mm of rain was recorded at vdnkh, while at the same time in krasnogorsk near moscow twice as much. to north of the capital, the high chamber received 36 mm of water, or almost half of the june norm. well, the record holder for the amount of precipitation was the regional center of unecha, bryansk region. 58 mm per day. thanks to the showers of recent days in many regions of the west, the russian plain.
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the land has already received more than 60% of the monthly rain norm, in the capital region and neighboring regions it has already been exceeded in some places, at the same time the middle and lower volga, pridonia and crimea are faced with serious drought, and the south of the capital in the urals and the urals, in addition to drought record-breaking heat swept over the day before in perm, armaver and lugansk temperature maximums were updated. today the situation in the atmosphere over the russian plain will change little. the region will continue to be ruled. atmospheric fronts carrying with them thunderstorms. one array of clouds will cover the caucasus, and another, more extensive one, will stretch from the lower dnieper, further into siberia, the center of russia will still be in its power, so that about a third of the june volume of moisture may pour out here again. according to weather radars, it was raining already in the morning a significant part of the russian plain, black crosses in the stavropol region in western russia and the volgavia region are marks of lightning discharges. at the epicenter of ninasti today
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it will remain in the upper volga region in yaroslavl until the evening about 26 mm of precipitation may fall, then the rains will weaken, but tomorrow morning they will intensify again, and... their intensity , according to preliminary forecasts, will be even greater than today. in total, over the next two days, almost the entire june rainfall will pour into the city. in moscow , moderate precipitation is forecast throughout the day, the rains will intensify sharply, on friday night, up to 38 mm is expected. fortunately, this will not be nastya’s last outburst. they will stop by friday evening. these are the forecasts. ah, thank you. in fact, it’s humid even in our studio.
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but the animal is nervous, but scientists were able to visually assess its condition, it turned out that everything is not so bad, the whale can feed on its own, there are no deep wounds from the nets yet, however, they need to be removed, experts are now deciding how to do this, to other topics: in europe they are trying to incite football fever, euro 2024 starts in germany tomorrow, but there are no signs of excitement among the fans, hope. uefa's finances are melting before our eyes, business is not even going to invest in organizing the fanzone, and the huge screens on the streets can be counted on the finger of one hand. regina sebastianova will tell you the reason for the indifference to the game of champions. european football authorities
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really need a successful tournament. uifa has reached the lowest point of financial security, the economic director of the organization admitted. basic comfort for uefa is annual income of 500 million euros, but in reports for 2023, the year is only 360 million. the european football championship in geneva is seen as an opportunity to get out of the financial hole. at the tournament, which will be held by germany from june 14 to july 14, uefa hopes to earn about 2.5 billion euros. it’s just that there’s no way to start football fever in the old world. german authorities are inviting even those who don't have tickets to football matches to visit their country this summer, just to take part in the football extravaganza. however, recent polls even within germany show at least.
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year, we decided to abandon the idea of ​​organizing fan zones. in ghent, the police gave a negative response to all possible locations for security reasons, but by that time the city administration had already admitted that there were still no people willing to invest in such events. according to nathalie debarst from the association of flemish cities and regions , the world cup in 2020 left a bad taste. cities and companies invested in the construction of fan zones, installation of screens, prepayment of catering services lost big. all this stood empty, some of the organizers. since in debt, business is just following the trend, there is no enthusiasm among the public, there will be no supply, points out marketing expert from the brussels school of economics, ginovan ossel. blame it on the weather , or the elections, or it’s simply too early. the european football championship starts in germany on june 14, but you can’t tell,
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unlike previous times, the tournament is already so close, and you can’t find the atmosphere of fun inherent in the international football championship even with a magnifying glass glass, no visible ones. signals reminding non-fans that the red devils are about to go to defend their achievements on the football world stage. the belgian football union, of course, is doing everything in its power, they effectively announced the composition of the red devils, in different cities of the country, graffiti suddenly appeared depicting the team’s players. the unofficial team name was recorded. well, you can’t hear the anthem on the radio, and if you install screens, they will be in small towns where the choice of entertainment is not very large, or what...
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everything from islamist terrorism threats, criminal hooligans, and cybercrimes.
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the police will be present in large numbers in all crowded places. in the uk alone , more than one and a half thousand people must surrender their passports before the start of the tournament. a meeting took place between groups of fans, the football association, the police, the ministry of foreign affairs, the group traveling to germany was checked by law enforcement agencies, those traveling to germany are called upon to prove: vandals who get into trouble and provoke problems are a minority, and not statistically average. and a fan. finally, as experts note, there is another important nuance: the proximity of the olympics to the football tournament, both in terms of timing and location, played a negative role. it seems the media and marketers have already decided that dirty water in the hay or the greed of the ateliers in paris is their priority for this summer of sports. regina sevastyanova, european bureau of vgtrk, belgium. this is sasha. it is important for him to
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celebrate on august 31. first of all, i would like to invite all of you and those who are watching us today in ufa to attend our anniversary event. and today this anniversary date has become a big impetus for the modernization of the entire infrastructure of our city, it concerns absolutely all educational facilities, healthcare facilities, sports facilities, we are now building a unique complex, a center wrestling, mushroom slan center, fencing center, there are very few such complexes in russia, the fi anniversary pushed us thanks to participation in national projects, including very serious support is provided at the republican level, personally the head of the republic radi forici provides very serious colossal support, they stand out additional funds. the city is changing, the city is developing, the city does not stand still, we always take the best practices, exchange experiences, including looking at moscow, we are currently undergoing reconstruction, a very large project, october revolution street, we are restoring about 50 cultural heritage sites,
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improving the road, landscaping, well, creating new meaning, new points of attraction, speaking about cultural objects... is it possible to preserve them in proper form, what is being done for this and can are there any losses? the losses are quite unsystematic, one might say so, but it is clear that there are objects that are dilapidated and something is happening somewhere, but nevertheless we managed to build a systematic work with entrepreneurs and the business community, we provide cultural heritage sites to businesses, they invest money, reconstruct them, and open their own businesses there. if we talk about numbers, these are more than 50 objects that are municipal property, of which we have already found solutions for thirty of them; they will be restored within this year and a half. the legislation is very strict and there are peculiarities about us , there are a lot of wooden houses, and these are additional costs, difficulties, and not every investor can immediately determine the figure of how much to invest, therefore, there are difficulties, but they are all solvable, thanks to the fact that we began to put our administrative buildings in order, municipal, republican businesses also began to invest, because the city, the picture of the city is changing, and accordingly people also want and are ready to invest money for this
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so that their facilities are in order too, now you are talking about the construction that is underway in the city, of course it is being built separately and... this is a good figure, it is quite a record one, one might say, and ufa is chosen in order to live, we have more students from 59 countries studying in seven federal universities, they also stay, create families here, and in general, well, people, as they say, choose ufa to live, the numbers show this, the migration increase is quite high, then there are people who come and buy apartments, live here, start families,
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in principle, the entire infrastructure of the city is changing precisely so that ufa is an attractive place to live, how much ? yes, we participate in all programs of the ministry’s infrastructure menu construction, for us this is colossal support, we feel that if we prepare applications properly and trade everything on time, then in principle we can solve the problems that arise today. speaking about emergency jelly, i would like to note that there is a new mechanism that we are now actively using, these are agreements on the integrated development of the territory, this is an excellent tool that allows us to solve problems in the shortest possible time. this problem, we have already concluded six contracts today, eight more before the end of the year, that is, about fourteen agreements, gradually planned investors will provide residential premises to those who need it, new residential complexes of social infrastructure will appear on the site, that is, we immediately prescribe what should appear, kindergartens, schools, all the necessary infrastructure, so thanks to the crt mechanism we are in this parts work very well. if we talk about the industrial
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development country of ofa, then of course, first of all, it is the chemical industry and oil refining. here. what do you think industries can be identified, where are the greatest successes in import substitution in achieving technological sovereignty? yes, in fact , we have more than 50% of the volume of shipped products produced in ife in the republic of bashkatstan, and we can also mention petrochemicals, before meeting with you we looked at our numbers a little: 148% volume of shipped products increased, 140% investments, we are in the top -three in attracting investments according to the axis rating, but we organize this work very systematically, every thursday... we have the head of the republic requires that we meet in business, hold investment hours, industrial hours, and, accordingly, this dialogue, when you are constantly in touch with enterprises, helps to resolve the issue very quickly, but nevertheless there are difficulties. now we are producing an aircraft engine, yes upo means they need 3,000 people, now they are ready at once, we have to constantly look for people, attract them from other
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cities, including from other settlements, so the aviation industry the engine structure is developing very strongly, our engine structure has record numbers and our competencies in this area are very serious, but speaking of inter-replacement, we can also note such mechanisms when we provide land without bidding, this also helps a lot, today there are opportunities to provide without bidding. land plots for business, so everyone who wants to open a business, welcome bashkartastan, welcome, we will be happy to help, at the very beginning you already started talking about tourism , how it is actively developing and you invite again in ufa, today are there enough places in hotels, all the infrastructure necessary for recreation, well , this market is constantly growing, new complexes are appearing, including cultural heritage sites, there are a variety of menus, there are very good four-five- star hotels there . there are hostels, that is, you can choose a hotel for every taste and color, for any size and for any budget, today you can come to ufa for 2-3 days, just recently we opened another museum, the albanov museum,
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now the fyodor chaliapin museum, so many interesting locations that need to be visited, be sure to visit the art square, solovat ilaev square, shimmuratov square, and soviet square, the city is changing and changing specifically for tourists, so that they come, but in general we see that hotels are constantly occupied , there are a lot of events related to... new year's, for example, yes, that is, also terrazima, a traditional festival, well, there is a way to spend time, so we also invite tourists, business is invested also thanks to federal support that year we won grants from the ministry of tourism 215 million rubles for the creation of tourism infrastructure, which means there were various stage equipment and hatches, well, some cool lighting, well, in general, art objects, various benches , landscaping, and thanks to the support of the federal center, in including our tourism infrastructure is developing, what?
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you are talking about august 31st, what kind of large-scale events should we expect in ufa, well, a lot of stars will come, firstly, yes, the russian stage is very there are a lot of guests from other cities, we have sister city connections, the povozhi cities association will be broadcast on these days, so we expect a large number of people, we have prepared a good bright holiday program, i think everyone will like it, thank you very much for the interview, i will remind you that now our guest was the mayor of ufa radmir mavliev. doctors at the chukovo district hospital
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are performing clavicle osteosynthesis surgery. the patient has a fracture. the integrity of the bone is restored using a metal plate. the work can be done in an hour. all during this time, the patient’s condition is closely monitored by an anesthesiologist and resuscitator, using a new anesthesia-respiratory device. device pulse, saturation, invasive, non-invasive blood pressure. two such devices were delivered as part of the federal project for the modernization of primary healthcare. modern, touch-sensitive, they allow you to adjust parameters with literally one click. now the chukovo district hospital has six anesthesia-respiratory machines, and all operating rooms are equipped with them. over the past 23 years, we have completed 1,305 operations and approximately 50%. of these operations , they were carried out with the help of anesthesia-respiratory equipment, that is, with the help of such devices, most often these are abdominal surgical operations, well, traumatological, since the incidence of injuries due to
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ticks is increased. at the expense of federal funds , three new mammographs and two r600 polydiagnostic x-ray diagnostic systems were also delivered to the regional branches of the hospital. one of them is installed in the iultinsky hospital, the second in the tuberculosis department in onadr. if in the old maximum his. possibilities, this was a limitation in terms of tomography, here there are additional tomosynthesis, well, all kinds of such complexes that were introduced just over the last 5-7 years. the new remote-controlled x-ray complex allows you to perform all types of examinations in general radiology. pictures can be taken in any position of the patient, sitting, lying down, standing, and immediately send them to the central server of the district hospital and even to specialists located in other regions. firstly, the image quality, secondly, the opportunity such functionality as tomography, yes, these are cross-sectional images that give... more
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accurate diagnostics, especially in our region, where tuberculosis is widespread, yes, but a very important function, and naturally, in digital mode we can transmit and direct these photographs, in recent years such expensive complexes have been supplied to all regional branches of the chukotka district hospital, now they do not use x-ray film there, everything has switched to digital format, another... another big project was the equipment of rehabilitation branches, they operate in pivek, and gwekinot and anadra. after various injuries , both ordinary patients and soldiers who returned from a special military operation undergo rehabilitation here. by the fall, pivek will be supplied with new simulators for developing joints, equipment for physical therapy, such as a device for verticalizing the patient and restoring walking skills. as part of other federal
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projects, chukotka will also visit this year. will receive new ultrasound systems, equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, and on the instructions of the president , the obstetric service will be equipped to the tune of almost 49 million rubles. veronica takmacheva, alexander kuzmenov, lead from chukotka. russia day was celebrated not only in our country. ceremonial events took place in europe and asia. in latin america and even in africa. alyaka komarova will tell you exactly how the holiday was celebrated around the world. russian folk melodies were heard in beijing on russia day. the group from novosibirsk performed as part of the festival “words about the russian heart”. it is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between russia and china. in honor of the holiday,
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a photo exhibition was solemnly opened in the capital of mongolia. russia is a country of achievements. twenty-one photographs reflect the successes of our country in various fields, from microbiology to space and architecture. hooray! hooray! in tel aviv, a huge tricolor was unfurled for russia day. the flash mob became part of the holiday, which was dedicated to russian culture and traditional cuisine. and in nitania , the date was celebrated at the monument dedicated to the victory of the red army over nazi germany. residents of cyprus on this holiday joined the russian window campaign. they decorated. home offices with russian symbols, stickers and drawings of the kremlin. in antalya, the russian orthodox community, together with the consulate general of our country, organized a solemn event. representatives of various peoples living in russia spoke to the audience. the main dubai skyscraper and the tallest building in the world, the burj khalifa, lit up with the colors of the russian tricolor. our
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compatriots are all over the world. and this is niger, where they celebrated russia day with a motorcycle parade. 400 motorcyclists rode with russian flags along the central streets of the city of neamey. residents greeted the column with applause. russia day was celebrated brightly in the capital of chile, santiago. there were round dances and a flash mob. its participants assembled a russian flag from white, blue and red umbrellas. the show was held traditionally in the russian house in buenos aires. russian folk costume, guests learned that this is not just a shirt or sundress with a kokoshnik, thanks to the diverse embroidery, the costume tells about family and clan human activities, in cuba , students of the university of havana studying russian sang the russian anthem as a congratulation on the holiday. russia is our sacred power, russia is our beloved country.
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in the capital 10 we continue our morning broadcast , here is what we have learned by this hour. the countries of the family group agreed to allocate $50 billion to ukraine from profits from frozen russian assets, a statement is expected at the g7 summit, which starts today in italy, where london intends to announce separate assistance to kiev in the amount of 310 million. women on in ukraine, they will teach men's professions, in this way the authorities are going to close the personnel shortage. more than half of the enterprises in the country.


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