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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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to its historical roots, in novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find typical features, recognizable signs of the past. and that's what we'll talk about today. risk and hard work, an ordinary medical miracle. a unique medical experience. this sunday, june 16th, the country will celebrate doctor's day. we are eternally grateful to the doctors, nurses and other people in white coats who treat, save, operate and care for those who, for various reasons , are in trouble. within hospital walls. doctors
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today one of the most sought-after professions in novorossiya, where the events of a special military operation are unfolding, where the ukrainian military regularly shells the neighborhoods of peaceful towns and villages. today , more than 100,000 honey workers work on a permanent basis in new regions. about half, which is over 50 thousand people, are from the donetsk people’s republic. republic, about 33 thousand work in the lugansk republic, and these are only those who work constantly, and there are also teams from other regions working on a rotational basis, and yet the shortage of medical workers is serious, in the zaporozhye region there is a shortage of more than one and a half thousand specialists, in lpr hospitals there are about half of the staff of doctors. in general, the shortage of medical staff in novorusiya is assessed at the same level. many medical institutions operate as
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front-line hospitals; of the approximately 450 hospitals and clinics in new regions, at least a quarter have to be regularly repaired and restored after shelling by the armed forces of ukraine. doctors often work 12 hours a day, saving the lives of russian military and civilians with serious shrapnel wounds. daily medical feats, removed a shell fragment from the spine of a child, which miraculously did not damage the spinal cord, removed bullets and fragments from working hearts, removed mines stuck in bodies, an ordinary medical miracle. medical teams from other regions of russia began to go to the republics for help in 1922. some doctors took vacations. and went to work for free.
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today, when peace is gradually coming to the liberated territory, the need for doctors is only growing. many have worsened chronic diseases after the experience. people need routine examinations and consultations with specialized specialists. vladimir putin instructed the government to double payments to doctors and health workers who move to new regions under the program compared to other regions. doctor and zemstvo paramedic. for doctors - from 1 to 2 million rubles. for paramedics - from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. the cabinet of ministers has already prepared a corresponding project, all within the framework of these programs for one-time compensation in march of this year, 190 million rubles were allocated for health workers in novorossiya. about how doctors in novorossiya work today, sometimes performing real medical miracles. in the story
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of anna efimova. there is concentrated silence in the department of x-ray and surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment. another operation is underway. doctors work in protective suits. truly magnificent surgical interventions are performed here in the light of x-rays. modern equipment allows for accurate visualization of pathological lesions. pathologies of the heart vessels, blood vessels. an advanced medical institution not only in donbass, but also in russia, they carry out scrupulous diagnostics here, make accurate diagnoses and treat the most severe pathologies, from 30 to 70 operations are performed a day, everything hurt me, i was turning everything inside, everything is here. got here, the guys
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operated here, examined it completely, well , you see, the condition is already like this, cheerful, a new modern laboratory helps the doctors in their work... the analyzer has been in service literally since may, such a device performs a wide range of laboratory tests in the field of immunology, endocrinology, cardiology, oncology, and he is far from the only one, the modernization of equipment here pays the closest attention. initially, the equipment, let’s put it mildly, does not stand up to criticism, which is why the direct order of the minister of the russian federation, mikhail albertovich murashk. it was decided that this year a cat tomograph and a new x-ray machine will be installed, and the laboratory service has been completely re-equipped . however, the gusak institute is also a scientific institution where they develop your medications. a new
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drug is currently being tested for the treatment of acute cerebrovascular accidents. the research has been ongoing for a year and a half, and the institute presented its results at international scientific congresses. we expect this to be a development. to create a drug that can improve the functional outcomes of ischemic stroke, that is, it will preserve and improve the quality of life of patients. this is where cells are stored, what we grow, for storage, for maintaining vitality, this all must happen in low temperature conditions. professor andrei gennadievich kupandopula shows the holy of holies, the cell tissue culture laboratory, this is where they are grown.
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now, despite the demand, we naturally must work in the legal field of the russian federation, and this legal field has a number of specific, let’s say, requirements, which we understand that we comply with, but nevertheless, permitting documents, that is, certain licenses for today we do not have, and the institute is actively engaged in obtaining these permits. this is bryanka, a mining town 60 km from lugansk. the local hospital is equipped with everything necessary. there is a modern apparatus for fluorography of the lungs. what are we writing? and also ultrasound, x-ray, ecg, but most importantly, there are specialists
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of different profiles who do not leave for big cities. the working day of neurologist nikita kolin begins with an appointment at the clinic, then he rushes to see his patients in the hospital. the doctor recently graduated from medical school and will stay in his native place. factors are large enough to to close both primary care and hospitals, because in our territories payments have been introduced for providing assistance to wounded victims as a result of hostilities, quite large sums, where surgical
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doctors receive up to 100,000 rubles monthly, so today from the point of view of financial measures it is enough unprecedented are accepted. despite the importance of the material side of the issue, being a doctor is still, first and foremost, a calling. the doctors in donbass are very good, they are very cool, they are straight forward, first of all, they are brilliant medical hearts, they have excellent knowledge of trauma, military assistance has long been well established, and let’s say, ophthalmological operations for the military are very well done by military doctors in special military hospitals, and let’s say, the civilian population of donetsk, they can , let’s say... come to moscow get treatment for free as citizens of russia, but just for the average donetsk resident to go to moscow is not cheap, let’s put it that way. boris pershin was at the origins of the creation of an ophthalmological service in the dima rogachev center, and now operates in one of the specialized clinics near moscow. in the fall of 2022, he went to donbass for the first time,
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met colleagues from the republican trauma center, which, by the way, is located literally one and a half kilometers from avdeevka, and therefore has been regularly shelled for the last 9 years, and now... a doctor constantly volunteers on his telegram channel collects money for the necessary equipment , together with colleagues from donbass, he operates on cataracts, glaucoma and strabismus. do you already have some kind of schedule? operations on the near future, i just returned from there, so not yet, it seems to me that for the next time, first we will decide when i will go, then they will collect patients from me, then there will be a schedule plan, and approximately how many operations do you perform per trip, the last time that - it was about 15, i generally think that it’s as if every person, well, we have 155 million, if a person says that they tensed up a little bit, then there’s 2% more than usual, then how would we give there is much more work on the front, of course return of donbass.
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over the past 2 years in this area, now, of course, a lot of work is going on to modernize
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and supply a huge amount of modern medical equipment, although we know that there are also serious problems with this, yes sanctions, because a lot of this technological equipment, it was produced in the west, purchased, yes, but nevertheless, despite this, this is modernization, yes, it plays an important role, of course, this transition period... it really should allow minimal problems, but to integrate into another, into a fundamentally different russian system, and with insurance medicine, and since it is in the russian federation, with the entire structure of medical and medical institutions, and this transition period, it should, of course, facilitate this transformation and the transition to other standards and besides, this is all happening against the backdrop of a special military operation, so of course it’s natural that there are problems there. which we may say further, yes, they are not going anywhere, but if we talk about the current one, then
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to say, the state of affairs, the main thing is to carry out this transition, medicine is near the line of combat contact, in general terms its features are clear, yet what imprint does this leave on the work of doctors, the trauma center is a huge building, a specialized institution stalin’s beautiful, yes, which is just...
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a serious step, precisely in the donbass, many people who went through the fighting of the fourteenth year realized the importance of tactical medicine, by the beginning of the northern military district, this topic of tactical medicine, it was not developed in the armed forces at the level we would like, yes, that is , there were these individual first-aid kits, they were almost reminiscent of those that the soldiers had with them in afghanistan and so further, it was precisely the people who came to the donbass in 1914, including doctors, who had ideas. about how to develop this area, so overcoming this gap in this area turned out to be, well, in
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some sense easier, this is one process, and the other was a process, this is, of course, what, well doctors - this is so to speak, especially in general this is a special profession, yes, as in the soviet classic film it was yes, that this is such a humanistic profession, so of course, as many people could not just look at what was happening there, they volunteered to go fight in the donbass, and so huge the number of doctors in the fourteenth and twenty- second years are still traveling. go there at the call of your heart, and work there in different specialties, we are now talking not only about those who directly save wounded soldiers or wounded civilians there, because when the region. turns out to be in the front-line zone, the ordinary civilian sphere of medicine, it turns out to be simply paralyzed, yes, that is, drugs, so to speak, tend to run out, yes, that is, this sphere, so to speak, begins to lose some personnel there, because people from war zones, doctors, including some, yes, as i said, it will be heartbreaking, but one can hardly blame a person
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who, again, in these circumstances , leaves the territory, the patients remain, i remember well how simply to our military then in kherson just come... or civilians, they said, we are running out of insulin, the military said, well, this is not our sphere, and yet they began to include, they began to recruit volunteers there, who began to provide this work , yes, and this is also a special area, yes, because these are medications, they require certain rules for handling them, nevertheless, in an emergency situation, and then everyone understood that it was necessary, first of all, to give people the opportunity, so to speak this to provide assistance, and only then look at how correctly it means to draw up the appropriate ones. pieces of paper, so , of course, in the conditions of a special military operation, and in the nearest rear areas, front-line ones, of course, this leaves a very serious imprint on this medical sphere, assessing the courage and high professionalism of the doctors of new russia, however, one cannot say about the problems that are they and how will they be dealt with or is the state already dealing with them? i got a pretty heavy
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inheritance, and that’s the state of this area, well requires huge -
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story. there is a unique place in novorossiya. reserve askania nova in the kherson region. the world's oldest steppe biosphere reserve park has again become available for excursions this spring. at the beginning of the 19th century , german colonists settled in the deserted southern russian province, subjects of the duke of anhald-keton. his family estate is in germany, so the black sea was named askania nova. the settlers began to raise purebred sheep here. in 1856, the estate was bought by a family of russified volsfein germans, wealthy landowners and also sheep farmers. the history of the falzfein family is an example of service
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to the russian state and dedication to their work. the brightest of it... not only throughout the country, but beyond its borders. falzwein introduced animals atypical for these latitudes. his zoo was the first in the world to receive purebred prizhevalsky horses and began breeding them in captivity. after the revolution and into the civil one, the reserve miraculously succeeded. protect from ruin. friedrich falzwein went into exile, but lived far from his native land not for long. 33. beautiful wild nature. today we managed to not only preserve all this, but also replenish the flora and fauna of the reserve. in askania nova there are more than 500 species of plants, hundreds of rare birds and animals. many of which
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are listed in the red book. about history and people devoted to this... incredibly, the world-famous askania nova reserve grew out of a childhood dream of having its own zoo. when friedrich falsfein turned 11 and entered the kherson gymnasium, his father gave him a wire enclosure. his first birds of the local fauna became the inhabitants, and after that they created their own collection of animals... zebras from africa, india, antelopes, that is , such a very large collection of ungulates and birds was being created. at the end of the 19th century, many
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zoos around the world tried to get their hands on prozhevalsky's horses, a species recently discovered by the famous researcher and naturalist. they were attracted by the difficulties of catching and the unusual exterior, unlike domesticated horses. falsfein organized several expeditions in the steppe of mongolia in 1897. price is a question. saved from gold was crowned with success and thanks to this , a unique species of wild equids became extinct; only one expedition of askania nova brought four young individuals, after which six more. a newborn foal first appeared in the askaniysky reserve in 1905. the powerful trees that decorate askania nova today are more than 130 years old.
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plants, only 220 took root. it was a truly bold idea - to plant a garden in the middle of the steppe, on an area of ​​28 hectares. it is here in central russia that coniferous and deciduous trees grow freely. another thing - tauride steppe. there are no natural reservoirs, groundwater lies deep underground up to 300. strong winds dominate the year, sometimes turning into dust storms and scorching hot winds. evaporation is much higher than the amount of precipitation. irrigation was needed, there was no water, then friedrich falzwein brings camels to the new colony, harnesses them, and from the nearest waterway, the dnieper, 50 km along the steppe, he carries water for irrigation, camels carry barrels for irrigating seedlings on the territory of the botanical. parka. if falsfien created only botanical and zoological parks here; he would have already written his name in history. but he went further, and was the first in russia to begin to reserve the steppe, fearing its
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complete destruction by cattle pastures . according to his scheme for organizing a protected area and a buffer zone around, all biosphere reserves in the world now operate. 1898, when he withdraws 500 acres of land from agricultural use. its last section, today, is about the core of the askania nova biosphere reserve, surrounds it with a moat and declares inviolable, that is, neither on horseback, nor on foot, nor to mow, not to graze cows, nor to pick any flowers to grow, no one had the right to cross the boundaries of this area. falzwein was the first to use bird ringing and generally began to monitor their migrations. in his large farm , advanced technologies were used in literally everything. emperor nicholas ii made an exception. decided not to stay overnight with private individuals not of royal blood and paid a visit to askania nova in 1914. he promised to come here again with his son, but the first world war interfered, and
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then the revolution happened. since then, trouble has come to askania nova more than once. its owner himself first went to butyrka prison in 1917, and then was forced to leave russia. during the great patriotic war, the germans ruled the reserve from july 1941 to october. forty-third of the valuable animals and birds were taken to germany, the rest were simply destroyed when they retreated. the population of prizhevalsky's horse was also lost. in 1947 , a stallion named orlik arrived from the leptsego zoo as a trophy stallion. and 10 years later in mongolia marshal varoshilov was given a mare. he transferred it to the reserve, and since then prozhevalsky’s horses have begun to be bred here again. yes, so successfully that they saved him in the early nineties. now the mongolian steppes from the loss of this species, sending more than twenty individuals there. in 1998 , it was decided to release prizhevalsky’s horses into
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their natural habitat; 28 heads were taken from the reserve to the exclusion zone in the emergency situation, but they were taken there from other zoos, too.
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ecological trail to the askaniyskaya nature reserve steppe, this place is unique not only for contemplation, but also for study, how truly extraordinary is the story of a man who devoted his entire life to creating this miracle in the middle of the steppe. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelyev, typical new russia. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon! a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card withdraw cash without commission. thanks
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the work of banks? and what will happen to the ruble exchange rate? the rainiest beginning of june in the entire history weather observation extreme not nastya in the european part of russia are reaching the finish line direct, when the rains begin to weaken? more than 300 athletes from almost 100 countries started the brix games in kazan, russia has its first gold medals in the program of 27 sports. who distinguished himself? how does the international economic forum in st. petersburg affect business, what's new this year, what? planned in the next, details in the program there is a solution. a group of fraudsters who stole over a billion rubles from the russian budget was detained in ingushetia. the state allocated this money for payments to families with children. the special operation was carried out by employees of the ministry of internal affairs, the fsb and the russian national guard. the criminal group included officials, residents of ingushetia, as well as unidentified persons.


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