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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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this was done with permission, which was not immediately given to their own grandmother, who became their guardian angel, thank you very much allahalovna for everything you did for them, i was also present at the meeting, although the meeting was the russian foreign minister with the guys, but it was also attended by the minister of foreign affairs of cuba, with whom sergeyevich lavrov’s conversation ended literally at the same hours... i urge you all to watch, we will definitely post a link in the text of the briefing, footage of this communication, i will not retell what it was about the minister spoke with guys, this is not classified information, on the contrary, it is open, and you can hear everything they talked about, the same case when, probably, the phrase “the meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere, although it sounds protocol, but accurately reflects the essence of what ..." happened there.
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on june 12, the president of the russian federation signed federal law no. 127 adopted by the federal assembly of our country on the denunciation of the agreement between the government of the russian federation and the cabinet of ministers of ukraine on the preemptions and conditions of activity information and cultural centers. the law was signed on february 27, this law was originally signed on february 27, 1998 in moscow. after the entry into force of this law 23.
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on the language of culture, the persecution of our compatriots, the prospects for resuming constructive interaction between the two countries, including in the humanitarian sphere, are not visible, all this served as the basis for the decision to terminate the agreement on cultural centers, as a non-working lost its relevance at the moment, the document, well, so to speak about that it has already become some kind of obsessive nonsense. and i mean
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directly the french initiatives to support the kiev regime, they simply cannot be ignored, because they are odious and at the same time raise a large number of questions. we are talking about the next belligerent statements by official paris, about plans in the context of the conflict in ukraine. so, as it was announced, france will transfer mirage 2005 fighters to the kiev regime, ensuring ukrainian training. pilots and mechanics, as well as train and equip the brigade armed forces of ukraine of 4,500 people. in addition, the green light was given for the use of french weapons for attacks on russian regions. at the same time , the topic of sending french military personnel to ukraine, for now as instructors, continues to be discussed, but we understand what these instructors will do there. according to media leaks, the french are even trying to form some kind of coalition from nato countries for this purpose. new portion.
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they didn’t invite us to our country, they just took it and didn’t invite it, but they talked about it for a long time, came up with some variations for a long time, how about this say how to present it, but then they simply decided not to invite, and so against this background , statements were made that france would now even... increase, well, as
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they say, assistance to the kiev regime, in fact, escalate the situation on the european continent , accepting with open vows the leader of the ukrainian... this kiev regime, western leaders chose to remain silent about the fact that in the ranks of the wehrmacht in france, as we know from the works of french historians, ukrainian collaborators fought shoulder to shoulder with the nazis, paris's attempts to justify its reckless actions look helpless, to present the matter as if they do not lead to a further escalation of the ukrainian crisis; how come they do not, they simply undermine the situation on the european continent? france is becoming increasingly involved in the armed conflict in ukraine, consistently shifting any idea of ​​assistance towards undermining the situation, and of course, bringing closer the likelihood
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of a direct clash with our country, and this is fraught with unpredictable consequences for security, not only in europe, but... . world. now the main question: do french citizens need all this? and the answer is obvious, they simply weren’t asked. french citizens are not asked about this. are french soldiers ready to die for others, for other people’s interests, for ideals alien to them, for whatever they say, the narratives of washington and london, turning ukraine into ukrainians. into an instrument of struggle against russia, i deeply doubt it, and the results of the elections to the european parliament, devastating for macron and his party, clearly showed that the majority of the french do not support his course. i think that
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french citizens, public figures, journalists, at some point still have to wake up, they have to, you know, rub their eyes, probably rinse them out. souls to understand what is happening to them, what they are being dragged into, and the french leadership, rather than intimidating public opinion with some invented russian threat, pushing europe into war, it was more correct to deal with pressing problems at home, think about long-term unsolvable problems in the economy, in the field of security, migration, or what do they think?
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against sovereign yugoslavia, i will remind you of number of victims, then more than 2 thousand civilians were killed, among them 89 children. the west cynically categorized these victims as, believe it or not, this is their favorite expression for collateral damage. by the way, in the west they don’t want to initiate a case against themselves in this very matter. international, so-called criminal court, there are witnesses to those nato atrocities, there are victims, there are relatives of the victims, in 78 days of the so-called nato humanitarian intervention on yugoslavia
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, 14,000 bombs were dropped, more than 2 thousand missiles were fired, cluster and high-explosive shells, massive use of ammunition with combined uranium, uranium is supplied directly from london to the kiev regime, why
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isn’t the british public worried about the environment, contamination of the victims’ environment, in the end, well, okay, other people’s victims are not for them... how is this collateral damage, but the ecology is one, and the world's oceans too, the grave consequences of that... energy, including oil refineries, power plants, lines. yes, nothing resembles the same western tactics, which was used in relation to yugoslavia,
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mainly with the serbs and serbian cities, is now being used by these same westerners, by the hands of the kiev regime, in relation to our country over 300 communication transport facilities, airfields, bridges, railway infrastructure, gas stations, repeaters, post offices, if anyone -he will now say: that this is all, like this, collateral damage, and these objects were not chosen specifically, i remind you, the crimean bridge for many years, long, even before the twenty-second year, was the object of tourist, extremist, abnormal activity of westerners and the kiev regime, they slept and saw how they would first prevent it from being built and then destroy it. about 50 health care institutions, about 100 kindergartens, university schools, dozens of historical and
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architectural monuments, churches, monasteries, the total damage to the yugoslav economy amounted, according to various estimates, from 30 to 100 billion dollars. what arbitration did washington, london, and collective brussels then turn to in order to impose a claim on themselves for these amounts? derogatory attitude. it is worth recalling the most terrible episodes of the 1999 invasion
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, when nato forces targeted civilians. the bombing of residential areas of the city of aleksandets took place on the fifth of april. missile attack on a passenger train. just think, belgrade-thessaloniki on april 12, a strike on a refugee colony near the city of djakovica on april 14. destruction of the serbian radio television building. together with the employees who were in it april 23, attack on a passenger bus near the city of podujevo, may 1, dropping cassette beans on central quarters of the city of nis on may 7, attack on the chinese embassy in belgrade on may 7, bombing of a column of refugees in the village of corisa, near the city of prizren on may 14, raid on the belgrade clinical center named after dragis misevich on may 20, numerous war crimes. their allies were committed under false pretexts of protecting the kosovo albanians,
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who in this way the west did not protect the iraqis from the legitimate government of iraq, the libyans from the legitimate government of libya, there are many examples. actually it moved not concern for human rights, but the desire to create a permanent source of threats for belgrade and, in principle, for europeans on serbian territory. today, behind the scenes, there is mediation, as they call it, in settlement. the west is forcing the serbs to renounce kosovo, encouraging the line of the pristina authorities, the so-called cleansing of the orthodox population, and ultimately putting the region on the brink of armed conflict. instead of lecturing the serbs as a concept, it is necessary to forgive. for the reprisal against yugoslavia, the american and the yesovets would have long ago he had to repent of his atrocities and
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pay for them. after they attacked a sovereign european country for the sake of their own global dominance, they have no right to speak from a position of moral authority. it was a broadcast of a briefing by mit official maria zakharova. well, the broadcast continues with the facts: the information picture of the day in our releases. in the studio artyom yamshchikov. the attack on russian journalists is another vile crime of the kiev regime. in gorlovka at gunpoint the fire from the ukrainian armed forces turned out to be our colleagues, employees of the ntv channel. wounded correspondent alexey ivliev and cameraman valery kozhin. right now doctors are fighting for their lives. the russian media called the shelling of russian journalists targeted. the moscow exchange today stopped trading in the dollar and euro, and the decision followed
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the introduction of us sanctions. how did the quotes of financial companies react to the news? and what will happen to the course now? currencies in russia, and most importantly, is there a panic in exchange offices, we are waiting for our inclusion correspondent. a mega-rain in the moscow region led to casualties and injuries, clogged storm drains and fallen trees. authorities in the moscow region are counting the damage. against the backdrop of the disaster, there are not only victims, but also dead. let's ask the weather forecasters, when will the deadly cataclysm end? g7 or a bunch of lame mornings. g7 meeting in italy. what will be discussed after the failure of the ruling parties in the elections to the european parliament? will they find money for ukraine and what other sanctions will they come up with against russia? desperate attempts to cling to power. big celebration sports in kazan, almost 100 countries, 27 sports and about 500 participants. these are brix games. the first sets of awards and the first
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victory. our athletes took gold in weightlifting and synchronized swimming. let us summarize the preliminary results of the first. well, we start the release with news from the special operation zone. russia calls on the un to condemn the attack by the kiev regime against an ntv film crew in gorlovka. this was stated at a briefing by official representative of mit maria zakharova. she called the shelling of russian journalists targeted. we found ourselves under fire today two of our colleagues, ntv cameraman correspondents, as well as the officer accompanying them. local authorities quickly transported everyone. hospital, but the mayor of the city, ivan prikhodko , reports the compassion of the victims, the condition of the victims is serious, right now, doctors are fighting for their lives, doing everything possible to stabilize them, all the necessary help is being provided. vitaly starushchenko has details. once again , the nikitovsky district of gorlovka came under the guns of the militants; shelling there does not stop almost
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every day; information about direct hits and casualties among the civilian population, today under... ivliev and his operator valery kozhin and another escort officer were seriously injured, details of whether it was artillery shelling or a drop from an unmanned aerial vehicle are not yet available, at the moment there are casualties taken to a local hospital, where they receive all the necessary assistance, the condition of the wounded is currently assessed as serious, so far these are all the details that from...
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took them out to sea on patrol. before with this, the sailors practiced the reception of special ammunition for sea-based land-based missiles. well, as stated in the ministry of defense, during the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces, carried out by decision of the presidents of russia and belarus, joint training of troops was worked out. thus, russian units ensured the delivery of training ammunition to field storage points at the airfield. together with the belarusian military , the issuance of missiles to equip aircraft was organized. presidents of the russian federation and the republic of belarus made a decision on conducting the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. during this event, issues of joint training of belarusian combat units and russian nuclear support units were worked out. during the execution
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of the tasks, the mobile formation of the twelfth main directorate ensured the delivery of training nuclear weapons. further improvement of the training of non-strategic nuclear forces in order to guarantee the completion of tasks under various options for the development of the military-political situation. what if the bank will only provide banking services, without
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vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing extra. over the past 24 hours, russian troops have taken more advantageous positions and improved their tactical position, the ministry of defense reported. the military department also stated that more than a hundred strikes were carried out on enemy positions, and 33 drones were shot down by air defense systems. and we’ll learn more about the progress of the special military operation from denis alekseev. denis, welcome, we we are waiting for details as usual. yes, greetings, i’ll start with this, when ours. pilots work in close conjunction with intelligence, the results are not long in coming and have very serious consequences for the armed forces of ukraine. there are plenty of examples. ukrainian commanders
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constantly overlook one small nuance when choosing a place for meetings. no matter how much they would like it, russian intelligence is not asleep. and now the crew of a fighter equipped with factories receives coordinates. these frames show the moment the building was hit, where high-ranking vysushniks were holed up. judge. by waiting for the ukrokomdirov personal car, which no one even tried to disguise, the officers were overly confident in their safety, but such confidence, once again, had already played a cruel joke on them. as a result, two dozen battle officers from western ukraine were eliminated. everything happened in the village of tsvitkova, zaporozhye region, in general, within a day, the loss of the armed forces of ukraine in personnel and among the infantry, among commanders, was about 2.0 people. with equipment, the situation is similar, the more western weapons are protected in the ssu, the more a paradox, of course, the nato armor remains on the battlefield, new and
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new footage of objective control regularly appears, and the equipment arrives even at those moments when the militants are trying to take it out of the open area in the hope of patching it up later, here is a video of the disrupted evacuation of a german infantry fighting vehicle, fpv arrived on the tractor transporter. obviously, evacuation will now be necessary. already two once combat units. avdiivka direction, our drone crept up behind a ukrainian pickup truck, which seemed to be protected from air attack, but something went wrong not this way. the ministry of defense announced the following figure: with the help of fpv drones, special forces soldiers of the center group, who are developing an offensive in this direction as well. first, special operations destroyed more than 100 units of ukrainian armed forces equipment, including foreign ones. starting from the smallest pickup trucks it works and up to tanks like a small carrot, just recently it was destroyed there was a night flight the operator saw the tank at first
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they began to chase it, they waited until it arrived at the place where it would be best for us to dive, they saw it first a shell hit him under the tower in the area of ​​the bull, the effectiveness of the group center only. over the past 24 hours, they have again improved the situation along the front line, defeated the formation of the armed forces of ukraine in several areas at once, including in karlovka, where part of the retreating armed forces of ukraine is now settled, and the result of four ukrainian counterattacks: another pile of nato metal, the list is on the screen. in the kharkov region , several important support forces were defeated at once, including personnel and american equipment. units of the north military group more advantageous positions are occupied. the formation of the fifty-seventh motorized infantry brigade of the 127th territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas
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of ternovaya, volchanskiye khutors, tikhoy and volchansk was inflicted defeat. eight counterattacks of the assault groups of the thirty-sixth brigade of the marine infantry of the armed forces of ukraine and the thirteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine were repelled. enemy losses amounted to up to 305 military personnel. five vehicles (155 mm howitzer m-777). normal, crawling, the russian fighter, even after being wounded, continues to fire, surviving one fpvidron arrives, he shoots back
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again. the next two, waiting for the approach of the second assault group, this is the fighting spirit, this, of course, is the will to win. well, in the capital again there was a heavy downpour with a thunderstorm, a mega-downpour; due to the flow of water , traffic was suspended in open sections of the metro. an emergency occurred with one of the buses in the north of moscow; it was flooded, people were urgently evacuated. the bad weather left behind a stuffiness and puddles look more like.
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the situation flooded the road, people previously had to swim, cars had to drift cars, we counted about a dozen of them, these are the ones that were parked, they remained withered in the water, about a dozen of them , the left-hand sewage system could not cope with the flow of water, with the volume, the residents themselves told us about this, everything happened in a quarter of an hour, with ninety-one, according to indigenous reports. this problem exists here, here they built all the water opposite this building of the dmitrovsky park residential complex, the flooding happened in 15 minutes, the water began to gush out like a fountain and from the storm drains, the elevators in the buildings will not work because it got wet all the electrics, the internet went out, the lights were working, thank god,
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the city was also in the grip of the fire, in the grip of, wait... excuse me, bus 672 was also in the water, it got stuck in the water, there were no casualties, the passengers were evacuated in time, but the water over time rushed through a small ramp into the parking lot on the ground floor of the dmitrovsky park residential complex, the gates could not withstand the pressure, the water rushed inside, we talked to the residents, they are going to sue, because we are talking about multi-million dollar damage, while the water i didn’t start to get a sore throat, i was already trying to... get to the car, but everything went too fast there, everyone just started evacuating, well, i saw, well, there were definitely about 60 of them there, maybe more, everyone immediately started running, well here are the operational services, they are working in an enhanced mode, the drain bridge brigade is on duty on the streets of the capital and where the most difficult situation is opening the water intake grates to let the water escape, now the gi employees, as you can see behind me , have already restored traffic along this street, so at least in some areas
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traffic is still... direct inclusion, because drivers constantly have to do this themselves, of course, when we were driving here to avoid large puddles, this requires the transport ring as a whole, and we were convinced to reduce speed, in addition, because of heavy rain on the filyovskaya metro line , traffic between the kuntsovskaya and bagrationovskaya stations was previously stopped, i remind you that the branch is not going according to... they explain this weather as a wave cyclone, now there is a burst of rain in some areas of the capital, today is generally the peak tropical rains that covered the capital region from the beginning of this week and in general the first half of june became the rainiest in the entire history of the meteorological observation station in ddnh, at these moments
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powerful thunderclouds are thickening in the capital. today, intermittently , heavy downpours and thunderstorms with gusty winds will continue, this will maintain a high probability of flash floods in the region, that is, the formation of large rays on the roads in which vehicles can get stuck . well, experts advise to be be careful when outdoors, avoid shaky structures, and do not stand under trees.


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