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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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it’s very hot in singapore, you feel much more comfortable in the urals, right? yes, i already felt it. good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, it is a great honor for me to be here today, and i am a researcher, a senior researcher at the institute of materials research and engineering in singapore, where i work on quantum optics. i am involved in quantum optics, research on quantum optics, i’ll probably tell you about it. a little about myself, i am from chuvashia, my professional activity began in 2008 with admission to the faculty of physics lomanosov moscow state university, in 2011 i became interested in quantum optics and entered the department of quantum electronics, where i defended my thesis on controlling the spectrum of a biphaton field in the laboratory of sergei pavlovich kulik, then in 2014 i entered the
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institute of materials research and continued to work as a scientist employee in engineering, where she continued her research on quantum interferometry. at the moment my research interests are focused on quanta. technologies and applications in sensorics, and this area is the topic of an application for mega-grants - for young scientists, together with the south ural state university in chelyabinsk, and i want to say that - on the basis of the university in chelyabinsk, a good group has been formed on the basis of a large mega-grant, where research is carried out in all areas of quantum technologies , including quantum computing, communications. sensory, and my work will be
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aimed at overcoming the limitations of classical infrared spectroscopy through the use of quantum technologies, precisely not classical light. i would like to note that this direction, this cycle of research continues the direction of quantum interferometry, which was formed at one time at the faculty of physics of moscow state university. school of quantum optics david nikolaevich klyshko, in the work of the school of quantum optics at that time the theoretical foundations were developed, the first experiments in this direction were made, you were told about this in 2002 during your visit to moscow state university, due to the significant investment of time which was given to this direction, today there are
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promising results that allow this direction to be developed into applications that include the detection of gas leaks and the study of biomaterials and biological tissues. in conclusion, i wanted to study biomaterials and biological tissues, that is , study biomaterials. in conclusion, i would like to say that i hope that my experience and skills will contribute. contribution to the development of russian science and economics, i would also like to thank you for the inclusion of young scientists in the mega-grant competition, i think this is a very correct initiative and a very timely one, and i would like to wish that this program for young scientists is not developed in the future and, if possible , expanded, since i myself personally... know
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mature scientists who are actively working or are thinking about returning to russia. thank you! well, as for young researchers, we pay constant, close attention to this, and the number of researchers of such a young age, say, somewhere up to 35 years old, we already have what, what percentage now, andrey, somewhere, in my opinion, differently, today we have. there are fewer scientists, another thing is that those who receive grants do not receive, i meant the total number, the total is less than 50, but that’s how it should be, because after all, we have a very... people play a big role there it means
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somewhere, okay, okay, we won’t argue, but in any case, we are paying attention to this and will continue to do so, i already mentioned that here is a new project, this mega-grant is for 4 years and 15 million for a year in my opinion, the age of the researcher should be up to 35 years, but these 4 years need to be expanded of course, yes, and the volume of this funding will also certainly be done as a first step, but i remember it was an offer , including
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for 2 years and with the possibility of continuing for another 2 years, yes, i understand, i understand, but this work is in high demand , it also has practical significance, some of our companies are actively developing, seemingly far from scientific research, nevertheless
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, here we have rauzhd developing this direction, planning to use it, is already trying to use it, it will certainly be so, well. .. starting from the senior years of universities and universities, and so on, and the postgraduate part there and so on, in general there can be no doubt, but as for what you received for 2 years, it is not clear why for 2 years, if the program is designed for four,
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well, then you can have absolutely no doubt that you are guaranteed to work peacefully for 4 years, thank you, thank you, if you don’t mind, we would move on to the next block of speeches, several short speeches from our russian scientists who work in different organizations that work in large megaprojects, of course, please, i ask maria aleksandrovna gusarova, representative of mifi, to speak, please, marya aleksanna, hello! vladimir vladimirovich, and i teach at the department of electrophysical installations in niau mithi. our department has been training specialists in the field of accelerator technology for 76 years, and historically our work has been associated with the creation of small
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applied accelerators, with large scientific installations, both russian and international. and support tools are very important to us. scientific groups, we see how much now a federal program is in demand, for the creation of youth laboratories in priority areas, and this year, on the initiative of our minister of education and science, another very successful program was launched to support work on niki, and mihi is an active participant, and this program took just 3 months.
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for work on foreign installations, in germany, in cerny, in japan, it was a lot of experience and contacts.
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happiness on a competitive basis is mandatory, and to receive this support, ideally, perhaps, restart competitions on bilateral, multilateral programs with our foreign partners, because we have very strong collaborators in the brix countries, in friendly countries, so that in general our state program has a strong...
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work with russia or come here or invite our specialists in all areas, including in the scientific field, we know this simply, and there are countries that have never interrupted any relations with us, which also have the desire, capabilities and interest in continuing cooperation. need to work on everything vectors, there is no doubt here, and this partnership will continue, and you are right, of course, this area of ​​activity needs to be supported, and we are trying to do so. now, as for the various tools, because when they were created both through the russian science foundation, through the government, all this is created in order to create conditions, create opportunities, find sources of funding for... for the most promising research, but as for the installations of megascience of everything
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connected with this, including everything that has applied value in all areas, then this is of course one of the priority areas, it is quite obvious that you mentioned what and where we are creating, both there in the far east, in novosibirsk, and here in the european part, but all this, of course, needs to be combined , and b need to combine these efforts in terms of. tools, so we, of course, i will ask the government and the administration, so that if we see some niches, yes, that are outside the framework of these support tools, we just need to join forces and on the part of the government and on the part of the foundation, the russian science foundation, and we will definitely do this, now we have heard you... we will think about it and try so that no one gets caught between the trickles of rain, so that this
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beneficial rain of support falls on you too has spread, thank you, thank you, i ask vasilisa viktorovna lenivenko, a representative of the experimental baryon mother program at the clatron, to speak. vasilisa, please, you have the floor. hello, i am. researcher at the laboratory of high energy physics, where we are we with you now? i have been processing and analyzing experimental data since the first experiment.
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research of nuclear reactions at cern, where there were also interesting tasks, and the procedures for issuing visas and residence permits were very conveniently organized, the state where this organization is based, switzerland is very loyal to this, in contrast, when compared with the difficulties that arise among my...colleague scientists who would like to work in russia, but it seems that here we cannot do without your support, so how we are interested in attracting talents from all over the world, thanks to government support in terms of creating large
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research centers there are already magnets for such talents, i feel... which is an international, intergovernmental organization, has always been a place for scientists and specialists from all over the world fortunately, many spaces for e-research are now being created, including the kurchatov institute and novosibirs, active interaction among scientists. requires more mobility among scientists and often colleagues, who come to work in russia encounter bureaucratic difficulties in obtaining visas to our country, is it possible to consider the possibility of simplifying the visa
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mechanism for those foreign scientists who come to work in the russian federation. thank you, as for bureaucratic difficulties, there are enough of them everywhere, but with regard to our specialists who come to some countries, such barriers are now being erected and such difficulties are being created that we have never seen before and thought that in countries democratic, democratic countries, that this is simply impossible, nevertheless it happens, but this is a bad example, and we are just interested... in having specialists come to us from all over the world without any problems, here, unfortunately, yes, we still have these problems, we will definitely work on it, i know what we are talking about, it’s not just a matter of processing visa documents, it’s a matter of insurance, it’s a matter of all sorts of
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bureaucratic procedures related to health and so on and so forth. we have today there will be a meeting in moscow on the topic of migration policy, of course, we are interested in attracting high-level, high-class specialists, and simply highly qualified workers, and even more so highly qualified people in the literal sense of the word with good education, who are engaged in science, we will definitely... do all this, but, but not only, i think, problems need to be solved at the federal level, but at the regional level too, we need to create conditions for living conditions good for those people who come and want to work, well, in some countries they want to, i know this, in some countries, for example, simply for various reasons,
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not even related to today’s external political situation. something is missing, thank you for saying this, we will definitely work on it, thank you, we can do a few more.
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strategy for the scientific and technological development of the union state, it is based on the construction of a single scientific and technological space of the two countries, also using installations mega science class, such mechanisms of interstate integration can and should essentially be extended to the cis countries to the brix countries, now at the kurchatsky institute. an international association of scientific organizations has been created on the basis of the kurchadsky institute, it is called the synchrotron center for synchrotron, neutron
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and laser research, it has already included scientific organizations of russia, the republic of belarus, uzbekistan and iran, an agreement has also been reached on including tajikistan, kazakhstan and the united institute for nuclear research of an international organization. here we propose to consolidate these processes at the interstate level and announce the initiative of the russian federation to build a single scientific and technological space within the framework of primarily the cis within the framework of brix, and as the first steps, organize an international synchrotron or international center mega science. which will develop a research program in it that will be connected and unite megascience projects not only ours, but also those of partner countries, we will to do, that’s it, well, yesterday
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mikhail valentinovich and i were on our feet, as they say, we talked about it, this exactly corresponds to our interests and the interests of our partners, someone there at the government level is putting up some kind of barriers, but at the level ... wants, taking into account the fact that our capabilities are increased by the launch of the corresponding installations, well, everywhere throughout the country, interest in joint work will
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not only remain, it will grow, there is no doubt about it, and we will support this, we , yesterday we were with mikhail valentinovich talked about this, and in my opinion, there is one very important question, short, it is related to the development of modern world-class social infrastructure around those being created. the fact that i stayed in science just during the first wave of mega-grants, there i kind of stayed in science, then i went to germany to work, and the commentary, i’ll tell you a little, it’s about later, when the presidential program of the russian science foundation was, i returned in russia. and it so happened that in the twenty-third year we completed, already i, as the head of megagrant, was in far eastern university, my name is alexander sadovnikov, i am from the saratov national research university,
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now... just in addition to my colleagues, i would like to say that it is very important for the mega-grant laboratories that have been created, and to leave them in operation, to think through this moment that alexey spoke about, with some kind of funding from the university to maintain the most, so to speak, tenacious, most powerful of these laboratories, it is very important to give the opportunity to the mega-grants created with that money unique scientific installations,
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such as the creation of a new computer on quantum principles, alternative electronics, microelectronics, we also talked about this today before meeting with you, in my opinion, these are these megagrant programs, their greatest value is the created resource as an attitude, he attracts young people, just as he attracted me at one time.
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on what you just said, funds have been invested, results have been obtained, it should not just remain at that level, good, let it remain high and slowly, excuse me, wither away, on the contrary, this should be used as a springboard for further development, we will try to do so, i ask my colleagues to pay attention to this, thank you all very much, i want to wish you success and thank you for today’s meeting, all the best ! this was footage of vladimir putin meeting with recipients of mega grants and leading scientists. well, we now continue to other topics. the russian military, together with units of the russian guard, ensured the safe conduct of the next rotation magathe observers at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. according to the ministry of defense, a ceasefire was declared along the entire route, which our military personnel strictly observed.
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and before you start moving. examined the area for unexploded foreign ukrainian ammunition. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. soon, i won't be late now. mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies new every day, you will find not just a job, but your own a place, from a smile everything will become brighter, from a smile a rainbow will wake up in the sky, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely, conveniently,
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