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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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this is staffing and promising drone technologies, and we must clearly understand how many specialists need to be trained in each of the areas to form blocks of specialized activities, for example, for the drone industry, we will train more than a million specialists by the year thirtieth, this work has already been included.. 2,800 schools and vocational education organizations and 70 higher education organizations, and the fetproject is a promising technology for drones, it is focused on nine priority areas. technology, in that logic a block of scientific activities has been formed, therefore, in order to ensure such a systematic approach, i ask you to support the formation of technological leadership in the structure of national projects, always the mandatory presence of a separate federal project or...
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i would especially note that all these priorities did not arise with empty space, they have continuity, we specifically monitored that there was continuity with existing programs, government resolutions were adopted, and at the same time, priorities that took into account not only the perspective of world science, as they are seen to be developing today, well, the task facing us...
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is facing our state and the previously existing system of scientific and methodological leadership, it did not meet this challenge, firstly, you absolutely correctly said that fundamental polish research should proceed on a broad front, since in fundamental science there is always a factor of chance and many of our world discoveries are taking this factor into account, we... often don’t know exactly , we can’t predict where such a breakthrough will happen, and in order to be ready for such a breakthrough, even if it doesn’t happen in russia, our science must have qualified specialists who are ready to immediately pick up this direction. so, unfortunately, after conducting
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an analysis, we discovered the following point: today many of our institutes do not have an approved long-term program for... research and, accordingly, there is no monitoring of its implementation, unfortunately, today we see that the scientific profile of institutes is blurred, and even the name of the institutes where their specialization was established often does not coincide with the topics that they are engaged in, also the analysis that we carried out shows such an island, broken nature of the scientific landscape, which you also talked about , that is, we have voids.
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first, they must be covered, all of which have already been formed with two principles: the research front, and where we see that we have several dozen institutes doing this, we must offer them change the topic and choose from a bank of in-demand research; today we, together with departmental, scientific councils, and high-tech companies, are forming such a bank of in-demand research. even the term is qualified by the way, a customer has appeared in the updated strategy, i would like to note that the sixth subprogram that we launched last year, we actually launched it since november last year, it was formed
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taking into account a qualified customer, where are all our general consultants and the heads of priority areas are customers and by the way we are for... he is in the field of new engines for both hypersound and tactical missiles, which becomes more effective, well, i can separately talk about this issue, that when the correct e- program is formed, when there is a qualified customer, the work proceeds more efficiently, because research teams begin to clearly understand what tasks they face. i would also like to note that... and today we discussed this, that we must today
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the state task is very clearly connected with grant support for science, today, i believe, we have connections with the arrival of the new head of the russian science foundation, we will ensure such synergy so that both grant and state tasks work in a single cycle, deeply respected. in their opening remarks, they asked for specific proposals on how
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companies should accelerate the creation of advanced solutions at all stages. i want to report how this was done at the russian science foundation on projects related to microelectronics. on in the first stage, at our own expense and at the expense of the customer, a pilot project was launched to create a microwave transistor. parameters that significantly exceed those that are available today to russian instrument makers. the work began less than a year ago, but testing of products created using these devices is already underway. at the same time, a collection of proposals was launched from russian companies interested in the results of scientific research.
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achieving this result is guaranteed by a combination of highly professional expert selection of topics and projects, grant funding from the foundation with support and funding from interested production companies. it is very important that from the very beginning these companies act as a qualified customer and partner, developer, and performer. at all stages of the project. this mechanism made it possible
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to decompose complex technological problems and find their effective solution. examples include a number of projects to create an input method frequency control of various technological environments, without which it is impossible to achieve, for example, a stable yield of suitable microelectronics products. another example is related to: the integration of the competencies of three academic institutes, a university research center located in different regions of the country, which allows us to solve the problem of developing and producing photonic integrated circuits for telecommunications equipment and data centers. similar work is being carried out today in other areas with sibur companies. on the development of catalysts for the chemical industry, efka on the creation of highly productive
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food containers, air-pharmacies and the creation of medicinal devices. at the same time, the foundation’s key task remains the formation of fundamental scientific foundations, according to the priority of scientific and technological development discussed today at the council. thank you for attention. thank you. maxim i to the schools, regarding personnel, please, the presidential physics and mathematics lyceum. dear vladimir vladimirovich, these are several everything is unexpected. in light of the issue we are discussing, but i will try, i would like, i would like to say, this means, as you correctly noted in the opening speech, everything starts from school, so i would like to note that we must pay special attention to the basic school,
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that is, before the ninth grade, it is already too late to talk about how children in the tenth and eleventh grades self-determine.
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please note that, as it seems to me, the big defect of the general education system is the lack of some rigidity. i’ll give an example from literature, here in the book lazar lagina, old man khattabych, volka khostelkov, at the end of june took a geography exam in the fifth grade, did not pass and was sent
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for re-examination and so on. now, i am absolutely convinced that before this he passed exams in the russian language. in mathematics, history, literature and much more, now there is no such rigidity, and almost until the oge, children calmly move from class to class, in the vast majority, without acquiring the skill of systematic work and without acquiring the skill of serious mental effort, unfortunately or fortunately, the study of mathematics and natural sciences requires serious mental effort, this is a serious mental... specialty.
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unified state examination in mathematics, that is, these are those who are potentially capable of going to engineering . we went from 420 thousand in the nineteenth year to 350 thousand in the twenty-third year, just now in the twenty-fourth year another 20,000 less than 330,000, which is why without us doing this this vaccination in basic school, we will not move anywhere. the second problem that exists, which you also mentioned and gave instructions based on the results of the council on february 8. this is improving the training of teachers and eliminating their shortage, and here it is necessary to take measures, well, which are not postponed, well, i insist that a physics teacher, a future physics teacher, when entering college, must take physics, mathematics, and not social studies, as is the case now accepted, well , let's do something about it, then
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now the average workload of a mathematics teacher is one and a half times the rate. a lot, i think what needs to be done, well, some system of measures, your instructions to the government to prepare a corresponding list of events, and there, i think, they will cope with this, which made it possible to attract teachers, including graduates, and not necessarily pedagogical specialties, a separate problem, so we held a meeting of the association of partner schools and... public relations and tourism and at the same time , there are only 17 budget-funded places for chemistry teachers. it seems to me that this disproportion should be in the opposite direction, so i’m finishing my speech, so
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the first thing is that the key to all problems is the fifth, sixth, seventh grade, so the second thing we have there are ways to quickly attract people into the teaching profession, plus ensure that it is... quite a lively, moving, interesting thing, with the help of the list of events that we will create, thank you, yeah, thank you, about the rigidity , you remembered about old man khatabych, as you know, the people who were in the barber shop and made fun of volka, whom you remember, he turned them into sheep, he punished them for bad behavior, but he himself...
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although of course a certain rigidity is needed , but uh, it might not turn out the way we want it to be the best, but it will turn out as always, so i think, if i understood you correctly, you just need to create conditions so that people want it, so that they have motives, motivation arose, and here, of course, the state has a lot to do , work on many things, of course, but old man khattabych was an unqualified customer.
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direct relations and our professors led this institute for many years, i want to thank you for the invitation here be. i want to say a few words about
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the support for those decisions and those directions that all the previous ones said and you and the speakers said, so to speak, what development institutions we should create to get things done, here are a few of these...
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this is his campus, so if remember the year 53, the construction of moscow university, in a difficult time for the country, but it completely changed the view of university education in the world, it became a symbol of education, this is a fact, moscow university became a symbol of education, so this building became, the campus played a colossal role, we have land on the campus, here is the valley, including we gave it to the foundation.
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of course, you know, just based on warm impressions, the meeting that you just had with our scientists, uh, that means these are the tools that are popular, in demand, and the presidential program of the russian science foundation, and megagrants laboratories, and youth laboratories, and notsy, and of course, they should be focused on those technology priorities that we have today...


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