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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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literally in 30 minutes, but the maneuvers are most actively monitored, of course, in the nato countries, it is their action that has given rise to such opposition. these exercises represent a comprehensive effort to integrate and enhance the combat capability of the armed forces of both countries. but surveillance is surveillance, and few are in a hurry to slow down the path to a large-scale conflict in the west. nina columnist, and previously a member of the us senate foreign relations committee, stephen bryan, explains why. european leader. dangerous, losing political support, in particular while macron may opt for a larger war in an attempt to sway public opinion in his favor, the fact that the us is apparently behind the use of f-16 bases in romania could be biden's way of starting a war in europe. the united states has about 700 more army bases around the world for such purposes, and they are unlikely to be held back by anything other than a potential military response. according to american analysts, only tactical nuclear warheads. russia has almost 4,000. alexei.
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america is in panic, the russians are again in cuba. three ships and one submarine of the russian northern fleet arrived in havana, causing unpleasant flashbacks for the washington gerentocracy. there is no need to look at a deeply sick person who may react somehow, say some nonsense, drop something and hold out.
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chiker, medium sea tanker academician pashin, as well as the submarine kazan, an impressive company. first, the ships conducted exercises in the atlantic ocean, successfully fired with high-precision weapons at a mock enemy, then went to havana, all of course under the watchful gaze of the americans. and those on pins and needles are discussing the route of our ships on social networks, saying that the russians are mocking us, they deliberately passed in such a way as to get as close as possible to the us coast. obviously, this route to
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cuba was dictated not only by the topography of the region; if they had simply gone to cuba, then their trajectory would have looked more direct, less abrupt, and there would have been no need to approach the shores of florida. and the americans are discussing the combat capabilities of our flotilla, and also without much optimism. admiral gorshkovy, submarine kazan, which in the western media has already been dubbed one of the quietest in russia.
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right now , the entire southeastern coast of the united states is within the reach of russian weapons, and these are dozens of different military installations, among them, for example, the famous cape canavaril, from which american spy satellites take off, eglin air force base, the largest in the world, between among other things, and also the king bay nuclear submarine base. the armament of our fleet is mainly anti-ship, so it is the american sailors who are stronger my knees are shaking. it is well known that the united states of america, on the border with latin america , practically does not have any significant air and missile defense system, that is, so we are actually on... the states of america, and if necessary, they
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can deliver a blow that will harm the americans very, very hard to intercept. the people who are probably worried right now are the washington old people. many of those who are now making decisions in america remember 1962 well. they remember the panic in the streets, mass exodus of americans to mexico. then the unimaginable happened. the anglo-saxon empire was challenged. in response to the deployment of us nuclear weapons in turkey, the ussr deployed its missiles in cuba. moscow managed to bring down the west's rush, forcing washington to stop the unilateral move. escalation, paradoxically, but the large-scale negotiation process between the soviet union and the united states just began after the caribbean crisis, it is clear that today we see a similar picture. it is obvious that russia is withdrawing the united states
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states out of the comfort zone creates such a window of vulnerability for the united states, because otherwise the ardor of hotheads. the white house said that russian ships do not pose a threat to the united states, but just in case , they deployed their flotilla off the coast of florida, apparently digesting what is happening. what is its essence? now our fleet poses a direct threat to the united states of america. cuban, hello. they are discussing this at the g7 summit in italy today. appropriation of russian assets, which, according to washington's plan, should be transferred to kiev to the regime in the form of financial assistance, or to spend on production, purchasing weapons for the armed forces of ukraine. however, the leaders of france and germany are still not enthusiastic about such a proposal, because the states want europe to take full responsibility for outright theft, so that the biden administration
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will not formally get its hands dirty. our european correspondent asya emelyanova talks about the fundamental differences. against the background of the summit symbol is the centuries-old miloni olive tree, all pink. how the young princess, the queen of the fortress, is corrected journalists in the headlines, hinting at the results of the elections to the european parliament, she is the only one at this resort who has a reason to smile, melony and the six lame ducks, the politico publication went through the meeting. the italian example, how i knew that everyone would need therapy, here is everything you need to heal your nerves, sea air saturated with iodine, strong pula wine, care, chancellor scholz milon. reassuringly supports macron's arm, ready to explode for any reason, quickly sends him to the photographers, but he still breaks down biden, who was 20 minutes late: “joe, you kept me waiting.” this despite the fact that george brightened up the pause as best she could by taking selfies with
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journalists who were most concerned about these three steps for biden. three up, three down, they helped, closed the cap on the felt-tip pen, showed a place for a group photo, seven on... even without the final communication, it has long turned into an exchange of gifts and competitions to see who can feed the tastiest food, italy will have no problems with feeding, gifts miloni has already chosen the president and prime minister, leather bags, ties, vladimir zelensky, who
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arrived in italy later than everyone else, will be the luckiest. even before the seven, the sherpas had previously agreed to allocate 60 billion to kiev. but here the family’s countries are banking at someone else’s expense. this. it lives in this european air, which is still reeling from the triumph of the far right. ukraine and washington must sign a ten-year agreement on security cooperation, so that the new president, if he wins, will not cancel it. and this is unrealistic, the document will not be
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ratified by congress, and that means trump can send him to the shredder with one movement of his hand. realizing that after november the music will change, vladimir zelensky is actively flirting with the global. hume, before the seven , unexpectedly dropped into saudi arabia to visit crown prince bensalman, who did not fly to pulia, to prepare for the hajj, to get used to the fact that ukraine has long been no longer a priority for many... it’s not easy, but it will have to be done. at this seven, there will be a lot of talk about the middle east and africa, where brussels, in the hope of stopping boats with migrants, promises to invest 250 billion. we're obviously we will talk about current crises, from ukraine and the middle east to the need to create reliable supply chains to solve perhaps the most difficult challenge of our time, namely the emergence of generative artificial intelligence. the second day of the seven will be dedicated to migrants and africa, the pope , francis, is waiting in the pool, who always calls for
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opening the doors to refugees, the european court has taken on those who lock them, fined hungary 200 million for not meeting the provision standards shelters. in the orban administration said that hungary would not submit to financial blackmail. the most obstinate nato member has his own opinion on everything, which is unlike all other members of the alliance. italy has prepared an entertainment program: dinner from the best chefs and suites for
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5.00 euros per night, luxury is guaranteed, unlike those who guard these guests. the day before, a ferry that italy rented for 6 million euros was arrested. it was to become a hotel for 2,500 police officers. there were no air conditioners in the cabins, toilets clogged, insects crawled on dirty towels. the carabinieri and the military were forced to urgently. they want to get $25 million for the ukraine hotel in the center of kiev ; large state-owned companies, including, for example, the famous manufacturer of titanium and a mining and chemical plant built back in the soviet era, are selling at literally bargain prices. all these are quotes from a resonant new york times article about the prospects for ukrainian privatization, which seems to be reaching a fundamentally new level. american newspaper, in particular, found out that the zelensky junta intends to quickly get rid of dozens of still
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state-owned assets, values ​​them very modestly, in the amount of about 100 million in us currency, for everything together, that is , by and large, makes a real gift to the oligarchs or to any one oligarch, that he will easily part with money for the opportunity to wholesale - buy up valuable enterprises, well, it is important to emphasize, they explain the huge discounts with the need to urgently replenish the budget for... the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, although even propagandists loyal to the regime, represented by the authors, the new york times mentioned above, rightly suspected a corruption scheme here that would allow the so -called ukrainian elites to become even richer with the pleasure of spitting in the face of mere cannon fodder, and elizaveta kharamtsova is ready to show clear examples of how this is already happening. so much has already been said about the love of the so-called ukrainian society for yachts, mansions and large cars. that you’re not even surprised, look at how officials, in an attempt to hide their beautiful lives, show imagination, that’s all
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still interesting. this is what you think you can buy if you earn 360 thousand hryvnia in 10 years, that is, almost 800,000 rubles. kiev resident kristina ilnitskaya, with such an income, acquired a german crossover for $1,000 and a house with an area of ​​240 km in a cottage village in the suburbs of which capital? it doesn’t happen so much, if you meet with the deputy prosecutor general of ukraine, everyone, in principle, comes to the chair of an official there in ukraine, not in order to serve the people and the state, but in order to consider it as a money-box, from which you can steal as much as possible. for the last 2 years, kristina ilnitskaya has been appearing in public with the deputy prosecutor general of ukraine dmitry verbitsky; the day before yesterday he said that the ukrainian budget annually loses billions of hryvnia due to the fact that grain is exported. abroad illegally, but they could actually pay taxes, but
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there is no talk of unpaid taxes when it comes to a loved one, and the radio liberty agent found out that not without the participation of verbitsky, his nephew and business partner, the official’s girlfriend bought an elite approximate house worth about 1,200 thousand dollars, but you paid 24 times less than the market value, plus a beauty salon car as a gift, and no one was the first to tell the ukrainians about this story... but as soon as you violate some agreements, then some immediately emerge... then corruption acts, they begin to figure out what kind of property this official has, and how he acquired it, who his wife is, and his common-law wife, not his common-law wife, both participants in this corruption-romantic plot told the reporter that their character relationship, the quote is not a family one,
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shortly before ilnitskaya appeared in his life, verbitsky got divorced, as they say, thank you, that although... without an adulterer, however, he still appears in the case. the owner of the suv mansion told reporters that several years ago she received a significant amount as an inheritance from her previous companion, and now she lives on this money. was it really such a will that the legal wife, or rather now the widow of the businessman, allegedly told the film crew? who made ilnetskaya rich. he wrote a will, he wrote a will for her, you don’t know, he apparently wrote it. canceled it, wrote it, then canceled it. she did not inherit anything legally; according to the documents, none of the property that he had was transferred to her. and the worse the situation of the armed forces of ukraine at the front, and the closer the elections in the united states, the more often we will hear about the new rossroyst of the head of the national bank of ukraine, about the dacha of the odessa vienkom in spain registered for the mother-in-law, and about how food for the army was purchased in three roads.
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naturally, you will have to answer the question, where is zin’s money? zina will come out and point her finger. will say: look, mr. tymoshenko, fired for corruption, without hesitation, says that i ’m going to buy my beloved right now a very very expensive lamborghini, he will show a lot of wonderful people, like mustafa naema, for example, who seems to be his son of a bitch, but in some way... at that point it will be possible to sacrifice it, to say that several tens of billions of dollars were stolen from ukroboronprom, but the investigators have not yet taken up the thefts of billions of dollars... in the construction of fortifications for the armed forces of ukraine, it’s scary to imagine how the wives and girlfriends of those who were responsible for this cutting live. the british authorities today announced new anti-russian sanctions, which , however, are obviously considered ineffective, even by the press of the united kingdom itself, especially since they are now much more concerned about the state of the economy of their own country, from rising unemployment to wild inflation, however,
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they have to answer their subjects for how long you can aggravate relations with moscow to your detriment, london is in no hurry, so. our correspondent, alexander khabarov, had to ask the corresponding question to the head of the british foreign ministry, cameron. going to the summit in italy, british prime minister ree shunok promised to push for the use of frozen russian assets there to finance ukraine. this was confirmed today by foreign secretary david cameron. he met with the foreign press in london and spoke a lot on ukrainian topics. we got the opportunity to directly ask him a question as someone who is actively involved. v escalation of this conflict. alexander khabarov. my question concerns ukraine. you recently said that weapons supplied by western countries, including great britain, could be used to launch attacks on russian territory. it is well known that some of these weapons are guided by satellites, which ukraine does not have, as far as we know. it turns out that they
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are controlled by someone from nato, maybe from britain. does this mean that the uk is now directly.
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our media is talking about that the majority of british people support the actions of the government, i was convinced of the opposite: very few communicate with their friends and acquaintances.
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authorities, they will continue the same line. along with the manifesto, they stated that if they come to our allies, we will work to be able to seize russian state assets and use them to assist ukraine. for british voters, the ukrainian issue is not a priority; it is not even heard during televised debates. the leaders of the leading parties are asked. you can wait years for basic medical care. our free dentistry has now become paid, we were offered to either pay, ask questions about the problems of our own country, or look for another place where we can get help. i've been on the waiting list for over a year now and i can't figure out what's next for me and my family. labor leader keir starmer has a clear advantage. the conservatives were in power for 14 years, during which time the country fell into decline. if we lead the government, we will inherit a collapsed the economy, useless medicine, lack of government services, nothing that works. well
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, the liborists still didn’t have a clear plan for getting out of the crisis. richa sunok talks about this constantly, although under his leadership the conservatives were also unable to fulfill their promises. you promised to reduce the national debt, but it only increased, didn’t it? yes, but we always said it takes time. 3 weeks before the elections , the ratings of the ruling conservatives are half as high as those of their main competitors - the laborites. before voting, one of the key topics in britain is experiencing a crisis of confidence in government. opinion polls have shown that 45% of britons do not trust either party. 79% believe that the country's political system needs serious improvement. the lack of trust in political forces that have replaced each other over the decades can explain the increase in popularity.
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preparations for early parliamentary elections, this is how the excuses of paris mayor anne hidalgo sound, who, it seems, has finally abandoned her promise to personally swim in the seine, and
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thereby prove that the latter is enough clean for swimming, in fact, its expensive cleaning was called perhaps the main task of the parisian authorities on the eve of the summer olympics, because according to the program of the games, it is the entrances of the capital's french river that should host the corresponding stage of the triathlon competition, along with a number of other disciplines, athletes were obviously guaranteed a comfortable ... conditions, despite the seine's long-standing reputation as a literal open sewer into which all sorts of infrequencies have been dumped for decades. however, now against the backdrop of the strange indecision of the same mayor idalgo, a logical question arises: was it really possible to solve the problem? anastasia ivanova tried to find answers. this flash mob has already been nicknamed by potential participants. there are not very many on-air options, one of them is a stinking strike, or you can just read a hashtag that has become popular. has reached
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considering how big it is on social media, is there a real threat to june 23rd? i was interested in a complex question between theoretical calls to carry out deficientation in the hay and implementation on there is a big gap in practice, especially considering that... representatives of the executive branch are so far distancing themselves from this threat, not taking it seriously. but the french are quite serious, at least in making such memes. this is what paris will look like by june 23rd. the olympics emblem must also be appropriate, note the authors of this picture. instead of rings there are chairs. against the backdrop of macron’s desire to make the seine clean in the minds of the french, even in ourou.
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toilet water is discharged into the system rainwater, which is not filtered at all and passes directly into the hay. the press of the fifth republic could not do without the hand of the kremlin. he writes that it was russia that initiated the artificial strengthening of the hashtag about june 23. but why do the french cope on their own? french people. weak enough to overthrow macron, turn him into nothing with their ridicule, and russia has nothing to do with it, macron should have taken care of french citizens, by the way, he had opportunities when conflicts occurred there with fundamentalists and the crimes that terrorists committed, macron somehow played it all off, well, he played it more rhetorically and hushed it up, that is , he did not make any changes in french life, he also did not improve the french economy, that’s what it resulted in? memes, if only
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it would benefit the french. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always. he tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on
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