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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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the italian example, how i knew that everyone would need therapy, here is everything you need to heal your nerves, sea air saturated with iodine, strong pula wine, care, chancellor scholz milone is encouragingly supported by the arm, ready to explode for any reason, macron is quickly sent to the photographers, but he will still take it out on biden, who was 20 minutes late, joe, you made him wait, despite the fact that joja brightened up the pause as best she could. took selfies with journalists who were most excited about these three steps for biden, three up, three down, helped, closed the cap on the felt-tip pen, showed a place for a group photo, the seven began with a working session on africa. so that nothing interferes with enjoying the resort, journalists from the seven are kept at a distance of 80 km, broadcasting round table meetings on large screens. you could just as easily watch the summit at home on tv. to prevent the press
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from asking such questions, the organizers added symbolism: they planted centuries-old olive trees in the center, like an initiation in borg. this outdated format, which is lately, it often ends in quarrels and failure, even without a final communication has long turned into an exchange of gifts and competitions to see who can feed the tastiest food. italy will have no problems with feeding, miloni has already chosen gifts from the president and prime minister, leather bags, ties, most of all... even before the seven, the sherpas had previously agreed to allocate 60 billion to kiev. but here the countries of the seven are banking at someone else’s expense. this is a percentage of frozen russian assets. america will steal 50, canada will steal five, japan will steal two with a hard condition, the money is not for weapons. this is prohibited by the japanese constitution. poland was also robbed. biden ordered it to be taken away from warsaw and transferred to ukraine. american
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patriot system. vladimir zelensky really needs to get the most out of biden at this summit. the specter of trump's rise hangs in this european air, which is still reeling from the triumph of the far right. ukraine and washington must sign a ten-year agreement on security cooperation, so that the new president , if he wins, will not cancel it. and this. it’s unrealistic, the document will not be ratified by congress, which means trump can send it to schroeder with one movement of his hand. realizing that after november the music will change, vladimir zelensky is actively flirting with the global south. before the seventh, i unexpectedly dropped into saudi arabia, to see crown prince bensalman, who did not fly to puglia, is preparing for the hajj, getting used to the fact that ukraine is no longer a priority for many is not easy, but it will have to be done. there will be a lot on this seven. talk about the middle east and africa,
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where brussels, in the hope of stopping boats with migrants, promises to invest 250 billion. we will obviously talk about current crises, from ukraine and the middle east to the need to create reliable supply chains to solve perhaps the most difficult challenge of our time, namely the emergence of generative artificial intelligence. the second day of the seven will be dedicated to migrants and africa, they are waiting in the pool. orban was told that hungary will not submit to financial blackmail. the most obstinate nato member has his own way for everything an opinion that, unlike all other members of the alliance, remains unchanged. migrants, russian assets, use.
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luxury chefs and suites for 5,000 euros per night, luxury is guaranteed, unlike those who guard these guests. the day before , a ferry that italy rented for 6 million euros was arrested. it was supposed to be a hotel for 2,500 police officers, there was no air conditioning in the cabins, the toilets were clogged, insects crawled on the dirty towels. the carabinieri and the military were forced to urgently scatter throughout neighboring hotels. asya emelyanova and anton chigaev. news borgai, bari. carrying out
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such visits is a common practice, so we see no reason for concern; such visits must be considered reassuring. as the presidential press secretary recalled, he represents a major maritime power and has every right to visit quote: various regions of the world as part of military exercises. on the other hand, the united states apparently assesses the situation differently, because otherwise it would hardly have come to the emergency deployment of american military grouping in miami and before the pentagon’s announcement of... a demonstration of force that requires careful monitoring, there is a clear concern of the biden administration, and evgeniy tishkavets will explain what, even hypothetical, risks it fears. the white house is afraid of the shadows of the past. america is in panic, the russians are again in
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cuba. three ships and one submarine of the russian northern fleet have arrived in havana, causing unpleasant flashbacks for the washington gerantocracy. of course, you shouldn’t look at biden, the tsar is a deeply sick man, who may react somehow, say some nonsense, drop something and extend his hand to the ghost, yes, there, for example, the ghost of kennedy will come to him and say, bro, stay with me about the channel, it’s completely understandable, that the global elite, including american scientists, and the democratic party in general , look at this with great, great caution. how russia asserts its sovereignty, the frigate admiral of the fleet of the soviet union gorshkov, the tugboat nikolai chikker, the medium sea tanker, academician pashin, as well as the submarine kazan, an impressive company. first, the ships conducted exercises in the atlantic ocean, successfully fired with precision weapons at
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a mock enemy, then went to havana, all, of course, under the watchful gaze of the americans. and those, on pins and needles , are discussing the route of our ships on social networks. they say the russians are mocking us, they deliberately walked in such a way as to get as close as possible to the us coast. obviously, such a route to cuba was dictated not only by the topography of the region. if they were just going to cuba, their trajectory would look more straight, not so sharp, there was no need to approach the shores of florida. and the americans are discussing the combat capabilities of our flotilla, and also without much optimism. admiral gorshkovy submarine kazan, which in... the media has already dubbed one of the quietest in the russian fleet, carries very serious weapons. first of all, these are cruise missiles, caliber, onyx and hypersonic zircon, which cannot be intercepted by air defense systems. this is a very serious arsenal, if taken together you look at its power, well, from
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my point of view, it surpasses that an arsenal that was once located in cuba and led to the caribbean crisis. and you can’t argue that there is something to be afraid of. right now , the entire southeastern coast of the united states is within the range of russian weapons, and these are dozens of different military installations, among them, for example, the famous cape canaver, from which american spy satellites take off. eglin air force base is the largest in the world, by the way, and also the nuclear submarine base king bay. the armament of our fleet is mainly anti-ship, so that it is american sailors who have the most trembling knees. they know. if russian missiles fly at them, they will not be able to escape. on average, submarines carrying trinet nuclear missiles require 5 minutes to dive; the estimated time of approach of a hypersonic zircon is less than a minute. it is well known that the united states of america, on the border with
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latin america, practically does not have any significant air or missile defense system. that is, in this way we actually have our ships located in the soft underbelly. from brish, united states of america, and if necessary, they can launch a strike that will be very, very difficult for the americans to intercept. the ones who are probably worried right now are the old washingtonians. many of those who are now making decisions in america remember 1962 well. they remember the panic in the streets and the mass flight of americans to mexico. then the unthinkable happened. the anglo-saxon empire was challenged. in response to the deployment of us nuclear weapons in turkey. the ussr deployed its missiles in cuba, moscow managed to shoot down the west, forcing washington to stop unilateral escalation. paradoxically, the large-scale negotiation process between the soviet union and the united states just began after the caribbean crisis. and
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it is clear that today we see a similar picture. it is obvious that russia is taking the united states out of its comfort zone and creating. this is a window of vulnerability for the united states, because otherwise the ardor of hotheads in washington and brussels cannot be cooled down. the white house said russian ships. do not pose a threat to the united states, but just in case they deployed their flotilla off the coast of florida, they're obviously digesting what's happening. what is its essence? now our fleet poses a direct threat to the united states of america. the british authorities today announced new anti-russian sanctions, which, however, are obviously considered ineffective, even by the press of the united kingdom itself, especially since it is now much more concerned about the state of the economy of its own country, from rising unemployment to... to inflation, but the truth is that it is responding to its subjects , how long can relations with moscow be aggravated to the detriment of oneself, london is not
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is in a hurry, so our subcorrespondent, alexander khabarov, had to ask the corresponding question to the head of the british foreign ministry, cameron. going to the summit in italy, british prime minister rishi sunok promised to push for the use of frozen russian assets there to finance ukraine. this was confirmed today by foreign secretary david cameron. he met with the foreign press in london. and spoke a lot on the ukrainian topic, we got the opportunity to directly ask him a question as a person taking an active part in escalation of this conflict. alexander khabarov, channel russia. my question concerns ukraine. you recently said that weapons supplied by western countries, including great britain, could be used to launch attacks on russian territory. it is well known that some of these weapons are guided by satellites that ukraine has. no, as far as we know, it turns out that they are controlled by someone from nato, maybe from britain, does this mean that
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great britain is now directly involved in conflict with russia, and how far do you intend to go? what this means is that we believe that ukraine has the right to defend itself because there was a completely illegal, completely unjustified invasion by putin, we as supporters and allies of ukraine, we provide them with training, support and weapons so that they can protect and what we do. completely justified. cameron habitually added that russia must leave the territory of ukraine. he himself may soon leave the post of minister of foreign affairs. businessman john mapin wrote an open letter to british prime minister rishi sunuk, calling on him to abandon his anti-russian policy and stop sending weapons to ukraine. in the end, the truth must be told. i, as a taxpayer, pay for the murder of the slavs. i don't like mine. this is how money is spent. you probably know better than me how much the storm shadow rocket costs, but
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this money could have been used to build a school or repair it. is it really caring about one’s country when it is being taken to the nuclear armageddon, now this is a very real threat, and not from russia. i believe that your president is an absolutely sane and rational person, but i am not sure that we would have enough such rationality if our countries were swapped. john mapin claims that he understands what is happening this way, and he is far from alone. even if our media say that the majority of british people support the actions of the government, i was convinced of the opposite by talking to my friends and acquaintances. very very few support what our prime minister is doing and what boris johnson did before him. the opposition liborists stated in their election manifesto.
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improvement. the lack of trust in successive political forces over the decades can explain the rise in popularity of nigel farage's reform party. 18% of britons are already ready to vote for her, which is only 1% less than the ruling conservatives. the reformers pushed aside the liberal democrats, who usually occupied third place, whose leader eth davey continues
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entertain the audience with your falls. early in the campaign, he fell while practicing subsurfing. now he could not stay on the rope, a coffee glass and a tin can were thrown at nigel faraji. the attacker , a twenty-eight-year-old man, threw whatever came to his hand at the politician. this is the second time farage has been attacked during the election campaign, the last time he was doused with a milkshake. the british home office suggested he hire additional professional security. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, news. london. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. they dipped us, and now we will dunk them. a kind of popular revolt from the french to spite macron, people are going to defecate in the hay before the eternal swim of the french president. they brought it. what will your summer be like? with
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increased cashback, summer will be active! everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, sony wireless headphones for rub 23,590. in the russian lotto we will draw a golden barrel for country houses in honor of the anniversary, an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. appetite anywhere.
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do we bring savita from our travels? cashback bonuses. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house. at first they referred to bad weather and , above all, prolonged rains, and now they are complaining about workload in connection with preparations for
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early parliamentary elections. this is how the excuses of the mayor of paris, anne idalgo, sound , who, it seems, has finally abandoned her promise to personally swim in the seine and thereby prove that the latter is clean enough for swimming. in fact, its expensive cleaning was almost called the main task of the parisian authorities on the eve. summer olympics, because according to the program of the games, it is the waters of the capital's french river that should host the corresponding stage of the triathlon competition, well, along with a number of other disciplines, the athletes were obviously guaranteed comfortable conditions, despite the long-standing reputation of spring, as the sewers are literally open, where all sorts of things have been drained for decades uncleanness. but however, now against the backdrop of the strange indecisiveness of the same mayor idalgo, a logical question arises: is it really a problem? did you manage to find it? anastasia ivanova tried to answer. this flash mob has already been nicknamed by potential participants. there are not many ethereal options, one of them is
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stinking strike. well, or you can simply read the hashtag that has become popular on the social network x. in general, it clearly states what the so-called protesters are planning to do on june 23. the day macron promised to dive into the blue. presenters on french television are expressing concern about this. considering how big this has become on social media, is there any real threat to june 23? i asked, the question is complex, there is a big gap between theoretical calls to carry out a deprivation of hay and its implementation in practice, especially considering that this act is unlikely to be legalized, representatives of the executive branch are so far distancing themselves from this threat, not taking it seriously. but the french are quite serious, at least in making memes like this, saying this is what paris will look like by june 23, the olympics emblem should also be appropriate, note the authors of this pictures: chairs instead of rings. against the backdrop
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of macron’s desire to make the hay clear in the heads of the french, even oo royal’s hair stands on end, this is the creativity of neural networks. johnny tweeted: i stopped walking big, on june 23 i will go to paris to lose 70 kg of hay, and it’s true, there really is a plan for mass etification in hay 23. there is the president himself performed by neural networks after swimming in the river. i challenge anna hidalgo to a swim, says the inscription. in this picture, but macron is the record holder not for swimming, but for people's claims against him. anna, we did it. even without these actions, it
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was met with deep misunderstanding, there have already been many times, swims were cancelled, but macron stood his ground. when, in conditions of cutting social spending, increasing spending on aid to ukraine, such people still go to help ukraine. crazy expenses for holding the olympics, well, naturally you will rebel, you can’t get enough to eat here, the french have created a website, here they are counting down to june 23, they dipped us, and we dipped them, the headline says, moreover, we did a special calculation so that, so to speak, the thought definitely reaches the addressee, if you don’t live in paris, it’s not a problem, because there is such a site, enter how many kilometers you live from the capital and the algorithm... calculates for you the time and place, where is the best time this should be done so that on june 23 everything will be brought to the hay by the current. the french, as they say, are seething, understandably why, no matter how much macron talks about the frequency
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of the river and the potential holding of competitions there. the picture looks different: waste from industrial enterprises, fuel oil from ships, all of this is all. although the french government will be praised, since 2016 almost one and a half billion euros have been allocated for water purification. by the way, jacques cherak, when i was still there. toilet water is discharged into a rainwater system, which is not filtered at all and goes directly into the hay. the press of the fifth republic could not do without the hand of the kremlin, it writes that it was russia that initiated the artificial strengthening of the hashtag about june 23. but why do the french cope on their own? the french, yes, are weak enough... to leave macron, they turn him into nothing with their ridicule, and russia has nothing to do with it, macron should have taken care of french
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the megamarket, for example, free t-shirts for 699 rubles. the intelligence service of the united states of america is on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness with the input of the americans, of course ukraine is very active, you can’t
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come up with anything new. naturally, i had no plans to be recruited new to technology, i i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about it now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in the end the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy. contract military personnel receive regional support measures. combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here serve under contract.
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in gorlovka, our colleague, ntv cameraman valery kozhin, died, together with correspondent alexei ivliev, he was filming a report on the life of the front-line city when the shelling began. the ssu was targeted with direct fire. according to preliminary information, a drone was operating. doctors tried to save him for several hours, but the wounds were fatal. alexey ivlev has already been operated on, his condition is stable. with details from the donetsk people's republic, vitaly starushchenko. the frontline area is again under heavy fire from the ukrainian armed forces today a massive blow was delivered to the nikitovsky district. five people were injured, among them our colleagues, employees of the ntv channel. as a result of the militants' attack , correspondent alexey ivliev and cameraman valery kozhin, an escort officer, were seriously injured. despite all the efforts of doctors to save valery kozhin’s life.


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