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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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our colleague, ntv cameraman valery kozhin, died in gorlovka, along with correspondent alexey ivliev. he was filming a report on life in a front-line city when the shelling began. the ukrainian armed forces targeted them with direct fire. according to preliminary information, a drone was operating. doctors tried to save him for several hours, but the wounds were fatal. alexey ivlivo. already operated on, his condition is stable with details from the donetsk people's republic vitaly starushchenko. the frontline area is again under heavy fire from the ukrainian armed forces today, a massive blow was delivered to the nikitovsky district. five people were injured, among them our colleagues, employees of the ntv channel. as a result of the militants' attack , correspondent alexey ivliev and cameraman valery kozhin, an escort officer, were seriously injured. despite all the efforts of doctors to save valery kozhin’s life. failed. investigators
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from the investigative committee of russia began an investigation. investigators of the investigative committee of russia recorded shelling of the nikitovsky district of khorlovka, presumably with the use of a barrel artillery. valery kozhin worked a lot in hot spots in syria in the combat zone in donbass, spending several months a year on difficult business trips. alexey ivliev, one of the most experienced military reporters in the country, is a real role model, often in hot spots, including syria, where. was wounded since the start of hostilities in the donbass, he was among those who showed and told the truth about how the kiev regime destroys civilians and how russian soldiers fight against ukrainian nazism. the most the main thing is to hide our advancing units behind the smoke. this time, together with his cameraman valery kozhin, alexey was preparing material about the life of gorlovka residents, who are constantly under fire from kiev. and at that moment... he himself became a priority target
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of the ukrainian armed forces. doctors desperately fought for everyone’s lives, but unfortunately, valery kozhin’s heart stopped. the condition of alexey ivliev and the escort officer remains stable and serious. vitali starushchenko, nikita smirnov, news: gorlovka. valery kozhin was 46 years old, he worked in donetsk, almost from the very beginning of the military conflict.
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in dubna, moscow region, vladimir putin held a meeting of the council for science and education, the president stated that russia will develop international scientific cooperation, not paying attention to restrictions from abroad. in addition, the megagrants program was discussed; according to the head of state, it will be significantly expanded, funding will increase, new directions will appear. what else was in the spotlight, varvara nevskaya will tell you about it. these four letters nick, title. collider are visible even from space. the accelerator complex is the main pride of the united institute for nuclear research in dubna, which will allow, in laboratory conditions, to recreate that very special state of matter in which the universe arrived after the big bang. the leader of the state inspected the unique facility and launched the most important stage of this grandiose project, the technological start-up of the superinstallation. we want.
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here we are, in fact, well, we say that when we explain it in very simple language we say that we are actually a kind of time machine, yes, that is, we want to understand how what happened in the early universe, how the universe was formed, well, that is, not the universe, but matter itself, yes, visible matter, because there is also invisible, this is a separate issue, i ask you to allow the technological start-up of the collector?
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technological start-up, i authorize, dispatcher, please apply a test current to the magnetic system of the complex. this project, the most important for the entire scientific world, was implemented despite sanctions pressure from unfriendly countries. during the meeting with megagrant holders, vladimir putin especially emphasized: russia is open to scientific cooperation. the president also expressed confidence that it will definitely be restored in the future. unfortunately, due to circumstances known to all , failures occurred, but with these failures. we are coping, despite the fact that the project is moving a little to the right, i am sure that sooner or later all difficulties of a political nature will be overcome, well, science will not stand still, under no circumstances
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development will be ensured, we don’t close anything, we don’t hide anything, we don’t lock anything, we...
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an example, and we are just interested in the fact that this happens less, but these are bad countries that this is simply impossible, however , despite the fact that specialists come to us from all over the world without any problems, in some countries, for example, simply due to various reasons, not even related to today’s external situation...
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the pressure remains, as they say , undisguised, so i ask you to look carefully again to general, general the planning and implementation of neo-science is, of course, understandable, we know this back in the soviet period, it happened when several centers were working
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on the same topic, in general, maybe this is not bad, competition is created, and the products turn out interesting, but they are scattered it’s impossible, that’s what... the president should pay special attention to the training of schoolchildren throughout the country and the personnel, the level should be high, because the interest of the younger generation in science is growing. conducted for research, yes, in schools, the majority, that is, of students high school, what they want to be, bloggers, bloggers, bloggers they want to be, not scientists.
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were held at the initiative of tehran, as reported in the kremlin, both sides expressed interest in further development
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of cooperation, including the implementation of projects in the fields of energy and transport. let me remind you that the first vice president of iran, mahamad mahber, is temporarily acting head of state after the death of ibrahim reisi. and the leaders of the seven agreed on how to use the proceeds from illegally frozen russian assets, but have not yet figured out how to legally legalize what is essentially called theft, this is evidenced by the decisions of the first day of the summit in italy: income from russian accounts under the g7 plan will be used as collateral for the allocation of a loan of $50 billion to kiev. this was stated by the hostess of the g7 summit, italian prime minister giorgia miloni. without specifying, however, what to do with the long-term consequences of withdrawing this money. experts warn that if other people's funds are frozen and misappropriated in the eu, this could undermine investor confidence and cause outflows capital from an already weakened economy of europe, and other people will most likely have to deal with the consequences. the
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political publication openly calls the g7 summit a gathering of lame ducks. german chancellor scholz and french president macron and their parties lost elections to the european parliament, which may cost them their positions. and the british are on the verge of a general election, and joe biden is so tired that he couldn’t even go to the gala dinner. washington won't. its troops to help kiev, but will supply it intelligence data, weapons and ammunition, implying the supply of american patriot systems and f-16 fighters. this was stated by joe biden, commenting on the security agreement signed by the presidents of the united states and ukraine on the sidelines of the g-7 summit in italy. according to american media, the agreement is designed for 10 years, and it also provides for joint military exercises, it is unclear on whose territory, as well as training of the ukrainian military by the states. at the same time, the president. us joe biden said that he has not changed his negative attitude towards ukraine’s use of american long-range weapons against
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targets inside russia. and social networks began to circulate footage taken by the israeli military, who, apparently, decided that there is a place for medieval weapons in the 21st century. this throwing machine is called a trebuchet. with its help, tsakhal launches incendiary bullet projectiles. the israeli military went further and began shooting flaming arrows. through the territory of a neighboring country from luqa, apparently trying to bring forest fires to lebanon. the military themselves claim that this is how they allegedly try to get rid of the thick vegetation that makes it difficult to identify enemy positions. and among other topics, measures to prevent natural fires and floods in the far east were discussed today by the participants of the meeting chaired by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. he is on a working trip in the khabarovsk territory, to prevent forest fires and floods in...
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fairly developed shipbuilding, shipyards located in the regions are involved, including for the construction and fishing fleet, which are implemented within the framework of investment quotas, which we recently pranked and now there will be a second stage, the region also has extensive land resources, and this in turn provides opportunities for further growth in agricultural production. well , of course, rich natural resources oblige us to pay special attention to their
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rational use and generally take care of the environment. the largest region in terms of potential mineral resources, today work is continuously being carried out on the geological study of netras, reproduction of the mineral resource base, and of course we are interested in develop added value, that is , the processing of what is extracted from the earth. also during the working trip, dmitry patrushev inspected a dam under construction in the south of khabarovsk. the structure should protect this part of the city from flooding. the facility is planned to be commissioned this year. and in moscow , the winners of the second presidential grant competition of the year were determined. non-profit organizations will receive almost 3.5 billion rubles. first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko noted that for the first time the competition has winners from all new regions. and all the details are in the material by maria valieva. samba school of life is the motto
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of the mixed martial arts club in the small town of tsipa in the lugansk people's republic. this is sports equipment so that children can practice in the sports section, sports mats will be purchased, and of course, sports uniforms, we have registered at least 20 children in the project to attend training, at the moment, well, 45 children are constantly attending training, so here is our
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result, i think it’s a good, good result in development in children.
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another 3 billion 290 million, that is, almost one to one, money from extra-budgetary sources is added to every ruble of state money. for the first time , initiatives received support from non-profit organizations from all new regions of our country, four from the donetsk people's republic, eight from lugansk, two from zaporozhye region, one from kherson.
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projects for the competition were accepted in february and march of this year; they were held in april and may. supported 2916 initiatives, many aimed for the development of sports. the authors of the project, social skate school, oversee the work of skate parks for troubled teenagers in 15 regions of russia. children who are in difficult life situations or have problems with the law practice on the sports grounds. instructors introduce them to street culture and at the same time help them
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develop not only physically, but also spiritually. teaches teenagers to work in a team and make decisions. all conflicts, if they arise internally, peacefully. maria valieva, denis tsitseronov, vadim samsonov and nadezhda nefedova, lead. in moscow, the volume of production of drugs for the treatment of the cardiovascular system has doubled since the beginning of the year. there are more than 300 manufacturers of medicines, medical equipment and medical products in the capital. and their number continues to grow. anna lugvinova will tell you in detail how this industry is developing. the russian pharmaceutical market continues to gain momentum. moscow plays a vital role in the development of the industry. there are more than 300 manufacturers of medicines, medical equipment and medical products in the capital. in the first 4 months of the year, output increased by 14%. ya if take certain categories, for example, drugs for the treatment of the cardiovascular system, as well as antitumor drugs, their production has doubled since the beginning of the year . some products are produced in moscow
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under long-term investment contracts. the first contracts brought a very good effect for the city's economy. firstly, we received our own substances, which we began to produce in the city as part of the pharmaceutical cluster. secondly, we have significantly reduced our purchasing prices. products, and reference price established for the entire country, which now allows other regions to purchase pharmaceuticals at a price lower than previously purchased from foreign manufacturers. during the st. petersburg international economic forum , several agreements in the field of healthcare were signed. according to one of them, rossium bio will build a drug production plant; it will be located in alabushevo to produce drugs. for 13 international names, including drugs for the treatment of orphan, genetic and oncological diseases, investments of more than 43 billion rubles. production launch in the first
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quarter of 2028. the second agreement was signed by the mayor of moscow and the ceo of pharmstandard. the first plant in russia for the production of basic drugs from blood plasma, albumin and immunoglobulin will appear there, in valabushevo. they improve the patient's quality of life and life expectancy. scams, the main drugs that we will produce are immunoglobulin, immunoglobulin and albunin, such basic drugs from blood plasma, the most
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in demand. the largest pharmaceutical cluster has already been formed in moscow, consisting of 12 companies, some of them launched their production long ago, and some are just preparing to do so. currently , four large investment projects are being implemented at the labushevo site in the special economic zone technopolis moscow. this year it will introduce... next, it will produce more than 150,000 units of drugs for the treatment of orphan diseases every year. promomet production will begin in 2026. the group of companies will be able to produce annually up to 150 kg of substances and up to 750,000 bottles of medicines. in 2 years, the first deliveries to pharmastez are planned. in march 2023, moscow entered into an offset contract, which will allow it to be established. in the capital of the production of antitumor drugs of seven types. the investor will invest 400 million rubles in the creation of the enterprise. in return, the city will provide him with a guaranteed
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purchase of products for almost 2.5 billion rubles for 4 years. an offset contract is when, in exchange for investment from large pharmaceutical manufacturers, the city provides a guarantee procurement. purchases at the expense of budgetary funds of certain items for a long-term period at certain prices, thus pharmaceutical enterprises bring investment, create jobs, high-tech production with high added value, taxes remain in the city, and the enterprises themselves receive guaranteed sales. in 2017, moscow began to conclude. contracts, investors create new production facilities in exchange for guaranteed purchases of part of the output for government needs, simpler if you build a plant in moscow, you will receive
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guarantees of product sales for the next 5-10 years. authors have become the most important tool for ensuring the technological sovereignty of russia, and of course, it is no coincidence that they turned out to be in greatest demand precisely in the field of medicine. at vdnkh there was a presentation of the minsk exposition in the pavilion. the republic of belarus. together with this opening , the days of the capital began. at the event, they talked about the economic, industrial, cultural, and tourism potential of the city. in addition, they were signed bilateral documents in the ulyanovsk region, a memorandum of understanding, an agreement with yekaterinburg on the establishment of sister city relations. it is deeply symbolic that at the exhibition, which was initiated by vladimir vladimirovich putin. here on the legendary land vdnkh represents the potential of 89 constituent entities of the federation, in parallel, at the same time, in the famous... in the
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belarus pavilion there is a presentation of the powerful potential of all belarusian regions without exception, and the fact that today we are visiting minsk, minsk is visiting moscow, from russia, this is also a special sign, a special symbol. and today the fourth international competition for young pianists started in moscow. its main goal is to give young musicians the opportunity to perform with major orchestras and conductors. the opening ceremony included a concert. works by strauss bach, stravinsky and other masterpieces of classical music were performed from the stage. pianists denis damatsuev and ivan bessonov took part in the grand concert. the format that we came up with, we are proud of it. those 15 lucky ones who came to us for the grand pianos are already at least diploma winners, then laureates, and grand prix, and royal, and most importantly - this is the life of the stage in the future.
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a large set of various inventions and fantasies on the topic of how else you can combine classical music and an element of some kind of show. patriotism, as the national idea of ​​russia, was the topic of a round table today at the expert institute for social research. according to political scientists and journalists, this is the basis of a unifying society. they discussed the forms in which patriotism is now manifested and how participants in a special military operation
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become new. in this situation, thinking about yourself from the point of view of russian ethics is simply betrayal, it’s a sin, it’s a crime, well, a moral crime, no, well, then it’s political, what we bring from savita’s travels, cashback bonuses for the next trip, the avito trip will pass as booked with cashback, bonuses, better.
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