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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
again, in a certain sense, the year will be decisive, so everyone says, well, for a long, long time, you know, if they come to you to kill you, then maybe you should, well, treat this with very serious, concentrated calm, realizing that every step you take is wrong.
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in principle, who will make fewer mistakes, and not the one who now has some of the most attractive numbers drawn on paper, about 3000, which they draw for themselves, and about the twenty-ninth year, for which pistorius has planned everything, he's everything knows, you know, we have pistorius in anga, she already knows everything about 29, that ’s why in... these next few months, the summer of this year, i believe that the west will have to take the next steps at the next level , you can’t stop them with some kind of demonstration, that’s because they know what they are doing, raising the temperature every time, they do it consciously, and there ’s some test that will happen, i’m sure you can’t stop them. well, will there be
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a collision on a collision course already in this a year or a little later, it’s difficult to predict , but since we are not going to give up, we are going to win, the americans know, this is what i also wanted to say, they know, just as we know that they came to kill and rob us, they know that we will have to collide, they will have to collide with us on a collision course, advertising.
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and from others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen, what did you want from me, a miracle, akhalay, makhalay, the demonstrator would know how to assemble this in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demonstration, pray, black, throw the gang it’s also a sin, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here if i go alone. slept quickly, if there is a chance with you, hold on for a year, bad people, there’s more, who will do it to whom, naughty people, i’m still with you.
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here is the news of today, like a photograph: dead, wounded journalists, new sanctions, and the president, who personally came to communicate with scientists, talk, find out what is needed and the allocation of huge funds for science, i immediately remember the middle of the war, when stalin did exactly the same thing, when there was death, there was war, but...
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and a million rubles, a million rubles bonus, this when this car cost 8 or 10 thousand, when stalin found out that academician khariton was flying on an airplane, well, once he was late for some important meeting, he forbade him to fly on an airplane for obvious reasons, and allocated him a separate carriage so that he went to meetings in moscow in a separate carriage, and he went. on this carriage, right up to the time of gorbachev, no one took this carriage from him, this is an illustration on the one hand, but what on the other? it seems to me that today is the most striking illustration of who we are dealing with - this is the introduction of sanctions by canada against
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vladislav tretyak. when i read it, i’ll be honest, i didn’t believe my eyes, i didn’t believe it. that is, how is it? this is canada against the third team, but what about hockey solidarity, then i realized that in fact everything is simpler, they did not forgive him for their defeats, then the very series of the ussr, canada, when he brilliantly defended our interests, they simply did not forgive him, so they waited and they gave it away, well, here of course you immediately remember the soviet comedy of small trunks, but we just have to understand who we are with...
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special military operation, just so that a week, a few days before the start , ukrainian citizens know that when you promise them, you can come to nato only after fighting with russia, and even achieving victory, well, so that the price is clear, what are you then they told them, they said that the doors were open to nato, but they didn’t tell them the most important thing. why? well, because every question has its own price. and here the price is such that the question leaves no stone unturned. that is, a complete lie. the big seven, no need to name it, probably big, just a seven, and not even great, like
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the good old american one. i suggested 7g, here’s 7g, i completely agree with you. gathered to discuss various issues, but what is their main question? how to steal interest from... russian money, but in such a way as to deceive everyone again, just here is a scheme when they say, you need to understand, they are going to give ukraine a loan of 50 billion at the expense of interest on our frozen stolen money, but the numbers don’t change, the numbers don’t change, they have but the interest there is meager on these reliable bonds, as we were always told, it’s 2-3%, that is, from frozen ones... 240 billion is, well, i won’t do math now, but it’s several billion, and they have 50, that is look at how they distort everything and how they lie blatantly, if you love ukraine so much, well, give it your money,
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no, on credit, but here we are talking about credit, not your money, but with this interest from our frozen assets, valuable ones are created in paper quotes. which are collateral for in turn, too, they are sold on the market and the money received is given to ukraine on credit, but they will sell it for 3-4-5 billion, they are going to give it. and also in passing it turns out that all nato countries are now obliged to supply more weapons, that is, as they say, the collective farm is a voluntary business, and nato is an unconditional fighter for peace, as we are told, but now everything is no longer voluntary, without fail, and this, of course, is a demonstration that they are ready to constantly raise the bar, introduce new sanctions, issue new money, bend over all those who want to be with them or cannot run away from them.
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they are destroying the economic and energy market of europe, dragging part of the industry there, blowing up the northern streams for this, everyone pretends that they don’t know how this happened, and after that, literally a week ago, well, just in time for putin’s visit to sidinpin , virtually prohibitive duties were introduced on chinese electric cars, this is now in the usa, and now the same thing is still in europe, that is, they are not going to go back. they're not going to back down because they know one thing: every time in history they managed
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to walk along the razor's edge, they were lucky, napoleon saved them, once, by attacking russia, hitler saved them, once, by attacking russia, the fact that they themselves brought hitler to power is here does not play any role, so they are ready to put everything on the line, the last thing i want to say here is that they remember everything, just like in the situation with tretyak. so we must also remember everything, well, by the way, we remember that, unfortunately, i must state that they won, but in the seventy-second series year sr canada, the victory was for the canadians, the moral one was ours, but if we take the purely sporting aspect, then well, it’s my fault, even that they can’t forgive the third, well, it’s the seventy -second year, and of course they can’t forgive the third for the humiliation of the first match when we they were defeated, well, in general, of course, to carry out...
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to carry out sanctions against him, plus canada, what a petty bastard trudeau is, what a pure bandera bastard. koryn georgievich, i was watching a story about a collider, it’s a wonderful story, but this is how an idea came to me, as if look at how everything is going in the world, then maybe you won’t like the collider, you won’t need it to find out how the universe felt at the moment of the big bang, good joke, karen georgivich, in this experimental way everything can be done, as they say. well, there is certainly
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a great nation, there is no doubt, this is a nation that was formed from losers, in general the dregs of society, and among its own, well, those who left, those who were losers, some were dregs, some religious fanatics, imported black slaves, but this nation in general... a truly great nation has emerged, possessing such enormous creative energy, they have had a lot of achievements over the last 150 years, well, what can i say, apparently their sense of superiority, by the way, i think this is the feeling of inferiority that they initially had, this here are the people coming, well, people, no no, who were leaving, were those leaving who couldn’t stay at home? to realize oneself, who, who, as they say, was not successful, this deep feeling
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of an inferiority complex, it seemed to be passed on through generations into this feeling of oneself as a certain super, supernation, yes, but nevertheless, of course, a great nation with enormous achievements, well, i am amazed that now we are constantly discussing the american political agenda. but actually, two old idiots are fighting for the same thing, to become the head of such a country, such a nation, but they both deserve each other, actually, i understand that...
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listen, how is a great nation, really, how is it? well, we need to remember, then, this is a sign. you know, when the system does not bring real leaders to power, this is a sign of a deep crisis and the threshold generally a collapse. moreover, in fact, political scientists can explain, historians, philosophers can explain, but in principle, this. it is explained like this, like a folk sign, you know, how swallows are flying low, there will be a thunderstorm, but this is the same thing, these are the leaders that will happen, there will be a thunderstorm, nothing, nothing else will happen, and only then they will explain, so to speak, people of all kinds of political, historical professions, what patterns, well, in general, this is just
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a symptom, and therefore, uh, of course, a bad symptom for the united...
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this is a natural movement of russia into that the side where a real new center of the world is being formed. and he gives the example of peter i, who , quite rightly, went to the west, when the west was the center, when the west had technology, finance, thoughts, as they say, the economy, when it was on the rise, when there was a lot to learn there, and another situation is when... we see how all this flows there, to the east, towards china, the asian, pacific, asian region, and i think this is a very important idea, why it is very important, because she, she says, this suggests that this is not a seven-minute solution, and this is already a new
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vector of movement of our nation in that direction, in the direction where we can get the best... on the issue of nuclear war, i must say, i liked it, the president formulated everything strictly, clearly, but at the same time made it clear that we do not want a nuclear war, that this is not our, as they say, idea, this is also important, this is also very important, because in this, in this statement, our determination
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to relinquish its sovereignty, including in if necessary. nuclear with the help of nuclear weapons, but there was also an absolutely clear message that keep in mind that this will not come from us, that is, we do not want nuclear war, this is an important, this is an important thought, the third thought, which, excuse me, i’m here expressed, you did not appreciate it at the time, but three weeks ago, i said, what is it necessary to supply weapons everywhere? the soviet union constantly used this very
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skillfully, very skillfully, we did not use it for 30 years, although we could have used it in iraq and afghanistan, anywhere, but now it formulated, and this is of course a very dangerous situation for them, it is certainly not like that.
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sergei karaganov spoke with the president at this forum and what seemed to me in the dialogue is hidden at this forum, that’s what i
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observed, maybe you won’t agree with me, there was an internal struggle of liberals, now it’s not clear what to call them, you can’t call them socialists, because they are a word that is unpopular and incomprehensible among us, but let’s call them snel-liberals. let's call it that, but this struggle was, it was obvious in many speeches, in many speeches, you can they can be called systemists, they can be called systemists, that is, liberals there, and systemists here, think up, think up, but it seems to me that this was very clearly formulated in karaganov’s dialogue with the president, when karaganov’s question was very interesting, latently this question was about , that it’s as if some kind of nationalization is still happening here, but is it possible to somehow make sure that something is already determined
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and nothing more can be done in this regard, to which the president subtly remarked that no, no one doesn't back down, that's absolutely right, no what sense does it make from the market, from this, but he said that, well, it’s generally not true that only... private business can be effective, sometimes a state company is very effective, so it follows from this that it cannot be indiscriminate, everything can be divided into privatization, not privatization, which is quite possible, and we know that this is so, and you know that this is so, and indeed the market sometimes does miracles, indeed private business sometimes does miracles, but...
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it worked, for us, if sports , then with records,
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if it’s a holiday... then it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value family , strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country. at the exhibition russia.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24,
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intelligence services. the united states of america is on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness, at the suggestion of the americans, of course ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, it’s new in technology, i naturally had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, it’s not the intelligence agencies that compete with each other , the state competes. intelligence and counterintelligence fight among themselves, but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of politics and the state.
3:00 am
especially in the conditions, as they say, of what we have. and we have a war, i would advise not to call the real summit before, the future summit, in which ukraine will participate, is swiss, it is bürgenstock, but switzerland is, you know, associated there with watches, cheese, pastor slag, everything else, well, somehow it’s a pleasant feeling, but here bürgenstock, well, i don’t know like anyone else, but for me it evokes, evokes.


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