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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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our intelligence reported that a ukrainian gur was behind the terrorist attack in crocus, this is not a reason for any serious retaliatory actions, and in my opinion, even the question of war can already be declared, it seems to me, to whom ukraine, and why do anything at all it may be simple to announce, but it’s possible, but why do we need to announce something, that’s what it gives us? according to international law, we are now declaring something, we must go to the un, talk about why we should announce something, that it is not clear that this is a war, well, that’s right, just when the instagrammer is here will pump something up, people will ask the question, are you all friends with your head or not, and they will be right, and if her uniform is on the front, you will politely say, why are you needed here, who are you anyway, but until people understand this is how this dissonance affects those at the front and those working in the rear.
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will happen, so changes should not be issued in external laws, but in people’s heads, throughout society, and besides , the supreme one said, yes, we need to work here like at the front, they worked it out right away, this is something to pompate, which doesn’t even understand o how to screw it a little on the form, well , of course, it’s just, besides, how is this different from a party goal than nothing, but it’s still possible, please, yes, thank you. well, look, this is what igor was talking about, what is happening in america, that events are tied to ukraine, the same thing is happening in europe, and what you were talking about, they are modeling the situation now for several years in advance, that is, you said twenty-ninth year, the population needs to be prepared for what, i look through the prism of sociology, a simple element, the first thing they ask in many countries they are conducting research on whether they are ready to defend their country, it doesn’t remind me of anything, in my opinion, this happened in ukraine at one time, that is, they are testing, pumping up public opinion on...
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in the public space, the same thing is actually partly true in ukraine , well, that is, recently they conducted a survey for the mis, they said the following: 60% of ukrainians, according to one of the surveys, that they believe that russia wants to enslave and seize ukraine, that is, this is clearly present in the public consciousness, how is it, although i again, i understand that in conditions of war, in conditions of, let’s say, a situation where there is no unanimity of this difference of opinion, excuse me, then in this case now i think... that a significant part of ukrainian society still has this, what does this mean? that here, too, society is not preparing a ukrainian compromise, that is, if some time ago we talked about the possibility of negotiations on those borders or on others, this was one person who said it, and i kept explaining it, that no, vladimir rudolfovich,
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you know, vasily is right in his own way in this situation, it’s just that now in the last weeks, what you said is not there now, so you look at the news report, it’s just not there.
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listen, for 80 years this allowed them to live more or less, compared to a millennium , these 80 years were practically, so all the more so now, excuse me, remember, the fifty-sixth year, the sixty- eighth year, they won’t be quieted by illusions , let’s not suppress illusions, but what kind of illusions, you say, we haven’t had any pretentiousness here for a long time, that is, we are now we are slowing down very much, i absolutely agree with igor, we are slowing down vladimir radolfovich very much, because many things, you know, but there is an internal censor. because he's afraid of something? well, listen, it exists, because there are things that, there are a number of people who think that now you can pull the stop valve lever, everything will return to the past, it will not return to the past, there is just a concept for the internal agenda, because we are a thing which some leave for the domestic agenda in the country people must understand, the west has put everything into
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war with us, is preparing for this, is going towards this, their task is to make sure that we do not have time to strike until they are ready, yeah, this is the only task that they... persecutes, ukraine is consumable for them , they don’t care what will happen to ukraine and ukrainians, by the way, in ukraine now this is what is, this is what is slipping through, what may be, people are beginning to understand, evaluate this history, then there is, if you were there, that the russians are to blame for everything, well, listen, over time this you can, you know, when you see what elin seagren said, that guys, there are up to 15 trillion, we don’t want direct speech, so that the chinese and russians get it, listen, guys, what other arguments do you need, well, here you go what else could be said?
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to the fact that inside the country, they can come when the situation has already formed there, like then ukraine, when it pulled in a bunch of canadians, but they didn’t influence anything, it was first destroyed, they were prepared, they were invited, so they, she did everything to
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to become different, and we were dealing with those people who, in general, changed three party colors, like flags, and then exchanged, ultimately sold the country, and this is a question that is really there... he says, this is an internal problem , if the elite is not able to solve its internal problems on its own, others will decide for it, this is an axiom of life, which suggested, as was the case in our ukraine, that your elite got along well with your own... people, and that’s not enough, your elite was superbly served by your own journalists, scientists, pr people, everyone i liked it, everyone rubbed their hands, everyone felt great, they thought that they were the smartest, that they were like affectionate calves, they were in russia and from there, and they were proud after the first maidan, that it was great that we were different, to say how many came from moscow to work for all the headquarters of one company, to tell you about these things, even if it’s an open secret, i told you about it.
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i, i don’t know what kind of person this is, but i know a good jewish joke, when a raccoon ran away from the jewish zoo, and the zoo
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didn’t come up with anything new on how to disperse write an announcement to the whole city, whoever saw the escaped raccoon, please bring 10 shekels to the ticket office of the zoo, but i think that this is also probably about money, now about biden, you know, i want to tell you, even if biden’s prompter starts act on your own terms, my grandfather will not be removed from the elections, well, for me this is absolutely obvious, i don’t know.
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they catch a young man at the age of 20 on the street, they drag him in, it’s not written on his face whether he’s 20 or 25, but they think, this is their subjective opinion, he’s already 25 there, they dragged this man to the military registration and enlistment office, the procedure is the same, he goes through a commission, they give him to sign a document, as soon as he signed, he is a volunteer, no one called him, he is a volunteer, his mother will come running, someone will come running, say, here is the document, he signed, that’s it, and that’s it the person will be taken to the front, that’s it, he will be there today.
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let’s privatize, privatize everything that we can privatize. in ukraine, according to official data, there are 3,100 enterprises, they are not just state-owned, budget-funded, but the main enterprises in various industries, they decided 3,000 sell, keep 100. why did you decide to carry out major privatization now? by the way, this is not the first time they have tried, but i think that this time they will make it through. remember, last year they sent one to ukraine, authorized by the united states, who... must deal with the economy, and post-war reconstruction, mrs. ptitsker, she came and said, the first meeting, she says, respected or not respected, power or not , let’s think about it, what will you do if we don’t give you money, they won’t give you help, we won’t give loans, how will you live, at first the officials in ukraine were shocked, they even
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wrote to me, she says what is this, what is she thinking about, why did she come to us, she had to bring money , she raised the question of not... buying, and so on and so forth, there are political decisions, there is a company that will do this, sell, resell, everything will go under the hammer, that’s it, there will be nothing left of ukraine, why was the decision made now , because it is necessary to repay debts when linzi grem says that there are some trillions here, i don’t know, trillions are not trillions, but just in case we need to sell, we need to
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stake everything for ourselves, i think not only for this, because when we get to this to say, no no... as you wanted, you wanted to get something differently, no, it won’t work out any other way, you must pay, as they say, every freedom or struggle for freedom, for values, must have your own price, here's your price.
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will be, because it is impossible to defeat russia on the battlefield, that’s all, that is, it turns out that we were pushed there since already, maybe even before that, a decision was made, but as if it was publicly announced in 2008, now a decade and a half has passed, it turns out that ukraine should be in nato, but if it defeats russia, it will not win, because that ukraine will not win and there will be no nato, it must give everything it has, then please tell me, what is left of ukraine remains. the greatest resource, as he always says, is the people, the people, what’s wrong with the people, zelensky, when he was in berlin, spoke there in parliament, someone he clapped, someone didn’t listen to him, he
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turned to the ukrainians, said: that’s it, let ’s return home from europe, because we will restore ukraine, we will restore the economy, the next day in transcarpathia in transcarpathia, the border detachment is checking the border, what’s here, like here, where is order, hop, looks in some kind of suits, i ask. 32 people before, on gastty-sixth , they made such a flight, 3 days later, it’s nearby, it’s literally 12 km from that meter in a minivan, i don’t know how much else
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is going on there, this is what is being revealed, this is what, this is public, so, 50 people, as soon as zelensky said that come from europe to ukraine, he immediately reacted, 50 people immediately took their seats to leave for those who would come, what am i talking about, volodya, this is the reaction of people , this is such a reaction. calling people to rise up in ukraine, tick, guys, tick, through anything but through the wood, you will be left alive, that’s all, we’ll see you on sunday, with us, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history and appreciate
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family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the threshold in order to use artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness. with the help of the americans, of course ukraine is very active, you can’t
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think of anything new, it’s new in technology. naturally, i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, i’ll tell you about that now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of state policy, we got used to watching videos on the network, it stopped working, we install, open, watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you. russian emergency situations ministry!
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in gorlovka, our colleague, ntv cameraman valery kozhin, died, together with correspondent alexey ivliev, he was filming a report in real life. note city when the shelling began. the ukrainian armed forces targeted them with direct fire. according to preliminary information, a drone was operating. doctors tried to save him for several hours, but the wounds were fatal. alexey ivlev has already been operated on. his condition is stable. with details from the donetsk people's republic vitaly starushchenko. the frontline bottleneck is close again today.


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