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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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our colleague died in gorlovka. ntv cameraman valery kozhin, together with correspondent alexei ivliev, was filming a report on life in a front-line city when the shelling began. the ssu was targeted with direct fire. according to preliminary information, a drone was operating. doctors tried to save him for several hours, but the wounds were fatal. alexey ivlev has already been operated on, his condition is stable. with details from the donetsk people's republic, vitaly starushchenko. the front-line throat is again in decline today. fire of the ukrainian armed forces
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a massive strike was carried out on the nikitovsky district, five people were injured, among them our colleagues, employees of the ntv channel. as a result of the militants' attack , correspondent alexey ivliev and cameraman valery kozhin, an escort officer, were seriously injured. despite all the efforts of doctors, it was not possible to save valery kozhin’s life. investigators from the investigative committee of russia began an investigation. investigators of the investigative committee of russia recorded shelling of the nikitovsky district of gorlovka, presumably. using a barrel artillery. valery kozhin worked a lot in hot spots in syria in the combat zone in donbass, spending several months a year on difficult business trips. alexey ivliev, one of the most experienced military reporters in the country, is a real role model and often travels to hot spots, including syria, where, by the way, he was wounded. since the outbreak of hostilities in donbass, he has been among those who have shown and told the truth about how the kiev regime is destroying civilians. and how russian
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fighters fight against ukrainian nazism. the most important thing is to hide our advancing units behind smoke. this time, together with his cameraman valery kozhin, alexey was preparing material about the life of gorlovka residents, who are constantly under fire from kiev, at which point he himself became a priority target of the ukrainian armed forces. doctors desperately fought for everyone’s lives, but unfortunately, valery kozhin’s heart stopped. state.
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in dubna, moscow region, vladimir putin held a meeting of the council for science and education. the president said that russia will develop international scientific cooperation. what else was in the spotlight, varvara nevskaya will tell you about it. these four letters - niko, the names of the russian collider, are visible even from space. the accelerator complex is the main pride of the united institute for nuclear research in dubna, which. will allow in
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laboratory conditions to recreate that very special state of matter in which the universe was after the big bang, the leader of the state examined the unique object and launched the most important stage of this grandiose project, the technological launch of a superinstallation, we want to unravel the secret origins of the universe, yes, in fact, really, what happened to matter, and after the explosion, yes, we know for sure... we know that we consist of nuclear matter, protons, neutrons, quarks, gleons, we know, in the universe, we see these objects, they exist, we are created there in microscopic parameters, volumes, i understand, i understand, and we also understand that the universe is there approximately 8 microseconds after this one began the point of singularity will fly apart, nuclear matter was free in parkeleons, then they stuck together, formed protons , neutrons, here we are, in fact,
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yes, matter, yes, visible matter, because there is also invisible, this is a separate story, i ask you to complete the technological start-up of the colledor, the technological start-up, i have permission, dispatcher, please apply a test current to the magnetic system of the niko complex. a fundamentally important project for the entire scientific world was implemented despite sanctions pressure from unfriendly countries, as part of a meeting with owners.
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difficulties of a political nature will be overcome, well, science will not stand still under any circumstances , development will be ensured, we do not close anything, we do not hide anything, we do not lock anything away, we are open to cooperation, to use those achievements that appear thanks to your work, we are open to the results of this... your work being used not only in russia, but in other countries. during the meeting with russian scientists, the president paid special attention to megagrant. the president is convinced that the program, launched in 2010, has brought significant results, developing in 345 laboratories
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in more than 35 regions of the country. at the moment, funding for megagrants has been increased to 100 million rubles. per year, extension terms from three to 5 years. the leader of the state also said that... nevertheless, this is happening, but this is a bad example, and we are precisely interested in specialists coming to us from all over the world without any problems, in some countries, for example, simply by virtue various reasons, not even related to today's
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external political situation, they simply did not make a decision, stop research in the field, well, nuclear research, they simply stopped, closed, closed atomic ones. power plants, well, they do a lot of other stupid things, and specialists in these areas simply have nowhere to go. at a meeting of the council on science and education, also held in dubna, moscow region, the president announced the main scientific and technological priorities. with all the opportunities that russia opens, international cooperation, the country is relying on its own science, all important fundamental foundations must be developed. all our scientific. technological, educational, production potential in the full sense of the word must be gathered into a single fist. in this regard, it raises questions about the situation when dozens of organizations are engaged in one scientific topic, and with varying degrees of success, while other
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areas that are no less important for the country remain, as they say, undisguised, so i ask you to once again carefully look at the general, general planning and implementation... carried out for research, but in schools, the majority, that is, of high school students, who they want to be, bloggers, bloggers, bloggers they want to be, not scientists,
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but you know, this is all the reality of today, of course, the day before yesterday it was even worse and... it is still unknown by whom, that is, it is known who they wanted to be, but interest in science, in higher education is growing, we know this, these are statistics, so these... these trends are necessary support. on behalf of the president, the government and the russian the academy of sciences has prepared a list of the most important high-tech technologies on a national scale. we are essentially talking about specific tasks for science, the education system and technology business. according to the president, fundamental exploratory research should be carried out not only in the interests of russia itself, but of the entire world of science. and as vladimir putin especially noted, today the contribution of every scientific institute, every research team, every
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academician, professor, researcher and graduate student. and today, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the acting president of iran, mahammad mahber. the negotiations took place at the initiative of tehran. as reported in the kremlin, both sides expressed interest in further development of cooperation. we are talking, among other things, about the implementation of projects in the field. and the leaders of the seven have agreed on how to use the proceeds from illegally frozen russian assets, but have not yet figured out how to legally legalize what is essentially called theft, they are talking about this decisions of the first day of the summit in italy, income from russian accounts according to the g7 plan will be used as collateral for the allocation of credit to kiev.
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chancellor scholz and french president macron and their parties lost the elections to the european parliament, which could cost them their positions, the british prime minister is on the verge of a general election, and joe biden is so tired that he couldn’t even go to the gala dinner. washington will not send its troops to help kiev, but will supply it with intelligence, weapons and ammunition, implying supplies american patriot systems and f-16 fighters. joe biden stated this when commenting on the security agreement signed by the presidents of the united states and ukraine on the sidelines of the
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g-7 summit in italy. according to american media, the agreement is designed for 10 years, and it also provides for joint military exercises, it is unclear on whose territory, as well as training of the ukrainian military by the states. at the same time, us president joe biden said that he had not changed his negative attitude towards ukraine’s use of american long-range weapons defeats against targets inside russia. and social networks began to circulate footage taken by the israeli military, who, apparently, decided that there is a place for medieval weapons in the 21st century. this throwing machine is called a trebuchet. with its help, tsakhal launches incendiary bullet projectiles. the israeli military went further and began shooting flaming arrows at the territory of the neighboring country from luqa, apparently trying to bring forest fires to lebanon. the military themselves claim that this is how they allegedly try to get rid of dense vegetation, which... interferes with identifying enemy positions. and on other topics, measures
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to prevent natural fires and floods in the far east were discussed today by the participants of the meeting chaired by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. he is on a working trip in the khabarovsk territory. to prevent forest fires and floods, patrushev ordered to strengthen control over the unauthorized burning of dry grass and ensure the proper condition of hydraulic structures no later than july 1. and today dmitry.
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first deputy head of administration president sergei kiriyenko noted that for the first time the competition has winners from all new regions. and all the details are in the material by maria valieva. sambo school of life is the motto of a mixed martial arts club in a small urban village in the lugansk people's republic. trainings here are conducted for children from large and single-parent families. i have a lot of friends, we practice, i know new techniques. i love. classes are held every day after school, the children have already taken part in all-russian and even international competitions, thanks to the support of the presidential grants fund , you have everything you need for effective training. in the project itself, we stipulated that equipment would be purchased, this would be sports equipment so that children could exercise in the sports section, this would be
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the purchase of sports mats. and of course sportswear. they attend the trainings, we enrolled at least 20 children in the project, at the moment, well, 45 children constantly attend the trainings, so i think our result is good. good result in the development of children with disabilities who attend specialized classes from the st. nicholas the wonderworker foundation. the child became, for example, he didn’t even roll over there, didn’t try.
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the process is very labor-intensive, continuous, and requires a lot of participation from both parents and specialists; this is an expansion of our activities, rather than savings. more than 10,500 applications were submitted for the second presidential grant competition; the winners were determined during a meeting of the coordination committee in the presidential administration, ambassador sergei kiriyenko had a lot of initiatives aimed at supporting motherhood and fatherhood. and childhood, which is especially important in the year of the family. we have identified 1,357 winners from 86 regions of our country. the total amount of grants that has now been distributed is 3.389 million rubles. well, another 3.290 million, that is
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, almost one to one, for every ruble of state money money is added that comes from the extra-budget. sources for the first time received support for the initiative from non-profit organizations from all new regions of our country, four from donetsk people's republic, eight from lugansk, two from zaporozhye region, one from kherson. projects for the competition were accepted in february and march of this year, and in april and may they passed an independent examination. the smallest group, the smallest, a million rubles request is 63 points, for a group up to 5 million, there was already a point. and 68, but the only one for the direction of the family was 67, as in the last competition it was lowered, and accordingly further 70 points for projects up to 15 million and 71 points for all projects over 15 million based on the results of two this year's competitions, the presidential grants fund supported 2,916 initiatives, many
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aimed at the development of sports. the authors of the project social skate school supervise the work of skate parks for the... action of the minsk exposition in the pavilion of the republic of belarus. together with this opening , the days of the capital began. at the event, they talked about the economic, industrial, cultural and tourist potential of the city.
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and the fact that today we are visiting minsk, minsk is visiting moscow, russia, this is also a special sign, a special symbol. and today in moscow the fourth international competition for young pianists has started. its main goal is to give young musicians the opportunity to perform with major orchestras and conductors. the opening ceremony took place in the tchaikovsky concert hall. works by strauss, bach, stravinsky and other masterpieces of classical music were performed from the stage.
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pianists denis damatsuev and ivan lessonov took part in the grand concert. the format that we came up with, we are proud of it. those 15 lucky ones who came to us for gran piano are already like at least diploma winners, then laureates, and grand prix, and royal, and most importantly. this is the life of the stage in the future, because they will be treated kindly by engagements with the best orchestras of our country, in the best halls, and the broadcasts that will be here, it will be, i am sure that it will be, as always, multi-million views, this is a unique team, we have everyone has something to sweat over in this piece, but this is just a moment of the show, the element of the show will not only be this, there will be a lot more, that’s why this concert is in person. i perceive it as a very large set various inventions, fantasies on the topic of how else you can combine classical music and
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an element of some kind of show. patriotism as the national idea of ​​russia today was the topic of a round table at the expert institute for social research. according to political scientists and journalists, this is the basis of a unifying society. they discussed the forms in which patriotism now manifests itself and how they participate.
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art. contemporaries were amazed by napoleon's luck. during the egyptian campaign, he lost his entire army, returned, and miraculously escaped the british fleet. made in paris coup, becoming first consul and head of state. and napoleon desperately needed success. the main enemy was austria, which was planning to strike southern france from italy. bonoparte recruited an army within a few months and deceived the austrians, imitating preparations for an attack on veni. and he unexpectedly went through a. and attacked the austrians, but they had a double superiority in men and artillery. they attacked the french positions near the village of morengo along the entire front in three
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columns. the fierce battle lasted all day and the french began to retreat. austrian the commander was already preparing a victory report to his emperor when reinforcements arrived to napoleon, the division of louis dze. she attacked the enemy on the flanks and put him to flight. dz himself died, and for napoleon this... on june 14, 1898 , the anglo-french convention on the division of west africa was signed in paris. this became the next stage in the struggle for the dark continent between the colonial empires. france captured dagamey and advanced towards caper chat. her possessions extended from the congo river to the headwaters of the senegal river. british prime minister lord saltbury blamed paris. provoking a colonial race, although the british themselves invaded benin, and in the fall of 1897 the french occupied areas on the right bank of the niger and entered the lands of
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the sakota sultanate. this is in the north-west of modern nigeria, but when the british threatened war, they moved back and negotiations began. the convention defined the boundaries of the ivory coast and french sudan. the delimited territory of french dagamey and the english colony of lagos defined the border between french british possessions on east of niger, but less than a month later the fashota incident occurred. french and british troops clashed in the upper reaches of the nilo, strengthening fashoda, and this... the end of the rivalry was put only in 1904 by the agreement on the entente, when paris and london decided to join forces against a common enemy, germany. on june 14, 1969 , the first episode of the cartoon, well, wait a minute, was released, it was the soviet response to disney. the stories were written by talented comedians felix kamov, alexandryansky and arkady khaid, and filmed by
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director vyacheslav kotyonochkin. wanted that the hare was nice, the wolf was kind, but the authors defended the image of the hooligan wolf, the standard of the courtyard punks, he chases the hare, he wins with cunning and wit, but the children felt sorry for the wolf, the hare was voiced by klara rumyanova, i hear that the kitten saw vladimir vysotsky in the role of the wolf, but were not allowed, anatoly popanov handled this task brilliantly, well, the hare, kitten was going to film several episodes, but for the union... the cartoon received a stream of letters asking for continuation of filming , but they stopped when felix left for israel kamov, they also found fault with the cartoon because the wolf drinks and smokes on the screen. after the sixteenth issue, papanov died, but recordings of his voice were still preserved, and then the country fell apart, the creators of the cartoon passed away, but their work continued, in 2017 the last twenty-second issue was released, however, even today the characters, well, wait a minute , are popular, just like half a century ago . on june 14, 2018
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, the twenty-first fifa world cup began, for the first time it was held in russia and for the first time in two parts of the world, eleven cities in europe and asia. complain about there was no lack of sensation, already at the opening, it took place at the moscow stadium in luchniki, the russian team presented a surprise. they beat the saudi arabian team with a crushing score of 5:0. and after the victory. the spanish team reached the quarter finals for the first time in history. with a minus sign, everyone was amazed by the germans, the current world champions, losing to the south koreans and not even reaching the eighth final. overall, there were a lot of bright, unforgettable games with sharp, non-standard scenarios. as a result , the french became world champions. the croats took silver, and third place went to the belgians. for
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the championship in russia. 10 new stadiums were built and two were completely reconstructed, including the main arena of the championship, luzhniki stadium in moscow. this is what this day in history was like. is it?
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the state is fighting, intelligence and counterintelligence are fighting among themselves, but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy. in our country, if it’s a sport with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.


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