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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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counterintelligence fights among themselves, but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of state policy. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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the mysterious murder of the popular singer igor talkov will be examined 33 years later in a court in st. petersburg. today the prosecutor's office approved the indictment. talkova shot during a conflict behind the scenes at one of the concerts in front of several witnesses. but understanding who fired the fatal bullet has become an extremely difficult task. why and how did they find the killer after so many years? ekaterina lekhamanova will tell you. there's more in this shot. 30 years old, but they are still of interest
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to investigators, every detail is important here, in the video the concert director of the lyrical symbol of perestroika igor tolkova, valery shlyafman, colleague, friend and now the main accused in the high-profile case of the murder of the artist, he tried to prove that he didn’t shoot, and i ran into the dressing room, i assumed in full confidence that there was just, uh, ran into the dressing room, i saw igor was not there, then the investigators failed to detain him, the hitman, most likely, understanding the consequences. fled to israel, but in 2022 he was given a preventive measure in the form of detention in absentia; after many years , investigators managed to bring the case to trial. in the criminal case, all investigative actions have been carried out, the production of which is possible in the absence of the accused, the investigative authorities exhaustive measures have also been taken to search for and extradite shlyafman. the details of this bloody drama remained a mystery for a long time. october ninety-first igor tolkov had to perform on the stage of the st. petersburg jubilee sports palace.
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witnesses, there are genetic results of his guilt, more than 150 studies have been interrogated, there is already an indictment, which was approved by the prosecutor general's office, but the shlyafman himself continues to hide in israel, realizing that a prison sentence awaits him in russia, this is tantamount to coming, he can take bring rope, soap and... to go there, despite the absence
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of the accused, the petrogradsky district court will still conduct a trial, perhaps in the near future it will be possible to put an end to the high-profile case, this will not bring igor back to life. but it will definitely mean that the high-profile story has found its heroes and villains, officially. ekaterina likhomanova, lead. duty department. no, they didn’t see fireworks from the window, but they were launched by hooligans in the capital. in recent days , there has been almost an invasion of night fireworks in moscow and the region. residents of houses immediately in several areas woke up after midnight from roars and bright flashes. for such festive events, the veselchaki face serious administrative punishment. all that remains is to find them. report by denis voskovsky. in the middle of the night, the first nogatino passage was illuminated by flashes. multi-colored comets flew out of the window of a residential building. the neighbors, awakened by the roar, asked to stop the outrage. but the threat's requests only
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provoked the bully. firecrackers were launched from apartment number 200 on the twenty-first floor, which is exactly what the restless jelly was celebrating. residents of ozernaya street in lyubertsy were unlucky more than others. i woke up from this terrible bang and... didn’t sleep until 2:00 am. violators of public order periodically, as if mockingly, threw some homemade firecrackers out of the window. when it falls to the ground, it's so bright. it's dangerous, it might fall on someone. together with nadezhda kosareva and her two-year-old son vanya, after a sleepless night, we are trying to find out the address
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of the hooligans. hello, film crew of the russia tv channel, we are talking about an explosion of firecrackers. we go through the apartments floor by floor. by the way, the policeman, according to nadezhda, despite numerous calls. for some reason they didn’t come to the place, although in this case it was petty hooliganism, the punishment for which could be a large fine and even arrest for 15 days. the inevitability of punishment for such violations, this should be one of the rules that the authorities should use to deal with this kind of shooters. in the meantime, the night fireworks continue, bringing chaos and confusion into the lives of those who are not lucky enough to live in the same house with fans of flashes and... lobkov: people lose sleep and pets. she broke free from the leash and ran into the forest. we looked everywhere, but couldn’t find it here. by the way, we were able to establish some details of the incident in the first nagatinsky passage. according to residents, their neighbor, who was shooting firecrackers from his window, has been behaving provocatively for a long time. he
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scares children too, on purpose. and we know that even his registration is inadequate, and he always smells of alcohol. even without being a lawyer, you can confidently say that. what is happening in house 11 building 3, nothing else, as a systematic violation of public order, a rhetorical question: isn’t it time to call the hooligan from apartment number 200 to account. denis voskovsky, vladislav dubtsov, oleg dobin, eva golyanova, lead the duty unit. digital korshins of the 20th century. in the next article we will show an example of how scammers use topical news to convincingly extract money from their victims. last weekend, rocker roman medvedkin was seriously wounded by a knife. it specialist arseny sheltsin, and today it became known that among employees of his company could become new victims, this time from the deception of swindlers. their scheme was studied by galina hungureeva. the order is neither
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more nor less than the federal security service of russia. all attributes are in place, the heraldic sign, the order number - a blue stamp with the general’s signature. the text contains a message about suspicion of treason. by this order. the federal security service of the russian federation is inspecting the institution "ano" digital platforms. the inspection is carried out due to the detection of incidents, related to the leak of personal data, as well as suspicions of disclosing state secrets. it is already known that this letter is fake. the scammers addressed it to arseny sheltsin, head of the non-profit organization digital platforms. a few days ago, sheltsin and his friend ivan poznyakov were attacked, the latter was mortally wounded. arseny himself suffered several casualties. scammers don't last long. decided to make money from the tragedy and sent a letter to sheltsin’s employees, reporting that the attack was allegedly ordered, and his company participated in the financing of the armed forces of ukraine, convinced them to apply for loans and transfer money to a safe account. the situation is as follows: most likely, your data has appeared somewhere, i am very superficially
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informed as a friend and employee, but now an fsb officer has been seconded to us, he is in charge of the whole situation, he will have to keep you up to date on the situation. today i saw him in person. i'll ask you to stay in touch. vova, are you serious? so i haven’t been cooperating with the company for a long time. now arseny shelson is in the hospital, he is accused of assault lead singer of the rock band pasik roman medvedkin. here he is. already in handcuffs at a meeting to select a preventive measure in the izmailovo courtroom in moscow. behind him is his beloved marina lagunova. it was medvedkin who allegedly came to her defense. the meeting between the it specialist and the rock star took place on the night of june 9 in the north of the capital. according to one version, arseny sheltsin and a friend made a remark to medvedkin, after which a conflict ensued. this is what arseny himself says about that evening. the man addressed us with several insults. phrases, was very short, verbal.
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push him, but immediately received several blows with a knife. the swindlers are not short of ingenuity; after reading the news, they developed a whole chain to bring the company’s employees into dialogue, and then defraud them of money. potential victims were first contacted on their behalf.
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the use of artificial intelligence, with its help scammers faked audio communications, imitating the voice of the ex-director. how, in fact, to work with social networks and exchange messages. normal calls work, that is, attackers do not they are currently able to imitate a person’s voice in lita, as they say, that is , simply online, so if you doubt whether your acquaintance, friend, relative, relative sent you this message, just call him back, as experts say, and humanity has entered an era when you cannot trust the word of audio and video communications, just a regular call in real time. the only way to protect yourself from contact with scammers. fortunately , arseniy sheltsin’s employees did not fall for the trick, or
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at least did not have time to apply for a loan and transfer money to a dangerous account. galina hungureeva, lead the duty department. from commercial hands to state hands, the capital's shopping center of the former owner of the yugra bank alexey khotin was turned into the income of the russian federation. the bailiffs, accompanied by strong soldiers in ammunition, visited the cheryomyshka shopping center. there they filled out the necessary documents. as part of the enforcement of the said court decision, employees of the enforcement authorities took enforcement actions to transfer the shopping center and business center cheryomyshka, located at moscow, union street building 56. khotina’s lawyer, in turn, denies the nationalization of retail and business space, citing interim court measures that allow the property to be temporarily managed instead of the owner. let me remind you that the banking magnate was sentenced to nine years in prison this spring.
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doctors are fighting for the life of the pilot and passenger of the robinson helicopter, which crashed in the sverdlovsk region the night before. according to media reports, the fatal flight should not have taken place at all. allegedly, neither the pilot nor the the aircraft did not have the necessary documents. footage from the crash site of the car, video of its last takeoff and new details in olga zhurinkova’s material. footage of investigative actions following the hard landing of a robinson helicopter near pervouralsk in the sverdlovsk region. security forces. they carefully inspect the deformed parts of the fuselage; judging by the nature of the damage, the impact fell
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on the bow of the vessel, fragments of the structure scattered tens of meters away. employees of a local recreation center witnessed the accident, they came every other time, and the police? yes, yes, the prosecutor's office, police, fire, ambulance, everything from here. the media, citing its sources , reports that the flight may not have been approved, and the pilot did not have a flight license. according to preliminary data, the flight was not coordinated in the prescribed manner with the relevant services and departments. during the interview, representatives of the ministry of internal affairs determined that most likely the pilot did not have a flight license. according to a number of data from. yes , local businessman igor chistovsky did not fly the aircraft. allegedly, on the afternoon of june 12, he landed at belembaevsky pond i boarded passenger, clothing designer and family friend elnara dvornikova. presumably, the moment the helicopter took off was captured by random eyewitnesses. to understand this complicated story , investigators will have to carefully examine
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the helicopter. the wreckage is located in a forested area. the territory itself is now cordoned off with signal tapes, and the roads. robinson's helicopter is registered to chisttovsky's wife anzhelika sagudinova, she also knows how to fly an aircraft and even received piloting training. in the media with reference to family relatives wrote that igor chistovsky received the ice for his id in the usa, but in russia it could have been invalid. in addition, several months ago, igor chistovsky allegedly independently changed some part in the helicopter. is this what investigators have to find out? helicopter robinson , a criminal case has been initiated on the grounds of a crime, violation of traffic safety rules and operation of air transport, resulting in negligence and causing serious harm to human health, as journalist igor writes chastovsky allegedly often flew by helicopter to go hunting and fishing with friends in tagil and with relatives in belinbay, and often roamed the airspace with his children.
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it is reported that the robinson helicopter that crashed was released 20 years ago, when the aircraft was undergoing maintenance at... the last time is still unknown. the lightweight multi-purpose helicopter robinson is considered one of the most reliable sold in the world. used for commercial purposes in civil aviation. it is possible that the pilot decided to take to the skies above bilembaem illegally. and the flight really was not coordinated with the regulatory authorities. the maintenance of the helicopter may also have been negligent. it is known that the hangar was located in the courtyard of chatovsky’s residential building. experienced pilots, analyzing the facts, believe that it is necessary to restore order in small aviation. people will be there, but not like this, it’s someone there in the garage who collects these airplanes, then somewhere there he learns to fly , it’s not clear where then the rides begin , these tragedies like this need permission from the federal air transport agency must have the aircraft registered must provide a flight plan , that is, when it takes off, departure time, from where
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it takes off, where it flies, that is, all this is agreed upon by the helicopter pilot igor chistovsky. in intensive care, passenger elnara dvornikova is in extremely serious condition and is connected to a ventilator. investigators are looking into the causes of the plane crash. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, alexander polivka, veronika magazeyshchikova. news, duty department. crossbow murder, famous lawyer kidnapping, daring escape the natural result is prison for the next 20 years. alexander mavridi calls the killer not only a dangerous criminal, but also an amateur in the world of crime. judge for yourself. when he bought weapons, he appeared on... russia 24, the investigation of eduard petrov, escape from the istra temporary detention center, the mavridi case. from this crossbow , mavrede fired a shot at morugovo. four burglars from moldova and
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alexander mavridi, accused of murdering moscow region businessman vladimir marugov, twisted all the locks and '. why was he detained? i don't know, raise your head what are you leaving out? how did the wrench end up in the isolation cell and in which country did the killer of the sausage king, alexander mavridi, want to hide? we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. death on two wheels.
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if last year on russian roads 43 people died as a result of an accident involving sim, then this season the numbers are likely to increase... videos of terrible accidents appear on social networks every day, caused by reckless drivers on scooters and bicycles, electric, of course, the rules have been tightened , fines were increased, control was strengthened, but drivers still violate what is in their heads, daniil dryly tried to find out, in general they ignored the rules, okay, but where are you from, and from serbia, will you continue to do this, no? exactly, exactly, but tell me in serbian, exactly, exactly, everything is fine, we will believe you then, after all, the people of the capital, this is how the raid of the capital’s police takes place, law enforcement officers identify and catch scooter riders who violate... traffic rules, first of all those who drives along the so-called zebra crossing, without dismounting; after the first foreign tourist he comes across, there is a long wait for the next one there is no intruder; they predictably
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turn out to be a delivery man in a dashing electric jalopy. if it’s a pain, it jumps out, that’s it, but you have this serious, heavy thing, can you imagine what it’s all about? okay, next time we'll do it again. exactly, yes, exactly. yes. the police draw up administrative protocols for violators, a fine for driving on... what? well, i can’t help but say something, you drive more quietly, you drive more quietly, you drive more, you drive more quietly, you will continue, there will be further, there is also
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one good proverb for you: if you hurry, you will make people laugh, i see it for the first time. some the camera upsets the scooter riders it comes across almost to the point of tears, but after the protocol is drawn up, the pretty violator leaves in a different mood, i’m calm, i don’t like being filmed. the presence of the police temporarily brings some sense to those who ride sims, however, after the departure of the traffic police officers, the situation changes, here, a few steps from this small pedestrian crossing, we decided to arrange our own television ambush on scooters and electric cyclists, almost immediately. violators are caught again, well, you know it’s dangerous, maybe, yes, yes, well, you will do this now, when we told you about it,
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you didn’t keep your word to the courier, but why did you lie to me, you said you wouldn’t do it, but you absolutely can’t trust people , i just promised that i would dismount, but i didn’t dismount, many scooter riders rush along the pedestrian crossing, almost without slowing down, i think until 25 you can have fun. yes, well, even break traffic rules? no, well, i’m against this, well, you violated it, well, from some sides yes, from some sides directly violated, well, i’m judging myself, that is, you’re judging yourself, well, in principle , this is not a bad ending, at the other zebra crossing the situation is no better, you know that you have to dismount, well, this tarantass will accelerate to 30 km for you here you will hit someone by accident, why do you do this after a few.
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meeting an electric scooter is often not a very pleasant surprise for pedestrians; high-speed electric gadgets appear as if out of nowhere, and often at the most inopportune moment, beware of the scooter, such signs in it's time to hang it on the sidewalks. these gadgets are also dangerous for their users, one way or another , in an accident with sims, many people get seriously injured, and some even die, until the problem is solved, pedestrians are better off relying on their attentiveness, and not on the mercy of the compliance of scooters. daniil sukoruchko, vitiy melkov, daniil korsakov, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe. and our episode is now complete, alexander ostakhov was in the studio, before meetings. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records,
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if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value a strong family. relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, on the app or on the website,
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who is chasing you? no one decided to hide behind children, family song competition, let's get burned, let's break through, naughty ones, dears friends, i invite you to our next release of the author's program besagon tv, it will be called, today children, tomorrow people, i hope it will be interesting. i'm looking forward to seeing you, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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in yakutia, there is a tense situation with natural fires, one of them threatens two villages at once, the fire has engulfed. is about to block passage along the kolyma federal highway. explosions occurred in the regions of ukraine, they were heard in the khmelnitsky region, in controlled by the kiev regime in zaporozhye and kharkov. there, judging by the video, a certain object in the industrial zone came under attack. at the group of seven meeting, the united states signed a 10-year security agreement with the kiev regime. the white house intends to supply weapons and...


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