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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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services or delay payment, even a transport collapse in large cities, drivers not showing up for work, a failure of the traffic light system, will become a very noticeable event for people, will create a feeling of mass rejection of the war, does anyone know who mr. khodorkovsky is, in fact, for everyone he a successful businessman, he is the owner of yukos.
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which will be indicated in this package, and this is what happened when i was taken to prison, that is , i was taken to prison, the protector decided that from there i could make a decision under pressure, and handed the package to the next one, you you can name who was the protector, but of course, this is just such a very characteristic figure, whose role in the company everyone discussed in every possible way and no one knew, in fact, the recently deceased lord jacobild. he served as a protector, well , to be honest, i couldn’t believe that i could praise agent yuri dud for so famously opening the eyes of russian society to who our famous oppositionists really are, and why? and according to dostoevsky, where there is no god, everything is permitted, when everything is permitted, then what, then... absolutely
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frankly, with a naive smile, the world perceives khlestakov, a drug addict, riding around the world, who no longer has any reason to ride around this world as the president of a big country, begging for money, squeezing hands, speaking, forcing himself to listen, and no one appears the same question, yu, mr. zelensky, cul, zero, no one, a person who has lost all rights and especially the right to send people to death, the right to resolve state issues, to take part in the discussion of international issues, to propose some diagrams of peace, war, whatever, he is nobody. and the question arises, naively, why is it needed? and i will say, it is needed as
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a mechanism for an unprecedented worldwide, cosmic rollback, if you imagine a meat grinder into which unfortunate ukrainian citizens are thrown, and instead of minced meat , money comes out of the grinder, bloody money that spreads.
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not interesting, that’s why it doesn’t bother me much at all, but maybe the ukrainian people can determine the powers if they don’t know the constitution, and they probably don’t know constitution, if you believe the representative of this people, too, mr. aristovich, who speaks like this about education in his country, this is squalor that does not even deserve contempt, and the fact that millions of people believe them shows what squalor is in the heads of these people , i’m telling you, the narrow neck of civilization is education, in ukraine they have been killing people’s brains for 33 years.
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the powers of the supreme power, in fact presidential powers, are transferred to the speaker of parliament, especially since, under the conditions of the martial law law, the powers of parliament are extended, so
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it turns out again according to dostoevsky, if there is no god, everything is permitted, and you can stand in canada together with... the president of canada to give a standing ovation to the ss, and then in another country, in france, with the same delight you can shake hands with a veteran of the second world war, who fought precisely against the very same ss man whom you applauded just a few months ago, stand in canada, everything is permitted, there is no god. i would like to give one more quote. ivanna ilyana, every nation serves god as best it can, with all with its history, all its culture, all its work and singing, one people serves creatively and blossoms spiritually, while the other, not creative and
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spiritually, is priestly. there are peoples that stop serving and become the slag of history. today we see that the slag of history... is not the people, not the peoples, but a huge part of the world, with the greatest culture, the entire world culture of the east and west, it was all based on the search for meaning, and russian culture, of course, is also on this same, and russian literature, russian painting, russian music, the search for meaning, explain to me how this... could degrade at such a speed, in general, in a historical sense, well, look what worries a person, our compatriot, who considers himself to be among the elite. i don’t like the fact that some things are done very slowly, perhaps if you
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were born with it and live with it, you get used to it, but if you had the opportunity to compare with other speeds, it certainly breaks down when you get used to it your delivery arrives in 3 hours from the store, it’s very convenient, then you don’t understand, but why in 4 days, and it is unknown whether he will arrive or not, why do you have to wait 2 weeks for the master and why does he and the dog cost so much, no, well , you assess the level, amazing, my producer misha sedu, with whom i worked, who is absolutely a product, so to speak, of that very civilized world.
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what are the complaints about the spherum when the same instagram lady is invited to perform at the st. petersburg international economic forum with such a very symbolic song. to such children's coloring books and tasks that are sold for 4 euros in retail chains
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spain, in that same catholic spain, the spain of donquixote, cervantes, velazquez’s spain, how should we feel about this? one of these simple, understandable tasks is the following: children are asked to untangle their penises in order to find a way into the ass, so how? in spain, here's a wonderful action in ukraine, if you want to get an award from the military registration and enlistment office, hand over your husband to the front, this is not a joke, look, hand over your husband and get a reward, in the kharkov region , wives handed over their husbands to the trade center and they were awarded diplomas, in general, according to information of the local central central committee, the spouses could no longer shelter their husbands as draft dodgers, they... asked them to go defend their homeland, but when they refused, they called the military commissar and the tsk
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did their job, in return for this, the head of the military registration and enlistment office awarded the women with certificates of honor, here are the citizens the very civilized world that wants to exterminate us, for example, they can’t show a single country on the map, this is... greenland or iceland, something like that, well, we are not lagging behind either, this is our character, look , what novels did tchaikovsky write? i don’t know this, but you know pushkin, anatoly pushkin, i really love anatoly pushkin, i
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really like his poem, the bicycle, the pharmacy, the lantern, well, such a poem is about love, he is great of course, yes, you know how pushkin died, i got hit by a car, yes, yes, yes, right here not far on patricks, by the way, what, did you see, no, i wasn’t there that day, they told me, just friends, no, i didn’t read the news, i think , he died a long time ago, in fact, i learned so much about him, yes... they can’t say that this is a joke, a prank, ah, i bought it michal go, no, i’m just wondering, but many people’s eyes will pop when they see this, isn’t it something we can see at almost every step? pushkin, what is his name? vladimir? what is a one followed by five zeros? 10.000? what two parts do the central bank's gold and foreign exchange reserves consist of?
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when i don’t give birth to a child for you, we’ll adopt someone else, well, if that’s not enough for you, i’m
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a man, but everyone has their own shortcomings, ugliness becomes a sign of today’s times, the most important thing is that the enjoyment of this ugliness is pharisaism, covered up words tolerance, multiculturalism, all flowers bloom, in fact, latently, this is a humiliating mockery of someone who is not like you. over his imperfections , for example, this is a participant in a brazilian talent show, a transgender woman who considers herself a singer. there is only, how to say, one nuance: she is deaf and mute.
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look at how they listen to it, do you believe that what they are hearing now?
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should be felt by those who can sing, who have a wonderful voice, whose singing is admired by millions, as if by that little girls who work out at the skating rink from morning to night, spin, fall, get bumps, get injured in order to achieve that perfection that delights the world, what they should feel looking at it, and when... women who train all their lives in order to win olympic medals, in swimming, in discus throwing, when no doubt about joining their ranks, men who called themselves women are competing with them, how they should feel, the worst thing is, they
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cannot open their mouths, because what does this violate the world order that... is being built today, and against which we have risen, again, the great fyodor mikhailovich, again, we return to the same thing, if there is no god, everything is permitted, and where, how to get at least some approximate ideas about god? i’m not talking about the church now, no, well, in the world, in life, there is such a wonderful textbook on the history of the ancient world for the fifth grade, which tells in detail how man arose from the most ancient times, that’s what i like most about this teacher i was amazed that there were 300 extra pages stories about our world, about how it came into being, there were only one, two, three,
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well, generally four pages dedicated to... history, general history, history of the ancient world for the fifth grade, really. there are 324 pages, and indeed 4.5 are devoted to christianity, that is, this is 1.2% of the entire textbook, i have a question, how can a student get at least some, more or less intelligible, and even if not
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very, but everything -at least some depth of knowledge of what christianity is, what that religion is in the country in which he lives, and it was written with such, how to say, such an atheistic intellectual assumption, such streamlined formulations, for example, many people believed there, or there is such an opinion, and so on and so forth, but this is christianity. made a fantastic revolution in the consciousness of mankind, if we mean russia and in general the very coming to... orthodox christianity, the significance of alexander nevsky, sergei radonevsky. sergei radorevsky during the battle of kulyakovsky named by name throughout the entire battle the names of those who died in
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this time. alexander nevsky, to whom catholics offered their patronage in the fight against the arna only for switching to another branch of christianity from orthodox to catholic, refused. by choosing to pay tribute, he thereby created the very country in which we live, but isn’t this worthy of telling about it, to make it understand, to let it be felt, this is the basis of education in a person, an understanding of where he is lives, today children, tomorrow people. no wonder he is a great propagandist of his kind, joseph goebbels said: “take away the history of the people, and in 100 years they will turn into
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a herd, and in another 100 years they can be controlled, despite the fact that in our country there is a system called the russian classical school, who doesn’t know , this school was created in the urals in yekaterinburg, i’m passionate about it.” people who are interested in children growing up, who know how to read books, who know how to think, who ask the right questions, everything is collected in this system, both pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary education education, soviet education, all the best that was in our country and that was appreciated throughout the world is collected here, we know very well about it, for example, here, this is the first book to read on russian history, for the first grades, from ancient times to reign of john ii, part one. this
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is not a textbook, this is a book to help the textbook, and these books are enough to go through the entire course of practically the history of your country, there are many of them, this goes back to ancient times, look. to vladimir putin, look, this is a wonderful guide, why is no one talking about it? knows, and i repeat, it has already been published, it already exists, this is auxiliary material that is written in simple and clear language, taking into account ages from the first grade to the last, isn’t this necessary, is four pages about christianity enough to understand: in what what country do you live in? as the french historian emmanuel thoth said, not only faith in god disappeared, but the values ​​associated with it, both
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individual and social, also disappeared, which means that the ability for collective action is diminishing. just think about it, this is very, this very important, the ability for collective action is the security of the nation, the people. the ability to understand, consolidate, act, especially in such situations in which we find ourselves today, i want you to listen not to me, and not even to a priest or theologian, but to a mathematician, professor, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, listen him, alexey salatneev. the lord left us laws, science studies these laws, that is, it studies. we are also left with what we can use, but any normal scientist of this level knows very well that in every science there are red flags that
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cannot be crossed, who, if not the lord , placed them, i wonder if this is in mathematics, but in mathematics there is a lot of this, in fact, in mathematics god’s ears are from all corners, chatting, there is information that the famous danish physicist, nobel prize winner, niels bohr, one of the developers of the atomic bomb, once said: science needs several decades to prove the existence of god. how many copies are broken around today's education. we've talked about this many times, oh education 20-30, and the unified state exam, and distance education, and digitalization. we talked about this a lot, but still we can’t get out of the circle that seems to have bewitched us. this. the mysterious and magical word of the unified state examination. now i don’t want to talk about the latest scandals with searches, with stripping, almost down to underwear, in search of
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cheat sheets. is it a cheat sheet? is it a matter of knowledge? the point is how this knowledge is obtained? but politicians are already talking about this. listen to what the oeg, head of the just russia for truth party sergei says mironov, listen. while waiting for assignments in physics, computer science, and literature, we spent 7 hours in a stuffy room, without water, without food, without anything. and you ask the doctors, how many people have diabetes mellitus, how many of our girls will never give birth again, because everything is stressful, they immediately have a hormonal, hormonal imbalance, all because of this idiocy, it’s time to stop mocking our as children, how could one imagine such a picture 20 years ago? 97, this is a girl.
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finds out that she received not 100 points, but 97. could we imagine a picture like this? and if we go further, this is the crazy digitalization of schools, and this also becomes a reason for conversation in the state duma, listen to what the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav viktorovich volodin, says about this. ask him a question to the candidate for the position of minister, what problems do people today broadcast on issues related to education, with schools, what worries them? training, digitalization of schools, this is the position of the candidate for the position of minister enlightenment? will our digitalization continue, or will we still find the strength within ourselves, stop, admit our mistakes, and do everything to ensure that there is a constant dialogue
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and an opportunity for this.
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framed, no, i have the answer, they passed it perfectly, they learned it, passed it and completely forgot, because they memorized it, this is like the result of sharpening, the sharpening became dull, that is, they did not deceive the system, they came to pass the exam, but only the unified state exam does not reflect knowledge, what does knowledge reflect, oral conversation, exam, you came to me, i’m examining you, write a straight equation like this, yes, and now on...
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the teacher returned to the old system, and now multiply what we talked about today with four pages in a history textbook about christianity, with this delicate work of de-christianization of our country, which we they said, as if unnoticed, as if even for good, how crosses disappear from the models of the most famous churches, remember, we talked about this? recently, a strange fashion has arisen in russia to replace images of orthodox crosses with balloons. here, for example, is a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the most holy virgin mary in vladimir. and here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry, in rostov the great. the same thing happens in suzdal and uglich. many of us tried to explain this with something like safety for the visually impaired.


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