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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in order for oral exams to be held, for this it is necessary that the teacher return to the old system, and now multiply what we talked about today, with four pages in a history book about christianity, with this delicate work, the de-christianization of our country, which we talked about how would be unnoticed, as if even for good, as crosses disappear from the models of the most famous churches, remember, we talked about this. recently, a strange fashion has arisen in russia to replace the image of orthodox crosses with balloons. here, for example, is a tactile model cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in vladimir. and here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry in rostov the great. the same thing happens in suzdal, near uglichi. many of us tried to explain this as something like safety for the visually impaired. so as
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not to get scratched, but who could get scratched, and the sign of st. petersburg university, this is how the logo used to be, this is how it was made now, in general, it’s not all because of the blind, it’s because of the sighted, and you can imagine to depict some famous mosque in the model and remove the crescent from minoret. already out of good intentions and for the safety of the visually impaired, especially since the crescent is a more cutting object than the cross. how would people who go to the mosque, people who profess islam, react to this, and, look, here, well, here’s how we can connect everything that i just talked about with the wonderful event that we had. on may 26-27 in ingushetia,
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an international competition of reciters of the holy koran, it was brilliant when people, reciters, of the koran came from a huge number of countries professing islam, competed on how it sounds, sacred words for anyone professing islam for any muslim, including children, look at what a holiday, i am delighted with it, but imagine for a second that somewhere we will announce or someone will announce competition for reading the lives of saints or the gospel, as will be accepted by those people who support the removal of crosses for the safety of the visually impaired, you understand what i just said to myself, believe me, and will you
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agree with me? i am absolutely convinced that it is impossible in such a multi-confessional for a country like russia to maintain internal balance and calm, if any religion suppresses another, it is impossible. i want to show you a small video filmed in 1989 in an atheist school,
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during literature lessons, pechorin is an extra person, you can’t argue with this, but i would like to argue more, let them tell you in the program what truth is, and if the truths are indisputable, you can should i argue with her? it would be nice if the program addressed the problem of the conscience of a real person, i wanted to ask let’s say, why are guys at our age afraid of love, in my opinion, now at our age the most beautiful thing is, then maybe everyone will have a life, everything will be there... does it even exist now? is it love, they are afraid to admit it, and in general, in general , what is love, well you showed in the program true friendship, which is based on mutual understanding of two people, now friendship is sincere, how to make friendship truly real, but sometimes it happens, well, it seems like in words he is a friend, put on no, well that's interesting a modern person, it’s interesting to know how...
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a modern, real person, a person of our time, can be, these children ask questions, they are interested in questions that absolutely fit into the christian paradigm. morality and education, although they live in a communist country with a permitted state ideology and developed atheism, why now, with a prohibited ideology, with freedom of religion, with freedom of speech, why, explain to me, today teenagers of the same age have completely different questions, look, 23 million... almost 400,000 subscribers, i’m not afraid to admit that i don’t want to lose you, i would like to go to america, because in america it’s normal, well , it’s corny in the usa, well, maybe to another germany, somewhere like that, the standard of living is better there , why i
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generally think that a person doesn’t need school, you can get an education and do online guitar assignments, people will give me toilet paper or maybe four sheets of paper for my birthday, why the fuck did they ban lipton, what am i going to do, what am i going to eat, no lipton, no daoritos, no mcdonald's, that's for sure the name of our program, i want to remind you of the words of the great chinese thinker and philosopher confucius, if... your plan is for 1 , teach children, and this is absolutely accurate, teach plant trees, if your plan is for 100 years, a year - plant rice, if your a plan for 10 years, children, because today they are children, and tomorrow
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they are people, well, that’s actually all that i wanted to talk to you about today, and without breaking tradition, i want to invite you, as usual, to take away a glass for victory, for our victory, well, who do you think came, right? the swordsman, the crooked hand, said: “we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists with impatience and hope, god willing, i’m looking forward to our next meeting, all the best!” the georgian
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national legion is recognized as a terrorist organization, its activities are prohibited in russia. this decision was made by the southern district military court located in rostov-nadon. according to the fsb public relations center. the georgian national legion was created in 2014 under the patronage of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. legion members participate in military operations on the side of the vzz, and is also involved in organizing sabotage and terrorist attacks on russian territory, torturing our military personnel and killing. the civilian population and mercenaries of the georgian legion were trained by instructors from nato countries, sweden and new zealand. during the training , curators came periodically, who, as i know,
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were, well, a ukrainian coffin, in between , foreign instructors came, well , there were foreign instructors or there, well, in general, foreigners came there. how to move in twos, in threes, how storm, they explained what the georgian national legion is, what is their goal, what are their intentions?
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in a matter of minutes, the amphibian fills its tanks with tons of water, the b200 aircraft operates in the tamponsky region. only in the first half of the day did the air from polina manage to complete. seven discharges on the eastern edge of the largest fire in yakutia, 45 cubic meters of liquid were needed to cool the ardor of the fires. meanwhile, the regiment of paratroopers is constantly arriving; over 120 more people have been sent to the region, all in order to quickly stabilize a difficult forest fire situation. you have to walk to get to the fires. in a day, fighters from the air defense forest can walk 10 km through the taiga, swamps and... dense thickets in order to localize a large outbreak,
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the air fire department goes around its edge and lays a detonating cord, a method that has been proven over the years, explosives work flawlessly, are you safe? yes, yes, yes, the main thing before this is to make sure that the entire squad is at a safe distance, and after the explosion the specialists go straight to the fire with shovels and backpacks with water. localize forest fire means stopping its further movement so that it does not spread further. over 50 outbreaks on an area of ​​more than 100 thousand hectares, the situation in yakutia is tense, and the heat, wind and thunderstorms only aggravate it. under the scorching yakut sun, trees dry out so much and quickly that the bark can be torn off and crumbled with bare hands, and given the high thunderstorm activity in the region, one lightning strike is enough to... a large forest fire. tamponsky, aldansky, neryungrinsky, kabyaisky and olekminsky districts suffer
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the most from natural fires. specialists from the operational headquarters monitor the situation around the clock. active forest fires do not pose a threat to populated areas and economic facilities. we are currently continuing to build up resources for active fires. seven hundred people and dozens of pieces of equipment are fighting the fiery elements; aviation has a particularly important role. sounding planes continue to cause rain in the hottest spots. and the b-200 amphibian extinguishes local, but very dangerous outbreaks. vitaly prokopyev, alexander knyazyev, news: yakutia! in dagestan, they are eliminating the consequences of a powerful storm; abnormal rain and wind hit the region, makhachkola went under water, in some areas its level rose to half a meter. due to bad weather , the airport's operations were limited, and a construction crane collapsed at one of the construction sites. report from magomedov's arcade.
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as if in footage from a film about the apocalypse, while in one of the city districts a construction crane collapses from the coast, as if an eclipse is covering makhachkala and kaspiysk black skies. what's happening to the sky? what kind of clouds are these? the hurricane that arose in a matter of minutes was instantly driven away. vacationers, trying to overturn gazebos and people, some, like these mothers with strollers, ran for cover, boys, oh-oh, what are we looking at, a tsunami, boys, tsunami, others were not released to the shore waves, carrying further and further into the sea in the first half hour, rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations saved up to a dozen people from death, some of whom needed medical attention. the vacationers said that they did not find another girl. it was already getting dark, we took a large lantern with us let's swim. in the pitch darkness, one might say,
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we found this girl, using a flashlight to illuminate our way, we found her, brought her safely too, it got worse when the rain came after the hurricane. the most problematic streets of makhachkala immediately turned into rivers, preventing drivers from passing, and giving young people an excuse. utilities have been put on high alert since the evening. these consequences will also have to be eliminated; as it turned out, these 50 tons mean absolutely nothing to the elements. the special commission has already studied situation on the spot, now the only fear is that the bad weather may continue. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, lead dagestan.
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summer, with discounts up to 60% at yandex food. usa they promise to increase military supplies to kiev and expand investments in the ukrainian military-industrial complex, this is spelled out in the bilateral agreement on security guarantees that biden and zelensky concluded at the group of seven summit in italy. anastasia popova will tell you what else happened on the first day of the event. nato is rushing to the rescue, amid pan-european fears about the possibility of trump's arrival .
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poland also refused; they themselves needed it more. a separate question is where to get money for new military supplies. use proceeds from frozen russian assets for weapons it is forbidden. this was one of the conditions. agreement of the group of seven countries, rarely has the annual meeting of the world's leading economies been so overshadowed by the political vulnerabilities of almost all of its members. questions are being raised about how
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effective a free world steering committee can be. an even bigger question arises for those who consider themselves the leader of this free world. joe biden at the g7 meeting, got lost again, turned his back and walked somewhere, greeting the empty field. to the italian prime minister. american president into reality, in which the united states announced new arms supplies to ukraine. everything we have will go to ukraine until its needs are met, and then we will fulfill our obligations to other countries. the first is the just-signed bilateral security agreement, the second is the historic agreement to provide ukraine with $50 billion in russian sovereign value.
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the ten-year agreement on security guarantees between the united states and ukraine was commented on by the russian foreign ministry. maria zakharova noted that
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there is actually nothing behind this gesture of western support for kiev. you understand perfectly well what role these pieces of paper should play, they should appeal to the emotional, so to speak, component of the people in ukraine, in order to motivate them to this very implementation of the terrible mobilization. a law that has now been adopted with a lowering of the level, so to speak, of the age of mobilization, in order to somehow gather people and send them further into this terrible kiev-regime meat grinder, just for this. last night in the morning , an air raid alert was declared throughout ukraine; reports of explosions came from kiev and kharkov, as well as the kiev ikhmelnitsky region. a number of sources report that the blow was struck postorokonstantinov, where it is located. airfield, and it also became known about the explosion in the city of zaporozhye controlled by the kiev regime in the russian foreign defense, they have not yet given comments.
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the dnepr group of troops defeated three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the zaporozhye region. enemy losses amounted to about 10 military personnel and several units of equipment. this was reported to the ministry of defense. fire at enemy positions is carried out, in particular, from self-propelled guns. the troops call them artillery sniper rifles. report by our war correspondent stanislav vasilchenko. in the orekhovsk direction, the artillery of the dnepr group does not stop. the loss of work was a serious blow for the armed forces of ukraine, both strategic and moral. out of impotence, the ukrainian army conducts chaotic and senseless shelling ; it is the russian artillerymen who suppress the enemy’s attempts to snap back. level 30. 0 30 0 level is the gunner receives a new order, it is necessary to destroy the next gun of the ukrainian armed forces, the target is far enough away, the howitzers cannot
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reach it, the geocind gun comes into play, the gun hits targets at a distance of up to 30 km, b - like a sniper rifle among barrel artillery hits farther and more accurately than other guns, the caliber is also serious 152 mm, one of these is enough to destroy a well-fortified dugout. the main task of this calculation is counter-battery warfare, in other words, the destruction of similar enemy guns. during the special operation , soldiers of the 50th guards self-propelled artillery regiment often had to work with enemy equipment. the battery also includes tanks, self-propelled guns, soviet-made d-20, d-30 guns, also three axes, a french fn-70, that is, it was destroyed under my supervision. two tanks last year, three self-propelled guns, well, we’ve lost count of the guns, in the calculations everyone knows their job, hence
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the productivity, the fighters work smoothly and productively, the crews of the multiple launch rocket systems, the ammunition hail - 40 missiles, this makes it possible to fire at the enemy from different points without wasting time on reloading. the crews of these combat vehicles can change their firing position about twenty times a day, and for efficiency they work directly from the asphalt. dense artillery fire leaves no room for maneuver for the enemy. there is only one way out. retreat even further
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north, losing in the process. more and more forces, personnel and equipment. stanislav vasilchenko, sergey eliseev, khalid tankiev. news: southern sector of military special operation. on in ukraine, citizens under 25 years of age can be mobilized into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine if they are listed in the reservist database. ukrainian media reported this, citing lawyers. meanwhile, raids on draft evaders continue throughout the country. in chernivtsi, military commissars caught men in shopping centers, and patrols posted entrances to the building. this tactic appears to be practiced throughout the country in odessa. the administration of the shopping centers tried to pay off; as journalists found out, military commissars were paid bribes to avoid these places. only in alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get supercake up to 100%.
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