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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the area of ​​forest fires in yakutia exceeded 125. about 800 people from 40 pieces of equipment were involved in extinguishing them. is there a threat to populated areas? nato rushes to the rescue. the united states promises to increase military supplies to kiev and expand investments in the ukrainian military-industrial complex. how the agreement on security guarantees between the united states and ukraine was commented on by the russian foreign ministry.
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dagestan was hit by abnormal rain and wind, what are the consequences of the powerful storm and what about the weather in other regions? are renewable energy sources capable of providing energy security of humanity and how much electricity do they actually provide? let's look at the question of science in the program. the paramilitary formation of the georgian national legion is recognized as a terrorist organization, its activities are prohibited in russia. this decision was made by the southern district military court located in rostov -nadon. according to the fsb public relations center, the georgian national legion was created in 2014 under the patronage of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense ukraine. a member of the legion participates in hostilities .
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like in troikas, how to storm, they didn’t explain what the georgian national legion was, what their goal was, what their intentions were, well, it could be called russophobia, that is , to destroy them, well, that is, russians, to serve in the military, not to take prisoners, minister of defense, andrei belousov, assistant to the president alexey dyumin, held a meeting on the supply of drones and other equipment to military units, discussed in particular... in particular the need for coordination of regions and business in the areas of development and production of drones, electronic warfare and reconnaissance equipment and other high-tech products. andrei belausov noted that from the very beginning of the special operation, the constituent entities of the federation have been providing great assistance to the troops in the supply of equipment and equipment. at the same time, he noted that at the moment there is a need to streamline supplies. dyumin believes that it is necessary to increase the efficiency of interaction between regions and business. with mine defense. ntv correspondent,
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alexey ivliev, wounded during shelling gorlovka, evacuated to moscow. this was reported by the operational services of the dpr. journalists performed an operation, now his condition has stabilized, he even recorded a short video message, which was published on the ntv telegram channel. girls, everything is fine, one hand is missing, well, that’s normal. doctors were unable to save nivleev’s colleague, cameraman valery kozhin. it became known the day before that he died from the severe wounds he received. let me remind you that an ntv film crew came under fire the day before while filming a report in one of the districts of gurlovka. the russian foreign ministry stated that this attack was targeted and demanded that the un condemn kiev. in the office of the organization's secretary general, however,
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they limited themselves to a statement that they oppose any attacks on journalists. the united states promises to increase military supplies to kiev and expand investments in the ukrainian military-industrial complex. this is spelled out in the bilateral agreement on security guarantees that biden and zelensky concluded at the group of seven summit in italy. anastasia popova will tell you what else happened on the first day of the event. nato is in a hurry to assistance amid pan-european fears about the possibility of trump coming to power in the upcoming us elections, the north atlantic alliance is trying to guarantee long-term funding for ukraine. the states will continue to manage, providing half of the amount and the rest. i welcome the security agreement signed by the united states and ukraine, and the significant additional support provided by european allies and canada. how
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exactly this is expressed is not yet entirely clear; of the promised five dozen, canada sent only four armored personnel carriers to ukraine. germany doesn't want to hear about taurus anymore. poland also refused; they themselves needed it more. a separate question is where to get money for new military supplies. proceeds from frozen russian assets cannot be used for weapons. it was. one of the terms of the g7 agreement, the rare annual meeting of the world's leading economies has been so overshadowed by the political vulnerabilities of almost all of its members. questions are being raised about how effective a steering committee can be free world. an even bigger question arises
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for those who consider themselves the leader of this free world. joe biden got lost again at the g7 meeting, turned his back and walked somewhere, greeting the empty field.
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about the critical situation in ukraine, you are asking me about something else, an agreement that does not really oblige the united states to anything, the document was signed for 10 years, but it contains neither financial guarantees nor an obligation to use force to protect ukraine, training, exchange of intelligence and arms supplies, but the agreement will not be ratified congress, so it turns out that it’s solid on paper, but in reality it’s just zilch. anastasia popova lio bernatsky, polina fedorova, european news bureau. the ten-year agreement on security guarantees between the united states and ukraine was commented on in the russian media. maria zakharova noted that there is actually nothing behind this gesture of western support for kiev. you understand perfectly well what role these pieces of paper should play; they should
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appeal to the emotional component of the people in ukraine. let's return to the izmid broadcast a little later, now there is a short advertisement. if my
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dream came true, a second life would come, yes, if a dream. start a wonderful life with a subscription to berprime, get more cashback for purchases, and also access to movies and music in sberbank. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. last night and in the morning, an air raid alert was declared throughout ukraine. reports of explosions came from kiev and kharkov, as well as the kiev and khmelnytsky regions. a number of sources report that the attack was carried out on starokonstantinovo, where a military airfield is located. it also became it is known about the explosion in the controlled kiev.
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in ukraine, citizens under 25 years of age can be mobilized into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine if they are listed in the reservist database, ukrainian media report this with reference to lawyers. meanwhile , raids of scientologists continue throughout the country; in chernivtsi , military commissars caught men in shopping centers, patrols sent people into the building; such tactics, apparently, are practiced throughout the country in odessa by the administration. shopping centers tried to pay off, as journalists found out, the military commissar paid bribes so that they avoided these places. the dnepr group of troops defeated three vso brigades in the zaporozhye region. the enemy's losses amounted to several military personnel and several pieces of equipment. this was reported to the ministry of defense. they fire at enemy positions, in particular from geocinth self-propelled guns. the troops call them artillery sniper rifles. report from our military. in the orekhovsk direction
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, the artillery of the dnepr group does not stop, the loss of work became a serious blow for the ukrainian armed forces, both strategic and moral, from powerlessness the ukrainian army is conducting chaotic and senseless shelling of the village, it is the russian artillerymen who are suppressing the enemy’s attempts to snap back. level 30 01, level 301 is there, the gunner gets it. new instructions, it is necessary to destroy the next gun of the armed forces of ukraine, the target is far enough away, howitzers cannot reach it, the geocinth gun comes into play, the gun hits targets at a distance of up to 30 km, b - like a sniper rifle among barrel artillery hits further more accurately than other guns, caliber too serious, 152 mm, one of these is enough to destroy a well-fortified dugout or combat vehicle. the main task of this calculation is counter-battery warfare. in other words, the destruction of similar enemy weapons. during the special operation, soldiers of the 50th
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guards self-propelled artillery regiment often had to work with enemy equipment. the battery also has tanks, self-propelled guns, guns, soviet -made, d-20, d-30, also three axes, fn70, french, that is, two tanks were destroyed last year, three self-propelled guns. well, we lost count of the guns. in in accounting, everyone knows their business, hence productivity. the fighter with the call sign gray is the oldest in the team, he is 49 years old, but he will give young people a head start. his task is to carry shells, each of which weighs like a bag of cement. 50 kg. here. well , again, the distance to carry is not small, because the ammunition itself, it must be at a considerable distance from the gun in order... not to get hit, on the 20-30 day, that is, you have to run, sweat, and in
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full armor, automatic, jet crews work smoothly and productively multiple launch rocket systems, hail ammunition - 40 missiles, this makes it possible to fire at the enemy from different points without wasting time on reloading. the crews of these combat vehicles can change their firing position about twenty times a day, and for efficiency they work directly from the asphalt. dense artillery fire does not leave the enemy any room for maneuver; there is only one way out: to retreat even further to the north, while losing more and more forces, personnel and equipment. stanislav vasilchenko, sergey eliseev, khalit tankiev, news: yuzhny military special operations sector. there is incredible excitement in govan's desk these days. warships of the northern fleet arrived in the cuban capital. now broadcast from mida. please please.
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for successful solution of assigned tasks. i would also like to note my colleagues from the presidential administration and government present here. federal assembly, executive authorities, we are invariably committed to the closest interaction and coordination in pursuing a unified foreign policy course, which is determined by the president of russia, which is enshrined in the foreign policy concept of our country, you signed the latest version of the concept in march last year, and we, guided by
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the strategic guidelines contained in it, are actively working on... in order to strengthen our positions in the international arena, ensure security and the most favorable external conditions for development. as a matter of priority , we are building up ties with the countries of the global majority, the global south, and the global east, and accordingly, we are redistributing our material and human resources, transferring them to those areas that are most in demand in the new geopolitical conditions.
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thank you very much, dear colleagues, good afternoon, i am glad to welcome you all, at the beginning of our meeting, conversation, i want to thank you for your hard work in the interests of russia and our people. we met with you in such a broad composition at the end of 2021 in november. during this time, many turning points, without exaggeration, fateful events took place in the country, which
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worries not only us, but the entire world community. i repeat, the world is rapidly is changing as it will never be before, neither in global politics, nor in the economy, nor in technological competition. the state is increasingly striving to strengthen sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and national cultural identity.
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the countries of the global south and east are coming to the forefront, and the role of africa is growing.
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benefit, build mutually beneficial relationships, solve the most complex problems together towards common cooperation of sovereign states in the interests of the well-being and security of peoples. this image of the future is consistent with the aspirations of the vast majority of countries world, and we see this, including in the growing interest in the work of such a universal association as brix, based on a special culture of trusting dialogue. sovereign equality of participants respect for each other. as part of the russian presidency this year, we will promote the smooth inclusion of new brix participants in the workforce. association, i ask the government of meat to continue meaningful work, dialogue with partners in order to reach the kazan brix summit in october with a significant
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set of agreed decisions that will set the vector of our cooperation in politics and security, economics and finance, science, culture, sports and humanitarian ties. in general, i believe that brix’s potential will allow it to become one of the core teams over time. regulatory institutions of a multipolar world order. i would like to note in this regard that international discussions about the parameters of state interaction in a multipolar world, about the democratization of the entire system of international relations, of course, are underway, already underway, as is the case with colleagues in the commonwealth of independent states, we agreed and adopted a joint document on international relations in a multipolar world. we invited partners to a conversation. on this topic and on other international platforms, primarily in the sco and brix. we are interested in seeing this dialogue seriously developed within the
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walls of the un, including on such a basic, vitally important topic for everyone as the creation of an indivisible security system. in other words, the establishment in world affairs of the principle that the security of some cannot be ensured at the expense of. security others. let me remind you in this regard that at the end of the 20th century, after the end of the acute military ideological confrontation, the world community had a unique chance to build a reliable, fair order in the field of security. this didn't require much. a simple ability to listen to the opinions of all interested parties, mutual willingness to take them into account. our country was.
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how to ensure security in europe, our fair questions were answered with excuses in the spirit that no one is going to attack russia, and that nato expansion is not directed against russia, the promises made to the soviet union, and then to russia in the late eighties and early nineties, were quietly forgotten about not including new participants in the bloc.
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and world security. a simple listing of the initiatives that russia has put forward over the years would take more than one paragraph. let us at least remember the idea of ​​a european security treaty, which we proposed back in 2008. the same topics were raised in a memorandum from the russian ministry of foreign affairs, which was transmitted to the united states and nato in december 2021. but all ours attempts, and multiple ones. in an attempt, too numerous to list, to bring our interlocutors to reason, explanations, exhortations, warnings, requests on our part did not find any response at all. western countries, being
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confident not only in their own rightness, but also in their strength and ability to impose anything they wanted on the rest of the world, simply ignored other opinions. at best, they intended to discuss minor issues that essentially solved little, or topics that you... were beneficial exclusively to the west. meanwhile, it quickly became clear that the western scheme, proclaimed to be the only correct one for ensuring security and prosperity in europe and the world, does not actually work. let us remember the tragedy in the balkans; internal problems, of course, they existed, which accumulated in the former yugoslavia sharply worsened due to gross external interference. even then, the main principle appeared in all its glory. panatovsky’s diplomacy, deeply flawed and fruitless in resolving complex internecine conflicts, is to blame one of the parties, which they
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for some reason i don't really like it. iraq, syria, libya, afghanistan and so on, and nowhere did they bring anything except aggravation of existing problems, broken destinies of millions of people, destruction of entire ones.
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stability, by declaring a unilateral withdrawal from the anti-missile defense treaties and the elimination of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles in the open sky, together with their nato satellites, they destroyed the system of peace of trust and arms control in the european space that had been created over decades. in the end the selfishness and arrogance of western states has led to the current extremely dangerous state
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of affairs. we've arrived. obviously, we are witnessing the collapse of the euro-atlantic security system, today it simply does not exist, it must actually be created anew, all this requires us , together with our partners, with all interested countries, and there are many of them, to work out our own options for ensuring security in eurasia, then proposing them for broad international discussion, this is precisely the instruction given in the message
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to the federal assembly. it's about in the foreseeable future, to formulate an outline of equal and indivisible security, mutually beneficial, equal cooperation and development on the eurasian continent. what needs to be done for this, on what principles? first, we need to establish a dialogue with all potential participants in such a future security system, and first, i ask you to work out the necessary issues with states that are open to constructive measures.
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creation, for everyone it means that those who wish to take part in its european, nato countries, of course, too, we live on the same continent, no matter what happens, we cannot change the geography, we will have to coexist and work together one way or another. yes, now russia’s relations with the eu and a number of european states have deteriorated, and many of them... i emphasized this, not through our fault. the anti-russian propaganda campaign, in which very high-ranking european figures are participating, is accompanied by speculation that russia is allegedly going to attack europe. i have spoken about this many times, there is no point in repeating it many times in this room. everyone, we all understand that this is absolute nonsense. just a rationale.


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