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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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this is the account in ukraine, in the west, then there is a lot of speculation now. what do i want to say about this ? our formations were indeed in kiev and the military departments, the security bloc, had different proposals on options for our possible further actions, but there was no political decision to storm the city of three million, no matter what anyone said or speculated. regime to peace, the troops were there to push the ukrainian side to negotiations, try to find acceptable solutions, and thereby end the war started by kiev against donbass back in 2014, resolve issues that pose a threat to the security of our country, to the security of russia, and strangely enough, as a result, we actually managed to reach agreements that, in principle, suited moscow.
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solved the tasks that were declared as the main ones, even at the start of a special military operation, including, strange as it may seem, i draw your attention, the demilitarization and denazification of ukraine, and here we also managed to find complex solutions, they are complex, but they were found, namely, it was meant that a ukrainian law would be adopted banning nazi ideology and any of its manifestations. everything
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is written, in addition, ukraine, in exchange for international security guarantees , would limit the size of its armed forces, undertake an obligation not to enter into military alliances, not to allow foreign military bases, not to station them and contingents, not to conduct military exercises on its territory, everything is written on paper, we, for our part, also understand the concerns of russia and ukraine related to...
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they did not object, understanding that the main thing was to stop the bloodshed and war in donbass. on march 29, 22, we withdrew our troops from kiev, because we were assured that it was necessary to create the necessary conditions to complete the political negotiation process, to complete this process, and that it was impossible for one of the parties to sign such agreements, as our western colleagues said with a pistol at the temple.
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was rejected again, this was done, as we now know, on orders from western curators, including the former prime minister great britain, during whose visit to kiev it was directly said, no agreements, it is necessary to defeat russia on the battlefield, achieve its strategic defeat, and began to further intensively pump ukraine with weapons, they started talking about what needs to be done to us, as i just... which recalled a strategic defeat, and some time later, and this is well known to everyone, the president of ukraine issued a decree by which he forbade his representatives and even himself from conducting any negotiations with moscow, this is this episode with our attempt to solve the whole problem through peaceful means, again ended in nothing. by the way, on topic... now
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i would like to present, perhaps, one more episode in this audience, also about this publicly earlier. who secured the support of the leaders of germany and france, as well as senior us officials. during the conversation, our foreign guest asked. a curious episode. he said, if you are helping donbass, then why
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are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including the cherson zaporozhye region. the answer was that on our part that was the decision russian general staff. when planning the operation, i will add today that the idea was to bypass some of the fortified areas that the ukrainian authorities built in the donbass over 8 years, and primarily to liberate mariupol. it was then that a clarification followed from a foreign colleague, well, a professional person, we must give credit, whether our troops, the russian ones, will remain in the kherson- zaporozhye regions and what will happen to these regions after achieving the goals of the northern military district. to this i replied that in general i do not rule out maintaining ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, however, on the condition that russia will have a strong land connection with crimea, that is, kiev must guarantee the so -called easement, a legally formalized
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right of access for russia to the crimean peninsula through the kherson and zaporozhye regions. this is a major political decision. and, of course, naturally, in the final version, it would not be adopted individually, only after consultation with the security council, with other structures, of course, after discussion with citizens and our public country and, above all, with the residents of the kherson zaporozhye regions, ultimately we did this, asked the people themselves for their opinion and held referendums; we acted as the people decided, including the kherson and zaporozhye regions, in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. at that time, in march of the twenty- second year, the negotiating partner announced that in the future he was going to go to kiev to continue the conversation, now with colleagues in the ukrainian capital. we
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welcomed this as a general attempt find peaceful solutions to the conflict, because every day of fighting meant new casualties. however, in ukraine, as we later learned, the services of a western mediator were not accepted; on the contrary, as we learned, they accused him of taking pro-russian positions, well, in a rather harsh form, i must say, but these are details, now, as i already said, the situation has changed radically; residents of the kherson and zaporozhye regions expressed their position during referendums, the kherson and zaporozhye regions. as well as donetsk and lugansk people's republic, became part of the russian federation. and there can be no talk of violating our state unity. the will of the people to be with russia is unshakable, the issue is closed forever and is no longer discussed.
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i would like to repeat again that it was the west that prepared to provoke the ukrainian crisis, and is now doing everything to ensure that this crisis drags on indefinitely. relaxed mutually. embittered the people of russia and ukraine. they are sending more and more batches of weapon ammunition. some european politicians have started talking about the possibility stationing its regular troops in ukraine. at the same time, as i already noted, it is the current true masters of ukraine, and this, unfortunately, is not the people of ukraine, but the globalist elites located overseas, who are trying to assign to the ukrainian executive power the time of making unpopular decisions among the people, including on further . lowering the conscription age, now, as we know, it is 25 years old, the next stage could be 203, then 20, 18 or immediately 18, and then , of course, get rid of those figures who will accept these under pressure from the west
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unpopular decisions, they will throw them out , they will throw them out as unnecessary, dumping on them all the responsibility of putting in this place other people who are also dependent on the west. but not yet with such a tarnished reputation, hence the possible idea of ​​canceling the next presidential elections in ukraine, now those in power will do everything, then... in early or regular elections, in addition, the constitutional court of ukraine noted
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that further quote: the constitutional status of the president does not contain norms that would establish a term other than five year old. the end, quotes, period. the court's decision was final and not subject to appeal. all. what does this mean?
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in fact, the current tragic page in the history of ukraine began with the forceful seizure of power, as i already said, an anti-constitutional coup in 2014. i repeat, the source of the current kiev regime is an armed bunch, and now the circle is closed, the executive power in ukraine is again, as... usurped in 2014 , held illegally, in fact , it is illegitimate. i will say more, the situation with the cancellation of elections is an expression of the very nature of the real guts of the current kiev regime, which grew out of the armed coup of 2014, is tied to it and is rooted there. and the fact that, having canceled the elections, they continue to cling to power - these are actions that are direct. prohibited by article 5 of the constitution of ukraine (i quote) the right
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to determine and change the constitutional system in ukraine belongs exclusively to the people and cannot be usurped by the state, its bodies or officials. in addition, such actions fall under article 109 the criminal code of ukraine, which specifically refers to the violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or the seizure of state power. as well as conspiracy to commit such actions. in 2014, such usurpation was justified in the name of revolution, now it is military action, but the meaning of this does not change. in essence, we are talking about a conspiracy between the executive power of ukraine, the leadership of the verkhovna rada, and the parliamentary majority controlled by it, aimed at usurping state power. differently it is impossible to call it, which is a criminal offense in ukrainian.
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bodies of state power are extended for the period of martial law, and elections are not the only exception when powers are held, and this applies exclusively to the verkhovna rada, thereby indicating the status of the parliament of ukraine as a permanent body under martial law. in other words, it is the verkhovna rada that is today a legitimate body, in contrast to the executive branch, well... ukraine is not a presidential a republic, but a parliamentary-presidential one, this is the essence, and the chairman of the verkhovna
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rada, acting president, by virtue of articles 106 and 119, is vested with special powers, including in the field of defense, security, the supreme command of the armed forces, everything there is black and white by the way, ukraine is registered in the first half of this year. concluded a package of bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field of security and long-term support with a number of european countries. now appeared similar us document, but from may 21. this year, the question naturally arises about the powers and legitimacy of the representatives of the ukrainian side who sign such documents, we, as they say, don’t care, let them sign what they want, it is clear that there is a political and propaganda component here, the united states and their satellites somehow want support their proteges,
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give them weight and legitimacy, and nevertheless, if later in the same usa they conduct... a serious legal examination of such agreement, i’m not talking about the essence now, but about the legal component, then the question will certainly arise: who signed these documents with what authority? it turns out that this is all a bluff and the agreement is insignificant, the whole structure will crumble. let me also remind you that, of course, if you want to analyze the situation, you can pretend that everything is normal. but there is nothing normal there, i read it, everything, everything is written in the documents, everything is written in the constitution. let me also remind you that after the start of the special military operation, the west launched a stormy and very unceremonious campaign, trying to isolate russia in the international arena. today it is clear to everyone, it is obvious that this attempt failed, but from their idea to build
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some semblance of an international anti-russian coalition to put semblance of pressure on russia, the west, of course, did not ... give up, we also understand this, as you know, they began to actively promote the initiative to hold in switzerland, the so-called high-level international conference on peace issues in ukraine, and they plan to hold it immediately after the summit of the group of seven, that is , the group of those who, through their own policies, instigated the conflict in ukraine, what the organizers of the meeting in switzerland are proposing is just another ploy to divert everyone’s attention.
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to all attempts to give a more or less decent appearance to the conference agenda. we can already expect that everything will come down to general conversations of a demagogic nature and a new set of accusations against russia. the article is easy to read by any means to raise as much as possible as many states as possible and, as a result, pretend to act as if western recipes and rules are shared. by the entire international community, which means that our country must accept them unconditionally, we were, as you know, naturally not invited to the meeting in switzerland, because in essence, these are not negotiations, but the desire of a group of countries to further push their line, resolve issues that directly affect
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our interests and security at our own discretion, i want to emphasize in this regard, without the participation of russia. without honest and it is impossible to engage in a responsible dialogue with us to reach a peaceful solution in ukraine as a whole regarding global european security. in the meantime , the west ignores our interests and at the same time prohibits kiev from negotiating, and all the time hypocritically calls us for some kind of negotiations. it just looks idiotic. on the one side. they are forbidden to negotiate with us, they call us for negotiations and also hint that we refuse negotiations, some kind of nonsense, well, we live in some kind of looking glass, it’s simple, but first of all, first of all we would give kiev team lift the ban, the self-ban on negotiations with russia, and secondly, we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table, even tomorrow, we understand
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the uniqueness of the legal situation, but there are legitimate authorities there, even in accordance with... with the constitution, i i just said this, there is someone to negotiate with, please, we are ready, our conditions for starting such a conversation are simple and boil down to the following, you know, i would now spend some time to reproduce the entire chain of events that took place again, so that it is clear that for us , what i am about to say is not a matter of today, but we have always adhered to a certain position, we have always strived for peace. ukrainian, and so, these conditions are very simple: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's... kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders that existed
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at the time of their entry into ukraine. as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for this the decision will begin the real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and will also officially notify us of the abandonment of plans to join nato, on our part, immediately, literally at the same minute.
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it was known that on february 21, an agreement was signed between the then -president of ukraine and the opposition to resolve the political crisis. as is known, its guarantors were official representatives of germany, poland and france. the agreement provided for a return to the parliamentary-presidential form of government, holding early presidential elections, formation of a government of national trust. as well as the withdrawal of law enforcement forces from the center of kiev and the surrender of weapons to the opposition. they added that the verkhovna rada adopted a law excluding criminal prosecution
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of protest participants. such an agreement, which made it possible to stop the violence and return the situation to the contentious field, took place, this agreement was signed, although in kiev and in the west they also prefer not to remember it.
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will call on the opposition, as they say, to order, to vacate administrative buildings, to in order for the street to calm down, all this should have created conditions for life in the country to return to normal, to the constitutional and legal field, in general, we agreed to work together in the name of a stable, peaceful, normally developing ukraine, we kept our word completely, the then president of ukraine yanukovych, who on... on the night of february 22, then
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throughout the following day, when president yanukovych left for kharkov, where the congress of deputies of the south-eastern regions of ukraine and crimea was to be held, the radicals, despite all agreements and guarantees from the west, like europe, as i just said, and the united states, by force took control of the building of the rada, the presidential administration, seized the government, and not a single guarantor. of all these agreements on a political settlement, neither the united states nor the europeans lifted a finger to fulfill their obligations, call on the opposition, liberate seized administrative objects, and renounce violence. it is clear that this course of events not only suited them, it seems that they were the authors of the development of events, namely in this vein, also already on february 22...
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in the east of ukraine to respect the interests, rights and freedoms, no, the regime that broke through to power as a result of a coup chose war, in the spring and summer of 1914 it launched punitive actions against donbass, russia again called for peace , we did everything to resolve the most pressing problems that had arisen within the framework of the minsk agreements, but the west and the kiev authorities, as already emphasized, were not going to implement them,
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although in words... western colleagues, including the head of the white house, assured us that the minsk agreements are important and that they are committed to the processes of their implementation, that this, in their opinion, will allow us to get out of the situation in ukraine, stabilize it, and take into account the interests of the inhabitants of the east. instead, in fact , they organized a blockade, as i already said, of donbass, the armed forces of ukraine were consistently preparing for a full-scale operation to destroy donetsk on... the donetsk and the lugansk people's republics. the minsk agreements were finally buried by the hands of the kiev regime of the west. i will return to this again. that is why in the twenty-second in 2009, russia was forced to launch a special military operation to end the war in donbass and protect civilians from genocide. at the same time, from the first days we are again putting forward, putting forward options for a diplomatic resolution of the crisis, i already spoke about this today, and these are negotiations in belarus,
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turkey, the withdrawal of troops from. then in the end it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed. obviously, the realities on the ground along the line of combat contact will continue to change, not in favor kyiv regime. and the conditions for starting negotiations will be different. let me emphasize the main thing: the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary peace of reconciliation or a ceasefire, as is the case, for example, as
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the west wants in order to... restore losses, rearm the kiev regime, prepare it for a new offensive, i repeat, this is not about freezing the conflict, but about its final end, and i will say again, as soon as kiev agrees to a similar course of events proposed today, they agree to the complete withdrawal of their troops from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, and will really begin this process. we are ready to begin negotiations without delaying them, i repeat, our principled position is the following: neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification, especially since everyone generally agreed with these parameters during the istanbul negotiations in the twenty-second year, there and on demilitarization.


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