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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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reconciliation or a ceasefire, as it is, for example, as the west wants it, in order to restore losses, re-arm the kiev regime, prepare it for a new offensive, i repeat, we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but about its final end, and i will say again how only in kiev will they agree to a similar course of events, proposed today, will they fully agree?
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year, everything was clear about demilitarization, everything was spelled out, the number of this, that, tanks there, everything was agreed upon, of course, should be in full ensured rights, freedoms and interests of russian-speaking citizens in ukraine, new territorial realities, the status of crimea, sevastopol, donetsk, lugansk people's republics are recognized.
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the task that he spoke about at the beginning of his speech, namely the creation of an indivisible eurasian security system that takes into account the interests of all states of the continent without exception, of course, a literal return to the security proposals that we put forward, or even 2 years ago, is impossible, too many everything happened, everything changed circumstances, but the basic principles and most importantly... the subject of the dialogue remain
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unchanged. russia is aware of its responsibility for global stability and reaffirms its readiness to talk with all countries. but this should not be an imitation of the peace process with the aim of serving someone’s selfish will, someone’s selfish interests, but a serious, detailed conversation on all issues, on the entire range of issues of world security. colleagues, i am sure that you all understand well what large-scale tasks russia faces, how much we needs to be done, including in the foreign policy area. i sincerely wish you success in this difficult work to ensure russia’s security of our national interests, strengthen the country’s position in the world, promote integration processes and bilateral relations with our partners, for its part, the state leadership will continue to provide
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the diplomatic department with all, who participates in the implementation of russian foreign policy, the necessary support. thank you again for your work, thank you for patience, attention to what was said, i am sure that everything will work out for you and me. thanks a lot.
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cooperation with the people's republic of china, with the countries of latin america and africa, which also put forward their initiatives, but which are so far completely ignored by those who govern ukraine, thank you again, we will continue to try.
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thank you very much, all the best, all the best, besmi! this was a broadcast of the meeting between the president and the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs and i will add to the foreign ministry, we will be back in a few minutes. and now to others events, defense minister andrei belousov , assistant to president alexey dyumin, held a meeting on the supply of drones and other equipment to military units. we discussed, in particular, the need to coordinate regions and businesses in the areas of development and production of drones, electronic warfare and reconnaissance equipment and...
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select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look into the camera, get cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sbi. explosions were heard again in several cities of ukraine this morning and at night. in kharkov, judging by the footage, the detonation occurred far from residential areas in the industrial sector of the city. similar messages came from the outskirts of kiev. according to preliminary information, explosions occurred at a military facility near zhulyany airport. several series of impacts were recorded in khmelnitsky region, including in starokonstantinov. where there is also a military airfield. a fire broke out at one of the facilities and
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the night could not put it out. in addition, it became known about an explosion in the city of zaporozhye, controlled by the kiev regime. no details provided. ntv correspondent alexy ivliev, who was wounded during the shelling of gorlovka, was evacuated to moscow. this was reported by the operational services of the dpr. the journalist underwent surgery and his condition has now stabilized. he even recorded a short video chat that posted on the ntv telegram channel. girls, everything is fine, one arm is missing, well, it’s normal, we’re alive, we’re coping, don’t worry, we’re russians, we’re coping, the doctors couldn’t save fellow cameraman valery kozhin, he died from the severe wounds he received. the investigative committee opened a case under two articles: murder and obstruction of the work of journalists. the film crew will be nominated for departmental awards. let me remind you that ntv journalists came under fire while filming a report in one of the districts of gorlovka. the russian foreign ministry stated that this attack was
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targeted and demanded that the un condemn kiev. at the office, the administration of the organization, however , limited itself to a statement that they oppose any attacks on journalists. pairs, roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price. in italian: delicious, period. this is sasha. it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. i’m going for a walk in 2024, why do you always fly into the past for my
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sbercard is beneficial in any situation. interest-free period. starts every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. paramilitary formation georgian national legion under '. terrorist organization, its activities are prohibited in russia. this decision was made by the southern district military court located in rostov-on-don. according to the fsb public relations center, the georgian national legion was created in 2014 under the patronage of the main intelligence directorate and the ministry of defense of ukraine. members of the organization participate in hostilities on the side of the ukrainian armed forces, and are also involved in sabotage and terrorist attacks on russian territory, torture of our
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military personnel and murder of civilians. the formation's mercenaries were trained by instructors from nato countries. sweden, new zealand, periodically during training curators came, who, as i know, were, well, a ukrainian coffin, in between , foreign instructors came, well, there were foreign instructors or there, well, in general, foreigners, they arrived there, the next day we signed a contract, i signed for a month, they gave out weapons, machine gun, makarov pistol, a couple of times later we went to the training grounds, trained, there were instructors from europe, nato instructors, swedes, from new zealand, they taught drone tactics, how to move in twos, in threes, how to storm, explained that so georgian national legion, well, what is their goal, what are
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their intentions, well, it was, one might say, to call them russophobia, that is, uh, to destroy them. well, that is, russian military personnel should not be taken prisoner. and about new cases of force mobilization in ukraine. in chernivtsi, military commissars staged a raid in shopping centers. the military stood at the entrances to the building and caught the men. in odessa, as ukrainian journalists report, the issue was approached differently. owners of large shopping centers, as well as resort and entertainment areas, began to pay military commissars so that their employees would go around these places side. the monthly contribution supposedly starts at $10,000, and... the kiev regime claims that after the adoption of the new law , four more people began to be drafted into the army than before. pain can be different: the mechanism of pain development is the same. it doesn’t matter what
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caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us! magnet, ice cream, clean line, russian 990. magnet - the price is what you need, only in alphabank, twist.
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the extensive mechanism of our interaction with the european union, two summits annually, four common spaces, a huge
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number of joint projects, and of course, the organization for security and cooperation in europe, despite the name, was also a product of the concept of the euro-atlantic security dimension, all these other structures that one way or another were tied to the euro-atlantic. proved their failure as a result, as i already said, of the us line of subordinating everything to its will, europe also became one of the victims of such a policy, lost its independence, in this sense , security, as something achieved, a desire desired in the euro-atlantic context is no longer for us is relevant, we... as the president said, we want to ensure security in eurasia, this is logical, because we are on the same continent, no
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oceans, no channels separate us, on this continent there are already a number of integration associations, many of them deal with security issues, meaning the csto, the cis, the shanghai cooperation organization and such economic structures. and other integration structures, including in south asia in the persian gulf zone, the cooperation council of arab states, and the league of arab states
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is largely taking over the eurasian continent, and as the president said today, such a great eurasian partnership, if it concentrates on the formation economic, transport, financial chains independent of the dictates... of the united states and its satellites, this will form a kind of socio-economic foundation, the material foundation of the security system that we want to build, open, he especially emphasized, for all countries and organizations without exception the eurasian continent, this of course also presupposes a door that is open to europe, to those european countries that will finally understand what is important to them. link their future destinies with the realization of interests, the fundamental interests of their peoples, and not with serving the united states, which, as i already said, has crushed the entire
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team under itself.
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kasym-zhamat takaev, created by the international organization for the russian language, this will also be very significant, an element of holding together the eurasian continent, where many people, many countries, many peoples know and love the russian language and russian culture. as for ukraine, i actually have nothing to add here; the president listed all those gestures of goodwill, in a well-known manner.
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the text of the speech will be transmitted in detail in the relevant capitals president, they will further explain what is meant, the background of this whole situation, and we will expect that a reaction will follow. i have no doubt that the countries of the world majority understand all this, i spoke with many of them in detail on the ukrainian topic, in including recently with
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the meeting participants.


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