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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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hand to a veteran of the second world war, who fought against the very same ss man whom you applauded just a few months ago, stand in canada, everything is permitted, there is no god, i want to give another quote from ivan ilyan: every people serves god as best they can, with all their history, all the culture, all the work and singing. one people serves creatively and blossoms spiritually, while the other is uncreative and spiritually and not. there are peoples that stop serving and become the slag of history. today we see that the slag of history is not the people, not the peoples, but a huge part of the world with the greatest culture, the whole world... and the east and west, it was all
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based on the search for meanings, and russian culture, of course, is also on this, and russian literature, russian painting, russian music, the search for meanings, explain to me, how could it degrade so quickly, in general, in a historical sense, well, look what worries a person, our compatriot, who considers himself. i don’t like the fact that some things are done very slowly, perhaps if you were born with it and live with it, you get used to it you get used to it, but if you had the opportunity to compare with other speeds, it certainly breaks down when you get used to the fact that your delivery arrives in 3 hours from the store, it’s very convenient, then you won’t understand why in 4 days, and unknown or not, why? you have to wait 2 weeks for a specialist and
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why does he and the dog cost so much? well, do you rate the level? amazing! my producer michel sedou, with whom i worked, who is absolutely a product, so to speak, of that very civilized world. to the question: where is your homeland? he answered very simply and honestly, my homeland is where taxes are lower, and for makarevich his homeland is where delivery is faster. very simple, the main thing, as is clear, but how, for example, can one feel about the fact that in russia, the distance education platform for children spherum is advertised by such a character as an instagram lady, just admire it, but there is no such thought that as a result of this education we will get exactly what we see in this advertisement. but
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what are the complaints about the spherum when the same instagram woman is invited to speak at petersburg international economic forum with such a very symbolic song. here’s how to feel about such children’s coloring books, tasks that are sold for 4 euros in retail chains in spain, in that same catholic spain, the spain of don quixote, cervantes, velazquez’s spain, how to feel about this? one of these simple, understandable tasks is the following: children are asked to untangle their penises in order to find a way into the ass. well
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, like in spain, here’s a wonderful promotion in ukraine, would you like to receive a reward from military registration and enlistment office, hand over your husband to the front, this is not a joke, look, hand over your husband and get an award, in the kharkov region, wives turned their husbands over to the trade center, they were awarded certificates of honor, in general , according to the information of the local trade center, the spouses could no longer cover up their husbands evasively.
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this is south africa, no, this is an asian country, no, this is a continent, but specifically this is russia, oh damn, i'm stupid, it's okay. i just finished school a long time ago, name some country in africa, god, who knows such things, greenland or iceland, something like that kind of, well, we are not lagging behind either, this is our character, look what novels tchaikovsky wrote, i don’t know this, but you know pushkin, anatoly pushkin, i really love anatoly, i really like his poem, bicycle, pharmacy, lantern, well, such a poem about love, it’s great, of course, you know in general how pushkin died, hit by a car, yes, yes, yes, right here not far on patriki, by the way, did you see, no, me wasn’t there that day, they just said, friends, no, i didn’t read the news, i think he died a long time ago, in fact, i wanted so much, yes, they can
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tell me that this is a joke, a prank, oh, i bought it, mihal go, no, i’m just wondering, but many people’s eyes will pop out of their heads when they see this, is that really? alexander sergeevich, what is the name dzhugashvili famous for? no idea, stalin, this is stalin. listen, well, i may not know this, that’s normal, it doesn’t interfere with my life, i don’t want to read morals, i don’t want to meddle in someone else’s life. remember, the wonderful finale of the wonderful
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american film in jazz - only girls. no, let's be honest, i can't become your wife, why? well, at least because i have dyed hair. it doesn't matter. and i forge, smoke like a locomotive. it doesn't matter. what kind of background do i have? i’ll break through men, including one saxophonist. i forgive you. oh god, i will never give birth to your child. let's adopt a stranger. well, if that’s not enough for you. eh, i'm a man. well, everyone has their own shortcomings. the sign of today's times is ugliness, the most important thing is that the enjoyment of this ugliness is pharisaism, covered with the words tolerance, multiculturalism,
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let all flowers bloom, in fact, latently, this is a humiliating mockery of someone who is not like... you of his imperfections , for example, this is a participant in a brazilian talent show, a transgender woman who considers herself a singer, there is only so to speak, one nuance, she is deaf and mute, look how they listen to her, do you believe that what... they are now hearing is delivered to them, you say, i don’t believe it, but you need to correspond to this lie, this pharisaism, this is multiculturalism, this is tolerance , here is another transgender person who speaks at
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european figure skating championships, do you think she herself understands that this is terrible, let’s say, no, but those around who understand that this is terrible are convinced that it is. they let her do it, they mock her, covering it up with humanism, here you go, miss alabama, who is preparing to compete in the miss america competition and can win, and why not, why not, but if there is no god, then everything is permissible, because right, imagine, here are people sitting, a jury, looking intelligently, listening, evaluating, and how should those who know how to feel sing, who has a wonderful voice, whose singing is admired by millions, like those little girls who work out at the skating rink from morning till night, spin, fall, get bumps, get injured in order to achieve that
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perfection that delights the world, what they must experience , looking at this? and how should women who train all their lives to win olympic medals, in swimming, in discus throwing, feel when they have no doubt about it?
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what struck me most about this textbook was that in the age of the most ancient times, that’s what i found in more than 300 pages of stories on our world about how it arose, there were only one, two, three, well, four pages dedicated to christianity, which are shown here, a touch, a fragment in history ancient rome, but the fact that this religion became fundamental is that it turned the whole world upside down. well, somehow there is no emphasis on this, we really found this book,
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yes, this is history, general history, history of the ancient world for the fifth grade, it really is 324 pages, and indeed, 4 and a half are dedicated to christianity, that is, one and two. from the entire textbook, i have a question about how a student can get at least some more or less intelligible and albeit not very, but still at least some depth of knowledge of what christianity is, what that religion is in that the country in which he lives, and it was written with such, how to say: such an atheistic intellectual assumption, such streamlined
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formulations, for example, many people believed there, or there is such an opinion, and so on and so further, but this christianity has made a fantastic revolution in the consciousness of mankind, if we mean russia and in general... they offered their protection in the fight against the arda only because they refused to switch to another branch of christianity from orthodox to catholic, preferring to pay tribute , thereby creating the very country in
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which we live, but is it really not worthy of telling about it, to make it understand, to let it be felt, this is the basis of education in a person, an understanding of where he lives, today children for... tomorrow people it’s not for nothing that a great propagandist of his kind, joseph goebbels, said: “take away their history from the people, and in 100 years they will turn into a herd, and in another 100 years it will be possible to govern. despite the fact that in our country there is a system called russian classical school. who knows? this school was created in the urals in yekaterinburg, with difficulty."
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soviet education, it contains all the best that was in our country and that was appreciated throughout the world, we know this very well. for example, this is the first book for readings on russian history, for first grades, from ancient times to the reign of john ii, part one. this is not a textbook, this is a book to help the textbook, and these books are enough to complete the entire practical history course of your country, there are many of them, from ancient times, look, to vladimir putin, look, this is a wonderful
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guide, why about him no one knows, and i repeat, it has already been published. it does exist, it is auxiliary material, which is written in simple, clear language, taking into account ages from first class to last. isn't this necessary? is four pages about christianity enough to understand what country you live in? as the french historian emmanuel thoth said, not only faith in god disappeared, but the values ​​associated with it also disappeared. collective action is the security of the nation of the people, the ability to understand, consolidate, speak out, especially in the situations in
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which we find ourselves today, i want you to listen not to me and... not even a priest or a theologian, but a mathematician, a professor, corresponding member, ras, russian academy of sciences, listen to him, alexey sovateev. the lord left us laws, science studies these laws, that is, it studies what is left to us, what we can use, but any normal scientist of this level knows perfectly well that in every science there are red flags that cannot be crossed. who, if not god , placed them, i wonder if this is in mathematics, but in mathematics there is a lot of this, in fact, in mathematics, the ears of god stick out from all corners, stick out, there is information that the famous danish physicist, nobel prize winner, niels bohr, one of the developers of atomic bombs, once said, science needs several decades to prove the existence of god, how many
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copies are broken around today's education, we talked about this... times and education 20-30 and the unified state exam, and distance education, and digitalization. we talked about this a lot, but still we can’t get out of the circle that seems to have enchanted us, this mysterious and magical word of the unified state examination. now i don’t want to talk about the latest scandals, with searches, with undressing, almost down to underwear in search. cheat sheets, is it really a matter of a cheat sheet, it’s a matter of knowledge, the matter is how this knowledge is obtained, but politicians are already talking about this, listen to what the ueg, the head of the a just russia for truth party, sergei mironov, says, listen, in expectations of tasks for physics, computer science, literature,
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we spent 7 hours in a stuffy room, without water, without food. without anything, and you ask the doctors how many diabetic patients we have , how many girls we will never give birth to, because everything is stressful, they are immediately affected by hormonal, hormonal imbalance, all because of this idiocy, it’s time to stop mocking our children, how could you imagine 20 years ago such a picture: 97, what are you doing? when a girl finds out that she received not 100 points, but 97, could we imagine a picture like this? and if we go further, this is the crazy digitalization of schools, and this also becomes a reason for conversation in the state duma, listen to what the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav viktovich volodin, says about this, let’s ask a question
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candidate for the position of minister, what problems do people have but today... the day is being broadcast to us on an issue related to education, with schools, what worries them, training, digitalization of schools, this is the position of the candidate for the position of minister of education here, digitalization will continue in our country , or we will still find the strength within ourselves, stop, admit our mistakes, and do everything to ensure that there is a constant dialogue possible. this is why a teacher with a parent, a teacher with a child, was created, whether it’s colleagues or not, they’re turning to you with these questions?
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the unified state exam remains behind the scenes, no, i have the answer, they passed it perfectly, they learned it, passed it and completely forgot because they shaved it, this is, as it were, the result of sharpening, sharpening. dulled, that is, they did not deceive the system, they came to take the unified state exam, but only the unified state exam does not reflect knowledge. what does knowledge reflect? oral conversation, exam. you came to me, i
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will examine you. write a straight equation like this, right? now find all the whole points on it. now explain to me why there are no other whole points on it, prove it. you begin to reason, the current student will crumble to the first. phrase, because the word prove leads him into a state of stupor, a nervous stupor, yes, without being able to reason, in order to know the subject, and not imitate his knowledge through tests, for this it is necessary that oral exams be held, for this it is necessary that the teacher returned to the old system, and now multiply what we talked about today with four pages in a history textbook about christianity, with this... subtle work of de-christianization of our country, which we are talking about they said, as if unnoticed, as if even for good, how crosses disappear from the models
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of the most famous churches, remember, we talked about this, recently in russia a strange fashion has arisen to replace the image of orthodox crosses with balls, for example, a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption .. .. this is all stupid, this is because of the sighted, and you can imagine that they would depict some famous mosque in the model and
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remove the crescent from the minor, also with good intentions and for the safety of the visually impaired, especially since the crescent is a crescent. a more cutting object than a cross, how would they react to this? people who go to the mosque, people who profess islam, and, look, here, well, this is how we can connect everything that i just talked about with the wonderful event that we had on may 26-27 in ingushetia, an international reading competition of the holy quran, brilliant, when they came from a huge number of countries professing... islam people, reciters of the quran, who competed in how it sounds, sacred words for anyone professing
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islam, for any muslim, including children, look at this holiday, it delights me, but imagine for a second that somewhere we will announce or someone will announce a competition for reading the lives of the saints. or the gospel, as it will be accepted by those people who support the removal of crosses for the safety of the visually impaired, you understand what i just said to myself, believe me, you will agree with me, i am absolutely convinced that it is impossible to maintain internal balance in such a multi-religious country as russia and... if any of the religions will suppress the other, this is impossible. i want to show you a small video filmed in
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everyone has a life there, everything will be there, does it even exist now? it’s love, people are afraid to admit it, and in general, this is what love is. well, in the program you showed true friendship, which is based on mutual understanding of two people, here friendship is already sincere, how to make friendship true real, real, but sometimes it happens, well , in words he seems to be a friend, in reality he’s not, it’s just interesting. a modern person, it is interesting to know what a modern person can be, a real person, a person of our time, these children ask questions, they are interested in questions that absolutely fit into the paradigm of christian morality and education, although they live in a communist country with a permitted state ideology and developed atheism, why now with
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a prohibited ideologist. with freedom of religion, with freedom of speech, why? explain to me, today teenagers of the same age have completely different questions, look, 23 million, almost 400 thousand subscribers, i’m not afraid to admit that i don’t want you to lose, i would want to go to america, because in america there is normality, the usa is banal. well, maybe another germany, somewhere like that, the standard of living there is better than here in general , i think that a person doesn’t need school, you can get an education and do guitar assignments online, people who will give me toilet paper or maybe four sheets of paper for my birthday , why the fuck they banned lipta, what am i going to eat, what am i going to eat, no lipton, no dooritos, no mcdonald's? this,
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remembering the name of our program, i want to remind you of the words of the great chinese thinker and the philosopher confucius: if your plan is for 1 year, plant rice, if your plan is for 10 years, plant trees, if your plan is for 100 years, teach children, and this is absolutely true, teach children. because today they are children, and tomorrow they are people, well, that’s actually all i wanted to talk to you about today, and without breaking tradition, i want to invite you, as usual, to raise a glass to victory, to ours. victory,
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well, who do you think came? that's right, midshipman, the crooked hand said: we're leaving one by one, if anything happens, we're biologists impatiently and hope, god willing... looking forward to our next meeting, all the best.


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