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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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ukraine must guarantee a nuclear-free regime against russia. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you more about the statements, status, and the west should lift the sanctions that were made at the meeting between the president and the leadership of the foreign ministry. the world is changing, it will never be the same again. these global changes inspire hope for a new, fairer global security architecture and a final solution to the ukrainian crisis, russian president vladimir putin said today at the ministry of foreign affairs. we believe that the time has come to start a broad discussion a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in eurasia. at the same time, in the future it is necessary to lead to a gradual winding down of the military.
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and the regional structures of eurasia themselves must determine specific areas of cooperation in the field of joint security, based on this, they themselves must also build systems of working institutions, mechanisms, mechanisms of agreements that would really serve the achievement of common goals, stability and development. vladimir putin emphasized that we must proceed from the fact that the system is open to all eurasian countries, including european ones, well, due to the fact that geography cannot be changed, europe should... establish a dialogue with
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moscow, it is open to this work, and the main thing here is that the former hegemon did not interfere. the danger for europe does not come from russia, the main threat for europeans lies in the critical , ever-increasing, almost total dependence on the united states, military, political, technological, ideological and information spheres, europe is increasingly are being pushed to the margins of the global.
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started a war, as part of a special military operation, that it is the aggressor, therefore, including on its territory , attacks can be carried out on its territory using western weapons systems, ukraine is supposedly defending itself and can do this, i want to emphasize again, russia did not start the war, it was the kiev regime, i repeat, after the inhabitants of part of ukraine, in accordance with international law, declared their independence, began hostilities.
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politician who offered himself as negotiator navtali bennett, he at that time headed the israeli cabinet, many western politicians offered their mediation in the peaceful end of the conflict, one of them was on a working visit to moscow, march 5 , 2020, march 5, and we accepted his mediation efforts, moreover, during the conversation he referred to the fact that he had secured the support of the leaders of germany and france, as well as
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high-ranking us representatives. during the conversation, our foreign guest asked whether our troops, russians to stay.
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powers of president zelensky, there is an acute question of who to negotiate with, with whom to sign documents, and vladimir putin, relying on what is written in the constitution of ukraine, today again recalled that the legitimate leader of this state, at the moment, is the speaker of the supreme glad stefanchuk. the presidential term of the previously elected head of ukraine has expired, along with his legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any means. tricks, in fact, the current tragic page in the history of ukraine began from the forceful seizure of power, as i already said , the anti-constitutional coup in 2014, i repeat, the source of the current kiev regime is an armed bunch, and now the circle
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is closed, the executive power in ukraine is again, as it was usurped in 2014, held illegally, in fact.. as you know, they began to actively promote the initiative to hold a so -called high- level international conference on peace in ukraine in switzerland, which is what the organizers of the meeting in switzerland are proposing. just another ploy to divert everyone’s
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attention, reverse the cause and effect of the ukrainian crisis, set the discussion on the wrong track, and to some extent designate the appearance of legitimacy. the current executive authorities in ukraine once again. of course, in principle they are not going to discuss the real roots of the ukrainian conflict in switzerland, despite all attempts to give a more or less decent appearance to the conference agenda. already now we can expect that everything will come down to general conversations of a demagogic nature and a new set of accusations against russia. and today vladimir putin named the conditions under which moscow is ready to sit down at the table tomorrow.
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withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well as an official notification of the abandonment of plans to join nato, our side will immediately, literally at the same minute , order a ceasefire to begin negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately. naturally, at the same time we guarantee the unimpeded and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and connection. today we are doing one more concrete, real peace proposal. if in kiev in the western capitals they also refuse it, as before, then in the end it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed. obviously, the realities on the ground along the line of combat contact will continue to change, not in favor of
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the kiev regime. and the conditions for starting negotiations will be different. this is not about freezing the conflict, but about its final completion. will do it diplomatically , foreign minister sergei lavrov said today. regarding the role of mid, we are not going to run after anyone. our ambassadors in detail in the relevant.
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at the same time, the head of the bloc believes that it is nato that contributes to a peaceful settlement in ukraine through its actions, namely by increasing the supply of weapons to kiev. at a meeting in brussels , stoltenberg managed to achieve agreement on his plan that the dispatch of all weapons would be coordinated by the alliance leadership. it is not ukraine that should withdraw troops from ukrainian territory, but russia that should withdraw its troops from the occupied territories of ukraine.
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therefore, nato allies continue to support ukraine. well, in the meantime , the seven countries made a joint statement at the summit in italy. according to them, russian assets will remain frozen until the conflict in ukraine ends, until russia pays kiev $486 billion. this is the amount of damage illegally assigned by the g7 countries, in fact, the same as the freezing of russian assets. let us remind you. now a short advertisement, then we will continue, stay with us, how do you like it, great, but
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notifications are free forever. get a credit card. withdraw cash without commission. over the past week, russian troops have taken control of three settlements: artyomovka in the lugansk people's republic, staromaiskaya in the donetsk people's republic and temkovka in the kharkov region. this was reported to the defense. according to military estimates.
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in addition, the infrastructure of military airfields, the storage of stormshadow cruise missiles and other aircraft weapons , and explosive ammunition depots were damaged. substances, workshops for the production of attack unmanned aerial vehicles, places of preparation for the use of unmanned boats, as well as temporary deployment points, the formation of nationalists of foreign
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mercenaries. five people were injured today in belgorussian. chebekin, where the entrance to a multi-storey building collapsed during shelling. three victims were sent to hospitals, two were treated on the spot. now rescuers and emergency services personnel continue to work in shebekin. details from alexander korobov. armed formations ukraine continues to strike at the belgorod border. today the city of shibekina came under fire again. one of the shells hit an apartment building. part of the ceilings of the house collapsed, there may be people under the rubble, several victims were rescued, they have already been sent to the hospital, now the clearance of construction waste continues, there is a danger of the upper roof ceiling collapsing, so the builders and rescuers are working as carefully as possible, pausing for a minute
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combo by tasha vereshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time. until june 16. to a tasty point. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. langidaza - against prostatitis. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house. thanks to purchases at megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. in blagoveshchensk. in the region today, a car hit people on the sidewalk. two teenagers, 14 and 15 years old, and a 49-year-old woman were killed. six more people are in the hospital,
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three of them children, who are in serious condition. eight ambulances took the victims from the scene of the accident . it is already known that the driver of the minivan was drunk, he was driving around the city at high speed, lost control and flew into a pedestrian zone. the culprit of the accident. detained, he faces up to 15 years in prison. the southern district court, based on evidence collected by the fsb , recognized the georgian national legion as a terrorist organization. it was created in 2014 under the patronage of the ukrainian military intelligence; militants are trained by instructors from nato countries. varvara nevskaya will tell you what crimes georgian mercenaries were involved in. they are responsible for torture. russian military killed civilians on their account, many sabotage and terrorist attacks inside russia, by a court decision, the activities of the notorious georgian national
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legion on the territory... of the russian federation are now officially prohibited. based on evidence collected by the federal security service of the russian federation, the southern district military court recognized the paramilitary formation of the georgian national legion as a terrorist organization. in accordance with this decision and the federal law on countering terrorism, the formation was included in the unified federal list organizations, including foreign and international ones, recognized in accordance with the legislation of the russian federation as terrorist. its activities are prohibited in russia. the largest armed formation created on a national basis, a project of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. the georgian legion was created back in 2014 and took an active part in what kiev called an anti-terrorist, but in fact punitive operation in the donbass. recruit training the training was carried out by career officers and nato instructors. the training took place in
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kiev. and the former tractor plant, and the so-called outflow, during training periodically came and the curators, who, as i know, were, well, a ukrainian group, there were instructors from europe, nato instructors, swedes, there were from new zealand, they taught tactics drone, uh, how to move in twos, in threes, how to storm, how to walk correctly, how to hold a weapon. one of the main crimes of the militants is the execution of captured russian soldiers. in april 2022, in the village of dmitrovka near kiev, the footage that got into the network was shocking; the captured paratroopers first had their throats cut, after which they were finished off with shots to the head. one of the terrorists responsible for the bloody massacre, timuras khizanishvili, was liquidated in the ussr in june of the same year near lisichansk. we are russian soldiers under no
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circumstances. legion, well, what is their goal, what are their intentions, well, it could be called frusaphobia, that is, uh, to destroy them, well, that is, not to take russians in the military as prisoners, the decision southern district military court will allow the criminal activities of the georgian legion to be classified not only as mercenaries, but under criminal articles of a terrorist nature, as stated in the public relations center of the fsb of russia,
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an event to... identify and suppress threats to state security that continue to come from militants, is now organizations already banned in russia will continue. varvara nevskaya, news. petrozavodsk machine-building plant, part of the state corporation rosatom, today sent the first batch of parts for the kudan kulam nuclear power plant, which is being built according to a russian project in india. these are parts of the structure for turbine rooms, a power plant weighing two. all products have passed a whole range of tests, pneumatic, hydraulic for vacuum tightness. the equipment will first be transported by truck to the port of st. petersburg, and from there it will be sent to the south of india. as kudan kulam, the largest in this country. it consists of six power units. the first two were connected to the national grid in the thirteenth and sixteenth years, well now construction and installation work is underway on
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two more. today has all the prospects for further development, these products with class have created a new direction, which is on safety, which are very important for ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the nuclear power plant, in fact all the projects that we... rosatom state corporation are implementing today, they are presented on this site branch of aem technologies, these are projects in turkey, and projects in china, these are projects in india, now a short advertisement, and then watch the program vesti duty station.


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