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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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the projects that we at the rosatom state corporation are implementing today, they are presented on this site of the aem-technology branch, these are projects in turkey, and projects in china, these are projects in india, now a short advertisement, and then watch the vesti on duty program . intelligence service of the united
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states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness, with the americans, of course, saying that it’s very ukraine, you can’t come up with anything new, there are plans to be new in technology naturally, i wasn’t recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about it now, it competes between. is not intelligence, the state competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight among themselves, but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policies, with us, if it’s sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love... traditions, we honor our
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history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is flourishing, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. one of my friends came into the wrong area, but i’m getting used to the role here, soon i’ll be, uh, kid, there, call, but i myself have zero account, and if i find him, and he will find him, you have a megaphone, you can call via messengers even without money, mega -power communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember it on...
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we begin the issue with a serious accident in blagoveshchensk. a few hours ago, the driver of a minivan crashed into pedestrians on the sidewalk at high speed. there were many among them children. famous. for three dead, but their number may increase, six people are in serious and extremely serious condition, the driver was almost not injured, judging by the ppm, he poured a bottle of vodka into himself in his blood. olga mazurak watched the terrible footage. there are the parents, that’s where the white one drove by, there are the children, they are lying right on top of them, all sealed in plastic. horrible footage of the consequences of a massive fatal accident in blagoveshchensk was filmed by eyewitnesses, for poetic reasons without strong computer retouching, we show these frames can not. mutilated. the bodies are lying in unnatural positions, it’s just the moment of the accident that was captured by a video surveillance camera, and a dark minivan flies through the intersection at great speed and, without stopping, flies into the sidewalk with people. the powerful impact sends pedestrians flying several meters in different directions. according to preliminary data , three people died, two of whom were children.
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paramedics took six more from the scene of the emergency. they are now in extremely critical condition. the driver of a vehicle at high speed failed to drive over pedestrian. then he stated that the brake pedal had allegedly failed in the car, such excuses sounded extremely unconvincing from bakaryukin, eyewitnesses could hardly restrain themselves while being next to this citizen, what i am seeing now is generally just horror, just a nightmare, the culprit of this accident must be 100% punished, some kind of moron, generally just a fool, how
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was it possible to drive here like that in order to run over so many people, i don’t know this, the man was quickly taken away from the place by police officers, the investigative committee opened a criminal case, russia, pamuzh region, a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in paragraph a of part six of article 264 of the criminal code, violation of traffic rules by a person driving a car while intoxicated while operating a vehicle, resulting in the death of two or more persons due to negligence. the drunken driver was detained soon. a preventive measure will be chosen for him. evgeniy bakaryukin faces up to 15 years in prison. mikhail shirin. duty department. and now some breaking news from our editorial team. receives information from agencies directly from news feeds, they also talk about a major accident. a serious accident occurred in the zvenigovsky district of maria ell. she contributed to the lives of three people. the driver and two passengers of the foreign car were killed; it is clear that it was really very badly crumpled. nine people who were on board
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the bus were sent to the hospital. previously, the accident occurred due to the fact that the foreign car drove into oncoming traffic. involved in several murders and shooting at a tram with passengers. metropolitan. he led an ordinary life, was involved in real estate, but now it looks like he will still be responsible for the past. galina hungureeva will continue: in the same uniform in a cap and medical mask, sergei zamoraev is still accompanied by an escort in the building of the koptevsky court of moscow. however, this is the case when disguise is of no use. zamoraev is widely known in certain circles. he is called a member of an odious criminal gang.
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the object came out, after which pustovalov and polyansky caught up with him and shot him. and in
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january 1998, the tushinsky authority figure was shot dead in the capital’s koptievo district. vyacheslav stepanov immediately after the meeting with zamaraev. the reason could be the division of spheres of influence between gangs in the north of moscow. according to investigators, mels also radioed a message that his interlocutor was going outside, after which machine gun shots were heard from the car window. paulie was hit by a passing tram. four people were injured, one woman later died in hospital, the trial of sergei zamoraev began in september 2023, 26 years after the crimes were committed, hearings began only in february twenty the fourth, but the jury has already returned a guilty verdict, all that remains is to observe the procedural subtleties, the announcement of the verdict is scheduled for next week. galina khunkureeva, alexander makridin, sergey kuznetsov, lead the duty department. fsb officers in novosibirsk. an unexpected visit to the first deputy head of the territorial highway department. konstantin gramenko became a defendant
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in a criminal case of bribery. along with him , two businessmen appear in the investigation materials. both head a limited liability company. what do they think? investigators, the trio had a close relationship, however, there was nothing personal about it, only business. according to the investigation, in the period from 2015 to 2023, the deputy head of the territorial highway department at. it follows from the materials of the criminal case that pleasant payments began to be made to the relatives of officials fictitiously registered in the companies of businessmen. the tidy sums were camouflaged as salaries, and a thunderclap appeared in mr.'s garage. bmw x5. in total, the amount of donations could amount to about 100 million rubles. the official was detained. today he
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extended the period of detention and it is expected that a preventive measure will be chosen for him on monday. i will add that the former head of the territorial highway department is also a participant in the trial these days; mikhail chumanov is charged with bribery, fraud and embezzlement. people learn about legal news in their region or region thanks to the work of local journalists. with effects in omsk, two intimate salons were covered.
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how many people worked in the establishment and what else did the masseuses do for money? fake drivers and passengers, police uncovered a taxi fraud scheme. how did the scammers deceive the system and how much money did they earn? all the details are in our story. and from perm to novosibirs, at a low temperature in omsk , a drunk truck driver was detained on the highway. about these and other news in the final episode of the program vesti dezhurnaya omsk. colleagues. thank you. it was my colleague from omsk irina lots. well, we continue our release. the head of the main investigative department of the investigative committee of russia for the moscow region, alexander starikov, was released from position held. tas agency reports this. major general of justice, has led the moscow region department since 2021 . before that, he was the acting head of the state administration for the moscow region.
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a relative of a road boss, what the illegal millions were used for, why novosibirsk roads are considered one of the worst in russia, how siberian road officials burn through corruption, a report by ksenia klimina. big ram, little intruders. scandal in the serdlovsk region, traffic police officers went down in pursuit of schoolchildren on
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the pit bike had an accident. the children are traumatized and... shocked, the police are trying to suppress the crime, but to the extent that such harsh measures were justified, did the traffic cops really mistake the children for severe repeat offenders? i am happy, the only thing is that they did not wear bulletproof vests with helmets and did not take out their kalash rifles in order to detain the worst criminals aged 8 and 13 years. what now awaits the big and small participants in this high-profile story and what the father of the injured boys fears. andrey sorted out the controversial road... conflict ivlev. tourist pyramid. more than 300 deceived people across the country and tens of millions of lost rubles. in vladivostok , investigators solved the case of a possible fraudulent travel agent. only we managed to communicate with the alleged swindler. i was in the tourism business. not criminal at all. she promised an inexpensive, but
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high-quality vacation, according to investigators , leaving people with nothing. even among the victims. sports teams. we bought more than 50 tickets for the trip to the asian championship. we did not return the money because the money were taken by parents and students. i had to re-borrow money from my friends, from my acquaintances. how did an enterprising lady show off and hide the stolen money? lived in a rented townhouse in a suburban area of ​​the city of vladivostok, and owned a rented expensive car. details, large-scale scams and travel tips. do not fall into the web of tourist deceivers in the material by olga zhurenkova. and now we return to the first topic of the issue, to the terrible accident in blagoveshchensk. the media publishes new footage, footage of the accident from a different angle, it can be seen that at some point a dark
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minivan appears on the road, which rushes at high speed and crashes into a crowd of pedestrians. let me remind you that at the moment three deaths have been officially confirmed, their names are already being published, this is a certain egor and maxim, they are 14-15 years old, a certain oksana evgenievna also died, she is 49. there are now five people left in the hospital with injuries, this three teenagers and two adults. russian researchers will do everything possible to establish identities involved in the bloody crime, which resulted in the death of ntv cameraman valery.
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in the special forces detachment of this particular unit , maroon berets appeared. this is a special badge of honor that selected fighters receive after the most difficult trials. the employees of derzhinsky's division have been on the front line for a century. they defend the country in the hottest spots, and the people who know what real military brotherhood is are fyodor eliseev. over the 100 years
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of its history, the legendary dzerzhinsky division took part in, perhaps, all significant events of our country. and today. the frontline fighters of this unit continue their glorious chronicle; on the eve of the celebration of the centenary anniversary, the military banner of the unit was decorated with the order of suvorov; the director of the federal service of the national guard troops, viktor zolotov, considers this award the highest achievement. and the presentation of the high state award of the order of suvorov today is another confirmation of the special assessment of the country’s leadership, the courage and bravery of the division’s military personnel, their resilience and readiness to self-fire. thank you all personnel of the most titled unit of the russian guard for impeccable service and loyalty to military duty. order of suvorov on the banner of the division, other signs. distinction on the chest of military personnel, personal merits in the russian guard are not forgotten, the medal of the order for services to the fatherland of various degrees, suvorov medals and zhukov medals for exploits, which the heroes of the occasion
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speak modestly about, fulfilled their duty. the connection service is the most significant event in my life, i have been working towards this for a long time, i am grateful to all those who provided opportunity for me to serve here. provided an opportunity to express oneself. in addition to the solemn ceremonial part , an exhibition of small arms was organized for the guests, equipment that expands the capabilities of the military, allowing them to see more, better and further. drones, various ammunition and, of course, cars were presented. the dzerzhinsky division is equipped with the most modern equipment, which has proven itself well in special military operations. some of her casts are presented here at the exhibition, but guests are of particular interest and...
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after all, russia is famous for its craftsmen, so we restored it, sat down, and went. on the eve of the centenary anniversary of the separate orders of suvorov, zhukov, lenin and the october revolution of the red banner operational division , the opening of a monument to the founder of the formation, felix edmundovich dzerzhinsky, took place. as soon as the canvas flew off the bronze statue, viktor zolotov’s guests of honor laid flowers on it. in the first rows are veterans of the division, representing at once.
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the main thing remains, the protection of the rights and freedom of people. fedor eliseev, sergey ukhvaryonok, ivan knyazev, lead, duty department. now again the news that our editors receive directly
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from lentinformagen. the honest detective telegram channel reports that investigators are now establishing the circumstances of a car fire in the rostov region. it contained the chief of staff, first deputy commander of the military unit, vadim sabesky. a criminal case has been opened for attempted murder, information about whether sabesky was injured. not yet. don't miss it this weekend on russia-24 tv channel. investigation of eduard petrov. escape from the temporary detention center istras, the mavridi case. from this crossbow , mavridi fired a shot at marukovo. four burglars from moldova and alexander mavridi, accused of murdering moscow region businessman vladimir marugov, twisted all the locks and left the building of the ministry of internal affairs department without hindrance. the wrench was fitted to the bolts and the door opened freely. it’s worth a tiny bit, but the police officers were asleep at the moment, they were sleeping, it’s the right time, you had an alarm button at hand, no, the alarm trunks don’t work, mavridi could have dealt
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fatal blows to me, the visiting mittens won’t last long rejoiced at freedom, why did they escape, well, this is a restant’s dream, the door is open, you will go, you won’t go, most of the forces of law enforcement agencies were sent to search for alexander mavridi, why he was detained, i don’t know, raise your head, why are you lowering yourself like a wrench the key turned out to be. footage from solnechnogorsk. thank you. dear comrades, good afternoon. you know, let's start with something pleasant. today is the birthday of stepan mikhailovich belov, he is 28 years old. stepan mikhailovich, we congratulate you. as in
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such cases they say, an officer's gift we’ll convey it according to protocol, that is, the guys will convey it, i’m very glad to see you all, good afternoon, i wanted to meet with you, talk about how the program is going, and listen to your assessments of what’s happening, how it’s done and... listen to yours thoughts about what and how can and should be organized in the near future to continue this program, as you heard , probably the very idea of ​​​​organizing this training of people who take part in a special military operation came to me when i met with students ,
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participants in a special military operation in st. petersburg, i sat opposite them, listened to what and how they were saying, and naturally, the guys there were seriously wounded, but all with such a positive attitude, well, with such in the best sense of the word, with with internal enthusiasm or something, well, with a good education, i sat at them, looked and thought, but... one of the problems of today, in fact, this problem is always present, but today especially, because we have a lot of changes happening in the country in technology, in the way of life, in the standards that are born in the standards, i mean management, and one of the most important tasks is personnel, and of course, when i looked at
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they made an internal decision for themselves to serve the fatherland, protect it and increase it , and of course, both you and those with whom i met in st. petersburg belong precisely to this category, well, russia has always been famous for such people, as people say, it is based on such people, people, in different spheres, in this case. into the military, but i repeat once again, this does not mean at all that all those who today they are defending russia on the battlefield, they must definitely devote themselves to military affairs, although this is quite possible, the very name of this program was not invented by me, it was already done by my colleagues from the presidential administration. the time
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of heroes sounds somewhat pretentious, but on the other hand, it still really reflects the situation of today, there are many really real heroes of the russian federation who received this high title, and today is our anniversary too, but for a reason, precisely due to... feats in the literal sense of the word, so i repeat once again, this is how this idea was born, and i would like to discuss with you today how, firstly, how you evaluate what is happening, firstly, secondly, how you see further work on. ..


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