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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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respectively, in the family and at work, i am a government employee, therefore, after receiving consent, i went directly to the volunteers for a special military operation. if we talk about the time of heroes program, i can say with confidence that all here are my comrades who are present in this hall, and those who are today in the zone of a special military operation, who are studying part-time or full-time, as ... those present here, i am sure, will be 100% in demand in the civilian service, because this is the potential that all the guys here have, yes, many here have two higher educations, those mentors that yura abaev has already spoken about directly help us to reveal, i won’t repeat myself, but list those really serious people who give us lectures here, and as for me directly... i went through
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team education in this program, which is what you talked about, learn to work in a team, yes, learn to work in a team, so i can confidently say that with each of those present here, i would love to work in a team, maybe i would work with everyone in a team in the civil service, because i am sure that these guys did not let the country down at the front, and they will not let it down in civilian life, thank you yes . excuse me, please, but where did you work before mobilization? and i am now a deputy of the state duma, and you were a deputy, now you are a deputy, i agreed with volodin, he let me go, signed the contract in full and left, accordingly, as a volunteer for the front, yeah, when, when it was - in the fall of twenty- two, twenty, autumn of twenty- three, i respectively returned to work, this was unexpected for me. i’m not the only
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one, there are a number of colleagues with me who are also participants, and where you were elected as a deputy from, the city of krasnodar, so i’m from krasnodar, yes, from the city or from i, before this , was before this 5 mayor for years, from the sixteenth to the twenty-first year i was the mayor of the city of krasnodar, and you were the mayor of basnodar, what is your name? eugene? yes, evgeniy. yes. i will have it for you offer. a? i'm with the team. well, that's good too. i just have to find out now, i will. there, now i just don’t want to talk publicly, the camera is still working. but,
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but i’ll find out something there, i wasn’t joking, there are, there are some ideas, it’s just maybe some decisions have already been made there, i don’t know, but i’m finding out right now right after our meeting, and how many years have you were the mayor of krasnodar, 5 years from 2016 to the twenty-first, well, 4 years there and 10 months, sit down. how do you currently assess the situation in krasnodar? working environment, processes, all that have been started, they continue.
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directly my development, i see that the master plan that was adopted, respectively, during the period of time when i directly worked, socio-economic development is proceeding quite effectively, the economy is growing, the budget is being filled, transport logistics is developing quite effectively, so during my period of work, i launched the process of building the first tram line, it was built, and now the guys directly who me...
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the following sounded: our guys could die there, my company was there, got into another tank, drove for two days, recaptured, fulfilled the state task, unfortunately, was seriously wounded, spent a year and a half recovering, couldn’t feel my hand, thank god now he’s fulfilling the tasks , and people like
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anton strakhov, i had 99% of the brigade, and you are the achievements that were achieved, and today i am a hero of the russian federation, thanks to guys like them.
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tasks to feel like a russian officer, it gave me a feeling of pride and causes still. our western partners tried to break us on the battlefield, nothing worked out for them, they tried to create a split within our country, nothing worked out, the people of our country rallied into one fist and turned into a monolith, like oleg gazmanov’s song forward russia, because we are grandchildren those grandfathers who back. fought against nazi germany on our backs, our cause is just and the truth is behind us and god is with us, then what difference does it make who is against us? now, regarding the program of the time of heroes, the first, also the supreme commander-in-chief, i express my gratitude that
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i found myself here among 83 people, but at the same time i would like to say that i do not consider myself the best, the most worthy. i believe that the most worthy person today in the zone of a special military operation is carrying out tasks, defending the interests of our state, secondly, all of us 83 people are shocked that the top officials of the state are not just conducting classes with us as part of a lecture, but pouring out their souls, a story, demonstration, practice, in fact, our horizons are expanding, but like an icebreaker, 50 years of victory is going on, it’s hard to break through.
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a few comments, you said that the top officials of the state come and not just give lectures, but talk frankly, heart to heart and pour out their souls, and you said that this is somewhat ... unexpected, you know, there is nothing unexpected in this, we love you and consider you members of our big family, and this is absolutely normal, it’s just when you are fighting there, when bullets are whistling, well, when life
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is under threat, it means, well, who thinks about it, but we think about it every minute, because the future of russia depends on you... this is without any attraction, and from people like you, from people like your fighters, it means that you said very good... words, i will reproduce them, i am a hero, but thanks to guys like that , yes, but they are heroes, thanks to officers like you, this is a team, and another very important thing, you also did not miss, you hit the top ten, you said that i am an armenian, but feel like a russian officer, you know, we have a multinational country. and multi-religious, but as long as we feel like one family, we are invincible, this is our
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a force that no one can overcome, no one, and we must take care of it, treat it very carefully, why, because you know, no matter what ethnic group we belong to, we still live on... history, just family ties, how many mixed marriages there are, probably, it’s true, everything is so mixed up that we have really turned into one people, this is our strength, we must value this, we value and... we will cherish and will be invincible thanks to this strength , so thank you very much for
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this position and i wish you all the best as as a person who studies at the academy of the general staff, you are studying there now, yes , the first year is exactly that, and how many two and a half there are already enrolled on december 1st, now in july we have exams from september 1st, we are already moving on to the second year, of course ? just two, how many courses do you have there, what is your program? now the second year is undergoing training, and from the first year we were supposed to enroll on september 1, we were enrolled on december 1, now we are completing the first year and moving on to the second, yeah, i see, good luck to you, thank you, tash supreme head tomarovic, please, please, please, yeah, well, yes. let the girls join, please, comrade supreme
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commander-in-chief, guard captain of the medical service, darius svyatzh, i am a military doctor, a career officer, originally from a small town in the stavropol territory, and today in this hall there are so many heroes, worthy people, that it’s really up to i still can’t believe that i was able to be on this program and be among them. i would like to express my gratitude to you, vladimir vladimirovich, for such an amazing opportunity to participate in this program, gain new knowledge and communications, which will undoubtedly have a positive and effective impact on our work, both in the military and civilian spheres. and today i would like to tell a short story about the courage and heroism of our guys. in the special area. i started the operation on the first day in gastomel and reached the rear areas, one day
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they brought us a wounded man, we didn’t know who he was, where he was from, he didn’t have more than half of his face, his neck started, only his tongue, already his eyes, he couldn’t breathe, he had his leg was injured, but there was absolutely no time for that, we were fighting for his life, when his colleagues approached him and asked to visit him, i found out that he was a soldier from my unit, i found out that this soldier covered his commander and comrade with himself, when we doctors passed nearby, he grabbed our hands. skinned through all his pain, showing his gratitude to us. in ppdd we are all
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colleagues, comrades, when we find ourselves there, we are all one big family, and it doesn’t matter, every person, be it a soldier, sergeant or officer, is every person who perceived as your close relative. by the way, this soldier remained alive, he underwent rehabilitation, and he... continues his righteous path, and i am proud of our guys who are fulfilling their military duty, i am proud of our country, and i am absolutely sure that victory in... not no doubt, it will be ours, thank you, it’s hard for me to even comment, but i can’t help but note one thing, this is not an isolated case that you just talked about, when a soldier covered up his
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commander, but there are many cases when it’s just... comrades are covering everything, i think that this is not typical for all nations that find themselves in a situation like ours, not everywhere there are people who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their neighbor, this is education, and education, which is passed on from generation to... we even sometimes, this is not due to the fact that something is instilled in us edifyingly, do this, do this, this is due to the example that our loved ones set for us, especially our parents, and without imposing anything, but they just live their own lives, and this is absorbed into our subconscious, goes away,
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we live with this without even noticing, when extraordinary situations arise, this all manifests itself. i am very glad that this fighter of ours remained alive, and not just alive, i hope that he has a normal life, if something needs to be done, say it there, pass it on through your teachers, we will definitely support him and help him, well, thank you very much for fulfilling this mission, a mission for any person, especially for a woman, you have, and where are you did you receive your education, where did you study, i graduated from the military medical academy in 1818, kirov, yes, kirov, yes, kirov, yeah, and what specialty, surgeon, surgeon, i think that not everyone
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is sedentary... here men could be a surgeon, this is still such a special mission, but what about you, how did this idea come to your mind, were your relatives doctors? no, i didn’t have military service, i didn’t have doctors, but somehow it happened in my childhood that , probably somewhere unconsciously, when my grandmother in the garden with a hoe damaged a frog, and i sew it up with regular threads, is it unconscious, under anesthesia? without anesthesia, she endured, okay, well, what do you think, is what is happening here, like a training system? but i want to note that the organization here is at a fairly high level, after all, it’s a presidential program;
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we work from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. in the morning. this is intensive work and it is certainly useful, and as my comrades have already noted, our colleagues and teachers from rosatom taught us lean manufacturing, and to be honest, i never thought that it was like this flows, we use it every day, one might say, in everyday life, but we never thought that it could be done somehow even better and that it... that’s what it’s called, they open our eyes to the world, to many things, they open our eyes eyes on how we can better unite the team, make our own team, and the icebreaker was an indicator of this, when we were put in a limited space and deprived of all means of communication, each of us was forced to communicate with each other, whether he wants
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it or not, but we still rallied, this is also like such an element... education teams, well, yes, this is also a test, i agree, it’s like jokes, but really the people who are sent to roe deer are also being studied by psychologists , whether they can be together for a certain time in a confined space, this is true, but i hope that this is not everything that is taught and taught to you here, and you have a very noble profession, and how do you see yourself in the future? at the moment, until the end of the northern military district, i plan to remain in the ranks of the armed forces to fulfill my military duty, and... for the rest, i’m still looking closely, civilian the service is still a little far away for me, incomprehensible, after the teachers
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reveal all the aspects to us more broadly, i think we will pick something to our liking, yeah, so you graduated - the academy, the academy, by the way, is very old, with good traditions, the level of teaching is very high, this is probably the first thing, right? military, uh , a russian military medical educational institution of this level, of this class, and when you graduated, where did you immediately end up serving? after graduating from the military medical academy, i dreamed of being assigned airborne troops, in which i actually ended up, oh how i served in the thirty-first separate air assault brigade, and are you still serving there? at the moment, i have gone to further training, the doctor’s certificate has a certain expiration date, and in order to competently provide assistance, we
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need to improve. at the moment, i am undergoing advanced training at a branch of the military medical academy in moscow. yes. got it, thank you very much, good luck. yes, please, give it. please, microphone comrade supreme commander-in-chief, captain surazov, alexander germanovich, i wish you good health, i am a career officer of the armed forces of the russian federation, i graduated with honors from the novosibirsk higher military command school in 2020, i am 25 years old, originally from the altai republic, at the age of 4 i lost my father and mother . operations, despite severe wounds, this
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was a shrapnel wound of both legs, a shattered heel, in battle i received four bullet wounds with scd, then again shrapnel wounds, i rushed to recover as quickly as possible and get back into formation to carry out the tasks tasks, i am grateful to you for... creating the program time of heroes, to be honest, i thought that the military personnel who are on the front line would not have the opportunity to get selected here. i remember when the regiment’s political officer came out to me and said that an order had been received that i had to undergo testing in the morning, i remember how at night i left the strong point under the constant influence of enemy fire to get tested and then undergo an online interview, here i am with ... in front of you and proud to be the happiness of your team, we do not let's let you down. thank you, how do you see your
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future? comrade commanders-in-chief, for me the most important thing is to serve the homeland independently, either to carry out tasks on the front line, or to be a civil servant, the most important thing is to be useful. military officer's response, please sit down, i know what i want to say, i want to thank your mother and other russian mothers who raise such sons.
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but still, as a proposal, so that your question, who do you see yourself in the future, has some correct answer, we like you should try yourself in different directions, the report has finished, you know, the uniqueness of the situation lies in the fact that i can help you choose. any direction, well, thank you, yes, today, thanks to
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the trust of the russian people, i... have such an opportunity, based on the position, from the capabilities of this position, that’s why, that’s why you should think and suggest that i was interested if this is the direction, i will find how to do it, yes, i understand, yes, yes, please, now we will move here to this sector, hello! i call commander of the cathedral, police colonel sebaev, troops of the national guard, comrade supreme commander, my grandfather sebaev from nagad in the forty-second year disappeared in battles with the nazi invaders near the city of kharkov. 80 years later, my unit carried out tasks in the same direction for the twenty-second year. there i promised myself that not a single subordinate would go missing. i kept my word, but unfortunately,
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it is possible to get lost in the abyss of obscurity in life. circumstances, i have witnessed more than once, when the guys who returned from hot spots did not find themselves in peaceful life, did not realize themselves, and society lost them, part of it broke down, the time of heroes program, i think it gives our guys the opportunity, after completing training and adapting to peaceful life, to realize themselves , return them to normal life, about their participation in the program, testing and selection took place in the area where the tasks of the nsvo were carried out. when the message came that i had been selected, to be honest, i was surprised about my studies, i had, well, one might say, a superficial idea, now summing up the preliminary results of the first module, i am impressed by the level of organization of classes, excursions, not excursions, even an expedition on a lidekol, and the teaching staff, which even includes the leaders of our state, all
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this leaves the impression that... everything is quite serious, in in principle, we have a great responsibility for the future of our country, for this trust, for the opportunity to participate in the program, i want to say thank you on my own behalf, probably from everyone personally, thank you, i, in turn, want you thank you for what you do for the country, thank you, but as for... the program, which was called the time of heroes, it is very important, but you are like - like, a person who serves in the russian guard, of course, now you said about it, unfortunately, there are cases when people get lost after famous events and famous service in the country, here is the program of the time of heroes, 80 people, 80
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people. sense of the word, but not all of the 700,000 have such an education or even such ambitions. different people plan their lives differently and have different views on what they would like to do in the future. the task is the complex thing that you just touched on. and the task of the state is to support people who find themselves in very difficult
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conditions. for a large number of people, and today we are already thinking about how, in what way we can organize to provide this support to all those who...


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