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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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whatever the ambitions of the leaders of the largest countries, they will have to focus on internal affairs. at least until the end of the year, macron will be busy with household chores. of course, he must now reduce his diplomatic activity, uh, for a while, at least, withdraw from the big diplomatic game, and as we know, he is playing against us on the side of ukraine. here
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, for us, perhaps these are not the worst consequences, but further, further it is difficult to say how things will go, but it seems to me that in general, in the remaining 3 years before the presidential elections, france will be constantly in a fever, because no clear majority is yet visible here, in addition, here is another interesting result of these elections that we saw, the arrival of a new generation in politics , in france new people came to politics, this, of course, is jordan bardela, finally a really bright and charismatic personality has appeared, he is only 28 years old, he is from a very simple family, he received a good education, but from very early childhood, starting from 16 years old, accepted the most active participation in political life.
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in general, it seems to me that he is a very promising, certainly a politician, charismatic and liked, liked by the french, it is very interesting that in the european elections he took first place almost throughout the country, he beat out all the candidates, well, except for large cities, such like paris, lyon is also interesting, it seems to me, a girl, this is marion marischal lupin, 35 years old, also very bright, smart, knowledgeable, also certainly a very promising politician, well, other parties also have young boys and girls, who are actively entering politics and pushing back the generation that is currently in power here. the history of the party began in 1972, when it was still called...
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the party advocated france's withdrawal from nato, limiting migration and opposing european integration. its ideological opponents were french communists and socialists. it was they who declared the national front fascist, and its leader antisema, and not without reason. back in '56, lepine first became a member of the french parliament from the party of pierre poujade, a politician who supported the pro-fascist movement during the second world war. vichy government.
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in addition, lepin denied the holocaust, and called the gas chambers of the third reich a detail in the history of the second world war. he often shared his memories of soldiers in indochina and algeria, and did not hide the fact that he tortured captured arabs. in seventy-six , attackers blew up his apartment in paris. but neither lepin himself nor his family members were injured. and in 1999, when nato planes bombed yugoslavia, he organized it in paris. demonstration in support for the serbs. he ran for presidential elections five times, but only in 2002 he made it to the second round, gained almost 18% of the votes, but still lost to jacques chirac. in 2011, jeanne-marie lepin resigned, and his daughter marine lepin was elected as the new chairman in the internal party elections. she began to change the image of the national front and abandoned the most radical rhetoric. shifted
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the focus of the party program from migration issues to euroscepticism and strengthening the country's security. marin entered into a relationship with her father acute conflict. as a result, he was expelled from the party in 2015. the popularity of the national front grew. in the 2014 european parliament elections, he received the most votes in france, winning 24 seats in the european assembly. in the 2017 presidential elections, marina lepine lost the election to emmanuel macron. a year later , the national front was renamed the national rally party. succeeded by marine lepin. twenty-eight-year-old jordan bardella, a young man from the parisian outskirts, took over as party leader. the duet of lipen and bardella has already nicknamed brunette and blonde. social media star emir zummerov, a twenty-eight-year-old politician , attracts young voters. in
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numerous videos, he either drinks in bars or does not miss the opportunity to share moments of his hectic life next to smiling girls or with his boss marya. now many are saying that there will be an uncontrollable situation, even if the national union does not receive an absolute majority, most likely it will not receive an absolute majority, even in a situation where there are more or less three uniform block, equal block, then the situation will be quite chaotic and difficult to control, as in this situation...
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quite recognizable. ramon dis, cuban artist. this drawing is called the far right road or european expectations. the moment of triumph of the right-wing parties, and macron went down. a few more european fears. duo
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of artists simon baye and julie besom. a look into the future. and now a small earthquake awaits us. populists are rushing to power not only in europe. asks a reporter from england. the best people on a platter, macron's cunning trick, it is his name that is on the vest, on the tray. on june 30, just as elections are due to take place in france, there are mixed feelings about expectations. europe has entered a nervous period. after decades of prosperity in every sense, uncertainty has set in. and it's
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not just about politics or economics. the world has changed so quickly and so deeply that one’s role and place in it must be sought anew. and self-determination. sometimes it’s painful, because the old merits have nowhere to go. this, however, does not only concern europe. socio-political changes are such that even touched upon the seemingly eternal, classical painting. from madrid, our home-based art critic, daria kustova. what does the name mean? a rose smells like a rose, even a rose, call it or not. everyone is familiar with shakespeare's quotes, however. in one of the main museums in spain in the madrid prado, they decided to politically correct rename almost 2.0 paintings so as not to injure visitors. this is the same thing if in three centuries someone says: let’s use the internet, let’s call it not the internet, but some kind of network. well, that is, it won’t have any effect
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to the course of history. plus, as an artist, i can say that the title of the painting is an integral part of it. and this is a sign of the era, that is , the very name of the picture also speaks of the era in which it was. it is also written about the attitude towards certain things that existed throughout this era. the change in the museum is connected with nothing other than the reform of the spanish constitution, according to which it was approved to replace the term disabled with... people with disabilities, for example, from the description of a painting by the court artist diego velazquez, a child from vayecos, removed the word dwarfism, while leaving oligophrenia, and from the work of prince philip and the dwarf miguel sapilla, brushed by rodrigo daviandranda, the word dwarf was completely removed. if you look at the change in the names of works of art, then this, of course, in my opinion, is an absolute rejection of history, because art is still a cross-section of historically cultural events. and such a layer of the most important in history, if we now begin to change
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the name of the work of art of the same velazquez, accordingly, we refuse throughout the entire historical period of his life in which he worked, the innovation did not affect only those paintings in which the title is part of the work of art and were written on the canvas by the hand of the artist himself. it is important to note that the partial reform of the museum began back in 2022, when a decision was made: not to remove such important information as someone’s wife or companion from the description of works. in my opinion, this is the most correct decision, taking into account our social environment, because if in the 21st century there are groups that believe that in the name certain paintings contain some term or word that may seem offensive to someone, of course, it should be replaced, especially since there are many synonyms in the spanish language. the prada museum is not the only institution where the titles of works from past centuries have been corrected. the amsterdam reeks will remain a museum for a few more years. ago carried out a project to correct colonial terminology, eliminating the words negro and indian from its exhibition;
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the national anthropological museum in madrid removed all human remains from their they simply left inscriptions in the place, saying that the atacama mummy was located here. the prado museum will become an example to follow, first for the capital's institutions, and then for the provinces to follow. museum directors themselves decide how quickly they want to get all these mechanisms going. follow government decisions, for example, in the case of the madrid museum of the americas, we are generally talking about decolonization, the leaders not only want to change the name of some objects, but also transfer the collections to other museums or return exhibits to the country of origin. really, everything indicates that this is only the beginning of western transformations; they did not bypass russia either. the london gallery renamed the painting russian dancers to ukrainian, justifying this by the fact that the girls were wearing yellow and blue wreaths. speaking of the fact that russian classics have changed their nationality, a number of museums have classified vaizovsky, repin and kuinzhi as ukrainian
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artists, it is quite possible that the matter will not be limited to paintings, the turn will reach other types of art. today in spain there are more than one and a half thousand museums are saved by the fact that there are also museums in the country that do not depend on the government and are not obliged to reflect its cultural policy, but it is still unclear to what extent the political correctness of the spaniards will eventually reach and how much social differences will be able to influence...
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problem and what to do about it? it is believed that this is the point where a conflict could begin, where potentially even nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction could be used; in general, of course, no one likes this. well, actually, if you look at it more carefully, over the past, count seven decades, such confrontational stability has been maintained here, that is... there were real clashes, but small ones, their victims are generally estimated not even in hundreds, but
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in dozens of people, which is common for the modern world , well, if it’s not acceptable, then he doesn’t imagine some kind of tragic cross-section of the situation, and after north korea has its own nuclear weapons, which it certainly has, no matter how much we admit it or not, it is clear that a conflict is large, major, and unlikely, and therefore... rather , it seems to me that these pre-readings that this is a point where a war could break out, a point that requires special attention, they are generally dictated by geopolitical ones.
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develop into a major clash, but i still think this is extremely likely, since neither side is interested in this, north korea still abandoned the idea of ​​​​conquering the south, simply because it is unlikely to be able to do anything with this conquered territory do, south korea and would like to unite korea under its leadership, but they understand that this would be associated with such costs, with such damage, with such victims that it is not worth the trouble, so it is also not interested in the high level of the conflict. now it is fashionable to write about triangles in the region of the usa, japan, south korea and russia, china, north korea. will this configuration be strengthened in principle? i would say that now history , in general, has come full circle, everything has returned in a new turn of the spiral, to the place where it
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was 35 years ago. in any case, thanks to this geopolitical thing.
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military alliance, that is, on our side there is no formalization of plans for such a formalization, as on the south, well, i would not even call it a quasi-military alliance yet, but in any case it is some kind of structure with its own institutionalization, with its own joint bodies, with their plans, with their exchanges, that is, it has already progressed significantly. the usa, japan, south korea, where, in general, they are now trying to extend, say , australia, and even other non-regional players, including a certain, so to speak, nato's hand, and between members of the northern
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coalition. north korea has intensified external relations with russia, china, iran, will anything change there? two generations of north korean rulers began by trying to reform something, but pretty soon they were convinced that it was better not to touch anything. khimchanyn also wanted a certain, as we call it, conventionalization of the country, that is. forgiveness is more normal, perhaps, a familiar state, but i found out that if you follow this path consistently enough, everything can fall apart, maybe the whole... political structure will crumble, starting from the economic basis, so for now it was decided to leave everything as it is,
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it seems to me that as long as the geopolitical confrontation continues at the global level, north korea will not feel the need for any serious changes, there will not be feel the desire to experiment either in the economic field, much less in the foreign policy sphere. our relations with phinyan have revived, but china isn’t jealous? china has such a relationship with korea that it is a country that as close as lips and teeth, as the chinese say, which traditionally and still heavily depend on them. there is probably still a certain feeling of jealousy and, in general, dissatisfaction. but the chinese understand perfectly well, they don’t show it, because they... i understand that russia will not be able to compare in its impact on the north koreans, purely for economic reasons, or even culturally-historically, with china, so they
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treat this in general - calmly, although i can’t say that with great joy, there is still a prospect somehow essentially expand relations with pyongyang? now is a unique moment when we, in general, have a brotherhood in arms, as some of our politicians say and...
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the united states has introduced blocking
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sanctions against the moscow exchange. we’ll leave the economic significance to our fellow financiers, but we’ll talk about symbols. the dollar is still a whole era. about the dear companions who, with their companionship , gave life to us, do not speak with melancholy, they are not there, but with '. it was an international review, goodbye! what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it can help at appetite, it helps restore memory and attention. let's make your head work. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never
11:55 pm
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obediences are gray, they are over, no, i’m sorry, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, ahlay-makhlay, i wouldn’t know how to put this together in 5 seconds. we’ll figure it out without our demonstration, pray, black one, it’s also a stupid idea to throw the gang away, it’s time to pay, i’ll be in pain from here if i go alone, quickly fell asleep, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, he didn’t do anything bad to the children, who else will do it to anyone?
11:59 pm
novices, you have fun.
12:00 am
hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. scope of transformation and strategic transport routes. valentina matvienko launched the movement along two new branches of bama. the facilities we open allow us to give new impetus to
12:01 am
development. eastern regions


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